星期一, 10月 17, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第三十六天

ㄜ, 從多倫多回來.

唯一比較值得紀錄的事情是, 每餐都吃得好飽.



Friday night we went clubing. Err... I can't even remember when was the last time I went clubing.

And the girl's quality here is actually pretty good.

I do enjoy the time spend there, with all the loud music and repetative dancing moves and so on. But if I'm not there to pick up girls, I guess the point of going there has been decreased drastically.


Turns out that's the only place I went in Toronto. (Other than a couple resturants and arcade).

Came back Saturday night and WoWed ever since. I'm 50 now and... hopefully get to 60 before the end of november.

Still have time.

Good luck to us all.
