Happy Birthday to me~
Sigh, loneliest birthday ever :p
Oh well...
星期一, 12月 26, 2005
Without Her.
好... 要開始抱怨ㄌ...
24 號, 起床, WoW, 下午邊坐 Subway 邊玩 DS 到 Ben 家, 看 Rain Man, 吃晚飯, 到 Brook 家玩 Xbox 360, 回 Ben 家把 Rain Man 看完, 玩 Last Chance, 心臟病, Poker, 打撞球, 打桌球, 看 Matrix Revolution 看到睡著.
這天倒過得不錯. 晚餐不錯吃, 電影也很好看. Last Chance 也真的蠻有趣的, 五月回台灣的時候帶一盒回去, 應該可以玩一陣子.
25 號, 實在沒事做, 外面的店全都休息, 所以起床吃完飯以後就乖乖坐 Subway 回家.
在 Subway 上大概到第三四站的時候我的 DS 竟然就沒電ㄌ. 沒有電動打我立刻就睡著, 醒來的時候... 又坐過頭好幾站. ㄜ... 已經有點習慣了. 不過 Subway 人少得可憐, 讓我在轉車的時候還是有點滄桑的感覺 - 聖誕節耶.
恩... 今天是 Boxing Day, 印象中自從跟她分手以後 Boxing Day 就從來沒有出門 Shopping 過. 那反正今天也沒什麼事, 至少也該上街去看看.
一直摸到下午兩點才很不甘願的出門. 到這時候為止我吃的最後一餐是昨天中午那餐.
其實還是很不想去逛街, 是實在太餓ㄌ, 逼不得已要出門才順便過去看看.
目的地是 Eaton Center, 離我住的地方只差三四條街而已, 雖然我不太確定在哪裡. 不過想說只要往人多的地方走就好, 所以隨便看了一下地圖就閃ㄌ.
出門時, 天空不時飄來一兩片細雪, 路上行人少到讓我再確認了兩次手機上的日期 - 今天真的是 26 號沒錯.
走了兩條街, 還是沒看到多少人, 這時候其實已經很想放棄回家去了 - 不過走了這麼遠, 再走一條看看好了.
一轉出 Eaton Center 那條街, 就看到至少幾千個人頭. 現在大概全 Downtown 的人都集中在這條街上了. 人口密度跟隔壁那條街實在天差地遠.
肚子實在太餓, 進了 Mall 以後就先找 Food Court.
....... 找到了以後才發現一點幫助也沒有, 就算我能排三十分鐘的隊買到食物好了, 大概還要再等三十分鐘才有位置坐. =.="
到此我已經完全放棄. 本來有幾間店想進去走走的, 但是跟預期中一樣每間店都要排隊. 我實在餓到沒有力氣排隊了.
人潮洶湧是預料中事, 出乎意料的是我竟然沒有一點點點點耐心去跟人家排隊買東西.
在 Eatons 裡面走了一圈, 就立刻繞了出來, 往回家方向走去. 回來的路上還是一樣, 過了一條街就除了建築物跟偶爾經過的車子外, 什麼生命跡象也沒有. 實在是........
原來計畫是回家路上看到什麼就買什麼, turns out 回家時經過的每間餐廳都休息. 後來到家門口張望了一下, 看到下條街有間我從來沒吃過的快餐店 - Quiznos, 就迫不及待的買了個 Sub 回來了.
等下吃完 Sub 大概洗澡, 上網, 看電影, 睡覺.
Yap... that's my boxing day without her...
24 號, 起床, WoW, 下午邊坐 Subway 邊玩 DS 到 Ben 家, 看 Rain Man, 吃晚飯, 到 Brook 家玩 Xbox 360, 回 Ben 家把 Rain Man 看完, 玩 Last Chance, 心臟病, Poker, 打撞球, 打桌球, 看 Matrix Revolution 看到睡著.
這天倒過得不錯. 晚餐不錯吃, 電影也很好看. Last Chance 也真的蠻有趣的, 五月回台灣的時候帶一盒回去, 應該可以玩一陣子.
25 號, 實在沒事做, 外面的店全都休息, 所以起床吃完飯以後就乖乖坐 Subway 回家.
在 Subway 上大概到第三四站的時候我的 DS 竟然就沒電ㄌ. 沒有電動打我立刻就睡著, 醒來的時候... 又坐過頭好幾站. ㄜ... 已經有點習慣了. 不過 Subway 人少得可憐, 讓我在轉車的時候還是有點滄桑的感覺 - 聖誕節耶.
恩... 今天是 Boxing Day, 印象中自從跟她分手以後 Boxing Day 就從來沒有出門 Shopping 過. 那反正今天也沒什麼事, 至少也該上街去看看.
一直摸到下午兩點才很不甘願的出門. 到這時候為止我吃的最後一餐是昨天中午那餐.
其實還是很不想去逛街, 是實在太餓ㄌ, 逼不得已要出門才順便過去看看.
目的地是 Eaton Center, 離我住的地方只差三四條街而已, 雖然我不太確定在哪裡. 不過想說只要往人多的地方走就好, 所以隨便看了一下地圖就閃ㄌ.
出門時, 天空不時飄來一兩片細雪, 路上行人少到讓我再確認了兩次手機上的日期 - 今天真的是 26 號沒錯.
走了兩條街, 還是沒看到多少人, 這時候其實已經很想放棄回家去了 - 不過走了這麼遠, 再走一條看看好了.
一轉出 Eaton Center 那條街, 就看到至少幾千個人頭. 現在大概全 Downtown 的人都集中在這條街上了. 人口密度跟隔壁那條街實在天差地遠.
肚子實在太餓, 進了 Mall 以後就先找 Food Court.
....... 找到了以後才發現一點幫助也沒有, 就算我能排三十分鐘的隊買到食物好了, 大概還要再等三十分鐘才有位置坐. =.="
到此我已經完全放棄. 本來有幾間店想進去走走的, 但是跟預期中一樣每間店都要排隊. 我實在餓到沒有力氣排隊了.
人潮洶湧是預料中事, 出乎意料的是我竟然沒有一點點點點耐心去跟人家排隊買東西.
在 Eatons 裡面走了一圈, 就立刻繞了出來, 往回家方向走去. 回來的路上還是一樣, 過了一條街就除了建築物跟偶爾經過的車子外, 什麼生命跡象也沒有. 實在是........
原來計畫是回家路上看到什麼就買什麼, turns out 回家時經過的每間餐廳都休息. 後來到家門口張望了一下, 看到下條街有間我從來沒吃過的快餐店 - Quiznos, 就迫不及待的買了個 Sub 回來了.
等下吃完 Sub 大概洗澡, 上網, 看電影, 睡覺.
Yap... that's my boxing day without her...
It's X'mas
And it's raining outside.
Rarely I thought rain is really inappropriate, the only weather that suits X'mas is snow.
Shockingly... that's all i can think of for now... after blank for 5 days... =.="
WoWing way too much~~
And it's raining outside.
Rarely I thought rain is really inappropriate, the only weather that suits X'mas is snow.
Shockingly... that's all i can think of for now... after blank for 5 days... =.="
WoWing way too much~~
星期三, 12月 21, 2005
不算是 Sightseeing
Just took a walk on Queens. Felt like Vancouver, but much colder.
For those of you who have no idea what Queens is, Allen told me that it's the shopping street for Toronto. Like Granville back in Van and/or 忠孝東路 back in taipei. I guess.
Well, a lotta of familiar names. Fcuk, Zara, Aldo, Bluenotes, Aritzia, Lemor, Eko, Mendocino, XOXO, Roots, Space fb, C square, Gap, Z, Club Monaco, Costa Blanca, Bedo, Puma, Neon, B2, Stoneridge, Guess, Le Chateau, A.O., Lettieri. Weird that some big names are missing, or perhaps I haven't tried hard enough. =.="
Honestly, I'm not an expert in shopping. As a matter of fact, I hate shopping. But just my humble opinion, I think Granville does a better job as shopping street than Queens. Somehow... the former one seems to be... hmm... younger...
Will probably go watch another movie tomorrow. And if I have time, I'll go check out CN tower.
Nothing much I can do in downtown other than shopping and ... eating...
Honestly speaking, it's still too cold outside to enjoy a walk. But exploring a new town is rather exciting and fun, it actually took my mind off WoW for awhile.
It's Dec. 21st.
91st month, if we're still together.
And the day I got my first class-specific epic - Gauntlets of Might.
Mere coincidence, I hope.
Well, at least it'll be easy for me to remember when did i get my first epic. ^_^
For those of you who have no idea what Queens is, Allen told me that it's the shopping street for Toronto. Like Granville back in Van and/or 忠孝東路 back in taipei. I guess.
Well, a lotta of familiar names. Fcuk, Zara, Aldo, Bluenotes, Aritzia, Lemor, Eko, Mendocino, XOXO, Roots, Space fb, C square, Gap, Z, Club Monaco, Costa Blanca, Bedo, Puma, Neon, B2, Stoneridge, Guess, Le Chateau, A.O., Lettieri. Weird that some big names are missing, or perhaps I haven't tried hard enough. =.="
Honestly, I'm not an expert in shopping. As a matter of fact, I hate shopping. But just my humble opinion, I think Granville does a better job as shopping street than Queens. Somehow... the former one seems to be... hmm... younger...
Will probably go watch another movie tomorrow. And if I have time, I'll go check out CN tower.
Nothing much I can do in downtown other than shopping and ... eating...
Honestly speaking, it's still too cold outside to enjoy a walk. But exploring a new town is rather exciting and fun, it actually took my mind off WoW for awhile.
It's Dec. 21st.
91st month, if we're still together.
And the day I got my first class-specific epic - Gauntlets of Might.
Mere coincidence, I hope.
Well, at least it'll be easy for me to remember when did i get my first epic. ^_^
星期二, 12月 20, 2005
Toronto - First Day.
Hmm... I have a theory about my not-so-heightened holiday mood.
Pobably been on holiday for too long, feels nothing really special about it. Believe it or not, I actually prefer if there's a class to go. No exams and homeworks tho, just classes.
Toronto somewhat feels colder than waterloo.
I know I know, it's just my biased opinion. After all, I've just been here for a couple days, what do I know?
Went and watched Nardia last night. And... it was crapy.
Visually stunning, but really really crapy. Hollywood almost always does a great job on screwing up epic novels.
Well, can't blame them too much. Can't expect too much if you want to squeeze a 500+ pages of story into a 2 hour movie. As long as they get the visuals right, it is probably worth watching.
Not highly recommanded, but I guess it is worthwhile.
Still having zero plan of what to do for this holiday....
Pobably been on holiday for too long, feels nothing really special about it. Believe it or not, I actually prefer if there's a class to go. No exams and homeworks tho, just classes.
Toronto somewhat feels colder than waterloo.
I know I know, it's just my biased opinion. After all, I've just been here for a couple days, what do I know?
Went and watched Nardia last night. And... it was crapy.
Visually stunning, but really really crapy. Hollywood almost always does a great job on screwing up epic novels.
Well, can't blame them too much. Can't expect too much if you want to squeeze a 500+ pages of story into a 2 hour movie. As long as they get the visuals right, it is probably worth watching.
Not highly recommanded, but I guess it is worthwhile.
Still having zero plan of what to do for this holiday....
星期一, 12月 19, 2005
星期五, 12月 16, 2005
Finals Finally Finished
Well, I was happy yesterday when it was finally over. But somewhat annoyed at this moment for no particular reason. That's odd...
Happiness matters in height to make up for its lack of length.
The mood of cheering never lasts. Well, at least not over the same matter. No matter how happy we are, sooner or later we'll have to find something else to cheer us up, again.
To that degree, I'm glad that there are so many things that can cheer me up. The snows, for one.
I'm moving to Toronto... probably on sunday and will stay there for a couple weeks.
So far, no plan for this holiday at all.
Well, I was happy yesterday when it was finally over. But somewhat annoyed at this moment for no particular reason. That's odd...
Happiness matters in height to make up for its lack of length.
The mood of cheering never lasts. Well, at least not over the same matter. No matter how happy we are, sooner or later we'll have to find something else to cheer us up, again.
To that degree, I'm glad that there are so many things that can cheer me up. The snows, for one.
I'm moving to Toronto... probably on sunday and will stay there for a couple weeks.
So far, no plan for this holiday at all.
星期二, 12月 13, 2005
這幾天忙著考試, 沒什麼時間去注意一些瑣碎的事情.
昨天晚上剛睡醒還昏昏沉沉的, 覺得房間有點悶, 就把窗戶打開一點來透透氣. 不開還好, 一開還真是不得了, 冷風如刀似的馬上灌進來. 害我以為我開的不是窗戶, 而是什麼冷藏室的門.
清醒過來以後, 上網看了一下現在到底幾度... 原來如此, 零下二十度.
在外面行走還真是一件困難的事情. 說是冷到無法想像也有點言過其實, 事實上還是可以想像的, 就想成大概是穿著短袖短褲然後在零下五度的冷藏室裡面走來走去, 大概就是那種感覺. 雖然我穿了兩件衣服加外套, 冷風還是可以從奇妙的地方灌進來.
上半身也就算了, 身體縮緊一點就好ㄌ, 最慘的是牛仔褲跟布鞋穿了感覺跟沒穿一樣. 從大腿一直冷到腳掌心.. >< ...
今天的天氣蠻差的, 天空沒什麼雲, 太陽很大. 不過我真的懷疑那個掛在天上的發光體是不是裝飾用的. 是怎麼樣可以光線這麼強然後一點熱度也沒有?
不知道零下三十幾度的時候我擦的防曬油會不會凍起來, 然後變成一片面模固定在我臉上...?
昨天晚上剛睡醒還昏昏沉沉的, 覺得房間有點悶, 就把窗戶打開一點來透透氣. 不開還好, 一開還真是不得了, 冷風如刀似的馬上灌進來. 害我以為我開的不是窗戶, 而是什麼冷藏室的門.
清醒過來以後, 上網看了一下現在到底幾度... 原來如此, 零下二十度.
在外面行走還真是一件困難的事情. 說是冷到無法想像也有點言過其實, 事實上還是可以想像的, 就想成大概是穿著短袖短褲然後在零下五度的冷藏室裡面走來走去, 大概就是那種感覺. 雖然我穿了兩件衣服加外套, 冷風還是可以從奇妙的地方灌進來.
上半身也就算了, 身體縮緊一點就好ㄌ, 最慘的是牛仔褲跟布鞋穿了感覺跟沒穿一樣. 從大腿一直冷到腳掌心.. >< ...
今天的天氣蠻差的, 天空沒什麼雲, 太陽很大. 不過我真的懷疑那個掛在天上的發光體是不是裝飾用的. 是怎麼樣可以光線這麼強然後一點熱度也沒有?
不知道零下三十幾度的時候我擦的防曬油會不會凍起來, 然後變成一片面模固定在我臉上...?
星期一, 12月 12, 2005
2 finals down and 2 more to go.
Honestly... I can't wait ... >< ...
Sweet sweet X'mas is just around the corner. And it's about time I have a vacation.
Well... ...
Although I'm always on vacation... but a real vacation would be nice :)
Thusday 3:00pm.
Hmm... what should I eat that night...?
Honestly... I can't wait ... >< ...
Sweet sweet X'mas is just around the corner. And it's about time I have a vacation.
Well... ...
Although I'm always on vacation... but a real vacation would be nice :)
Thusday 3:00pm.
Hmm... what should I eat that night...?
星期五, 12月 09, 2005
過了很久, 才驚訝的發現窗外下著大雨.
這時候才發現, 只要有積雪, 雨其實也是可以下得很安靜的.
剛從學校 Review Session 回來的時候, 順手買ㄌ一桶 8 公升的水.
因為某些不為人知的政府陰謀, 滑鐵盧的自來水是不能喝的, 是說我也喝礦泉水喝得很習慣了. 從越南到台灣, 幾乎大部分時間喝的水都是用買的. 所以買大桶水對我來說並不是什麼新鮮事.
在等紅綠燈的時候, 身邊有一堆及腰的積雪, 我就順手把那桶水往雪上放.
大概花了我五分鐘才把它給挖出來. Orz
話說回來, 東部的科技還真是發達. 今天看到一部可以在人行道上行走的鏟雪車.
這時候才發現, 只要有積雪, 雨其實也是可以下得很安靜的.
剛從學校 Review Session 回來的時候, 順手買ㄌ一桶 8 公升的水.
因為某些不為人知的政府陰謀, 滑鐵盧的自來水是不能喝的, 是說我也喝礦泉水喝得很習慣了. 從越南到台灣, 幾乎大部分時間喝的水都是用買的. 所以買大桶水對我來說並不是什麼新鮮事.
在等紅綠燈的時候, 身邊有一堆及腰的積雪, 我就順手把那桶水往雪上放.
大概花了我五分鐘才把它給挖出來. Orz
話說回來, 東部的科技還真是發達. 今天看到一部可以在人行道上行走的鏟雪車.
星期四, 12月 08, 2005
大概這幾天要考試, 電動少打ㄌ許多, 就很不小心的又夢到他.
夢見的是我陪他去一間有藍色大走廊的診所看牙. 大概是蛀牙要拔掉還是怎樣, 她一直在吵著說她不要待在牙醫的椅子上了. 我則是在旁邊一直哄她, 說等下看完牙齒帶她去吃大餐之類的.
果然夢跟現實是相反的, 通常都是我在無理取鬧然後他在哄我. 不過這是提外話.
很巧的, 或者很不巧的, 當天晚上大概八點多的時候她就打電話給我. 說有看到幾通沒有號碼的未接電話, 問問看是不是我打ㄉ.
ㄟ... 當然不是我打的, 我最近打 WoW 的時間都不夠ㄌ, 最好是有時間打電話給妳.
不過在瞎扯的時候, 我就把我前天晚上的夢告訴她. 聽到她自己在吵著要離開的那一段, 他問 "那你是握著我的手鼓勵我麼?".
"沒有阿, 我說要買糖給你吃"
不過她問的第一個問題我後來反覆想ㄌ幾遍, 才發現, 那句話的殺傷力遠比我想像中的還強很多.
並不是我不握你的手, 而是你已經不讓我握了.
當然, 她多半是無心的. 不過言者無意, 聽者有心, 這也不關她的事情.
所以剛剛就趁又夢到她的時候, 決定至少也要去牽一下她的手. (這次倒不是在醫院, 在有點像是 Pub 的地方, 不過太安靜ㄌ點.)
那我想說, 反正在作夢, 應該不會怎麼樣. 就很勇敢的把手伸出去.
然後就跟三流的肥皂劇一樣, 手都還沒碰到, 我就把自己嚇醒了. 這時候才徹底的覺悟到, 我早已遺忘那牽過幾千回的手, 是什麼樣的感覺.
對於忘記感覺這件事, 感到有點無奈. 畢竟這樣害我連想要夢到一下都不行.
回憶畢竟是會隨著時間而淡去的. ^_^
美麗的回憶, 就讓它永遠美麗吧.
現階段還是考試比較重要一點. :p
大概這幾天要考試, 電動少打ㄌ許多, 就很不小心的又夢到他.
夢見的是我陪他去一間有藍色大走廊的診所看牙. 大概是蛀牙要拔掉還是怎樣, 她一直在吵著說她不要待在牙醫的椅子上了. 我則是在旁邊一直哄她, 說等下看完牙齒帶她去吃大餐之類的.
果然夢跟現實是相反的, 通常都是我在無理取鬧然後他在哄我. 不過這是提外話.
很巧的, 或者很不巧的, 當天晚上大概八點多的時候她就打電話給我. 說有看到幾通沒有號碼的未接電話, 問問看是不是我打ㄉ.
ㄟ... 當然不是我打的, 我最近打 WoW 的時間都不夠ㄌ, 最好是有時間打電話給妳.
不過在瞎扯的時候, 我就把我前天晚上的夢告訴她. 聽到她自己在吵著要離開的那一段, 他問 "那你是握著我的手鼓勵我麼?".
"沒有阿, 我說要買糖給你吃"
不過她問的第一個問題我後來反覆想ㄌ幾遍, 才發現, 那句話的殺傷力遠比我想像中的還強很多.
並不是我不握你的手, 而是你已經不讓我握了.
當然, 她多半是無心的. 不過言者無意, 聽者有心, 這也不關她的事情.
所以剛剛就趁又夢到她的時候, 決定至少也要去牽一下她的手. (這次倒不是在醫院, 在有點像是 Pub 的地方, 不過太安靜ㄌ點.)
那我想說, 反正在作夢, 應該不會怎麼樣. 就很勇敢的把手伸出去.
然後就跟三流的肥皂劇一樣, 手都還沒碰到, 我就把自己嚇醒了. 這時候才徹底的覺悟到, 我早已遺忘那牽過幾千回的手, 是什麼樣的感覺.
對於忘記感覺這件事, 感到有點無奈. 畢竟這樣害我連想要夢到一下都不行.
回憶畢竟是會隨著時間而淡去的. ^_^
美麗的回憶, 就讓它永遠美麗吧.
現階段還是考試比較重要一點. :p
星期三, 12月 07, 2005
又是個白雪紛飛的早晨. 窗外那美麗的景色實在是叫人百看不厭.
每天都能看到夢幻般的雪景, 住在這邊的生物還真是幸福...
星期三一大早, 今早 Raid 因為人數不夠所以草草結束, 不用上課, 所以大概可以窩在房間裡面一整天.
實在是吃膩了麵包, 昨天出門的時候就順手買了一包泡麵. 回到家才發現... 我連燒開水都有問題是要怎麼吃泡麵?
恩.. 這困難的確蠻大的. 窗外的美麗的風景似乎對填飽肚子沒什麼幫助.
再兩天就要考試ㄌ, 看書的心情卻一直還停留在半熟狀態. 沒什麼進入狀況的感覺. 跟之前每次要考 Final 的時候一樣, 只想要趕快結束.
說真的, 自從我買ㄌ手套跟帽子以後, 我對外面的天氣實在沒什麼抱怨. 唯一一點小小的不滿, 就是那個雪是怎樣為什麼連續下了好幾個星期還是都積不太起來?
我還在癡癡的等待幾公尺高的積雪耶... 光是想到就覺得一定很炫.
是說其實十二月也才剛開始而已. 這裡半年都在下雪, 一百八十個冬天, 總會讓我有等到的一天.
每天都能看到夢幻般的雪景, 住在這邊的生物還真是幸福...
星期三一大早, 今早 Raid 因為人數不夠所以草草結束, 不用上課, 所以大概可以窩在房間裡面一整天.
實在是吃膩了麵包, 昨天出門的時候就順手買了一包泡麵. 回到家才發現... 我連燒開水都有問題是要怎麼吃泡麵?
恩.. 這困難的確蠻大的. 窗外的美麗的風景似乎對填飽肚子沒什麼幫助.
再兩天就要考試ㄌ, 看書的心情卻一直還停留在半熟狀態. 沒什麼進入狀況的感覺. 跟之前每次要考 Final 的時候一樣, 只想要趕快結束.
說真的, 自從我買ㄌ手套跟帽子以後, 我對外面的天氣實在沒什麼抱怨. 唯一一點小小的不滿, 就是那個雪是怎樣為什麼連續下了好幾個星期還是都積不太起來?
我還在癡癡的等待幾公尺高的積雪耶... 光是想到就覺得一定很炫.
是說其實十二月也才剛開始而已. 這裡半年都在下雪, 一百八十個冬天, 總會讓我有等到的一天.
星期一, 12月 05, 2005
Weird Puzzle
Eh. First of all, I have no idea what's the right answer. If anyone figured it out, plz let me know.
A woman fell into a full bath of liquid at work. When she got out she was dry, but she was taken straight to a hospital. Can you explain why she was dry and why she was taken to hospital?
1. The liquid in the bath was at room temperature.
2. There were warning signs to keep clear.
3. It was an accident that caused her to fall into the bath.
4. She had fallen gently and had not suffered a concussion or any severe blows.
5. The liquid in the bath was 4 feet deep, and little was lost when she fell in.
6. She was not wearing any protective clothing.
7. She had not ingested any of the liquid.
8 She was required to burn her clothes.
A liquid? And she's dry?
That's the part I really don't get...
A woman fell into a full bath of liquid at work. When she got out she was dry, but she was taken straight to a hospital. Can you explain why she was dry and why she was taken to hospital?
1. The liquid in the bath was at room temperature.
2. There were warning signs to keep clear.
3. It was an accident that caused her to fall into the bath.
4. She had fallen gently and had not suffered a concussion or any severe blows.
5. The liquid in the bath was 4 feet deep, and little was lost when she fell in.
6. She was not wearing any protective clothing.
7. She had not ingested any of the liquid.
8 She was required to burn her clothes.
A liquid? And she's dry?
That's the part I really don't get...
Damn it... the steak sandwich tasted so bad. >< .
There goes my celebration meal... >< ...
Thus, the end of my first term in Waterloo.
To be honest, so far it is a littler easier than I have expected. And I have to admit that I have let my guard down and was slacking off because of WoW.
I sincerely think that I'm enjoying this life too much.
I have virtually nothing to worry, not many tasks to do other than school work and only have to spend less than 25 minutes on relocating myself.
This is really wonderful.
Can't believe that last year I have to spend 3 hours going and coming back from ubc everyday. That was... such a big waste of time.
And before that... from Shu-Lin to 101... 4 hours everyday...
10 more days and I'll be free.
10 more days.
There goes my celebration meal... >< ...
Thus, the end of my first term in Waterloo.
To be honest, so far it is a littler easier than I have expected. And I have to admit that I have let my guard down and was slacking off because of WoW.
I sincerely think that I'm enjoying this life too much.
I have virtually nothing to worry, not many tasks to do other than school work and only have to spend less than 25 minutes on relocating myself.
This is really wonderful.
Can't believe that last year I have to spend 3 hours going and coming back from ubc everyday. That was... such a big waste of time.
And before that... from Shu-Lin to 101... 4 hours everyday...
10 more days and I'll be free.
10 more days.
Last day of school. Still snowing. Feeling quite peacful.
All there's left for this year are 4 finals and I'm done for 2005.
To celebrate, I pass by Harvey's and bought a Steak Sandwich Combo!! ^_^
So hungry right now, I'll drooling.
Well... I can't think of anything else right now but the steak sandwich... guess I'll go finish that first and c what i can conjour up with.
All there's left for this year are 4 finals and I'm done for 2005.
To celebrate, I pass by Harvey's and bought a Steak Sandwich Combo!! ^_^
So hungry right now, I'll drooling.
Well... I can't think of anything else right now but the steak sandwich... guess I'll go finish that first and c what i can conjour up with.
星期六, 12月 03, 2005
Whenever I'm totally into certain things... I tend to dream about them.
Usually only games and some comics have this degree of attraction that could cause me to dream about.
Most of the time, if it's about a game, I'll dream about that I'm either playing the game or I'm in the game myself. I love the latter one since it's almost always interesting and gives me a lively mood when I woke up.
If it's about comics, usually I dream about how the story will develop. And almost always ends at very crucial points... orz... very annoying.
Lack of the ability to predict future is ... well ... normal ... i guess.
But recently I'm experiencing some very cool dreams about WoW.
Well... I mean, since I'm into this game for so long, dreaming about i'm playing or i'm in the game is actually quite common and nothing to be surprised about anymore.
However, since I'm so deeply into WoW, I think i've taken the dreaming thing into next level...
I dreamed about my daily life blended with wow... XD
In the dream... when I'm on my way walking to school, I can open a floating window about myself and check what's in my backpack, my stats and ... so on ...
I even have a mini-radar on top right hand corner of my eye-view to see the terranes around me. I have no idea why is that a useful thing.
Well... monday's last class. Finals are coming.
About time to do some serious study XD.
Usually only games and some comics have this degree of attraction that could cause me to dream about.
Most of the time, if it's about a game, I'll dream about that I'm either playing the game or I'm in the game myself. I love the latter one since it's almost always interesting and gives me a lively mood when I woke up.
If it's about comics, usually I dream about how the story will develop. And almost always ends at very crucial points... orz... very annoying.
Lack of the ability to predict future is ... well ... normal ... i guess.
But recently I'm experiencing some very cool dreams about WoW.
Well... I mean, since I'm into this game for so long, dreaming about i'm playing or i'm in the game is actually quite common and nothing to be surprised about anymore.
However, since I'm so deeply into WoW, I think i've taken the dreaming thing into next level...
I dreamed about my daily life blended with wow... XD
In the dream... when I'm on my way walking to school, I can open a floating window about myself and check what's in my backpack, my stats and ... so on ...
I even have a mini-radar on top right hand corner of my eye-view to see the terranes around me. I have no idea why is that a useful thing.
Well... monday's last class. Finals are coming.
About time to do some serious study XD.
星期三, 11月 30, 2005
The Weather Network · Waterloo · Ontario · Canada
The Weather Network · Waterloo · Ontario · Canada
Weather Network says it'll snow from tomorrow night all the way till Dec. 7th!!!
Nice nice!!
I love snows! ^_^
Heavy-loaded Wednesday is 1/2 way thru. And this is the last week of school~
Everything seems to be on track. Well... seems to be. :)
Other than that Hunter X Hunter is not coming out till next next month...
Only one month left for 2005. I think I'll enjoy December as always :)
Feeling good for no reason is a wonderful thing. :)
Weather Network says it'll snow from tomorrow night all the way till Dec. 7th!!!
Nice nice!!
I love snows! ^_^
Heavy-loaded Wednesday is 1/2 way thru. And this is the last week of school~
Everything seems to be on track. Well... seems to be. :)
Other than that Hunter X Hunter is not coming out till next next month...
Only one month left for 2005. I think I'll enjoy December as always :)
Feeling good for no reason is a wonderful thing. :)
星期二, 11月 29, 2005
星期日, 11月 27, 2005
In short, I hate shopping.
Well. I hate shopping by myself.
I was forced to go shopping this satruday because the lack of winter gears has crippled me from reaching school and thus made my daily 20 min. walk a nightmare level experience.
Err. It took me only less than 20 minutes to bought a snow boot, a tube, a pair of gloves and a hat. I was rushing thru it becoz ... I really don't like shopping. >< .
I'm sure if I spend more time on it, I can probably get better and cheaper ones. But I'm simply too lazy.
I have no clue how I can stand shopping 10 hours with her and still acting like I was enjoying it.
Unless... I was really enjoying it...
Well. I hate shopping by myself.
I was forced to go shopping this satruday because the lack of winter gears has crippled me from reaching school and thus made my daily 20 min. walk a nightmare level experience.
Err. It took me only less than 20 minutes to bought a snow boot, a tube, a pair of gloves and a hat. I was rushing thru it becoz ... I really don't like shopping. >< .
I'm sure if I spend more time on it, I can probably get better and cheaper ones. But I'm simply too lazy.
I have no clue how I can stand shopping 10 hours with her and still acting like I was enjoying it.
Unless... I was really enjoying it...
星期四, 11月 24, 2005
Blizzard rocks!!
And no, I'm not talking about the company Blizzard, I'm talking about the real blizzard, aka, snowstorm.
As usual, I finished my hw due friday early and was going out to hand in my hw, becoz I don't want to go school too early.
At the door, I started to smile.
The snowstorm outside is incredible, I think it's so funny that I still want to head out.
Well, I went anyways.
And after like 5 minutes, I realized that this is impossible.
The wind is too strong and keeps hurling snow pieces into my eyes. I can't see.
It's too cold outside and apparantly my scarf and hats are not strong enough to endure this kind of coldness. Weird... they seem to be fine back in vancouver.
It was simply incredible.
I sincerely wish that every and each one of you can see this. Because you'll have to see it to understand what I'm talking about.
Actually, this is expected. But still, really, you'll have to be IN IT to know what it feels like.
Anyways, I gave up.
I'll have to go school early tomorrow.
According to Ben, the weather tomorrow is going to be worse.
Well... at least I'm safe now, I'll see what I can do when tomorrow comes around.
As usual, I finished my hw due friday early and was going out to hand in my hw, becoz I don't want to go school too early.
At the door, I started to smile.
The snowstorm outside is incredible, I think it's so funny that I still want to head out.
Well, I went anyways.
And after like 5 minutes, I realized that this is impossible.
The wind is too strong and keeps hurling snow pieces into my eyes. I can't see.
It's too cold outside and apparantly my scarf and hats are not strong enough to endure this kind of coldness. Weird... they seem to be fine back in vancouver.
It was simply incredible.
I sincerely wish that every and each one of you can see this. Because you'll have to see it to understand what I'm talking about.
Actually, this is expected. But still, really, you'll have to be IN IT to know what it feels like.
Anyways, I gave up.
I'll have to go school early tomorrow.
According to Ben, the weather tomorrow is going to be worse.
Well... at least I'm safe now, I'll see what I can do when tomorrow comes around.
Smash x360
At least, it's still an achievement that they've collected enough money to do it..
At least, it's still an achievement that they've collected enough money to do it..
星期三, 11月 23, 2005
Just got off class at 7. On the way back home, it was dark, windy, snowing (-8) and I was hungry.
Having bread and nothing but bread for dinner over 3 month is actually a pretty stupid idea. So nowadays I eat my bread with bananas. However, I doubt how long it would take me to get sick and tired of bread + banana... I really don't think I can eat this kinda of dinner for another year...
I miss dumplings, fried dumplings in Shu-Lin.
And that's all i could ever wanted at this moment.
At least, the snow still seems very very pretty.
And at this temperature, I doubt I'll ever see rain again.
One and half weeks to go before final. And I have to admit that I was kinda slacking off because I did pretty well at the beginning of the terms and also because of WoW. I guess it's about time to get back to work.
Starting tomorrow... :D
I don't really like to write about complains on my blog since we've all had enough complains on blogs. But I also believe that human defines their existence thru misery. It's a matter of comparison. If there's no sadness, happiness wouldn't have too much meaning.
But honesly speaking, I'm rather enjoying my life at this moment. It's rather worry-free.
There are so little things I have to worry about and I like it that way.
Sadly, nothing will last. Within a couple years I'll probably have to start working and say goodbye to school once and for all.
I'll miss Waterloo.
I'll miss the snows.
Having bread and nothing but bread for dinner over 3 month is actually a pretty stupid idea. So nowadays I eat my bread with bananas. However, I doubt how long it would take me to get sick and tired of bread + banana... I really don't think I can eat this kinda of dinner for another year...
I miss dumplings, fried dumplings in Shu-Lin.
And that's all i could ever wanted at this moment.
At least, the snow still seems very very pretty.
And at this temperature, I doubt I'll ever see rain again.
One and half weeks to go before final. And I have to admit that I was kinda slacking off because I did pretty well at the beginning of the terms and also because of WoW. I guess it's about time to get back to work.
Starting tomorrow... :D
I don't really like to write about complains on my blog since we've all had enough complains on blogs. But I also believe that human defines their existence thru misery. It's a matter of comparison. If there's no sadness, happiness wouldn't have too much meaning.
But honesly speaking, I'm rather enjoying my life at this moment. It's rather worry-free.
There are so little things I have to worry about and I like it that way.
Sadly, nothing will last. Within a couple years I'll probably have to start working and say goodbye to school once and for all.
I'll miss Waterloo.
I'll miss the snows.
星期一, 11月 21, 2005
星期五, 11月 18, 2005
OMFG... 今天一回家就看到這個壞消息. 精神糧食已經越來越少了, Hunter 竟然還給我休刊到一月. 現在能看的漫畫只剩下 Air Gear, Mast 21, Deathnote, One Piece, Bleach, 幸運草, Gunnm, Full Metal Alchemist 跟宮本武藏. 後面三篇漫畫又是月刊, 半月刊, 這樣能看的竟然只剩下六套, 實在是太少了點... >< ...
話說我每天上下學如果穿過一兩個停車場的話, 就可以省下一點時間. 今天下課的時候, 也跟平常一樣的穿過停車場.
不過因為連續兩天的大雪, 室外溫度只有零下五六度, 所以就看到每台車的邊緣都結了一根根細細小小的透明冰柱.
從正面望去, 看起來好像每台車子都在哭泣.
一整片停車場的車子都在哭, 也實在是太扯了一點. 所以我就很好心的走到這台藍色的 Miyata 旁邊, 幫它把幾根大燈下的冰柱給拔掉. 想說, 至少有一台車子不哭也好. 結果... 這台 Miyata 變成看起來像是在流鼻涕... 比原來還更糟一點.
好吧好吧, 都別哭了, 等到雪再下大一點, 把你們全部埋起來, 就大概會舒服點了... 聽說雪會下的大到把整台車都埋起來. 所以如果不記得自己的車停哪, 第二天會很糟糕.
話說回來, 到時候停車場會不會一坨一坨的看起來像墳場一樣...?
雪白色的車塚, 其實也蠻不錯的. 總比廢車丟棄場好得多了.
話說我每天上下學如果穿過一兩個停車場的話, 就可以省下一點時間. 今天下課的時候, 也跟平常一樣的穿過停車場.
不過因為連續兩天的大雪, 室外溫度只有零下五六度, 所以就看到每台車的邊緣都結了一根根細細小小的透明冰柱.
從正面望去, 看起來好像每台車子都在哭泣.
一整片停車場的車子都在哭, 也實在是太扯了一點. 所以我就很好心的走到這台藍色的 Miyata 旁邊, 幫它把幾根大燈下的冰柱給拔掉. 想說, 至少有一台車子不哭也好. 結果... 這台 Miyata 變成看起來像是在流鼻涕... 比原來還更糟一點.
好吧好吧, 都別哭了, 等到雪再下大一點, 把你們全部埋起來, 就大概會舒服點了... 聽說雪會下的大到把整台車都埋起來. 所以如果不記得自己的車停哪, 第二天會很糟糕.
話說回來, 到時候停車場會不會一坨一坨的看起來像墳場一樣...?
雪白色的車塚, 其實也蠻不錯的. 總比廢車丟棄場好得多了.
星期四, 11月 17, 2005
今天 Po 的還真多.
剛剛出門去交作業, 果然有夠危險. 剛下了一整天的雪, 人行道上全是硬冰塊, 又還沒灑鹽.
我又沒有雪鞋, 所以平常五分鐘就走到的地方走了快兩倍的時間, 還差點滑倒至少五次...
Well, 每次要滑倒的時候, 正想罵髒話, 看到那美麗的夜雪, 隨風飛散的美麗景象, 又把要罵出口的東西給吞ㄌ下去.
At least, it's so pretty. And that's what counts.
本來是儘量不想在 Blog 上面貼有關 WoW 的事情, 不過, 最近發現, 那就沒東西貼ㄌ...
現在生活除ㄌ學校睡覺以外就只剩下 WoW 而已.
我們工會的規定 (其實是我的 Class Leader 的規定), 要參加 40 人的工會 Raid 除了要符合一些鳥規定以外, 還要全身藍裝才行. 我努力了兩個禮拜, 現在只剩下一個戒指是綠的.
只差一個戒指. One Ring.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatul?k agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
這週末... 應該可以找到它吧?
剛剛出門去交作業, 果然有夠危險. 剛下了一整天的雪, 人行道上全是硬冰塊, 又還沒灑鹽.
我又沒有雪鞋, 所以平常五分鐘就走到的地方走了快兩倍的時間, 還差點滑倒至少五次...
Well, 每次要滑倒的時候, 正想罵髒話, 看到那美麗的夜雪, 隨風飛散的美麗景象, 又把要罵出口的東西給吞ㄌ下去.
At least, it's so pretty. And that's what counts.
本來是儘量不想在 Blog 上面貼有關 WoW 的事情, 不過, 最近發現, 那就沒東西貼ㄌ...
現在生活除ㄌ學校睡覺以外就只剩下 WoW 而已.
我們工會的規定 (其實是我的 Class Leader 的規定), 要參加 40 人的工會 Raid 除了要符合一些鳥規定以外, 還要全身藍裝才行. 我努力了兩個禮拜, 現在只剩下一個戒指是綠的.
只差一個戒指. One Ring.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatul?k agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
這週末... 應該可以找到它吧?
其實, 我比較想要的是一張椅子.
這星期又快過完ㄌ, 只剩下兩個禮拜. 自己都搞不太清楚到底現在是忙還是不忙.
下星期還有一個考試, 星期五有兩份報告要交.
不過我總是可以找到時間 WoW.
老實說, 我好像 WoW 的太多ㄌ點...?
This week WAS going to be the busiest week before finals, but because of some unexpected event, it turns out not as bad as I've thought.
I'm ... not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not, but i do not dislike the change. Although...
About... last post... actually I was half joking when I wrote that down. Of course I did consider the probable event of giving up, but it's not happening now.
To me, she's still incomparable and irreplaceable.
Until now, at least.
I'll probably give up sooner or later. 5... 10 years sounds right. Really can't see myself enduring longer than that.
Honestly, I doubt it can even last 5 year.
其實, 我比較想要的是一張椅子.
這星期又快過完ㄌ, 只剩下兩個禮拜. 自己都搞不太清楚到底現在是忙還是不忙.
下星期還有一個考試, 星期五有兩份報告要交.
不過我總是可以找到時間 WoW.
老實說, 我好像 WoW 的太多ㄌ點...?
This week WAS going to be the busiest week before finals, but because of some unexpected event, it turns out not as bad as I've thought.
I'm ... not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not, but i do not dislike the change. Although...
About... last post... actually I was half joking when I wrote that down. Of course I did consider the probable event of giving up, but it's not happening now.
To me, she's still incomparable and irreplaceable.
Until now, at least.
I'll probably give up sooner or later. 5... 10 years sounds right. Really can't see myself enduring longer than that.
Honestly, I doubt it can even last 5 year.
星期一, 11月 14, 2005
題目... 就用 "放棄" 吧.
生氣. 正在不爽我自己.
當然, 還是關於她的事情.
大概是最近比較忙吧 (忙著 WoW). 很明顯想念她的時間不斷在減少. 就連她讓我幫個小忙我都拖拖拉拉一直到現在還沒完成.
更糟糕的是, 這幾天竟然一直萌生要放棄的念頭. 我到底是在搞什麼??
其實很害怕, 因為之前從來沒有預見過會出現這種想法. 我也一直看不到自己會有想要離她遠去的一天.
才不過分手沒多久, 我就已經要把自己的承諾跟信念全盤否定了麼? 為什麼我做事情總是三分鐘熱度? 從來沒有一件事情可以堅持到底的...?
當然. 這是絕對不可以發生的事情. 這應該是連想都不能想到的事情阿.
就算其他事情都放棄了, 也絕不能放棄這件事.
就跟活下去其實不需要什麼理由一樣, 要放棄也不需要什麼理由. 那是一個很容易的選擇, 可卻是我不允許自己選擇的選擇.
本來是想給自己訂個期限, 像是五年阿, 十年阿, 到她嫁人前阿... 可是仔細想想, 還是別訂什麼期限吧. 意義太小了.
就跟和自己生氣一樣, 沒什麼意義.
順便題一下, 已經冷到零度左右, 溫哥華最冷的時候大概也只有差不多這樣子而已.
窗外已經可以當冰箱來用的. 正在考慮要不要買個堅強的掛勾, 然後把要冰的東西都掛在窗外.
當然, 還是關於她的事情.
大概是最近比較忙吧 (忙著 WoW). 很明顯想念她的時間不斷在減少. 就連她讓我幫個小忙我都拖拖拉拉一直到現在還沒完成.
更糟糕的是, 這幾天竟然一直萌生要放棄的念頭. 我到底是在搞什麼??
其實很害怕, 因為之前從來沒有預見過會出現這種想法. 我也一直看不到自己會有想要離她遠去的一天.
才不過分手沒多久, 我就已經要把自己的承諾跟信念全盤否定了麼? 為什麼我做事情總是三分鐘熱度? 從來沒有一件事情可以堅持到底的...?
當然. 這是絕對不可以發生的事情. 這應該是連想都不能想到的事情阿.
就算其他事情都放棄了, 也絕不能放棄這件事.
就跟活下去其實不需要什麼理由一樣, 要放棄也不需要什麼理由. 那是一個很容易的選擇, 可卻是我不允許自己選擇的選擇.
本來是想給自己訂個期限, 像是五年阿, 十年阿, 到她嫁人前阿... 可是仔細想想, 還是別訂什麼期限吧. 意義太小了.
就跟和自己生氣一樣, 沒什麼意義.
順便題一下, 已經冷到零度左右, 溫哥華最冷的時候大概也只有差不多這樣子而已.
窗外已經可以當冰箱來用的. 正在考慮要不要買個堅強的掛勾, 然後把要冰的東西都掛在窗外.
星期日, 11月 13, 2005
WoW... Sunday already.
Can't believe it's sunday already.
Basically I'm spending all my free times on WoW now... and I did notice that my blog is dying... like everyone else on my friend's list... except William's...
Next week is going to be busy with 2 midterms and assignments. :p
Can't believe they hold a review session on Sunday!! Profs @ Waterloo are really really hard working. I've never seen anything like this back in UBC.
Yawn.. well.. gotta get going now.
3 more weeks to go. And then it'll be finals, x'mas, my birthday and bye bye 2005.
It's nice to be able to see what's coming..
Basically I'm spending all my free times on WoW now... and I did notice that my blog is dying... like everyone else on my friend's list... except William's...
Next week is going to be busy with 2 midterms and assignments. :p
Can't believe they hold a review session on Sunday!! Profs @ Waterloo are really really hard working. I've never seen anything like this back in UBC.
Yawn.. well.. gotta get going now.
3 more weeks to go. And then it'll be finals, x'mas, my birthday and bye bye 2005.
It's nice to be able to see what's coming..
星期四, 11月 10, 2005
十一月十號. 今年冬天的第一場雪.
嚴格說起來, 比較接近極小粒的冰雹, 打在臉上很痛的那種.
痛到我沒有辦法向前走, 只好一路倒著走到餐廳. 吃完午飯出來, 雪也停了.
其實一直很期待下雪的. 很想知道到底可以冷到什麼程度. 一直記得 Alice 說過的, "零下二十度的溫暖, 只有熬過零下四十度的人才會懂". Or something like that...
不過現實跟期待多少還是有點落差. 我希望看到的是在風中飄著狂亂的片片雪花, 連時間也彷彿凍結的白色大地. 並不是這種連積都積不起來的沒用的雪.
大概是我想太多了. :p
嚴格說起來, 比較接近極小粒的冰雹, 打在臉上很痛的那種.
痛到我沒有辦法向前走, 只好一路倒著走到餐廳. 吃完午飯出來, 雪也停了.
其實一直很期待下雪的. 很想知道到底可以冷到什麼程度. 一直記得 Alice 說過的, "零下二十度的溫暖, 只有熬過零下四十度的人才會懂". Or something like that...
不過現實跟期待多少還是有點落差. 我希望看到的是在風中飄著狂亂的片片雪花, 連時間也彷彿凍結的白色大地. 並不是這種連積都積不起來的沒用的雪.
大概是我想太多了. :p
星期二, 11月 08, 2005
Just nailed another test. Love the feeling that I'm the first one leave and the rest of the class still working hard on the questions.
Of course, that doesn't mean I've perfect the test. It just shows how fast I complete the answers and how lazy I am to check my answers over.
I've always been like that...
Find it hard to check the same question over again because I have no confidence in myself. And I'm afraid that if I check them again, I might find something wrong and have to spend some extra time to work on the problem.
What kinda philsophy is that?
Well, another thing I've realized is that whenever I'm busy with school, I have more time to blog. And if school is not busy, I devote all my time to something else.
WoW, for example. Just hit 60 and I think I'm still in the "Honeymoon" period of hitting 60. Having access to all these end-game lvl items and stuff, and also realizing there are still endless things I can do in the game.
I know, like all other feelings, it'll fade away sooner or later.
Time is invincible. Heals all wounds and put everything back to its rightful place.
I'm not a believer of forever and eternity. I think it's more important to enjoy the moment.
And regret later...
Life is wonderful.
Of course, that doesn't mean I've perfect the test. It just shows how fast I complete the answers and how lazy I am to check my answers over.
I've always been like that...
Find it hard to check the same question over again because I have no confidence in myself. And I'm afraid that if I check them again, I might find something wrong and have to spend some extra time to work on the problem.
What kinda philsophy is that?
Well, another thing I've realized is that whenever I'm busy with school, I have more time to blog. And if school is not busy, I devote all my time to something else.
WoW, for example. Just hit 60 and I think I'm still in the "Honeymoon" period of hitting 60. Having access to all these end-game lvl items and stuff, and also realizing there are still endless things I can do in the game.
I know, like all other feelings, it'll fade away sooner or later.
Time is invincible. Heals all wounds and put everything back to its rightful place.
I'm not a believer of forever and eternity. I think it's more important to enjoy the moment.
And regret later...
Life is wonderful.
星期日, 11月 06, 2005
星期四, 11月 03, 2005
Got my assignment done around 9:30 and I went straight to MC to handin my assignment because I don't want to wake up too early (12?) .
When I was searching for the right box to drop off my assignment, overheard two white guys talking about people from India. And one of them said something like:
"I was washing my car one day, and I heard these India people listening to Chinese Opera. What's up with them? Aren't they brown?"
And my first reaction was, "are you sure that they are listening to Chinese Opera?"
Come think of it, he did mentioned a rather interesting point that I've never think of. India pop music does sound like Chinese opera with all the yeeeeeeyeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaayaaaaaa sound and weird ding-ling-dong-lang music.
Everyone does percept the same thing in a totally different way.
I'm feeling rather delightful right now after handed in my assignment.
I've had a rather blousy (busy + lousy) week with all the tests and assignments. And I'm so glad that it's finally coming to an end.
Gotta thank her for helping me get thru this... she's... always... the best...
Now, let's see if I can stick with my plan and get to level 60 on Nov. 5th. WoW rocks.
When I was searching for the right box to drop off my assignment, overheard two white guys talking about people from India. And one of them said something like:
"I was washing my car one day, and I heard these India people listening to Chinese Opera. What's up with them? Aren't they brown?"
And my first reaction was, "are you sure that they are listening to Chinese Opera?"
Come think of it, he did mentioned a rather interesting point that I've never think of. India pop music does sound like Chinese opera with all the yeeeeeeyeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaayaaaaaa sound and weird ding-ling-dong-lang music.
Everyone does percept the same thing in a totally different way.
I'm feeling rather delightful right now after handed in my assignment.
I've had a rather blousy (busy + lousy) week with all the tests and assignments. And I'm so glad that it's finally coming to an end.
Gotta thank her for helping me get thru this... she's... always... the best...
Now, let's see if I can stick with my plan and get to level 60 on Nov. 5th. WoW rocks.
One Bar Away
Finally, I've hit lvl 59 and I'm one bar away from the end of the leveling.
A new beginning awaits me.
For those of you who aren't so sure. I have 2 characters on WoW. Both on the Allience side. My main char is a human priest and my alternative char is an elf warrior.
I guess I do like to play priest better because while group with others, I can stay behind and just let others lead. I don't have to do anything too dangerous, technically speaking.
Well, that's that...
It's thursday already.
No class today.
And I've been working on my assignment since 2 in the afternoon. Took a nap around 4 and woke up by this annoyingly non-stop car alarm sound outside. I swear to the mother of Kil'Jaedon that sound must at least went off for like an hour.
Instead of a countinous sound, it's more like, bee-bee-bee---bee---bee---bee-bee-bee---bee---bee...
I was napping and dreamed of myself broke a laundry machine and it kept making that annoying sound. And when I finally woke up, I realize it's from outside, instead of the laundry machine in my dream.
I was annoyed, but couldn't go back to sleep again due to the sheer noise that alarm sound is making.
It was really really really annoying.
If I had a hammer at that time and the source of that sound is in front of me, I'll smash it without 2nd thought.
And here's the moral of the day:
Give a destructive device to a mad man is the stupidest thing one can ever done.
Some real-life example:
Bin Laden with Evangelion 01. With his exceptional AT field and amount of determination, instead of Tokyo-3, we'll soon be able to see NY-5, NY-6... and so on.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, congradulations, you are a normal person. ^_^
Man, I do get a little nuts whenever working on my assignments.
A new beginning awaits me.
For those of you who aren't so sure. I have 2 characters on WoW. Both on the Allience side. My main char is a human priest and my alternative char is an elf warrior.
I guess I do like to play priest better because while group with others, I can stay behind and just let others lead. I don't have to do anything too dangerous, technically speaking.
Well, that's that...
It's thursday already.
No class today.
And I've been working on my assignment since 2 in the afternoon. Took a nap around 4 and woke up by this annoyingly non-stop car alarm sound outside. I swear to the mother of Kil'Jaedon that sound must at least went off for like an hour.
Instead of a countinous sound, it's more like, bee-bee-bee---bee---bee---bee-bee-bee---bee---bee...
I was napping and dreamed of myself broke a laundry machine and it kept making that annoying sound. And when I finally woke up, I realize it's from outside, instead of the laundry machine in my dream.
I was annoyed, but couldn't go back to sleep again due to the sheer noise that alarm sound is making.
It was really really really annoying.
If I had a hammer at that time and the source of that sound is in front of me, I'll smash it without 2nd thought.
And here's the moral of the day:
Give a destructive device to a mad man is the stupidest thing one can ever done.
Some real-life example:
Bin Laden with Evangelion 01. With his exceptional AT field and amount of determination, instead of Tokyo-3, we'll soon be able to see NY-5, NY-6... and so on.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, congradulations, you are a normal person. ^_^
Man, I do get a little nuts whenever working on my assignments.
星期二, 11月 01, 2005
Congratulations! You've WON!!!!
Congratulations! You've WON!!!!
This is one of the funniest pop-up I've ever seen. ^_^
A couple things to note:
* There's a countdown at the bottom of the page which repeat itself.
* The narrator claims this is the world's largest ... whatever all over the world. But later he said we can only meet thousands of people. Hello? This world has at least millions of users.
* The iPod Shuffle picture it shows is NOT EVEN AN iPod Shuffle!! It's an iPod Nano... and they probably steal the picture right off apple's homepage.
It would be interesting to find out who would really fall for this tho...
This is one of the funniest pop-up I've ever seen. ^_^
A couple things to note:
* There's a countdown at the bottom of the page which repeat itself.
* The narrator claims this is the world's largest ... whatever all over the world. But later he said we can only meet thousands of people. Hello? This world has at least millions of users.
* The iPod Shuffle picture it shows is NOT EVEN AN iPod Shuffle!! It's an iPod Nano... and they probably steal the picture right off apple's homepage.
It would be interesting to find out who would really fall for this tho...
5 Minutes
Due to some personal reason, I only have 5 minutes to blog.
Let's c what I can come up within 5 minutes.
It's November 1st. That means year 2005 has merely 2 month left. So far, this has been my best year since 2002. 2003 was horrible coz of my ex-gf and 2004 was better but still not as good as this one.
Lots things happened this year, good and bad, but I get to somehow enjoy most of them till now.
Honestly, I can't wait for the snow. And I'm really expecting a lot of them. Kinda excited. Altho everyone who has lived here before has been telling me all this dreadful things about winter time, I really want to see how bad it can be.
And the worse it is, the heavier it'll print on my memory bank~
Let's c what I can come up within 5 minutes.
It's November 1st. That means year 2005 has merely 2 month left. So far, this has been my best year since 2002. 2003 was horrible coz of my ex-gf and 2004 was better but still not as good as this one.
Lots things happened this year, good and bad, but I get to somehow enjoy most of them till now.
Honestly, I can't wait for the snow. And I'm really expecting a lot of them. Kinda excited. Altho everyone who has lived here before has been telling me all this dreadful things about winter time, I really want to see how bad it can be.
And the worse it is, the heavier it'll print on my memory bank~
星期日, 10月 30, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 七七四十九天 - 天真
除了以前學心算的時候必須要用普通的鉛筆, 印象中我總是拿著自動鉛筆.
跟了我最久的是一隻深綠色的自動筆. 久到什麼程度? 大概從小學四五年級就一直用那隻筆到十二年級. 那隻筆最神奇的地方就是每次不見最後都會找回來. 所以以前曾經天真的認為那隻是我的幸運筆. 只要是重要的考試總會帶著它.
後來上大學就很捨不得用它了. 變成我房間裡的一個僅供自己回憶的紀念品. 後來搬了兩次家, 我又跑東跑西, 已經記不起來那隻筆是不是還在我房間了. 八成是已經被家人處理掉了. 如果下次回溫哥華還能記得找它, 而且還能找到, 那還真是個奇蹟.
現 在手邊有三隻自動筆, 兩隻躺在書桌上, 一隻在抽屜裡. 最長用的那隻是我剛從台灣回來的時候買的. 大概花了三四塊吧. 除了它的暗紅色我實在實在非常討厭以外, 這隻筆真的沒什麼好挑剔的. 最方便的地方就是筆尾有個旋轉的橡皮擦, 所以不管擦什麼都可以不用另外拿橡皮擦出來. 現在目標是把那旋轉橡皮擦用完, 然後換一隻筆. 實在是受不了那個顏色了.
另一隻在桌上 的筆則是我到滑鐵盧以後才買的. 這隻筆跟上一隻剛好完全相反, 除了那亮綠色我很喜歡以外幾乎一無是處, 難用到不行. 記得它還不到一塊錢, 我在買的時候還天真的以為, 二十一世紀的前十年都快過完ㄌ, 現在自動筆的技術應該已經日新月異, 物換星移, 乾坤大挪移了. 所以隨便買隻便宜的筆都應該很好用.
事實證明, 我又錯了. 印象中從來沒有用過這麼難用的筆. 每次押都會跑一大節出來, 押的時候又很不順暢. 製造設計研發這隻筆的人是每天在吃飯混睡等死就是了? 這麼難用的東西你也好意思拿出來賣?
喔, 差點忘了, 這隻筆的確還有一個功能, 就是轉起來還蠻順的. 除了這個雞肋功能以外, 我實在不想再去用這隻爛筆...
在抽屜的那隻就沒什麼好題的了, 是我從妹那裡偷來的, 懶趴熊 (好難聽) 主題的自動筆. 已經很舊, 而且上面的熊顏色也都快掉光了. 它躺在抽屜的主要功能是在讓我在急需時可以隨手取得. 用到的機會極少, 也跟它沒什麼感情.
總之, 先入為主真的是一件很糟糕的習慣, 就算到二十三世紀, 如果人類還是在用自動筆的話, 應該也還是可以找到很難用的自動筆.
至少, 這都是一些讓人快樂的事情. ^_^
跟了我最久的是一隻深綠色的自動筆. 久到什麼程度? 大概從小學四五年級就一直用那隻筆到十二年級. 那隻筆最神奇的地方就是每次不見最後都會找回來. 所以以前曾經天真的認為那隻是我的幸運筆. 只要是重要的考試總會帶著它.
後來上大學就很捨不得用它了. 變成我房間裡的一個僅供自己回憶的紀念品. 後來搬了兩次家, 我又跑東跑西, 已經記不起來那隻筆是不是還在我房間了. 八成是已經被家人處理掉了. 如果下次回溫哥華還能記得找它, 而且還能找到, 那還真是個奇蹟.
現 在手邊有三隻自動筆, 兩隻躺在書桌上, 一隻在抽屜裡. 最長用的那隻是我剛從台灣回來的時候買的. 大概花了三四塊吧. 除了它的暗紅色我實在實在非常討厭以外, 這隻筆真的沒什麼好挑剔的. 最方便的地方就是筆尾有個旋轉的橡皮擦, 所以不管擦什麼都可以不用另外拿橡皮擦出來. 現在目標是把那旋轉橡皮擦用完, 然後換一隻筆. 實在是受不了那個顏色了.
另一隻在桌上 的筆則是我到滑鐵盧以後才買的. 這隻筆跟上一隻剛好完全相反, 除了那亮綠色我很喜歡以外幾乎一無是處, 難用到不行. 記得它還不到一塊錢, 我在買的時候還天真的以為, 二十一世紀的前十年都快過完ㄌ, 現在自動筆的技術應該已經日新月異, 物換星移, 乾坤大挪移了. 所以隨便買隻便宜的筆都應該很好用.
事實證明, 我又錯了. 印象中從來沒有用過這麼難用的筆. 每次押都會跑一大節出來, 押的時候又很不順暢. 製造設計研發這隻筆的人是每天在吃飯混睡等死就是了? 這麼難用的東西你也好意思拿出來賣?
喔, 差點忘了, 這隻筆的確還有一個功能, 就是轉起來還蠻順的. 除了這個雞肋功能以外, 我實在不想再去用這隻爛筆...
在抽屜的那隻就沒什麼好題的了, 是我從妹那裡偷來的, 懶趴熊 (好難聽) 主題的自動筆. 已經很舊, 而且上面的熊顏色也都快掉光了. 它躺在抽屜的主要功能是在讓我在急需時可以隨手取得. 用到的機會極少, 也跟它沒什麼感情.
總之, 先入為主真的是一件很糟糕的習慣, 就算到二十三世紀, 如果人類還是在用自動筆的話, 應該也還是可以找到很難用的自動筆.
至少, 這都是一些讓人快樂的事情. ^_^
星期六, 10月 29, 2005
Anti-Birdy Campaign (ABC)
I've heard that there's an Anti-Birdy Campaign (ABC) going on, so I did some research.
Bird Flu is a type of influenza virus that is hosted by birdy, and purposefully infect several species of mammals. It was first identified in Italy in the early 1900s and is now known to exist worldwide. Bird Flu viruses compose the Influenzavirus A genus of the Orthomyxoviridae family and are negative sense, single-stranded, segmented RNA viruses. A strain of the H5N1-type of Bird Flu that emereged in 1997 has been identified as the most likely source of a future influenza pandemic.
Other than the famous H5N1, there are also H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H7N2, H7N3, H7N7 and H9N2.
The higher the number, the deadlier the virus is.
Strains of Bird Flu may infect various type of animals, including other birdies, pigs, horses, seals, whales and humans. Bird Flu spreads in the air and in manure. It can also be transmitted by contaminated feed, water, equipment and clothing; but apparantly, there's still no evidence that a well-cooked birdy leg can spread the virus. The incubation period is 72 to 120 hours and virulent strains can cause death within a few days.
In humans, Bird Flu's symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, conjunctivitis and sometimes severe breathing problems and pneumonia that may be fatal.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing a Birdy Terminator Robot (BTR) with the blueprint of the Governor of California. The robot is currently going under beta testing and mass production is expected at Q2 2006.
The sole purpose of the existance of such robot is to locate, torture, and ultimately kill all birds. While this is only a short-term strategies to deal with Bird Flu, the long-term strategy is to wipe out everything related to bird from the face of earth.
Before BTR is fully functional, WHO has asked all citizen of earth to kill all birds on sight. Only the extinction of Birds can ensure the safety and continuity of all mammals.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Disclaimer: Killing bird is a dangerous act and should not performed by people who are under the age of 10. Some mock-ups are included in the paragraph.
星期五, 10月 28, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第四十七天 - 一些小事
剛換上了新買的無線鍵盤 & 滑鼠, 然後看了一下它的 Review.
奇妙了, Review 應該要在買之前就看的. 哪有人電影都看完了才回頭去看影評的?
當然, 也不是不行啦, 只是意義不大而已.
現在才剛開始用而已, 我自己的 Review 過一陣子再說.
終於有半隻腳踏進無線領域的感覺. ^_^
裝好以後就想說, 那還是去洗個澡再來用好了. 雖然說我不怎麼愛惜我的東西, 不過好歹也是新的. 至少剛開始幾分鐘對它好一點好了.
宿舍洗澡的地方是很普通的站浴式 (What the...? PageEnd 鍵為什麼要換地方?), 旁邊加個防止水亂噴的掛簾那種.
最近天氣越來越冷 (前幾天早上迷糊的睡醒時, 看到窗外一大片白雲, 還以為已經下雪了), 所以洗澡水也越放越熱. 因為冷熱空氣內外壓力不均所產生的對流現象, 會讓那個簾子一直往我站的地方貼近.
很煩. 因為那簾子並不乾淨.
雖然說我也不乾淨, 不過我現在在洗澡就是要把自己洗乾淨. 然後你一直要來把我弄髒是怎樣?
其實有很多處理的方法, 只不過每次要去洗澡的時候都會忘記這件事, 一定要等到它碰到我的時候才想到.
奇妙了, Review 應該要在買之前就看的. 哪有人電影都看完了才回頭去看影評的?
當然, 也不是不行啦, 只是意義不大而已.
現在才剛開始用而已, 我自己的 Review 過一陣子再說.
終於有半隻腳踏進無線領域的感覺. ^_^
裝好以後就想說, 那還是去洗個澡再來用好了. 雖然說我不怎麼愛惜我的東西, 不過好歹也是新的. 至少剛開始幾分鐘對它好一點好了.
宿舍洗澡的地方是很普通的站浴式 (What the...? PageEnd 鍵為什麼要換地方?), 旁邊加個防止水亂噴的掛簾那種.
最近天氣越來越冷 (前幾天早上迷糊的睡醒時, 看到窗外一大片白雲, 還以為已經下雪了), 所以洗澡水也越放越熱. 因為冷熱空氣內外壓力不均所產生的對流現象, 會讓那個簾子一直往我站的地方貼近.
很煩. 因為那簾子並不乾淨.
雖然說我也不乾淨, 不過我現在在洗澡就是要把自己洗乾淨. 然後你一直要來把我弄髒是怎樣?
其實有很多處理的方法, 只不過每次要去洗澡的時候都會忘記這件事, 一定要等到它碰到我的時候才想到.
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Of course...
Vincent, u big liar, I told everyone in my guild that Allience gets panda.
Err... he'll probably not c this, but William, plz tell him. :D
Of course...
Vincent, u big liar, I told everyone in my guild that Allience gets panda.
Err... he'll probably not c this, but William, plz tell him. :D
星期三, 10月 26, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第四十五天 - 香蕉 & 鬍子
晚餐, 買了五根香蕉. 吃了三根, 才知道香蕉原來是會讓人越吃越餓的東西.
聽小龜頭的話, 看能不能正常一點, 鬍子不要用拔的了.
刮了一個月, 差不多要放棄ㄌ.
有沒有搞錯, 怎麼這麼麻煩? 每天都要刮是怎樣?
明天還是來去買個鏡子用拔的好了. 至少拔一次可以撐很久.
聽小龜頭的話, 看能不能正常一點, 鬍子不要用拔的了.
刮了一個月, 差不多要放棄ㄌ.
有沒有搞錯, 怎麼這麼麻煩? 每天都要刮是怎樣?
明天還是來去買個鏡子用拔的好了. 至少拔一次可以撐很久.
星期二, 10月 25, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第四十四天 - 原來如此..
房間的暖氣雖然理論上來講是修好了, 不過好像還是沒什麼屁用.
聽技術人員說是因為我房間位於這條暖氣管線的最尾端, 所以前面三間 (C7, C6, C5) 房間只要暖氣開強一點, 我房間就會變成冰箱...
大概這幾天還是要去抱怨一下, 不過不知道有沒有用就是了.
下學期的房間 Deposit 最近也要繳ㄌ, 是不是應該換個房間比較好...? 可是我又很懶.................
說到懶, 就不得不佩服一下我自己. 這幾天在處理學生貸款的事情. 我全部要做的事情只有三件. 到學校去拿 Form, 填完以後讓學校確認, 然後寄回處理學生貸款的部門. 明明三十分鐘就可以處理完的事情, 我一定要弄三天.
第一天, 只去拿了 Form, 放了一天. 第二天, 填完以後拿回學校, 再拿回家, 放一天. 然後一直到剛剛要去考試前才把它寄出去.
今天下午四點半要考試, 本來是打算吃完飯以後就留在學校看書. 考完再回來.
所以很晚才到飯廳, 大家都吃得差不多已經沒剩幾個人了. 今天的主菜是雞肉湯, 可是我到的時候餐具只剩下刀子... 連喝果汁用的杯子都沒剩, 我只好用碗來喝蘋果汁, 然後用刀子喝湯.
吃完飯想想還是回家好了, 至少有網路可以用, 不用到圖書館去跟別人擠.
這堂課我前幾個考試雖然沒考滿分, 不過好歹也遠高於班上的平均. 教授說上次考試平均太低, 所以這次不會考太難.
所以我就輕輕鬆鬆的準備, 開開心心的去考試.
看了題目果然很簡單, 劈哩啪拉半個小時寫完隨便檢查一下就交了. 這次應該要考滿分了吧.
結果出來的時候仔細想了一下, 才發現有兩個 Variable 我放錯位置了... >< ...
而且同樣錯誤好像還發生在兩題上, 真是夠了...
Totally Screwed up that exam.
回家的路上一直很懊惱, 想要 Justify 我的錯誤.
恩... 大概是危機感不夠... 大概是練習不夠... 反正... 下次就不會再錯了吧. 應該.
回來打算在 Blog 上抱怨的時候才發現今天是我到滑鐵盧第四十四天. 原來如此.
四十四, 不吉利嘛, 難怪考不好. 那就不是我的錯了.
聽技術人員說是因為我房間位於這條暖氣管線的最尾端, 所以前面三間 (C7, C6, C5) 房間只要暖氣開強一點, 我房間就會變成冰箱...
大概這幾天還是要去抱怨一下, 不過不知道有沒有用就是了.
下學期的房間 Deposit 最近也要繳ㄌ, 是不是應該換個房間比較好...? 可是我又很懶.................
說到懶, 就不得不佩服一下我自己. 這幾天在處理學生貸款的事情. 我全部要做的事情只有三件. 到學校去拿 Form, 填完以後讓學校確認, 然後寄回處理學生貸款的部門. 明明三十分鐘就可以處理完的事情, 我一定要弄三天.
第一天, 只去拿了 Form, 放了一天. 第二天, 填完以後拿回學校, 再拿回家, 放一天. 然後一直到剛剛要去考試前才把它寄出去.
今天下午四點半要考試, 本來是打算吃完飯以後就留在學校看書. 考完再回來.
所以很晚才到飯廳, 大家都吃得差不多已經沒剩幾個人了. 今天的主菜是雞肉湯, 可是我到的時候餐具只剩下刀子... 連喝果汁用的杯子都沒剩, 我只好用碗來喝蘋果汁, 然後用刀子喝湯.
吃完飯想想還是回家好了, 至少有網路可以用, 不用到圖書館去跟別人擠.
這堂課我前幾個考試雖然沒考滿分, 不過好歹也遠高於班上的平均. 教授說上次考試平均太低, 所以這次不會考太難.
所以我就輕輕鬆鬆的準備, 開開心心的去考試.
看了題目果然很簡單, 劈哩啪拉半個小時寫完隨便檢查一下就交了. 這次應該要考滿分了吧.
結果出來的時候仔細想了一下, 才發現有兩個 Variable 我放錯位置了... >< ...
而且同樣錯誤好像還發生在兩題上, 真是夠了...
Totally Screwed up that exam.
回家的路上一直很懊惱, 想要 Justify 我的錯誤.
恩... 大概是危機感不夠... 大概是練習不夠... 反正... 下次就不會再錯了吧. 應該.
回來打算在 Blog 上抱怨的時候才發現今天是我到滑鐵盧第四十四天. 原來如此.
四十四, 不吉利嘛, 難怪考不好. 那就不是我的錯了.
星期一, 10月 24, 2005
Waterloo - Day 43 - Heater
Woot!! After 43 days, the heater finaly starts to work!!
About time. Before I freeze to death.
Hmm... but somehow after like 20 minutes now, I'm still feeling nothing coming out from the heater...
Errrrrr... and I gotta go class now, I'll set the temperature to the highest, and hopefully, when I come back, my room feels like sauna.
So I can lose weight while sitting here...
About time. Before I freeze to death.
Hmm... but somehow after like 20 minutes now, I'm still feeling nothing coming out from the heater...
Errrrrr... and I gotta go class now, I'll set the temperature to the highest, and hopefully, when I come back, my room feels like sauna.
So I can lose weight while sitting here...
星期日, 10月 23, 2005
Waterloo - Day 42
Another boring sunday afternoon...
I'm "suppose" to read. But just finished all the midterms and assignment.
Kinda in the mood of relaxation...
Should I give up working on sunday...?
I'm "suppose" to read. But just finished all the midterms and assignment.
Kinda in the mood of relaxation...
Should I give up working on sunday...?
星期四, 10月 20, 2005
Waterloo - Day 39 - Homer Becomes Omar
I wasn't going to blog today coz of 2 reasons.
Tomorrow I have a midterm and an assignment due. It's 5:11 already and I have just finished study and going to get on with the assignment.
The 2nd reason is, I want to leave the last post longer on the top, and perhaps even give it a little modification. I wasn't so satisfied with how I've represent my thoughts...
Well, but ... anyways ...
There's something I find very interesting and just wanted to put it up here.
It starts with a news on Slashdot.
Homer Becomes Omar
"With Omar as Homer, and Badr substituted for Bart, The Simpsons is now playing on Arab television. But in order not to risk offending an Arab audience, the characters in Al Shamshoon, as the show is now called, have modified some of their most distinguishable traits." And you thought internationalization was hard for software!
The news is posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday October 20, @04:08PM.
Well, that's no surprise. Even at 21st century, people still don't openly accept other people's opinion, like 5000 years ago.
Take myself, for example, I just can't accept the opinion that sunny day is considered as a "good weather". With the broken ozone layer, sunny day is becoming more and more dangerous for all mankind. A "good weather" is a cloudy one with little sunshine breaks.
Alrite... going to take a shower and probably a nap now.
If we're still together, tmr is the 89th. I'm beyond hopeless.
Tomorrow I have a midterm and an assignment due. It's 5:11 already and I have just finished study and going to get on with the assignment.
The 2nd reason is, I want to leave the last post longer on the top, and perhaps even give it a little modification. I wasn't so satisfied with how I've represent my thoughts...
Well, but ... anyways ...
There's something I find very interesting and just wanted to put it up here.
It starts with a news on Slashdot.
Homer Becomes Omar
"With Omar as Homer, and Badr substituted for Bart, The Simpsons is now playing on Arab television. But in order not to risk offending an Arab audience, the characters in Al Shamshoon, as the show is now called, have modified some of their most distinguishable traits." And you thought internationalization was hard for software!
The news is posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday October 20, @04:08PM.
Well, that's no surprise. Even at 21st century, people still don't openly accept other people's opinion, like 5000 years ago.
Take myself, for example, I just can't accept the opinion that sunny day is considered as a "good weather". With the broken ozone layer, sunny day is becoming more and more dangerous for all mankind. A "good weather" is a cloudy one with little sunshine breaks.
Alrite... going to take a shower and probably a nap now.
If we're still together, tmr is the 89th. I'm beyond hopeless.
星期二, 10月 18, 2005
知道嗎? 燕子在高速飛行的時候, 會突然死掉喔.
她每天都很努力的飛行, 追求自己的夢想. 能誠實的面對自己, 真的不是一件容易的事情.
前幾天晚上吧, 她打電話給我, 說她現在很難過.
她發現她曾經一度嚮往的那片天空, 其實並不允許她飛行.
她害怕再也找不到, 能讓她這麼自由飛翔的天空了.
老實說, 其實我手邊還在打電動. 我們扯了多久, 我已經記不起來了 (大概是從 IronForge 到 Hitherland 然後被徵招到 Zul'Farrak 打了三分之四左右. )
總而言之, 燕子最後的決定是, 繼續在那片天空附近盤旋. 直到... 天知道什麼時候.
單純的決定, 或許就跟飛行一樣, 需要很大的勇氣.
這篇 Post, 送給燕子.
其實寫些莫名其妙文, 還蠻有趣的.
她每天都很努力的飛行, 追求自己的夢想. 能誠實的面對自己, 真的不是一件容易的事情.
前幾天晚上吧, 她打電話給我, 說她現在很難過.
她發現她曾經一度嚮往的那片天空, 其實並不允許她飛行.
她害怕再也找不到, 能讓她這麼自由飛翔的天空了.
老實說, 其實我手邊還在打電動. 我們扯了多久, 我已經記不起來了 (大概是從 IronForge 到 Hitherland 然後被徵招到 Zul'Farrak 打了三分之四左右. )
總而言之, 燕子最後的決定是, 繼續在那片天空附近盤旋. 直到... 天知道什麼時候.
單純的決定, 或許就跟飛行一樣, 需要很大的勇氣.
這篇 Post, 送給燕子.
其實寫些莫名其妙文, 還蠻有趣的.
雖然稍嫌慢ㄌ一點, 不過遲到總比不到的好.
基本上這次回台灣我都賴在北部不肯離開 (大概 80% 時間都在復興北路附近...). 然後花蓮是我今年回台灣去過最遠的地方.
正確日期已經想不起來了, 查ㄌ一下我的 Blog, 發現那時候在台灣 Update 少的可憐. 整個六月好像只有七八篇而已.
大概是六月底某個風和日麗的星期日吧, 跟一個笨蛋坐火車到花蓮一日遊. 是說基本上我是去當司機的...
跑到山窮水盡的地方, 一天還真是不太夠用. 記得好像一大早就出門, 坐了三四個小時的火車, 中午到花蓮, 然後下午五點 (!!!!!?????) 就回來了. 到家的時候才九點十點, 完全不知道要做什麼才好.
只記得在花蓮市區跟郊區繞來繞去, 然後照了一些有的沒的照片, 然後就回來了.
有幾張照片還蠻有趣的, 貼在這邊跟大家分享一下:
首先是... ㄟ... 嚴格說起來, 這個警告標示也沒那麼好笑, 只是從來沒看過, 所以還是很興奮的把它照下來. 我們那時候只是去一個中型的公園, 並不是深山野嶺. 這樣都還可以有毒蛇毒峰. 花蓮果然很偏僻...
加拿大是比較冷的地方, 所以鮮少有樹葉比人頭還大的. 記得在讀國小的時候, 校園裡的葉子掉下來大到可以當扇子. 那真是純真的回憶.
這張告示卻... 好像只是純搞笑而以. 真的有落葉是要怎麼當心? 這好像叫人當心鳥屎跟流星一樣. 再說, 被落葉打到好像問題也不大. 那時候看到這張告示的時候我笑得還蠻開心的. ^_^
照片上顯示的日期是 20 號. 可是六月二十號是星期一. 除非那天有放假, 不然好像不太可能是那天去的...
基本上這次回台灣我都賴在北部不肯離開 (大概 80% 時間都在復興北路附近...). 然後花蓮是我今年回台灣去過最遠的地方.
正確日期已經想不起來了, 查ㄌ一下我的 Blog, 發現那時候在台灣 Update 少的可憐. 整個六月好像只有七八篇而已.
大概是六月底某個風和日麗的星期日吧, 跟一個笨蛋坐火車到花蓮一日遊. 是說基本上我是去當司機的...
跑到山窮水盡的地方, 一天還真是不太夠用. 記得好像一大早就出門, 坐了三四個小時的火車, 中午到花蓮, 然後下午五點 (!!!!!?????) 就回來了. 到家的時候才九點十點, 完全不知道要做什麼才好.
只記得在花蓮市區跟郊區繞來繞去, 然後照了一些有的沒的照片, 然後就回來了.
有幾張照片還蠻有趣的, 貼在這邊跟大家分享一下:
首先是... ㄟ... 嚴格說起來, 這個警告標示也沒那麼好笑, 只是從來沒看過, 所以還是很興奮的把它照下來. 我們那時候只是去一個中型的公園, 並不是深山野嶺. 這樣都還可以有毒蛇毒峰. 花蓮果然很偏僻...
加拿大是比較冷的地方, 所以鮮少有樹葉比人頭還大的. 記得在讀國小的時候, 校園裡的葉子掉下來大到可以當扇子. 那真是純真的回憶.
這張告示卻... 好像只是純搞笑而以. 真的有落葉是要怎麼當心? 這好像叫人當心鳥屎跟流星一樣. 再說, 被落葉打到好像問題也不大. 那時候看到這張告示的時候我笑得還蠻開心的. ^_^
照片上顯示的日期是 20 號. 可是六月二十號是星期一. 除非那天有放假, 不然好像不太可能是那天去的...
星期一, 10月 17, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第三十六天
ㄜ, 從多倫多回來.
唯一比較值得紀錄的事情是, 每餐都吃得好飽.
Friday night we went clubing. Err... I can't even remember when was the last time I went clubing.
And the girl's quality here is actually pretty good.
I do enjoy the time spend there, with all the loud music and repetative dancing moves and so on. But if I'm not there to pick up girls, I guess the point of going there has been decreased drastically.
Turns out that's the only place I went in Toronto. (Other than a couple resturants and arcade).
Came back Saturday night and WoWed ever since. I'm 50 now and... hopefully get to 60 before the end of november.
Still have time.
Good luck to us all.
唯一比較值得紀錄的事情是, 每餐都吃得好飽.
Friday night we went clubing. Err... I can't even remember when was the last time I went clubing.
And the girl's quality here is actually pretty good.
I do enjoy the time spend there, with all the loud music and repetative dancing moves and so on. But if I'm not there to pick up girls, I guess the point of going there has been decreased drastically.
Turns out that's the only place I went in Toronto. (Other than a couple resturants and arcade).
Came back Saturday night and WoWed ever since. I'm 50 now and... hopefully get to 60 before the end of november.
Still have time.
Good luck to us all.
星期五, 10月 14, 2005
星期四, 10月 13, 2005
Waterloo - Day 32 - Bill Gates' speech.
The very first object that catches my eye upon entering the room was xbox 360.
No wonder my question about Rev gets picked...
First of all, it's a miracle that I woke up at 9.
Lined up outside of Hagey Hall for an hour, followed by a short speech of the president of UW, Bill Gates showed up.
Well, I'll start from the conclusion.
In terms of speech, it wasn't that impressive. He spend about an hour talking about things we all already know: how this is the golden era for software and how things like books, tv, physical medium, phone number, language barrier will start disappearing in the next couple decades; how technology will be integrate more into our daily life and be more accessible for all, and how we ought to use this knowledge to maximize our own benefit and so on and so forth.
The usual craps.
In terms of presentation, I think he did a great job. We get to see some really cool gadgets that'll be available within a couple years.
Xbox 360 and its wireless controllers, not that amazing to me, simply a better version of Xbox and it's coming out next month.
A cell phone that can do all sort of things...
Windows Vista's gallary functions - ok amazing.
The most impressive gizmo turns out to be a table that no one noticed at the beginning. (Err.. at least no one around me had noticed.) An ordinary table with a smart camera and projector on top of it.
Bill throws his cell phone on top of the table, the table recognized that it's Bill's cell, and shows a pop-up window asking him to provide a password. And then he throws a name card on the table. The table recognize the name card, and stores the information into the cell phone. You can manipulate and move things, real or not, around the table.
Err... my words are poor. One has to see it in action in order to find out how cool that thing is. Basically, it's a prototype of the computer you see in Minority Report. And it's not merely a touch screen. It's a 3D input/output device. Very very very neat and astonishing.
Perhaps it's because he's talking to a bunch of math/cpsc students, the impression that he gave us was that he's a technology geek/nerd. During the Q&A session, he just won't stop talking about technology. Even though some people are more interested about his personal life, he can always easily avert the subject and starts talking about networks, operating systems, data processing ... etc.
He's polite, cute, funny, and again, a geek.
At the end, He did showed some business side of him and gave us some advices in how he gets into this bussiness and becomes successful at it. How to be at the right place at the right time and how the volumn vs price thingy... the usual money and business talk and it was rather boring, I'll probably skip it then... don't think anyone would be intereted in that.
Think I'll spend some more time describing xbox 360.
The shape is concave, everyone already knew that. And it does look like a small personal pc if you stand it up.
The loading time is still there while he starts a racing game. About 5 sec. Long enough.
The graphics is better, but not to the degree of extraordinary. PS3's pre-rendered show did a much better job than that.
Grrrrr... he mentioned Sony and PS3 twice, but never mentioned once about nintendo. That was... not very polite. Nintendo did pawned xbox in the land of rising sun. I guess he just don't consider Nintendo is fighting on the same frontier as Xbox and PS right now... In a way, that's a good thing, coz Nintendo obviously doesn't want to fight on the same battleground as them as well.
Was it worth the early wake up and 3 hours of time? I'd say yes.
Although the speech part was a bit of disappointment and not that inspiring, it was still a great and free show to attend to.
Hungry now, lunch time~
No wonder my question about Rev gets picked...
First of all, it's a miracle that I woke up at 9.
Lined up outside of Hagey Hall for an hour, followed by a short speech of the president of UW, Bill Gates showed up.
Well, I'll start from the conclusion.
In terms of speech, it wasn't that impressive. He spend about an hour talking about things we all already know: how this is the golden era for software and how things like books, tv, physical medium, phone number, language barrier will start disappearing in the next couple decades; how technology will be integrate more into our daily life and be more accessible for all, and how we ought to use this knowledge to maximize our own benefit and so on and so forth.
The usual craps.
In terms of presentation, I think he did a great job. We get to see some really cool gadgets that'll be available within a couple years.
Xbox 360 and its wireless controllers, not that amazing to me, simply a better version of Xbox and it's coming out next month.
A cell phone that can do all sort of things...
Windows Vista's gallary functions - ok amazing.
The most impressive gizmo turns out to be a table that no one noticed at the beginning. (Err.. at least no one around me had noticed.) An ordinary table with a smart camera and projector on top of it.
Bill throws his cell phone on top of the table, the table recognized that it's Bill's cell, and shows a pop-up window asking him to provide a password. And then he throws a name card on the table. The table recognize the name card, and stores the information into the cell phone. You can manipulate and move things, real or not, around the table.
Err... my words are poor. One has to see it in action in order to find out how cool that thing is. Basically, it's a prototype of the computer you see in Minority Report. And it's not merely a touch screen. It's a 3D input/output device. Very very very neat and astonishing.
Perhaps it's because he's talking to a bunch of math/cpsc students, the impression that he gave us was that he's a technology geek/nerd. During the Q&A session, he just won't stop talking about technology. Even though some people are more interested about his personal life, he can always easily avert the subject and starts talking about networks, operating systems, data processing ... etc.
He's polite, cute, funny, and again, a geek.
At the end, He did showed some business side of him and gave us some advices in how he gets into this bussiness and becomes successful at it. How to be at the right place at the right time and how the volumn vs price thingy... the usual money and business talk and it was rather boring, I'll probably skip it then... don't think anyone would be intereted in that.
Think I'll spend some more time describing xbox 360.
The shape is concave, everyone already knew that. And it does look like a small personal pc if you stand it up.
The loading time is still there while he starts a racing game. About 5 sec. Long enough.
The graphics is better, but not to the degree of extraordinary. PS3's pre-rendered show did a much better job than that.
Grrrrr... he mentioned Sony and PS3 twice, but never mentioned once about nintendo. That was... not very polite. Nintendo did pawned xbox in the land of rising sun. I guess he just don't consider Nintendo is fighting on the same frontier as Xbox and PS right now... In a way, that's a good thing, coz Nintendo obviously doesn't want to fight on the same battleground as them as well.
Was it worth the early wake up and 3 hours of time? I'd say yes.
Although the speech part was a bit of disappointment and not that inspiring, it was still a great and free show to attend to.
Hungry now, lunch time~
星期三, 10月 12, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第三十一天 - 現在心情超好
這星期兩個期中考. 剛剛七點考完最後一個出來, 天色已經很暗了, 飄著毛毛細雨 - 我最喜歡的天氣. 然後心情就超好的~ 天氣果然有大大加分的作用~
其實這星期真的很忙. 明天還要早起去聽比爾的演講, 照某人的說法, 這麼不容易擠進去, 就算整晚不睡也要去聽. 我昨天算是早睡的了 (三點?), 今天這麼累看能不能再早一點.
大概一部分的原因也是考得好像還不錯, 除了最後的證明題亂寫以外, 其他題目都還蠻有把握的. 不過我也有試過好幾次很有把握的考試最後出來結果亂七八糟, 還是不要高興的太早. 所以這麼興奮的原因應該也不完全是因為考試...
其實今天還沒結束. 等下我還得去打掃廁所, 然後晚上十點半還有個臨時會議要開. 是說有 Meeting 也不早一點通知是怎樣?
說真的, 今天下午還蠻悶的.
開始上課以後才知道為什麼滑鐵盧可以那麼晚開學. 因為他們考試時間都不會佔用到上課時間, 而是另外再排. 我是不知道其他學校是怎樣啦, 不過 UBC 的期中考倒是都直接拿上課時間來考. 所以就不會發生像今天這樣, 明明三點半就下課, 還要等到五點半才考試.
在等著要考試的時候真的很無聊, 跑到圖書館一趟, 這星期大家都在考試, 圖書館坐的滿滿的. 本來想去 Hammer 讀書, 結果上星期五大地震, 那邊正在辦救濟的活動. 五六個人音樂放的很大聲, 一直在彈簧墊上面跳阿跳的, 也是吵到沒辦法看書 (他們好像要從早上十一點一直跳到晚上十一點).
最後只好乖乖到教室門口去坐在走廊上看. 沒兩下就看不太下去ㄌ, 然後就一直瞪著走廊上的時鐘, 看它會不會走快一點.
寫到這裡, 好像又快把興奮的心情都用玩ㄌ. 想到等下還要拖地, 整個眼框就不禁堆滿ㄌ淚水......
哈哈哈, 當然是沒有那麼誇張啦, 心情還是挺好的.
真的希望今晚 WoW 能早點放我走, 讓我早點睡覺.
其實這星期真的很忙. 明天還要早起去聽比爾的演講, 照某人的說法, 這麼不容易擠進去, 就算整晚不睡也要去聽. 我昨天算是早睡的了 (三點?), 今天這麼累看能不能再早一點.
大概一部分的原因也是考得好像還不錯, 除了最後的證明題亂寫以外, 其他題目都還蠻有把握的. 不過我也有試過好幾次很有把握的考試最後出來結果亂七八糟, 還是不要高興的太早. 所以這麼興奮的原因應該也不完全是因為考試...
其實今天還沒結束. 等下我還得去打掃廁所, 然後晚上十點半還有個臨時會議要開. 是說有 Meeting 也不早一點通知是怎樣?
說真的, 今天下午還蠻悶的.
開始上課以後才知道為什麼滑鐵盧可以那麼晚開學. 因為他們考試時間都不會佔用到上課時間, 而是另外再排. 我是不知道其他學校是怎樣啦, 不過 UBC 的期中考倒是都直接拿上課時間來考. 所以就不會發生像今天這樣, 明明三點半就下課, 還要等到五點半才考試.
在等著要考試的時候真的很無聊, 跑到圖書館一趟, 這星期大家都在考試, 圖書館坐的滿滿的. 本來想去 Hammer 讀書, 結果上星期五大地震, 那邊正在辦救濟的活動. 五六個人音樂放的很大聲, 一直在彈簧墊上面跳阿跳的, 也是吵到沒辦法看書 (他們好像要從早上十一點一直跳到晚上十一點).
最後只好乖乖到教室門口去坐在走廊上看. 沒兩下就看不太下去ㄌ, 然後就一直瞪著走廊上的時鐘, 看它會不會走快一點.
寫到這裡, 好像又快把興奮的心情都用玩ㄌ. 想到等下還要拖地, 整個眼框就不禁堆滿ㄌ淚水......
哈哈哈, 當然是沒有那麼誇張啦, 心情還是挺好的.
真的希望今晚 WoW 能早點放我走, 讓我早點睡覺.
星期一, 10月 10, 2005
Azeroth 手札 1 : 我與 Ancients.
這是我第一次看到 Ancients 驚慌失措逃走的樣子. 明明在 Warcraft III 裡面也才比我大一點點, 怎麼到 WoW 的時候像大廈一樣? (這到底是誰照的?)
後來在 Darnassus 混熟了以後, 就敢站遠一點照相, 這時候還是很怕被他們踩到. 後面的是 Ancient of War. 就是專門製造弓箭兵的那隻.
Ancient of Protector, 就是 Warcraft III 裡面丟石頭的那隻. 聽說他今天掉了很多葉子, 所以心情不太好.
這是一開始的那隻 Ancient of Lore, 後來我也敢在他前面扮鬼臉照相了.
還蠻懷念 Darnassus 的. 自從到 Ironforge 以後幾乎就都沒有回去過了. >< .
後來在 Darnassus 混熟了以後, 就敢站遠一點照相, 這時候還是很怕被他們踩到. 後面的是 Ancient of War. 就是專門製造弓箭兵的那隻.
Ancient of Protector, 就是 Warcraft III 裡面丟石頭的那隻. 聽說他今天掉了很多葉子, 所以心情不太好.
這是一開始的那隻 Ancient of Lore, 後來我也敢在他前面扮鬼臉照相了.
還蠻懷念 Darnassus 的. 自從到 Ironforge 以後幾乎就都沒有回去過了. >< .
星期日, 10月 09, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第二十八天 - 感恩節
這是今年第一個, 也是最後一個感恩節.
整棟宿舍充滿著星期日下午不該有的寧靜. 本來這星期是要回多倫多一趟, 可下星期二要考試, 星期三考試, 星期四要早起, 星期五... 才能回去吧.
仔細想想, 住進這房間也已經四個星期了, 是怎樣房間裡還可以空無一物?
剛開學的時候, 學校有海報展. 差一點點就衝動的買下了 Middle Earth 34" x 22" 豪華版的海報. 沒買的原因是實在有點太貴了, 而且這麼漂亮的海報好像不框起來有點對不起它.
如果她在的話, 我那天大概就會抱著海報回家了. "對自己好一點, 總是不會錯的." - 一向都是她的教條之一.
海報展持續一整個禮拜, 其實我星期一就去了, 可在猶豫不決中, 星期五就過了...
嚴格說起來, 這也不是什麼特別難找的東西. 如果真的想要買, 去專門賣海報的商店多半也是隨便都找的到. 最差的情況, 上 Ebay 隨便找也有二三十個賣家. 可是衝動一過, 就不會再想特地去找它了.
所以我到現在房間四面牆壁還是空空如也. 除了被工人用強 (?) 貼上去的一個佈告欄跟一面鏡子以外.
這兩天晚上已經開始冷得不像話. 我昨天中午穿著拖鞋走到對面去洗衣服, 才剛出門就發現這樣實在不行, 又跑回房間穿上襪子才出去.
我真的很會花時間在自己房間. 不管是看書, 打電動, 聽音樂, 聊天, 講電話, 看節目, 全都是在房間.
結婚以後, 如果可以, 我也希望能有自己的房間.
雖然現在連工作, 女朋友都沒有, 講到結婚好像跳過了好幾步的感覺. 不過明年又是好幾個要娶要嫁. 到這個田地不想到什麼時候結婚都是一件很難的事情.
剛剛去看了依芬訂婚的照片. 那幸福的感覺真讓人羨慕. 雖然很久沒連絡, 還是祝福她能快快樂樂的度過每一天.
星期六晚上被家裡新養的狗咬了一口. 只是紀錄一下, 沒什麼別的.
然後, 跟平常一樣...
每到安靜的下午, 就加倍的思念她.
已經麻痺的想念, 是這種帶紫的藍色嗎?
星期六, 10月 08, 2005
Waterloo - Day 27 - Bill Gates 2
The fire alarm went off like 10 in the morning.
Oh, COME ON!! It's saturday morning, give us a break!
And it's funny to find out the whole building only have 5 people left. Everybody went home for thanksgiving. The ones left are... I'm guessing... homeless people... :)
And.. if any of you still remember, I submit my question regarding Nintendo's new controller, and waterloo did pick me to ask this question.
In short, I get to see Bill next week. Man, 9:30 in the morning, impossible.
And here are the rules:
No gifts for Bill Gates... :D
HAHAHA, that was funny.
Seriously, didn't think that far. Why would anyone want to ... I mean ... if it is necessary to give him a gift... it'll probably be hard to find one that'll really impress him.
Oh well, gotta go do laundry right now.
So very cold outside...
Do I have to go...?
Oh, COME ON!! It's saturday morning, give us a break!
And it's funny to find out the whole building only have 5 people left. Everybody went home for thanksgiving. The ones left are... I'm guessing... homeless people... :)
And.. if any of you still remember, I submit my question regarding Nintendo's new controller, and waterloo did pick me to ask this question.
In short, I get to see Bill next week. Man, 9:30 in the morning, impossible.
And here are the rules:
* No bags...
* No cameras/ No camcorders
* No laptops
* No recording devices
* No gifts for Bill Gates
* Cellphones off
* Students must have been pre-registered
* There will be metal detection and security on site
No gifts for Bill Gates... :D
HAHAHA, that was funny.
Seriously, didn't think that far. Why would anyone want to ... I mean ... if it is necessary to give him a gift... it'll probably be hard to find one that'll really impress him.
Oh well, gotta go do laundry right now.
So very cold outside...
Do I have to go...?
星期四, 10月 06, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第二十五天 - Reboot
其實我還蠻喜歡寫作業的, 但是為什麼我不喜歡提早寫作業勒..?
不懂為什麼不讓我們上課前交就好了, 一定要在上課前提早兩個半小時丟到一個箱子裡去, 真不人道. 這樣我要提早兩個半小時到學校耶...
然後正在 Reboot 我的電腦, 要準備開始 WoW 的時候, 想到一個很冷的笑話.
真的是我自己想到的. 如有雷同, 實屬巧合.
甲: "我要 Reboot (呂布)"
乙: "那貂蟬會很難過喔..."
就... 醬... 發現我的智商越來越低了.
仔細想想, 好像大概或許有可能也是在哪裡聽過的...
其實我還蠻喜歡寫作業的, 但是為什麼我不喜歡提早寫作業勒..?
不懂為什麼不讓我們上課前交就好了, 一定要在上課前提早兩個半小時丟到一個箱子裡去, 真不人道. 這樣我要提早兩個半小時到學校耶...
然後正在 Reboot 我的電腦, 要準備開始 WoW 的時候, 想到一個很冷的笑話.
真的是我自己想到的. 如有雷同, 實屬巧合.
甲: "我要 Reboot (呂布)"
乙: "那貂蟬會很難過喔..."
就... 醬... 發現我的智商越來越低了.
仔細想想, 好像大概或許有可能也是在哪裡聽過的...
星期三, 10月 05, 2005
Waterloo - Day 24 - Bill Gates
Err.. not that I'm a big fan of Bill or anything.
Just that he's coming to waterloo next week and all math students is suppose to try to get a limited seating to see him by filling out the following question:
"If you have one question to ask Bill, what would that be?"
Obviously, this is a stupid question.
But I answered anyways:
"Have you tried and what do you think of Nintendo's new controller?"
This question is of course crucial to the development of future technology at home. I'm pretty confidence that they'll choose me to go to ask him this question. :)
Nintendo RULES!!
Today was hot.
I did something stupid ... again ... actually it's the 3rd time already ... this morning.
Bought something that has .. absolutly no value to me whatsoever.
Good job, man. U rule.
Just that he's coming to waterloo next week and all math students is suppose to try to get a limited seating to see him by filling out the following question:
"If you have one question to ask Bill, what would that be?"
Obviously, this is a stupid question.
But I answered anyways:
"Have you tried and what do you think of Nintendo's new controller?"
This question is of course crucial to the development of future technology at home. I'm pretty confidence that they'll choose me to go to ask him this question. :)
Nintendo RULES!!
Today was hot.
I did something stupid ... again ... actually it's the 3rd time already ... this morning.
Bought something that has .. absolutly no value to me whatsoever.
Good job, man. U rule.
星期二, 10月 04, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第二十三天 - 好熱
什麼鬼天氣, 前幾天剩五度, 今天竟然熱到二十七度.
整間宿舍像是工地一樣, 吵得我沒辦法睡午覺.
房間又悶又熱, 不能開窗戶, 因為外面灰塵滿天飛. 很想買電風扇, 但這看起來似乎是個很蠢的想法...
整間宿舍像是工地一樣, 吵得我沒辦法睡午覺.
房間又悶又熱, 不能開窗戶, 因為外面灰塵滿天飛. 很想買電風扇, 但這看起來似乎是個很蠢的想法...
星期日, 10月 02, 2005
Waterloo - Day 21 - Skype (Kiyachi)
Come think of it.
Doesn't feel like I have only been here for 3 weeks. Somehow felt like 2 month already.
I was WoWing all weekend. Find it so hard to goto bed early and wake up early... and why's that...?
I guess having the first class in afternoon 1:30 (except wednesday) is a bad idea after all. I don't goto bed until ... well ... it gets later and later ... right now the record is 6:30...
On average, it's like 5:00. I think. I'm not sure.
Man, this is bad.
I'm pretty tired today. See if I can goto bed before ... say ... 4:00...
That'll be an improvement. Hey, you gotta set realistic goals. ^_^
Well, another boring weekend.
I do find myself eat very very little today. Just today. Tomorrow or the day after I'll probably be able to eat a lot again.
Today I've had... 2 or 3 bread and 1/3 of a soy chicken on rice. Man. THIS IS LIKE THE FIRST TIME EVER I CAN'T EVEEN FINISH A PLATE OF FOOD!!!
Really surprised me.
Well, surprises are good.
Hopefully that's not a sign of I'm getting sick or anything like that. Although I do consider eat that little is rather unhealthy.
Oh, I've installed Skype. Somehow... the name NeoXaser is taken. That's also the first time. Usually no matter which website I go register with that name, it's always available. Since basically I invented that word... well, okay, I PUT those two words together... Neo and Xaser.
My point is, I'm on Skype now.
If anyone of you is on it as well, my ID is Kiyachi (the name i'm using to play WoW).
So... add me. :)
That's all for today, folks.
On a 2nd thought, I do wonder what's Kiyachi in kanji, if anyone can tell me that, I'd be appreciated.
Doesn't feel like I have only been here for 3 weeks. Somehow felt like 2 month already.
I was WoWing all weekend. Find it so hard to goto bed early and wake up early... and why's that...?
I guess having the first class in afternoon 1:30 (except wednesday) is a bad idea after all. I don't goto bed until ... well ... it gets later and later ... right now the record is 6:30...
On average, it's like 5:00. I think. I'm not sure.
Man, this is bad.
I'm pretty tired today. See if I can goto bed before ... say ... 4:00...
That'll be an improvement. Hey, you gotta set realistic goals. ^_^
Well, another boring weekend.
I do find myself eat very very little today. Just today. Tomorrow or the day after I'll probably be able to eat a lot again.
Today I've had... 2 or 3 bread and 1/3 of a soy chicken on rice. Man. THIS IS LIKE THE FIRST TIME EVER I CAN'T EVEEN FINISH A PLATE OF FOOD!!!
Really surprised me.
Well, surprises are good.
Hopefully that's not a sign of I'm getting sick or anything like that. Although I do consider eat that little is rather unhealthy.
Oh, I've installed Skype. Somehow... the name NeoXaser is taken. That's also the first time. Usually no matter which website I go register with that name, it's always available. Since basically I invented that word... well, okay, I PUT those two words together... Neo and Xaser.
My point is, I'm on Skype now.
If anyone of you is on it as well, my ID is Kiyachi (the name i'm using to play WoW).
So... add me. :)
That's all for today, folks.
On a 2nd thought, I do wonder what's Kiyachi in kanji, if anyone can tell me that, I'd be appreciated.
星期五, 9月 30, 2005
Itagaki's Hit List from 1UP.com
Itagaki's Hit List from 1UP.com
附上中文翻譯, 因為我先看到的是中譯版.
我們都知道Team Ninja的游戲可以有多好,但是這一次,我們看看版恆自己
Image Fight 制作商Irem 街机射擊游戲代表商
Chibi Robo 開發商 Skip
附上中文翻譯, 因為我先看到的是中譯版.
我們都知道Team Ninja的游戲可以有多好,但是這一次,我們看看版恆自己
Image Fight 制作商Irem 街机射擊游戲代表商
Chibi Robo 開發商 Skip
滑鐵盧 - 第十九天 - 重複
來三個禮拜了, 午餐還是沒有重複過. Bravo.
今天早上出門的時候已經穿了長袖加外套. 手腳還是有點冷. 看這樣子是不是十月就會開始下雪了?
房間好像還是沒有暖氣. 可是有個機器運轉的聲音一直嗡嗡嗡的響個不停. 本來還以為是我的電腦已經開始出現雜音, 可關掉以後聲音仍然揮之不去...
今天早上出門的時候已經穿了長袖加外套. 手腳還是有點冷. 看這樣子是不是十月就會開始下雪了?
房間好像還是沒有暖氣. 可是有個機器運轉的聲音一直嗡嗡嗡的響個不停. 本來還以為是我的電腦已經開始出現雜音, 可關掉以後聲音仍然揮之不去...
星期四, 9月 29, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第十八天 - 尾聲
果然跟我 High School 同學說的一樣. 東部是會突然有一天氣溫就驟降. 防不勝防.
早上起床, 由於電腦一整晚沒關 (事實上, 好像從有 Internet 以後就沒關過) 房間裡還蠻溫暖的.
打開網站, Google 氣象寫著現在氣溫只有八度. 大概是還沒睡醒, 腦袋沒什麼在轉. 八度就八度, 怎樣了?
是說最近的確是有比較冷一點, 我剛來的時候還可以短袖短褲出門, 好像這星期就沒穿過短褲出去.
要出門去吃飯, 也沒想太多, 換上長褲就出去了.
天阿, 怎麼可以冷成這樣子. 奇妙了, 我昨天晚上出來買晚餐的時候都沒有現在這麼冷. 這個太陽是假的喔?
是真的會冷. 路上看到穿短袖的只剩我一個. 而且我是一路抖到餐廳, 再一路抖回來的.
看來, 帶來的幾件 T-Shirt 之後也都只能在家裡穿了. 九月都還沒過完耶.........
早上起床, 由於電腦一整晚沒關 (事實上, 好像從有 Internet 以後就沒關過) 房間裡還蠻溫暖的.
打開網站, Google 氣象寫著現在氣溫只有八度. 大概是還沒睡醒, 腦袋沒什麼在轉. 八度就八度, 怎樣了?
是說最近的確是有比較冷一點, 我剛來的時候還可以短袖短褲出門, 好像這星期就沒穿過短褲出去.
要出門去吃飯, 也沒想太多, 換上長褲就出去了.
天阿, 怎麼可以冷成這樣子. 奇妙了, 我昨天晚上出來買晚餐的時候都沒有現在這麼冷. 這個太陽是假的喔?
是真的會冷. 路上看到穿短袖的只剩我一個. 而且我是一路抖到餐廳, 再一路抖回來的.
看來, 帶來的幾件 T-Shirt 之後也都只能在家裡穿了. 九月都還沒過完耶.........
星期二, 9月 27, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第十六天 - 大白痴
其實不是很大件事, 先從結果開始說起.
剛剛考完某堂課的第一個考試, 也是我在 Waterloo 的第一個 Written Test.
這堂課並不難, 到現在為止我也都還跟得上進度. 這考試也很簡單, 沒有意外的話大概只錯了半題一題.
問題是出在... 我只要一有把握就驕傲起來... 想把答案寫得漂亮一點, 也不知道是為了要證明什麼. 總之, 每題都寫得很慢, 以為還有很多時間. 結果最後在寫之前跳過的某一題時, 本來已經把正確答案都寫上去了, 想想, 又把它擦掉, 寫上更簡潔的答案. 結果計算出來的數字是不一樣的, 我正在想為什麼答案跟剛剛不一樣的時候, 教授就說 "剩一分鐘"... WTF!!!
走路回家的時候, 才想到少寫了一個 2! 上去...
這堂課因為到現在為止都很簡單, 之前四個 Assignment, 一個 Online Quiz 我也都拿滿分...
結果現在... 由於自己的天才...
呼~ 寫出來心情好多了.
其實真的沒什麼. 不過把很有把握, 又寫對的答案擦掉再換上錯的答案還真的是第一次. 而且好死不死又讓我滿分破功, 如果是破在什麼難題也就算了, 偏偏是這種鳥錯誤. 再加上這又是第一個在東部的考試.................. >< ..................
雖然說好的開始是成功的一半, 不過失敗也是成功的媽媽.. 就算了吧..
很難得有考試出來讓我 GY 這麼久的. 通常都是過半個小時就全都算了.
"人們總是承認自己的小問題, 來掩飾自己的大問題."
我的問題還蠻大的. 小問題都已經承認不完了..
剛剛考完某堂課的第一個考試, 也是我在 Waterloo 的第一個 Written Test.
這堂課並不難, 到現在為止我也都還跟得上進度. 這考試也很簡單, 沒有意外的話大概只錯了半題一題.
問題是出在... 我只要一有把握就驕傲起來... 想把答案寫得漂亮一點, 也不知道是為了要證明什麼. 總之, 每題都寫得很慢, 以為還有很多時間. 結果最後在寫之前跳過的某一題時, 本來已經把正確答案都寫上去了, 想想, 又把它擦掉, 寫上更簡潔的答案. 結果計算出來的數字是不一樣的, 我正在想為什麼答案跟剛剛不一樣的時候, 教授就說 "剩一分鐘"... WTF!!!
走路回家的時候, 才想到少寫了一個 2! 上去...
這堂課因為到現在為止都很簡單, 之前四個 Assignment, 一個 Online Quiz 我也都拿滿分...
結果現在... 由於自己的天才...
呼~ 寫出來心情好多了.
其實真的沒什麼. 不過把很有把握, 又寫對的答案擦掉再換上錯的答案還真的是第一次. 而且好死不死又讓我滿分破功, 如果是破在什麼難題也就算了, 偏偏是這種鳥錯誤. 再加上這又是第一個在東部的考試.................. >< ..................
雖然說好的開始是成功的一半, 不過失敗也是成功的媽媽.. 就算了吧..
很難得有考試出來讓我 GY 這麼久的. 通常都是過半個小時就全都算了.
"人們總是承認自己的小問題, 來掩飾自己的大問題."
我的問題還蠻大的. 小問題都已經承認不完了..
星期日, 9月 25, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第十四天 - 一萬兩千零八十七公里
滑鐵盧到台北, 一萬兩千零八十七公里.
赤道一圈是四萬零七十五公里, 所以兩人在地球上最遙遠的距離是兩萬零三十七點五公里.
才 60.28% 而已, 我逃的還不夠遠. 還差遠了. 還可以再遠一點.
黑闇的 Post~
滑鐵盧到台北, 一萬兩千零八十七公里.
赤道一圈是四萬零七十五公里, 所以兩人在地球上最遙遠的距離是兩萬零三十七點五公里.
才 60.28% 而已, 我逃的還不夠遠. 還差遠了. 還可以再遠一點.
黑闇的 Post~
星期六, 9月 24, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第十三天 - Conestoga Mall
Conestoga Mall
第.. 二個星期六. 今天終於打起精神, 晃到遠一點的地方去. 我的活動範圍已經卡在宿舍跟教室之間足足十二天整了.
在下的目的地就是上面放了連結的 Conestoga Mall. 說實在, 我不認識這個奇怪的單字, 所以就去查了一下:
Conestoga., n., a large wagon with broad wheels and an arched canvas top; used by the United States pioneers to cross the prairies in the 19th century.
這樣講起來, 我第一次接觸到 Conestoga 是小學五六年級的事情.
勇者鬥惡龍四代, 第五章, 要通過布蘭卡東邊的沙漠時, 從海克特那裡取得. 很不幸的, 海克特因為某些私人因素, 已經對人類失去信心. 所以我們必須從背叛洞穴裡取得信心圖章說服他把馬車借給我們. 這人還真好騙, 我們跟他借了馬車以後從來就沒有還過. 不知道他會不會又對人類失去信心.
因為走路到不了, 所以是坐公車去的. 在地圖上看起來不太遠的地方, 也坐了二十幾分鐘. 上車的時候, 投錢, 司機撕了一張票給我, 我還愣了一下.
是那種長長一條, 然後上面有寫時間, 撕下來以後會是斜斜的票...... 如果五六年前有在溫哥華坐過公車, 應該就知道我在講什麼.
因為溫哥華早改成電磁紙票, 所以好久沒拿到這東西還有點小小的感動.
然後, 剛上車我還蠻緊張的, 快半個月好久沒有以 10 km/h 以上的速度移動過了.
到 Mall 裡面晃了晃, 出來的時候才發現我實在沒有買東西的天份. 本來是要買些居家用品, 結果手上提的全都是電腦用品. 連本來想要買的襪子都沒買.
25 歲, 的確是老了.
暑假受的傷竟然一直到現在還在隱隱作痛 - 接橄欖球時扭到的小指, 和, 從五公尺高跳水時拉傷的背.
尤其是那個背好像還蠻嚴重的, 看來是要去給 chiropractors 看一下了.
聽說我的好徒弟小龜已經可以用各種花式跳水, 為師很是欣慰. 不枉我努力教了你一整個暑假. 看來我是要退隱了... ^_^
第.. 二個星期六. 今天終於打起精神, 晃到遠一點的地方去. 我的活動範圍已經卡在宿舍跟教室之間足足十二天整了.
在下的目的地就是上面放了連結的 Conestoga Mall. 說實在, 我不認識這個奇怪的單字, 所以就去查了一下:
Conestoga., n., a large wagon with broad wheels and an arched canvas top; used by the United States pioneers to cross the prairies in the 19th century.
這樣講起來, 我第一次接觸到 Conestoga 是小學五六年級的事情.
勇者鬥惡龍四代, 第五章, 要通過布蘭卡東邊的沙漠時, 從海克特那裡取得. 很不幸的, 海克特因為某些私人因素, 已經對人類失去信心. 所以我們必須從背叛洞穴裡取得信心圖章說服他把馬車借給我們. 這人還真好騙, 我們跟他借了馬車以後從來就沒有還過. 不知道他會不會又對人類失去信心.
因為走路到不了, 所以是坐公車去的. 在地圖上看起來不太遠的地方, 也坐了二十幾分鐘. 上車的時候, 投錢, 司機撕了一張票給我, 我還愣了一下.
是那種長長一條, 然後上面有寫時間, 撕下來以後會是斜斜的票...... 如果五六年前有在溫哥華坐過公車, 應該就知道我在講什麼.
因為溫哥華早改成電磁紙票, 所以好久沒拿到這東西還有點小小的感動.
然後, 剛上車我還蠻緊張的, 快半個月好久沒有以 10 km/h 以上的速度移動過了.
到 Mall 裡面晃了晃, 出來的時候才發現我實在沒有買東西的天份. 本來是要買些居家用品, 結果手上提的全都是電腦用品. 連本來想要買的襪子都沒買.
25 歲, 的確是老了.
暑假受的傷竟然一直到現在還在隱隱作痛 - 接橄欖球時扭到的小指, 和, 從五公尺高跳水時拉傷的背.
尤其是那個背好像還蠻嚴重的, 看來是要去給 chiropractors 看一下了.
聽說我的好徒弟小龜已經可以用各種花式跳水, 為師很是欣慰. 不枉我努力教了你一整個暑假. 看來我是要退隱了... ^_^
星期五, 9月 23, 2005
Waterloo - Day 12 - Hmm.. Library Again..
Unexpected, I have ended up in DC again.
Whenever the name DC comes up, it reminds me of Dreamcast - a legendary console.
Anyways, why am I here?
Well, although my class today won't start until 1:30, I have to come handin homework by 12:00. After I've handed it in, I went lunch, and ended up here after.
Lunch was.. still crappy. How can fish steak taste like a big chunk of white wet bread...? That's.. nice..
Although I've been complain about my meals, it wasn't all that bad. Occasionally, good stuffs comes up, like the onion rings I've had yesterday (or the day before).
I'll have to say the best thing about that meal plan is that, so far, I've never had the same meal, not even once. They sure got a great variety of menus.
2 weeks, no same meal ever spawned twice. Mark.
Somehow this week seems to be passing by much much faster than the last one.
That's probably a good thing - as I'm more getting used to live here, my time-sense has regressed to normal.
Or probably it's becoz of the damn internet...
Without it, time flows slowly...
And with it, flows too fast...
I still miss her like hell. But constantly reminding myself is not a good idea, thus I'll drop it here.
Friday night, eh?
I was planning to go back to Toronto this weekend, but ended up Ben has to go camping. So... Guess I'll just stay here and WoW all weekend.
Parents and my sis seems to be enjoying their trip in Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale pretty well, that's ... good ...
Too bad that I can't go.
Guess.. there'll be no more chance that 4 of us going to a trip together anymore, ever. Not that I really like to go with them, but knowing that there's no more chance to go still feels.. kinda sad.
On a side note, I can't even remember when was the last time that 4 of us going to a trip together. Probably the road trip to states, I guess. That's like... 8... 9 years ago?
Odd feeling.
Ken is still in Japan.. that's that..
It's getting colder and colder outside. I was wearing T-shirts and shorts and I really feel kinda cold when I was outside. And it was 12:00 at noon!!
Mindlessly mumbling about stuffs is also a fast way to spend time.......
Whenever the name DC comes up, it reminds me of Dreamcast - a legendary console.
Anyways, why am I here?
Well, although my class today won't start until 1:30, I have to come handin homework by 12:00. After I've handed it in, I went lunch, and ended up here after.
Lunch was.. still crappy. How can fish steak taste like a big chunk of white wet bread...? That's.. nice..
Although I've been complain about my meals, it wasn't all that bad. Occasionally, good stuffs comes up, like the onion rings I've had yesterday (or the day before).
I'll have to say the best thing about that meal plan is that, so far, I've never had the same meal, not even once. They sure got a great variety of menus.
2 weeks, no same meal ever spawned twice. Mark.
Somehow this week seems to be passing by much much faster than the last one.
That's probably a good thing - as I'm more getting used to live here, my time-sense has regressed to normal.
Or probably it's becoz of the damn internet...
Without it, time flows slowly...
And with it, flows too fast...
I still miss her like hell. But constantly reminding myself is not a good idea, thus I'll drop it here.
Friday night, eh?
I was planning to go back to Toronto this weekend, but ended up Ben has to go camping. So... Guess I'll just stay here and WoW all weekend.
Parents and my sis seems to be enjoying their trip in Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale pretty well, that's ... good ...
Too bad that I can't go.
Guess.. there'll be no more chance that 4 of us going to a trip together anymore, ever. Not that I really like to go with them, but knowing that there's no more chance to go still feels.. kinda sad.
On a side note, I can't even remember when was the last time that 4 of us going to a trip together. Probably the road trip to states, I guess. That's like... 8... 9 years ago?
Odd feeling.
Ken is still in Japan.. that's that..
It's getting colder and colder outside. I was wearing T-shirts and shorts and I really feel kinda cold when I was outside. And it was 12:00 at noon!!
Mindlessly mumbling about stuffs is also a fast way to spend time.......
星期四, 9月 22, 2005
Waterloo - Day 11 - No Class on Thursday
Wednesday and Friday are the busiest.
And I have no class on thursday, which is, not necessarily a good thing.
It's 3:30 already, I'm suppose to start working on my hw, but turns out i was browsing, chatting, listening to music, reading comics ... didn't even start to play games and it's 3:30 already!
That's a great example of how time can be wasted easily without any notification.
Anyways, I was pretty down yesterday, that's why I didn't bother to write any blogs.
It was the 88th, if we''re still together.
Couldn't believe that I'm still counting the days after so many years. And couldn't believe that I can still be so down about it.
Yesterday was a rather special occasion, usually I won't miss her that much. But somehow .. I knew it would be a long day of missing her when I opened my eye in the morning and remembered that it was the 88th.
Pure Stupidity.
Anyways. I think the feeling is fading away, and I don't think I can keep the promise any longer.
Sooner or later, I'll have to give up.
Let's hope the day comes sooner than later.
And I have no class on thursday, which is, not necessarily a good thing.
It's 3:30 already, I'm suppose to start working on my hw, but turns out i was browsing, chatting, listening to music, reading comics ... didn't even start to play games and it's 3:30 already!
That's a great example of how time can be wasted easily without any notification.
Anyways, I was pretty down yesterday, that's why I didn't bother to write any blogs.
It was the 88th, if we''re still together.
Couldn't believe that I'm still counting the days after so many years. And couldn't believe that I can still be so down about it.
Yesterday was a rather special occasion, usually I won't miss her that much. But somehow .. I knew it would be a long day of missing her when I opened my eye in the morning and remembered that it was the 88th.
Pure Stupidity.
Anyways. I think the feeling is fading away, and I don't think I can keep the promise any longer.
Sooner or later, I'll have to give up.
Let's hope the day comes sooner than later.
Slashdot | GBA SP Updated with Brighter Backlit Screen
Slashdot | GBA SP Updated with Brighter Backlit Screen
That reminds me... I may still need an SP to complete the collection..
That reminds me... I may still need an SP to complete the collection..
星期二, 9月 20, 2005
滑鐵盧 - 第九天 - 9:45am 網路復活
知道今天早上有人要來裝網路. 昨天下午四點半就開始在家裡等了...
我知道很蠢, 但是實在沒有網路快把我搞瘋掉了.
網路一裝好就想下載 WoW 1.7 版.
Shit, 今天星期二, All Realm Down!!!
It's still too early, and I'm too excited, will come back to blog more later.
我知道很蠢, 但是實在沒有網路快把我搞瘋掉了.
網路一裝好就想下載 WoW 1.7 版.
Shit, 今天星期二, All Realm Down!!!
It's still too early, and I'm too excited, will come back to blog more later.
星期六, 9月 17, 2005
Waterloo - Day 6 - Peaceful Day
Although I do like raining days more than sunny ones, I really don't mind a cloudy day with a couple sunshine through the clouds.
Today is a day like that.
Saturday morning, Waterloo is quieter than usual.
Another thing happened last night when I was on my way back home, just when I thought nothing else could have happened again.
It was cold and I was wearing shorts and slippers, so I walked faster and just wanted to get home earlier.
Friday night = Party night, so packs and packs of people are walking on the street as well.
When I was about 30m from home, another pack of people walk towarded me. To avoid them, I step my right foot out of the sidewalk.
SHIT! It was rainning all day and I have stepped into a big puddle of muds~~~~~
Even worse, since I was walking fast, my right foot has steped forward again while my slipper still stuck inside the mud!!!
So there I was, struck, with one bare foot in the mud and my slipper one step behind... Took me about 10 minutes to wash my feet and clean up the mess I've made.
Shit happens and always at the most unexpected times.
What a friday night~
So far... today's quiet peaceful, I'm going to do workout after library (library = internet) and if the shop still open, I'll get a hair cut.
Hopefully nothing will go wrong today~
Today is a day like that.
Saturday morning, Waterloo is quieter than usual.
Another thing happened last night when I was on my way back home, just when I thought nothing else could have happened again.
It was cold and I was wearing shorts and slippers, so I walked faster and just wanted to get home earlier.
Friday night = Party night, so packs and packs of people are walking on the street as well.
When I was about 30m from home, another pack of people walk towarded me. To avoid them, I step my right foot out of the sidewalk.
SHIT! It was rainning all day and I have stepped into a big puddle of muds~~~~~
Even worse, since I was walking fast, my right foot has steped forward again while my slipper still stuck inside the mud!!!
So there I was, struck, with one bare foot in the mud and my slipper one step behind... Took me about 10 minutes to wash my feet and clean up the mess I've made.
Shit happens and always at the most unexpected times.
What a friday night~
So far... today's quiet peaceful, I'm going to do workout after library (library = internet) and if the shop still open, I'll get a hair cut.
Hopefully nothing will go wrong today~
星期五, 9月 16, 2005
Waterloo - Day 5 - Power Outage
My sleep hours are all messed up at this moment.
Two days ago, I slept at 5 in the morning; and yesterday, I slept at around 10pm and woke up at 5.
5? It's still pitch dark outside!
But since I couldn't sleep anymore, I was there playing my DS - Super Jump Allstar again. And if my memory serves me right, I finally got all 657 pieces at exactly 5:23. Congratulations~ one more game down, infinite more to go~
Thanks to the lack of Internet in my room, I've been playing DS a lot. Now I've completed the ONLY game I have at hand, what should I be doing afterwards?? Perhaps it's a good time to get another one... I think Advanced War DS ought to last me awhile.
But another problem is, where can I buy games? I've checked all the reachable stores and I see no signs of videogames. I'll probably have to take a bus to the closest mall in order to get one. I think there's a ... "Congested Mall" (I forgot the name) around here. I'll have to find out how to get there sooner or later.
After I've gotten all the pieces, there's not much to do for the game other than playing with someone else. Somehow the AI are so DUMB, I can easily beat them on the hardest setting 1 v 3 (with some exploiting, of course).
Man, I want to play with Calvin.. or anyone with a DS... I guess it's not such a bad idea now I've joined the Gaming Club. Someone from the club must have a DS that I can play with.
I fell asleep again, and woke up at around 10:30. Alright, about time to go for lunch.
My original plan for today was: Lunch, Library, Class, Workout, Library, Home, Bed.
Sounds like a good plan to me. But it turns out, other than Lucnh and Class, nothing else went smoothly.
I was too early when I arrived Cafe, so I was there writing a letter to tina. I accidently stole 3 bucks from her and she insisted that I give the money back by writing a letter to her. God knows how long haven't I write a letter... It was a weird feeling to even pick up pens now that my hands are too comfortable with keyboards.
Anyways, finished the letter, finished the lunch, and I went to library trying to get some study done.
It turns out Nintendo's next console's controller has finally been revealed!!! OMG!!! This one looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally the style of Nintendo. This is such a bold move!!!!!!!!! I pay all my respect to Nintendo for daringly and willingly to adventure into the unknowns!!!
Just for the controller, Rev will be my first choice when the next gen war starts!!! (On a side note... X360 looks good too, but you HAVE to give Nintendo credits for their boldness and everything!!!
There, I ended up reading the news all about Rev's new controller, and didn't get any study done.
Well, at least I was heading to my class with an excited heart! Again, thanx to Nintendo!
(Why... was I so excited...?)
During one of my lectures, the light went out for a split second, and I wasn't paying any attention to that.
After the classes, I was heading the gym to do some exercise. Well, it turns out that there's a power outage in town, so the gym is closed. Too bad, no exercising today~~~
But as I wanted to buy some dinners and stamps (to mail the letter) on the way back home, all the stores are closed due to the outage. And when I finally got home, I realized that I got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO AT ALL!!!
It's friday night, so it's illegal to study. I finished my only DS game this morning, so that's not an option anymore. I have some unfinished comics and Joey from my computer, but thanks to the lovely power outage, that choice is pruned as well. All the stores are closed, so going out again is useless........
Now what...?
I tried to get some sleep, but couldn't do it. What kinda of pig falls into sleep 4 in the afternoon?
Eh. I remembered that I've picked up my DS again and start doing some silly things with it.
At around 7:00 (OMG, I been doing silly things for 3 hours straight already!!??), the power finally came back.
After I've had dinner, here I am again, at the library, for posting blogs and checking if there're anymore news on Rev.
I'll probably head home and get some sleep after this, if no more accidents occurs.
That was... my day.
Oh. By the way, the girl sitting next to me is weird. Everyone else in the library is talking to each other, but she INSIST on writing little notes instead of speaking. Don't know what's gotten her.
That's all~
Two days ago, I slept at 5 in the morning; and yesterday, I slept at around 10pm and woke up at 5.
5? It's still pitch dark outside!
But since I couldn't sleep anymore, I was there playing my DS - Super Jump Allstar again. And if my memory serves me right, I finally got all 657 pieces at exactly 5:23. Congratulations~ one more game down, infinite more to go~
Thanks to the lack of Internet in my room, I've been playing DS a lot. Now I've completed the ONLY game I have at hand, what should I be doing afterwards?? Perhaps it's a good time to get another one... I think Advanced War DS ought to last me awhile.
But another problem is, where can I buy games? I've checked all the reachable stores and I see no signs of videogames. I'll probably have to take a bus to the closest mall in order to get one. I think there's a ... "Congested Mall" (I forgot the name) around here. I'll have to find out how to get there sooner or later.
After I've gotten all the pieces, there's not much to do for the game other than playing with someone else. Somehow the AI are so DUMB, I can easily beat them on the hardest setting 1 v 3 (with some exploiting, of course).
Man, I want to play with Calvin.. or anyone with a DS... I guess it's not such a bad idea now I've joined the Gaming Club. Someone from the club must have a DS that I can play with.
I fell asleep again, and woke up at around 10:30. Alright, about time to go for lunch.
My original plan for today was: Lunch, Library, Class, Workout, Library, Home, Bed.
Sounds like a good plan to me. But it turns out, other than Lucnh and Class, nothing else went smoothly.
I was too early when I arrived Cafe, so I was there writing a letter to tina. I accidently stole 3 bucks from her and she insisted that I give the money back by writing a letter to her. God knows how long haven't I write a letter... It was a weird feeling to even pick up pens now that my hands are too comfortable with keyboards.
Anyways, finished the letter, finished the lunch, and I went to library trying to get some study done.
It turns out Nintendo's next console's controller has finally been revealed!!! OMG!!! This one looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally the style of Nintendo. This is such a bold move!!!!!!!!! I pay all my respect to Nintendo for daringly and willingly to adventure into the unknowns!!!
Just for the controller, Rev will be my first choice when the next gen war starts!!! (On a side note... X360 looks good too, but you HAVE to give Nintendo credits for their boldness and everything!!!
There, I ended up reading the news all about Rev's new controller, and didn't get any study done.
Well, at least I was heading to my class with an excited heart! Again, thanx to Nintendo!
(Why... was I so excited...?)
During one of my lectures, the light went out for a split second, and I wasn't paying any attention to that.
After the classes, I was heading the gym to do some exercise. Well, it turns out that there's a power outage in town, so the gym is closed. Too bad, no exercising today~~~
But as I wanted to buy some dinners and stamps (to mail the letter) on the way back home, all the stores are closed due to the outage. And when I finally got home, I realized that I got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO AT ALL!!!
It's friday night, so it's illegal to study. I finished my only DS game this morning, so that's not an option anymore. I have some unfinished comics and Joey from my computer, but thanks to the lovely power outage, that choice is pruned as well. All the stores are closed, so going out again is useless........
Now what...?
I tried to get some sleep, but couldn't do it. What kinda of pig falls into sleep 4 in the afternoon?
Eh. I remembered that I've picked up my DS again and start doing some silly things with it.
At around 7:00 (OMG, I been doing silly things for 3 hours straight already!!??), the power finally came back.
After I've had dinner, here I am again, at the library, for posting blogs and checking if there're anymore news on Rev.
I'll probably head home and get some sleep after this, if no more accidents occurs.
That was... my day.
Oh. By the way, the girl sitting next to me is weird. Everyone else in the library is talking to each other, but she INSIST on writing little notes instead of speaking. Don't know what's gotten her.
That's all~
星期四, 9月 15, 2005
MSN Messenger
I wouldn't call myself a MSN Messenger Guru, I've retired already.
The days of HP was the good old times where I try to explore all the possibilities of Messenger. I've quitted to collect all the funny Display Pictures and funny Emoticons already.
But it still tinkles my nerve whenever someone refers MSN Messenger as MSN.
"MSN" stands for Microsoft Network.
Messenger, short for "MSN Messenger", is an instant messaging client for Windows.
Messenger is a part of MSN, that's why it's full official name is "MSN Messenger". However, since Messenger is so popular nowadays, many people, when they mention MSN, they are often referring to the Messenger.
I believe everyone have heard sentences like these:
"My MSN is acting weird.", "I'm quitting MSN", "You know, MSN 7.5 is coming out."... and so on and so forth. Now you all know how these sentences are not making much sense.
And hearing not-making-sense-sentences is just... err... irritating...
Please, it's Messenger, or if you want to type short, type msger. MSN Messenger does not equal to MSN...
Anyways, if you consider the evolutionary nature of language, this is nothing serious. Common mistakes will finally replace the correct terms. And when everyone's wrong, everyone's right.
This is just me bored out in the library and want to spit some junks outta of my guts.
I've wanted to say this for a long long time, this post contains no personal opinions to anyone who've mis-used these terms. I myself probably have probably made thousands of mistakes by now.
The days of HP was the good old times where I try to explore all the possibilities of Messenger. I've quitted to collect all the funny Display Pictures and funny Emoticons already.
But it still tinkles my nerve whenever someone refers MSN Messenger as MSN.
"MSN" stands for Microsoft Network.
Messenger, short for "MSN Messenger", is an instant messaging client for Windows.
Messenger is a part of MSN, that's why it's full official name is "MSN Messenger". However, since Messenger is so popular nowadays, many people, when they mention MSN, they are often referring to the Messenger.
I believe everyone have heard sentences like these:
"My MSN is acting weird.", "I'm quitting MSN", "You know, MSN 7.5 is coming out."... and so on and so forth. Now you all know how these sentences are not making much sense.
And hearing not-making-sense-sentences is just... err... irritating...
Please, it's Messenger, or if you want to type short, type msger. MSN Messenger does not equal to MSN...
Anyways, if you consider the evolutionary nature of language, this is nothing serious. Common mistakes will finally replace the correct terms. And when everyone's wrong, everyone's right.
This is just me bored out in the library and want to spit some junks outta of my guts.
I've wanted to say this for a long long time, this post contains no personal opinions to anyone who've mis-used these terms. I myself probably have probably made thousands of mistakes by now.
Waterloo - Day 4 - Post Office
No class today.
Went to the Club Day and, as expected, joined Taiwanese Club and Gamer's Club.
Sorta miss my GC at this point. If only I knew that I would have no Internet for so long, I would have definitely brought my GC with me.
TGS~ No Rev Controller info so far
Want to mail something to her, and turns out the post office is like 100 miles away from my place. It's too late to go now...
Was going back to Toronto this weekend, but if I take the cheapest bus, I can't make it back on time for Sunday's meeting, guess I'll have to skip this weekend. >< .
Power Outage notice: Friday 11:00pm to 1:00am
What will I be doing...?
Went to the Club Day and, as expected, joined Taiwanese Club and Gamer's Club.
Sorta miss my GC at this point. If only I knew that I would have no Internet for so long, I would have definitely brought my GC with me.
TGS~ No Rev Controller info so far
Want to mail something to her, and turns out the post office is like 100 miles away from my place. It's too late to go now...
Was going back to Toronto this weekend, but if I take the cheapest bus, I can't make it back on time for Sunday's meeting, guess I'll have to skip this weekend. >< .
Power Outage notice: Friday 11:00pm to 1:00am
What will I be doing...?
星期三, 9月 14, 2005
Waterloo - Day 3 - Harvey's
OMG! I'm actually already feeling good about all this coming to Waterloo thing!!
Is it becoz of the rain...?
Is it becoz Alice called me?
Is it becoz of I finally found her last night...?
Thought I'll be down for like at least a month or so, but turns out I'm feeling lively about all the studying and work-overloading.
Love the feeling back that everyday feels like a long day and there are so many things to do~
First thing first, I couldn't sleep last night again until like 5 in the morning. Was playing DS and couldn't sleep for some reason. Glad I didn't have any classes in the morning!!
Lunch was some crappy pizza. And Ben, the main entry is not all-you-can-eat. I asked for 2nd pizza and they won't let me have it.
After my last class finished around 7pm, I went to buy water-bottle (lost my original one on campus yesterday) and also bought a t-shirt of U. Waterloo.
That's funny, I never had any T-shirt of UBC and it's only the 3rd day in Waterloo I already got one.
Lack of t-shirt is one reason, the other is that they sell their T-shirt at a bargaining price compare to UBC.
Facts I find out about Waterloo so far:
- It's prettier in the rain.
- It'll make a wonderful golf course if you tear down all the buildings.
- DC connects to MC, so i can go from one building to the other without going outside.
- MC is a squre.
By the way, DC is the where I'm at right now, where the library locates, and MC is where all my classes at, stands for Math & Computer.
- Profs here taught more effectively than UBC. Hmm... it might be too early to say this, but at least that's how I felt so far.
- Waterloo's online course enrollment system is a junk compare to UBC's.
Just some subjective personal opinions, don't take them seriously.
Due to the crappy lunch, I ended up hungry already at around like 3pm. Went to Harvey's and had one of the best fast-food burgers. Well, it's not like you can compare it with a $15 burger, but for $5, it's pretty outstanding compare to the others (MacDonald, Burger King... etc...)
Why why why don't we have Harvey's in Vancouver? It's so much better than MacDonald's. Their burger meat is juicer, tastier (I bet turtle will like the meat for sure); they have onion rings; you get to customize your burger... If I'm going to eat fast-food thereafter, I'll probably going to choose Harvey's over anything else, as long as it's around.
Almost 10pm and can't believe I'm still in the library. I'm tired, but happily tired.
I'm enjoying this life and I'm gonna enjoy this until some inevitable shit happens...
And as you all know, shit happens.
Oh ya, Birdy, Congradz for passing PMP, you rock~
And that concludes the day~
Is it becoz of the rain...?
Is it becoz Alice called me?
Is it becoz of I finally found her last night...?
Thought I'll be down for like at least a month or so, but turns out I'm feeling lively about all the studying and work-overloading.
Love the feeling back that everyday feels like a long day and there are so many things to do~
First thing first, I couldn't sleep last night again until like 5 in the morning. Was playing DS and couldn't sleep for some reason. Glad I didn't have any classes in the morning!!
Lunch was some crappy pizza. And Ben, the main entry is not all-you-can-eat. I asked for 2nd pizza and they won't let me have it.
After my last class finished around 7pm, I went to buy water-bottle (lost my original one on campus yesterday) and also bought a t-shirt of U. Waterloo.
That's funny, I never had any T-shirt of UBC and it's only the 3rd day in Waterloo I already got one.
Lack of t-shirt is one reason, the other is that they sell their T-shirt at a bargaining price compare to UBC.
Facts I find out about Waterloo so far:
- It's prettier in the rain.
- It'll make a wonderful golf course if you tear down all the buildings.
- DC connects to MC, so i can go from one building to the other without going outside.
- MC is a squre.
By the way, DC is the where I'm at right now, where the library locates, and MC is where all my classes at, stands for Math & Computer.
- Profs here taught more effectively than UBC. Hmm... it might be too early to say this, but at least that's how I felt so far.
- Waterloo's online course enrollment system is a junk compare to UBC's.
Just some subjective personal opinions, don't take them seriously.
Due to the crappy lunch, I ended up hungry already at around like 3pm. Went to Harvey's and had one of the best fast-food burgers. Well, it's not like you can compare it with a $15 burger, but for $5, it's pretty outstanding compare to the others (MacDonald, Burger King... etc...)
Why why why don't we have Harvey's in Vancouver? It's so much better than MacDonald's. Their burger meat is juicer, tastier (I bet turtle will like the meat for sure); they have onion rings; you get to customize your burger... If I'm going to eat fast-food thereafter, I'll probably going to choose Harvey's over anything else, as long as it's around.
Almost 10pm and can't believe I'm still in the library. I'm tired, but happily tired.
I'm enjoying this life and I'm gonna enjoy this until some inevitable shit happens...
And as you all know, shit happens.
Oh ya, Birdy, Congradz for passing PMP, you rock~
And that concludes the day~
星期二, 9月 13, 2005
Waterloo - Day 2 - Big Mess
Bad news keeps rolling in.
My new building is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Apparantly, there's no phone line, no internet, no air condition... and the list goes on.
Couldn't sleep last night till 3, glad that I don't have early classes today.
Without Internet at home is very inconvenient since a huge chunk of course materials are online. That means I have to stay in the library all the time while it's hard enough to find a spare computer.
So much readings to do...
And it's only the first week...
Can't believe I'm complaining this... but Calculus is hard...
Basically, everything's still in a big mess.
Had lunch at 1, hungry already. And I'm suppose to eat only 1 meal a day. Seems utterly impossible...
I have no idea what i'm blogging about.
I'm in a big mess. (Mostly due to lack of Internet)
My new building is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Apparantly, there's no phone line, no internet, no air condition... and the list goes on.
Couldn't sleep last night till 3, glad that I don't have early classes today.
Without Internet at home is very inconvenient since a huge chunk of course materials are online. That means I have to stay in the library all the time while it's hard enough to find a spare computer.
So much readings to do...
And it's only the first week...
Can't believe I'm complaining this... but Calculus is hard...
Basically, everything's still in a big mess.
Had lunch at 1, hungry already. And I'm suppose to eat only 1 meal a day. Seems utterly impossible...
I have no idea what i'm blogging about.
I'm in a big mess. (Mostly due to lack of Internet)
星期一, 9月 12, 2005
Waterloo - Day 1
Officially the first day of my life starting in Waterloo.
Gotta thank Ben for giving me a jump start. Setting up the room, driving me around, borrowing me the monitor and everything...
Without your help, I would probably still be in a panicing state. I can't even imagine how am I going to move my stuffs here all by myselves.
Thanks a lot...
I lives right across campus, in a small room about the size of 3 to 4 pool table with 1 single bed, 1 table and 1 bookshelf. My internet won't come until next tuesday, before that, I'll probably have to come here (DC Library) to use Internet.
I guess... I can also goto the Arcade to play online games, that is, if they have WoW..
This town is pretty quiet, everyone seems like a student to me. And it feels good to be back to school and enjoying the feeling that workloads and studying times are just right around the corner.
While I still having absolutely no idea where my first class is...
Couldn't sleep well the first night because my room's temperature is rather weird. Although I've already completely shut off the heater, it is still hot inside.
I don't want to open the window too big, coz bugs will fly in and I was afraid that it'll be too cold in the morning - I only have one tiny blanket.
Perhaps... getting a big warm blanket would be nice.
Here's a list of things that I still need, in the order of emergency:
- Internet
- Extension Cord
- WatCard
- Some food (my meal plan is only for lunch of monday to friday)
- Blank Paper
- Cloth Hanger
- Contact Lens
- Map of Waterloo(?)
- A fan..?
- A girlfriend...
I'm sure there's still a lot missing.. but I can't think of any at this moment.
Thanx turtle for letting me had one of the best summers I've ever had.
Now the summer's gone, I do hope that I'm ready for all this.
And.. my new number is 519-590-7750, I wonder who called me twice 2:00 in the morning last night...
Gotta thank Ben for giving me a jump start. Setting up the room, driving me around, borrowing me the monitor and everything...
Without your help, I would probably still be in a panicing state. I can't even imagine how am I going to move my stuffs here all by myselves.
Thanks a lot...
I lives right across campus, in a small room about the size of 3 to 4 pool table with 1 single bed, 1 table and 1 bookshelf. My internet won't come until next tuesday, before that, I'll probably have to come here (DC Library) to use Internet.
I guess... I can also goto the Arcade to play online games, that is, if they have WoW..
This town is pretty quiet, everyone seems like a student to me. And it feels good to be back to school and enjoying the feeling that workloads and studying times are just right around the corner.
While I still having absolutely no idea where my first class is...
Couldn't sleep well the first night because my room's temperature is rather weird. Although I've already completely shut off the heater, it is still hot inside.
I don't want to open the window too big, coz bugs will fly in and I was afraid that it'll be too cold in the morning - I only have one tiny blanket.
Perhaps... getting a big warm blanket would be nice.
Here's a list of things that I still need, in the order of emergency:
- Internet
- Extension Cord
- WatCard
- Some food (my meal plan is only for lunch of monday to friday)
- Blank Paper
- Cloth Hanger
- Contact Lens
- Map of Waterloo(?)
- A fan..?
- A girlfriend...
I'm sure there's still a lot missing.. but I can't think of any at this moment.
Thanx turtle for letting me had one of the best summers I've ever had.
Now the summer's gone, I do hope that I'm ready for all this.
And.. my new number is 519-590-7750, I wonder who called me twice 2:00 in the morning last night...
星期五, 9月 09, 2005
星期二, 9月 06, 2005
星期一, 9月 05, 2005
Just 2... 3 things to note about.
- Deers are nocturnal.
Really didn't know that until I visited Galiano. Was quite a surprise.
- Sharks are fish.
- Dophin and whales are mammals.
Therefore, there are shark eggs.
Wonder how they taste like...
Really didn't know that until I visited Galiano. Was quite a surprise.
- Sharks are fish.
- Dophin and whales are mammals.
Therefore, there are shark eggs.
Wonder how they taste like...
星期日, 9月 04, 2005
空等ㄌ四個小時, 每次跟老爸去釣魚都是空手而歸, 連個魚影子都沒看到. 可我沒去的時候又看他們每次都帶一堆魚回來, 真是搞不懂.
在等魚的時候, 我傳ㄌ封簡訊給她. 內容翻譯成中文大概是: "我三更半夜跑出來釣魚. 好冷... 好餓... 剛剛還有隻鵝攻擊我... >< ..."
收到這種裝可愛的簡訊, 通常她都會半開玩笑似的安慰我. 不過不知道為什麼, 已經兩個小時了還音訊全無.
是說... 我也不是很在意啦... 這麼晚ㄌ, 安靜一點也好.
今年暑假回台灣的時候, 剛好遇到她生日.
大概就是那幾天左右, 陪她出去逛街. 還記得很清楚是天母的高島屋, 然後信義的新光.
走出百貨公司, 她突然轉頭對我露出ㄌ個狡獪的微笑, 然後把雙手伸直在我眼前晃了兩下.
我愣了一下, 然後才發現她兩隻手上帶的都是我送她的禮物.
那情景是我看過最美麗的圖畫, 最最可愛的她.
空等ㄌ四個小時, 每次跟老爸去釣魚都是空手而歸, 連個魚影子都沒看到. 可我沒去的時候又看他們每次都帶一堆魚回來, 真是搞不懂.
在等魚的時候, 我傳ㄌ封簡訊給她. 內容翻譯成中文大概是: "我三更半夜跑出來釣魚. 好冷... 好餓... 剛剛還有隻鵝攻擊我... >< ..."
收到這種裝可愛的簡訊, 通常她都會半開玩笑似的安慰我. 不過不知道為什麼, 已經兩個小時了還音訊全無.
是說... 我也不是很在意啦... 這麼晚ㄌ, 安靜一點也好.
今年暑假回台灣的時候, 剛好遇到她生日.
大概就是那幾天左右, 陪她出去逛街. 還記得很清楚是天母的高島屋, 然後信義的新光.
走出百貨公司, 她突然轉頭對我露出ㄌ個狡獪的微笑, 然後把雙手伸直在我眼前晃了兩下.
我愣了一下, 然後才發現她兩隻手上帶的都是我送她的禮物.
那情景是我看過最美麗的圖畫, 最最可愛的她.
星期五, 9月 02, 2005
Trip of Galiano
星期日到星期二晚上的 Trip -- 跟小龜, Judy 和 Ken 跑到 Galiano Island.
原本是打算要詳細的紀錄整個 Trip. 但發現有點力不從心, 那邊有很多東西都太難用我的程度的筆墨來形容. 大概就跳著講重點好了.
首先從 Tsawwassen 出發, 坐四十分鐘的船到 Sturdy Bay. Sturdy Bay 是整座島上最繁華的地方. 用繁華這兩各字來形容好像過分了一點, 其實也就是大概四五間餐廳, 兩間小小的超市, 半座高爾夫球場, 就醬.
聽說整座島的居民只有兩三百人, 大多數我們在島上遇到的人類都是遊客. 整座島南北走向, 大約長 30 公里, 平均寬度大概是三四公里. 主要幹道只有一條兩線道的柏油路, 其他還有許多車子很難走的碎石路.
我們星期日早上抵達, 先去爬島上最高的山, Mount Galiano. 上下總共大概花了兩個多小時, 路還不算難走. 爬這座山的目的就是為了看上面的風景. 第一眼看到只有感動兩個字可以形容.
這張是我們在 Mount Galiano 山頂照的. 爬到山頂時, 雲剛好飄過來, 很清爽的感覺~
這裡應該算是第一天的高潮. 看到過最漂亮的風景就是在這各地方.
這是同一各地方, 峭壁旁的樹上. 其實樹並不高, 只是不知道為什麼那麼難爬.
我們住兩個晚上的小木屋的客廳. 這張就很有像是 Titanic 裡面女主角躺的沙發.
第二天晚上我切西瓜的樣子. 大概再過兩分鐘就切到自己手ㄌ. 現在還在痛.
這也是第二天晚上, 要去 Kayaking 之前照的. 由於光害幾乎是零, 晚上坐在 Kayake 上, 看著滿天的星光和一撥弄就會發光的湖水... It was absolutely magical...
很少到這麼接近自然的地方.. 光是感動好像不足以形容這次看到的很多東西. 有很多時候, 我們四個人都可以一句話也不講, 就安安靜靜的欣賞十幾分鐘的風景.. 真的是蠻神奇的.
明年.. 再去吧..
差點忘了提. 這次旅行最失敗的地方, 就是大家前一天興匆匆去買的肉, 放在我家冰箱.
水喔.. 不愧是我..
原本是打算要詳細的紀錄整個 Trip. 但發現有點力不從心, 那邊有很多東西都太難用我的程度的筆墨來形容. 大概就跳著講重點好了.
首先從 Tsawwassen 出發, 坐四十分鐘的船到 Sturdy Bay. Sturdy Bay 是整座島上最繁華的地方. 用繁華這兩各字來形容好像過分了一點, 其實也就是大概四五間餐廳, 兩間小小的超市, 半座高爾夫球場, 就醬.
聽說整座島的居民只有兩三百人, 大多數我們在島上遇到的人類都是遊客. 整座島南北走向, 大約長 30 公里, 平均寬度大概是三四公里. 主要幹道只有一條兩線道的柏油路, 其他還有許多車子很難走的碎石路.
我們星期日早上抵達, 先去爬島上最高的山, Mount Galiano. 上下總共大概花了兩個多小時, 路還不算難走. 爬這座山的目的就是為了看上面的風景. 第一眼看到只有感動兩個字可以形容.
這張是我們在 Mount Galiano 山頂照的. 爬到山頂時, 雲剛好飄過來, 很清爽的感覺~
這裡應該算是第一天的高潮. 看到過最漂亮的風景就是在這各地方.
這是同一各地方, 峭壁旁的樹上. 其實樹並不高, 只是不知道為什麼那麼難爬.
我們住兩個晚上的小木屋的客廳. 這張就很有像是 Titanic 裡面女主角躺的沙發.
第二天晚上我切西瓜的樣子. 大概再過兩分鐘就切到自己手ㄌ. 現在還在痛.
這也是第二天晚上, 要去 Kayaking 之前照的. 由於光害幾乎是零, 晚上坐在 Kayake 上, 看著滿天的星光和一撥弄就會發光的湖水... It was absolutely magical...
很少到這麼接近自然的地方.. 光是感動好像不足以形容這次看到的很多東西. 有很多時候, 我們四個人都可以一句話也不講, 就安安靜靜的欣賞十幾分鐘的風景.. 真的是蠻神奇的.
明年.. 再去吧..
差點忘了提. 這次旅行最失敗的地方, 就是大家前一天興匆匆去買的肉, 放在我家冰箱.
水喔.. 不愧是我..
星期四, 9月 01, 2005
一開始是很想講跟 Galiano Trip 有關的事情, 可是發現沒有照片幫助, 憑我的文筆實在是寫不出來, 所以最後還是決定等照片入手後再說.
我跟阿龜跑去一平比賽吃日本料理. 那間日本料理的生意實在不錯, 隨時都大排長龍.
說實在, 我已經想不起來最後一次吃 All You Can Eat 是什麼時候的事了. 大概是跟婉茜去老爺飯店的時候吧.
比賽規則很簡單, 看哪個人先投降就贏了, 速度不限, 比賽吃多, 輸的人要吃一條處理過, 燙過的苦瓜.
因為我們都很討厭吃苦瓜, 所以都很努力的不想輸.
本來該餐廳規定是兩個小時之內要吃完, 我們從六點半一直吃到九點, 老闆才硬是把 Bill 送上來要把我們趕走.
那時候已經快到塞不下去的程度了. 但還沒有人投降, 為了分出勝負, 我就提議把桌上兩杯水跟兩杯茶喝下去再說.
我先把水喝了. 然後小龜也接著把茶喝掉. 我正在努力把肚子空出來要喝茶的時候, 只見小龜很帥氣的一把將整杯水搶來, 然後咕嚕咕嚕全喝下去.
當然我還沒有認輸, 也正在努力想要把茶喝下去.
就在這時候, 小龜突然 ---
在眾目睽睽之下, 就在餐桌上把剛喝的水吐了出來!!!
當我尚未從驚嚇中回過神來時 ---
而且還吐到碗裝不下, 留到桌上, 留得滿桌都是!!!
我們當時坐在吧台上, 嚇得裡面的廚師也閃得遠遠, 然後坐在他隔壁的客人也驚慌失措. 另外看到的還有在門口等著吃飯的, 目瞪口呆的十幾個人...
當然, 我的茶也喝不下去了. 小龜跟我的臉也丟夠了, 就趕快低著頭閃人.
留下的, 只有傳說......
上面這件事讓我學到的教訓是: 下次跟人家賭吃東西的時候, 要先規定不能吐出來.
我跟阿龜跑去一平比賽吃日本料理. 那間日本料理的生意實在不錯, 隨時都大排長龍.
說實在, 我已經想不起來最後一次吃 All You Can Eat 是什麼時候的事了. 大概是跟婉茜去老爺飯店的時候吧.
比賽規則很簡單, 看哪個人先投降就贏了, 速度不限, 比賽吃多, 輸的人要吃一條處理過, 燙過的苦瓜.
因為我們都很討厭吃苦瓜, 所以都很努力的不想輸.
本來該餐廳規定是兩個小時之內要吃完, 我們從六點半一直吃到九點, 老闆才硬是把 Bill 送上來要把我們趕走.
那時候已經快到塞不下去的程度了. 但還沒有人投降, 為了分出勝負, 我就提議把桌上兩杯水跟兩杯茶喝下去再說.
我先把水喝了. 然後小龜也接著把茶喝掉. 我正在努力把肚子空出來要喝茶的時候, 只見小龜很帥氣的一把將整杯水搶來, 然後咕嚕咕嚕全喝下去.
當然我還沒有認輸, 也正在努力想要把茶喝下去.
就在這時候, 小龜突然 ---
在眾目睽睽之下, 就在餐桌上把剛喝的水吐了出來!!!
當我尚未從驚嚇中回過神來時 ---
而且還吐到碗裝不下, 留到桌上, 留得滿桌都是!!!
我們當時坐在吧台上, 嚇得裡面的廚師也閃得遠遠, 然後坐在他隔壁的客人也驚慌失措. 另外看到的還有在門口等著吃飯的, 目瞪口呆的十幾個人...
當然, 我的茶也喝不下去了. 小龜跟我的臉也丟夠了, 就趕快低著頭閃人.
留下的, 只有傳說......
上面這件事讓我學到的教訓是: 下次跟人家賭吃東西的時候, 要先規定不能吐出來.
星期日, 8月 28, 2005
昨天. 下午跟 Ken, 小龜, Judy, Benny, Kai, Kai's gf, Iven, and... someone else, 去 Spanish Bank 打排球, 橄欖球, 然後在海裡耍寶完, 也差不多累歪了.
蠻... 普通又不太普通的一天.
唱歌的時候聽到一具歌詞. 嚴格講起來是一個辭, "不痛不快".
雖然也已經不是第一次這樣覺得了, 但看到還真的認為蠻貼切的. 我的確是已經到不痛不快的境界. 好像越是折磨自己, 她就越有可能會看見.
慢慢的痛苦成麻痺, 然後麻痺成習慣.
其實, 我一直都在騙自己.
無論那刻骨銘心的傷口有多深, 痛徹心肺的想念有多刺骨, 魂縈夢牽的期待, 終究再也不會成真.
也不是沒有問過自己, 這樣的意義何在? 的確, 一點意義也沒有. 她永遠也無法感受到我的感受, 所以也永遠無法體會我的體會. 無論我再難過, 她也.. 畢竟不是我.
但我還是會繼續, 會繼續試著努力的等.
我願意繼續難過, 因為我不痛不快.
我不是變態, 也沒有自虐的傾向. 很單純的是為了一個我願意付出一切的女孩.
備註: 一切並不包括電動跟漫畫. 我是認真的, 這很重要.
蠻... 普通又不太普通的一天.
唱歌的時候聽到一具歌詞. 嚴格講起來是一個辭, "不痛不快".
雖然也已經不是第一次這樣覺得了, 但看到還真的認為蠻貼切的. 我的確是已經到不痛不快的境界. 好像越是折磨自己, 她就越有可能會看見.
慢慢的痛苦成麻痺, 然後麻痺成習慣.
其實, 我一直都在騙自己.
無論那刻骨銘心的傷口有多深, 痛徹心肺的想念有多刺骨, 魂縈夢牽的期待, 終究再也不會成真.
也不是沒有問過自己, 這樣的意義何在? 的確, 一點意義也沒有. 她永遠也無法感受到我的感受, 所以也永遠無法體會我的體會. 無論我再難過, 她也.. 畢竟不是我.
但我還是會繼續, 會繼續試著努力的等.
我願意繼續難過, 因為我不痛不快.
我不是變態, 也沒有自虐的傾向. 很單純的是為了一個我願意付出一切的女孩.
備註: 一切並不包括電動跟漫畫. 我是認真的, 這很重要.
星期五, 8月 26, 2005
www.weather.com - Tenday Forecast
www.weather.com - Tenday Forecast
40, 40, 30.
I can't find weather forecast on Internet for Galiano, so I'm looking at Nanaimo's weather.
Unfortunately, it's Shower (40%), Few Showers (30%), and Few Showers (30%).
Oh well... let's hope that the urban legand, "Weather forecast never accurate", is true.
40, 40, 30.
I can't find weather forecast on Internet for Galiano, so I'm looking at Nanaimo's weather.
Unfortunately, it's Shower (40%), Few Showers (30%), and Few Showers (30%).
Oh well... let's hope that the urban legand, "Weather forecast never accurate", is true.
星期四, 8月 25, 2005
Theory of blogging
"We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."
... there ...
Although I only consider "Shall We Dance?" as an average, surpriseless movie. I really love this passage.
It's not that I want to get married or something (I'll need a gf first), I just love its tone of voice. And the hopeless yet hopeful feeling behind the meaning of the words.
And perhaps that's the reason why I try to write down my thoughts, and things that occurs to me. After 100 years, perhaps, these words will still linger in the cyber-space as a proof of I have lived.
Everybody has their peccadilloes, and that's the beauty of it.
Life is wonderful.
This is really dumb; life is not wonderful. Homo sapiens are the ugliest animal ever existed on this stupid little floating dirt we call earth. Don't think I need to back that one up since the examples are countless.
If tomorrow is The End, I'll probably be playing some online game and merrily checking out how many people is on.
People who keeps thinking about something that's not going to happen obviously have some huge issues.
That's ... not me. I am down to earth, I think.
Although that's probably not what she wants me to be.
Hell with it.
I pray that she won't c this paragraph. There's no way I'd disobey her orders.
This is getting funnier and funnier.
We're going to Cultus Lake and do some Water Slides. Wish us have a good time~
... there ...
Although I only consider "Shall We Dance?" as an average, surpriseless movie. I really love this passage.
It's not that I want to get married or something (I'll need a gf first), I just love its tone of voice. And the hopeless yet hopeful feeling behind the meaning of the words.
And perhaps that's the reason why I try to write down my thoughts, and things that occurs to me. After 100 years, perhaps, these words will still linger in the cyber-space as a proof of I have lived.
Everybody has their peccadilloes, and that's the beauty of it.
Life is wonderful.
This is really dumb; life is not wonderful. Homo sapiens are the ugliest animal ever existed on this stupid little floating dirt we call earth. Don't think I need to back that one up since the examples are countless.
If tomorrow is The End, I'll probably be playing some online game and merrily checking out how many people is on.
People who keeps thinking about something that's not going to happen obviously have some huge issues.
That's ... not me. I am down to earth, I think.
Although that's probably not what she wants me to be.
Hell with it.
I pray that she won't c this paragraph. There's no way I'd disobey her orders.
This is getting funnier and funnier.
We're going to Cultus Lake and do some Water Slides. Wish us have a good time~
World of Warcraft Community Site -> PVP -> Battlegrounds -> Warsong Gulch General Info
World of Warcraft Community Site -> PVP -> Battlegrounds -> Warsong Gulch General Info
Not sure if this is worth noting for.
Today I've joined my first battleground and I was the 2nd MVP. I guess, it's really nice to be able to play a fast-paced 3d dota in WoW.
It was awesome.
I think I'll spend quite some time in Lvl 30...
Not sure if this is worth noting for.
Today I've joined my first battleground and I was the 2nd MVP. I guess, it's really nice to be able to play a fast-paced 3d dota in WoW.
It was awesome.
I think I'll spend quite some time in Lvl 30...
Google Talk
Google Talk
That's.. well.. again.. something I wish that I can use instead, but I can't simply becoz no one else is using it.
Is 7.0 really going to be the fall of messenger as the prophecy once told?
Personally, I'm sick of all the ads of 7.0
That's why I have to use add-ons to remove them all.
It's funny how everyone else seems to be adopting with those ads in perfect harmony...
That's.. well.. again.. something I wish that I can use instead, but I can't simply becoz no one else is using it.
Is 7.0 really going to be the fall of messenger as the prophecy once told?
Personally, I'm sick of all the ads of 7.0
That's why I have to use add-ons to remove them all.
It's funny how everyone else seems to be adopting with those ads in perfect harmony...
星期三, 8月 24, 2005
大概是太久沒連絡了, 事實上, 最近還真的蠻想她的.
再兩個禮拜就要去 Waterloo 了.
正常來說應該是要考慮周全後才下決定. 但我好像老是相反. 總是先下決定, 再來想東想西. 到現在只剩十七天了, 除了桌上的新電腦和宿舍寄來的信, 一點也沒有像是要離開溫哥華的感覺.
可這幾天每天都忙得沒有時間. 甚至連 Blogging 的時間都快沒了.
除了要看書, 還要 WoW, 打球, 健身, 看漫畫, Jump Super Star...
每天晚上都很累, 都睡得很好.
自然, 胡思亂想的時間也就少了. 這樣應該是好事吧? 至少我再也沒時間去吵她了.
有很多時候, 還是想少一點好.
雖然我認為, 永遠不要停止思考, 是一件很了不起的事情.
再兩個禮拜就要去 Waterloo 了.
正常來說應該是要考慮周全後才下決定. 但我好像老是相反. 總是先下決定, 再來想東想西. 到現在只剩十七天了, 除了桌上的新電腦和宿舍寄來的信, 一點也沒有像是要離開溫哥華的感覺.
可這幾天每天都忙得沒有時間. 甚至連 Blogging 的時間都快沒了.
除了要看書, 還要 WoW, 打球, 健身, 看漫畫, Jump Super Star...
每天晚上都很累, 都睡得很好.
自然, 胡思亂想的時間也就少了. 這樣應該是好事吧? 至少我再也沒時間去吵她了.
有很多時候, 還是想少一點好.
雖然我認為, 永遠不要停止思考, 是一件很了不起的事情.
星期一, 8月 22, 2005
星期三, 8月 17, 2005
星期一, 8月 15, 2005
Technically speaking, it's Monday for 40 mins already.
This weekend past like flying.
And what's going on in Japan this week? How come no new manga coming out? I've been waiting since last thursday...... and waiting is a realy tiresom business.
I was studying last friday night coz of the midterm on saturday morning.
After the midterm, we went Wreck Beach again. Other than turtle, Young tagged alone as well.
What happened that day at Wreck Beach was a long story. As I'm too tired to finish it now, perhaps I'll talk about it later.
Today we went work out in the morning and all afternoon I was painting our deck.
Thus, this weekend has disappeared. Gone with the wind.
4 more weeks before I leave Vancouver.
This weekend past like flying.
And what's going on in Japan this week? How come no new manga coming out? I've been waiting since last thursday...... and waiting is a realy tiresom business.
I was studying last friday night coz of the midterm on saturday morning.
After the midterm, we went Wreck Beach again. Other than turtle, Young tagged alone as well.
What happened that day at Wreck Beach was a long story. As I'm too tired to finish it now, perhaps I'll talk about it later.
Today we went work out in the morning and all afternoon I was painting our deck.
Thus, this weekend has disappeared. Gone with the wind.
4 more weeks before I leave Vancouver.
星期六, 8月 13, 2005
今天裝ㄌ有生以來第一顆假牙. 到現在都還不太習慣, 是說.. 這假牙也太像真的了吧?
重灌小龜爸電腦的時候一直出問題, 似乎以前也出現過相同問題, 可已忘記是怎麼解決的了. 現在在等他送 1.44" 磁碟片過來. 看能不能變張 Xp 的 Boot Disk 出來.
在等小龜來的時候把上面 Banner 換成 Night Elf 的 Symbol.
事實上... 還蠻不搭ㄉ......
讓我想想放什麼上去會比較好, 大概還是要綠色系的才行.
本來是想放 LotR, 結果想來想去最後還是決定拿 WarCraft 來開刀.
不知道大家有沒有什麼好介紹? <-- 是不是只有香港人才醬講阿?
重灌小龜爸電腦的時候一直出問題, 似乎以前也出現過相同問題, 可已忘記是怎麼解決的了. 現在在等他送 1.44" 磁碟片過來. 看能不能變張 Xp 的 Boot Disk 出來.
在等小龜來的時候把上面 Banner 換成 Night Elf 的 Symbol.
事實上... 還蠻不搭ㄉ......
讓我想想放什麼上去會比較好, 大概還是要綠色系的才行.
本來是想放 LotR, 結果想來想去最後還是決定拿 WarCraft 來開刀.
不知道大家有沒有什麼好介紹? <-- 是不是只有香港人才醬講阿?
星期四, 8月 11, 2005
Set and Ready
Everything's set.
Well, almost everything.
I've got a place to live, a new computer and a one-way plane ticket.
By "one-way" I don't mean literally, I really got a one-way ticket to Waterloo. For some reason the girl who sold me ticket told me if I'm not sure of the returning date, it's better to just buy a one-way ticket.
And that's my first one-way plane ticket ever in my life.
Chinese Valentines is just around the corner, and god knows how much I miss her.
I don't want to sound dramatic or anything, but I'm a little nervous now that I'm really going.
For some strange reason, it feels like I'm even more nervous than the time I was going to work in Vietnam. Why's that? Waterloo is just another town in Canada. I'm not even leaving this country.
Perhaps, it's because at the time I went Vietnam, I could still turn back at any time I want. But this time is dead or alive.
Well, of course, I'm exaggerating. Other than that I might freeze to death in Waterloo, what's the worst that can happen? After I spend 5 years in Waterloo and finally realized that I can't be an acturary, then I come back to Vancouver or go back to Taiwan to find a job. Hopefully still a computer-related job, if I'm not too behind. Oh, let me add this, at the age of 30.
That sounds fun...
At any rate, it's a little late to change my mind. Plus, I'm not going to change my mind.
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but I do tend to think little to nothing while deciding big steps like this. And I don't listen to the others, not even her.
3 years ago, she told me don't go Vietnam; I went anyways.
last year, she told me don't come back; I came back anyways.
She said nothing this time.
Now the only one who seems to hold the opposing idea of me going to Waterloo is Ken. As my best friend, I hate the fact that he's almost right about everything all the time.
Well, at any rate, he didn't say much. And again, at any rate, I'm going anyways.
While I'm usually an easy-going person, I can be stubborn sometime. And I don't think that's a good thing.
But that's just... me...
Ben's doing EVO World Championship in Las Vegas right now, sincerely wish him the best luck~
That's my first blog on my new computer. And it's super long because I'm waiting for WoW's patch to finish download. It's only... 59% now. God! This is taking forever.
August 10th. I have a midterm on saturday. Next weekend I'm going to Seattle. At the end of August little turtle, judy, ken and me are going to Galieno Island for a 3-days-get-away.
Small turtle has successfully reserved a cottage for us on 28-30. Honestly, I really don't think he can do it until he really pulled it off. Why did every cottage I called were all fully booked, but he can easily find vacant ones? Honestly, I still can't figure that one out.
Well, I guess I ... well ... maybe I give up too easy.
But believe or not, I really did called 10+ cottages but they all said no to me. But small turtle gets lucky on the first or second try. Odd...
He's just that good at making reservations.
Turtle, if you are reading this, I wasn't 裝孝ㄟ, I really did called 10+ cottages. And I guess I own you an apology for not believing in you at the first place. ^_^
Thanks a lot, we'll have an awesome trip.
A little off topic, I am.
Back to the getting ready to Waterloo thingy.
Instead of the more expansive Large Single Room, I booked a smaller room and I couldn't move in until 9/11.
I was planning on going to Waterloo at 9/2, but now I have to move it back to 9/10.
It's rather inconvenient to move in on 9/11 since school starts on 9/12.
But since our Galieno trip is on 10/28 to 10/30, I guess it's a good thing that I have a couple more days to rest and say goodbye to others before I leave Vancouver.
Plus, plane ticket is mysteriously cheaper on 9/9 - only 200 CAD. If I were to go on 9/2, it was 275 CAD.
So... I guess, overall, it's a good thing for me.
Other than that I'll have a rush start at Waterloo and I'll have one week less to spend with Ben. Well... I guess... since I'll stay in Waterloo till like forever, 1 week is a reasonable loss.
After all, I didn't do it on purpose. You gotta forgive me, Ben.
78%, estimated to finish in 30 mins. Guess... I'll stop here then.
My first blog on my new computer.
I miss her like hell.
Well, almost everything.
I've got a place to live, a new computer and a one-way plane ticket.
By "one-way" I don't mean literally, I really got a one-way ticket to Waterloo. For some reason the girl who sold me ticket told me if I'm not sure of the returning date, it's better to just buy a one-way ticket.
And that's my first one-way plane ticket ever in my life.
Chinese Valentines is just around the corner, and god knows how much I miss her.
I don't want to sound dramatic or anything, but I'm a little nervous now that I'm really going.
For some strange reason, it feels like I'm even more nervous than the time I was going to work in Vietnam. Why's that? Waterloo is just another town in Canada. I'm not even leaving this country.
Perhaps, it's because at the time I went Vietnam, I could still turn back at any time I want. But this time is dead or alive.
Well, of course, I'm exaggerating. Other than that I might freeze to death in Waterloo, what's the worst that can happen? After I spend 5 years in Waterloo and finally realized that I can't be an acturary, then I come back to Vancouver or go back to Taiwan to find a job. Hopefully still a computer-related job, if I'm not too behind. Oh, let me add this, at the age of 30.
That sounds fun...
At any rate, it's a little late to change my mind. Plus, I'm not going to change my mind.
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but I do tend to think little to nothing while deciding big steps like this. And I don't listen to the others, not even her.
3 years ago, she told me don't go Vietnam; I went anyways.
last year, she told me don't come back; I came back anyways.
She said nothing this time.
Now the only one who seems to hold the opposing idea of me going to Waterloo is Ken. As my best friend, I hate the fact that he's almost right about everything all the time.
Well, at any rate, he didn't say much. And again, at any rate, I'm going anyways.
While I'm usually an easy-going person, I can be stubborn sometime. And I don't think that's a good thing.
But that's just... me...
Ben's doing EVO World Championship in Las Vegas right now, sincerely wish him the best luck~
That's my first blog on my new computer. And it's super long because I'm waiting for WoW's patch to finish download. It's only... 59% now. God! This is taking forever.
August 10th. I have a midterm on saturday. Next weekend I'm going to Seattle. At the end of August little turtle, judy, ken and me are going to Galieno Island for a 3-days-get-away.
Small turtle has successfully reserved a cottage for us on 28-30. Honestly, I really don't think he can do it until he really pulled it off. Why did every cottage I called were all fully booked, but he can easily find vacant ones? Honestly, I still can't figure that one out.
Well, I guess I ... well ... maybe I give up too easy.
But believe or not, I really did called 10+ cottages but they all said no to me. But small turtle gets lucky on the first or second try. Odd...
He's just that good at making reservations.
Turtle, if you are reading this, I wasn't 裝孝ㄟ, I really did called 10+ cottages. And I guess I own you an apology for not believing in you at the first place. ^_^
Thanks a lot, we'll have an awesome trip.
A little off topic, I am.
Back to the getting ready to Waterloo thingy.
Instead of the more expansive Large Single Room, I booked a smaller room and I couldn't move in until 9/11.
I was planning on going to Waterloo at 9/2, but now I have to move it back to 9/10.
It's rather inconvenient to move in on 9/11 since school starts on 9/12.
But since our Galieno trip is on 10/28 to 10/30, I guess it's a good thing that I have a couple more days to rest and say goodbye to others before I leave Vancouver.
Plus, plane ticket is mysteriously cheaper on 9/9 - only 200 CAD. If I were to go on 9/2, it was 275 CAD.
So... I guess, overall, it's a good thing for me.
Other than that I'll have a rush start at Waterloo and I'll have one week less to spend with Ben. Well... I guess... since I'll stay in Waterloo till like forever, 1 week is a reasonable loss.
After all, I didn't do it on purpose. You gotta forgive me, Ben.
78%, estimated to finish in 30 mins. Guess... I'll stop here then.
My first blog on my new computer.
I miss her like hell.
星期一, 8月 08, 2005
星期日, 8月 07, 2005
World of Azeroth
在還沒決定要不要在去 Waterloo 前換電腦跑 WoW 之前, 最近對 D2 又有點心動.
1.11 看起來實在是有點有趣. 雖然說入手機會很小, 畢竟實在沒有那個美國時間再把誰練到 Hell Level 了.
早上在 Check Battle.Net 的時候發現一個很有趣的現象. 現在 WarCraft 3 四大 Server 的 Solo Ladder 榜首剛好四個種族各佔一方.
US West - 56 Human
US East - 53 Undead
Europe - 58 Orc
Asia - 60 Night Elf/Human
好吧, 雖然在 Asia 第一名使用最多的是 Human (多ㄌ 32 場), 但是 Night Elf 是 Asia 最強勢的種族.
Blizzard 雖然對 Hero Usage 一直束手無策 (或坐視不管), 但是 Game Balance 真的做到其他遊戲望塵莫及.
Random 玩家出乎意料的竟然比較吃虧. 排名大概都在 20 ~ 30 幾名左右. 本來還以為 Random 在高手領域會是最吃香的種族...
另一方面, 日本人不知道在搞什麼. 好像真的很難接受國外來的東西. 自己做的遊戲連啪青哥都可以排上第一名, 外國遊戲做的再好也上不了前五名.
其他方面我不清楚, 至少在遊戲市場是給我很強烈的這種感覺.
但又不能說日本人的接受度不高. 日本玩家反而是最容易接納新遊戲的族群......
想來想去多半還是跟排外有關. 大概想法是: "等把自己遊戲玩完了再嘗試其他國家的遊戲". 但他們自己出的遊戲就已經玩不完ㄌ...
看來如果沒有什麼戲劇性的變化, X360 要在日本贏過 PS3 幾乎是不可能的任務. 比較有可能的是在美國贏過 PS3, 然後在歐洲戰場兩台主機再一決雌雄.
大概是我評論看多了, 也對 X360 的日化帶著悲觀的看法. 雖然微軟很努力的想要打進日本市場, 但幾乎所有評論員都抱著 "看你怎麼死" 的態度在看 X360 的日本市場.
還要多久才能看到 Rev 的搖桿呢?
1.11 看起來實在是有點有趣. 雖然說入手機會很小, 畢竟實在沒有那個美國時間再把誰練到 Hell Level 了.
早上在 Check Battle.Net 的時候發現一個很有趣的現象. 現在 WarCraft 3 四大 Server 的 Solo Ladder 榜首剛好四個種族各佔一方.
US West - 56 Human
US East - 53 Undead
Europe - 58 Orc
Asia - 60 Night Elf/Human
好吧, 雖然在 Asia 第一名使用最多的是 Human (多ㄌ 32 場), 但是 Night Elf 是 Asia 最強勢的種族.
Blizzard 雖然對 Hero Usage 一直束手無策 (或坐視不管), 但是 Game Balance 真的做到其他遊戲望塵莫及.
Random 玩家出乎意料的竟然比較吃虧. 排名大概都在 20 ~ 30 幾名左右. 本來還以為 Random 在高手領域會是最吃香的種族...
另一方面, 日本人不知道在搞什麼. 好像真的很難接受國外來的東西. 自己做的遊戲連啪青哥都可以排上第一名, 外國遊戲做的再好也上不了前五名.
其他方面我不清楚, 至少在遊戲市場是給我很強烈的這種感覺.
但又不能說日本人的接受度不高. 日本玩家反而是最容易接納新遊戲的族群......
想來想去多半還是跟排外有關. 大概想法是: "等把自己遊戲玩完了再嘗試其他國家的遊戲". 但他們自己出的遊戲就已經玩不完ㄌ...
看來如果沒有什麼戲劇性的變化, X360 要在日本贏過 PS3 幾乎是不可能的任務. 比較有可能的是在美國贏過 PS3, 然後在歐洲戰場兩台主機再一決雌雄.
大概是我評論看多了, 也對 X360 的日化帶著悲觀的看法. 雖然微軟很努力的想要打進日本市場, 但幾乎所有評論員都抱著 "看你怎麼死" 的態度在看 X360 的日本市場.
還要多久才能看到 Rev 的搖桿呢?
星期六, 8月 06, 2005
"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable."
While I was searching thru my e-mail box trying to sort out which waterloo prof have I missed sending e-mail back, I found an interesting old letter sitting in my "SENT" box.
It was written by me EXACTLY ONE YEAR ago. Here's a replica of this letter:
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 09:42:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 21:32
To: Rola
I'm leaving... in 30 min.
My blog has our "tentative" schedule when we get there.
But as you know, nothing goes exactly as planned. Especially when it's
a rush plan.
Anyways, we'll survive.
By the way, I didn't tell my parents that I went to Ken Ding. If
anything happened to me, please let them know that I love them so very
You know, like car accident or I get washed away by the ocean.
And in that case, you get to have my GC.
It's weird to think of these things before leaving, but at any rate, I
thought of them.
To be honest, I'm excited. Haven't had a trip for so long. Especially
with really good friends. Too bad that you couldn't join us.
I'll miss you, as usual.
See you in a couple days~
So... It has been one year already....... Miss you guys alot..
While I was searching thru my e-mail box trying to sort out which waterloo prof have I missed sending e-mail back, I found an interesting old letter sitting in my "SENT" box.
It was written by me EXACTLY ONE YEAR ago. Here's a replica of this letter:
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 09:42:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 21:32
To: Rola
I'm leaving... in 30 min.
My blog has our "tentative" schedule when we get there.
But as you know, nothing goes exactly as planned. Especially when it's
a rush plan.
Anyways, we'll survive.
By the way, I didn't tell my parents that I went to Ken Ding. If
anything happened to me, please let them know that I love them so very
You know, like car accident or I get washed away by the ocean.
And in that case, you get to have my GC.
It's weird to think of these things before leaving, but at any rate, I
thought of them.
To be honest, I'm excited. Haven't had a trip for so long. Especially
with really good friends. Too bad that you couldn't join us.
I'll miss you, as usual.
See you in a couple days~
So... It has been one year already....... Miss you guys alot..
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