其實, 我比較想要的是一張椅子.
這星期又快過完ㄌ, 只剩下兩個禮拜. 自己都搞不太清楚到底現在是忙還是不忙.
下星期還有一個考試, 星期五有兩份報告要交.
不過我總是可以找到時間 WoW.
老實說, 我好像 WoW 的太多ㄌ點...?
This week WAS going to be the busiest week before finals, but because of some unexpected event, it turns out not as bad as I've thought.
I'm ... not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not, but i do not dislike the change. Although...
About... last post... actually I was half joking when I wrote that down. Of course I did consider the probable event of giving up, but it's not happening now.
To me, she's still incomparable and irreplaceable.
Until now, at least.
I'll probably give up sooner or later. 5... 10 years sounds right. Really can't see myself enduring longer than that.
Honestly, I doubt it can even last 5 year.
2 則留言:
椅子不難不難~ 就借用一下你現在的椅子, 把大毛巾掛上去放出去, 隔天就多了一把椅子....是說你一個人要多一把椅子幹麻? 有guest ㄇ? 水喔~~~~~~~!!!