星期四, 9月 22, 2005

Waterloo - Day 11 - No Class on Thursday

Wednesday and Friday are the busiest.

And I have no class on thursday, which is, not necessarily a good thing.

It's 3:30 already, I'm suppose to start working on my hw, but turns out i was browsing, chatting, listening to music, reading comics ... didn't even start to play games and it's 3:30 already!

That's a great example of how time can be wasted easily without any notification.


Anyways, I was pretty down yesterday, that's why I didn't bother to write any blogs.

It was the 88th, if we''re still together.

Couldn't believe that I'm still counting the days after so many years. And couldn't believe that I can still be so down about it.

Yesterday was a rather special occasion, usually I won't miss her that much. But somehow .. I knew it would be a long day of missing her when I opened my eye in the morning and remembered that it was the 88th.

Pure Stupidity.

Anyways. I think the feeling is fading away, and I don't think I can keep the promise any longer.

Sooner or later, I'll have to give up.

Let's hope the day comes sooner than later.
