I was at the superstore, shopping for my mom.
It was around 5:30 and therefore I was looking for something to eat. And it was a big surprise when I see superstore has Chinese Long Donuts - 油條.
Man, who buys these stuff?
Anyways, I tried one, and it was really bad. Probably becoz i'm too used to those hot long donuts that just came out of hot oils.
A long donut sitting there for too long just isn't for me. Hack, I don't think it's meant for anyone. Long donuts are suppose to be eaten hot...
Seriously, who buys these long donuts?
I'm at school library right now, probably the last time before... eh... that's really hard to say here. If I go waterloo, I'll probably never come back here. If not, I'll see this place probably by september. Oh, that is, if sfu rejected me as well.
Having my last and easiest final in the afternoon. It's a good feeling to know that you can't possiblly fail this course before the final. Man, I love math courses.
The cat post was a surprising hit. I haven't got so many comments since I can't even remember when. Thanx to birdy. HAHA ^_^
Something interesting is that Nech_Neb said something in his post about the term "eye candy" being offensive... I wonder if there's a similar term for guys that is equally offensive... can't think of any on my own. Even stud sounds like a complement.
Since I can't leave any comments on Nech's post, I'll say a couple more things here.
I think I can totally understand your feeling about the descent basketball talking thing. I miss Dean... he's like one of the few guys who I can have a descent video game talk with. Well... come think of it, maybe there's nothing toooooo descent about it. But it's nice to have someone that shares the same interest at about the same level.
And about that vince carter post, yeah, it really hits home.
She called me three times and we've chatted a total of 57 minutes and 23 seconds yesterday. Totally made my day.
Talking to her is always a big treat. For me, at least.
It's more than just talking to a good friend, sometimes it really feels like you're talking to a piece of your heart that has been missing for so long. I guess I can sorta understand why gollum is talking to the ring all the time...
She's.. err.. she used to be my center-of-universe. Of course, I'm exaggerating here, but it's close enough.
Pretty sad once you come think of it. Oh well, it doesn't matter. I guess I'm enjoying the pain too much.
1 則留言:
YOU were the one, and maybe the only...... bought that donut.
William Sung