Just nailed another test. Love the feeling that I'm the first one leave and the rest of the class still working hard on the questions.
Of course, that doesn't mean I've perfect the test. It just shows how fast I complete the answers and how lazy I am to check my answers over.
I've always been like that...
Find it hard to check the same question over again because I have no confidence in myself. And I'm afraid that if I check them again, I might find something wrong and have to spend some extra time to work on the problem.
What kinda philsophy is that?
Well, another thing I've realized is that whenever I'm busy with school, I have more time to blog. And if school is not busy, I devote all my time to something else.
WoW, for example. Just hit 60 and I think I'm still in the "Honeymoon" period of hitting 60. Having access to all these end-game lvl items and stuff, and also realizing there are still endless things I can do in the game.
I know, like all other feelings, it'll fade away sooner or later.
Time is invincible. Heals all wounds and put everything back to its rightful place.
I'm not a believer of forever and eternity. I think it's more important to enjoy the moment.
And regret later...
Life is wonderful.