星期二, 11月 01, 2005

5 Minutes

Due to some personal reason, I only have 5 minutes to blog.

Let's c what I can come up within 5 minutes.


It's November 1st. That means year 2005 has merely 2 month left. So far, this has been my best year since 2002. 2003 was horrible coz of my ex-gf and 2004 was better but still not as good as this one.

Lots things happened this year, good and bad, but I get to somehow enjoy most of them till now.

Honestly, I can't wait for the snow. And I'm really expecting a lot of them. Kinda excited. Altho everyone who has lived here before has been telling me all this dreadful things about winter time, I really want to see how bad it can be.

And the worse it is, the heavier it'll print on my memory bank~
