星期四, 4月 21, 2005

Gabriola Island

Top of Gabriola Mt.

Gabriola Island
is an island on the coast of B.C., about 14km long and 4.2km wide with an estimated population of 4,500. A very desserted island. There are, however, ferry operates regularly from Nanaimo to this island.

This island is part of Regional District of Nanaimo. Residents of Gabriola Island often refer to it as "Gabe", and Vancouver Island as "The Island".

Why am I mentioning this island? Becase I might end up on it sooner or later... for a couple days. I'm not a huge nature-loving fan, but it seems really really beautiful and I'm really really looking forward to it~

---------- 孤單的分隔線 ----------

今天發生最重要的事: 任天狗 (Nintendogs) 成為這 Fami 通歷史上第五個拿到滿分的遊戲, 同時也是唯一滿分的掌上型遊戲~~~ 感動~~~ 任天堂果然是無敵的~~~

妹放了一些照片在她的 Space 上面... 很令人忌妒, 她竟然已經去過 Pokemon Park...


現在超討厭人家問我暑假要幹麻. 因為認真的自己也不知道. 暫時的計畫是如果東部打工沒有著落的話, 就去日本玩囉.

話說回來, 實在應該多計畫一點六七八月的事情.

空著三個月是很賞心悅目啦, 不過每天都太閒就會變成像星期一一樣, 連一些雞毛蒜皮的事情都全部記下來. 其實是很累的...

Posted by Hello

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