星期三, 12月 15, 2004


Down to seattle again...

TO STUDY!! Honestly~~

Well, it's wednesday already, and I'm suppose to go home by noon.

Monday Night we went to Wing's place to play Taxes Hold'em, and to my surprise, I won 1 out of the 3 games~ ^_^

Let's see if I still remember all the players: Wing (of course), Ken, Jeff (another Jeff), Nethan, Michael and me. Yap.

It's such a fun game and fun way to spend a night with you friends.

Perhaps I should go get some betting chips as well...


There's a line from the Academy Winning Film "American Beauty" which, for some reason, I always remembered. And I'd like to do a little survey asking everyone's opinion about it.

Please do feel free to comment about it (Please try not to use the comment but the Bulletin Board option...)

There it goes:

"In order to be successful, one must project the image of success all the time."

Do you agree?


Well... personally, I don't agree. For no reason, I just don't agree.

I think it's kinda fake to act like something which one is actually not just to give others the impression of being something else...

But that's what people are doing all the time...

3 則留言:

阿惇日記 提到...

I agree tho....for no reason too~

不過那是部份不成功的人不成功的原因....因為時間久了, 挫折多了, 許多人往往就忘了原來的夢想是什麼樣子.......hope I didn't misunderstanding your question....

NeoXaser 提到...


NeoXaser 提到...

Still, thanks for the comment...

And yeah, I think you do misinterpret the meaning a little. I did, too.

However, Ben actually said something meaningful (or interesting) in the Bulletin Board..

Yet... his blog is going nowhere, still on Japan Day 2... T_T