聖誕節好像大家都比較懶. 平常經常 Update Blog 的人也好久好久才 Update 一次.
反而, 從來沒有 Update 過的人竟然寫ㄌ東西上去. Yes, Ben, I'm talking to you.
Japan Trip day 2??? That was like 4 month ago...
Finish it faster la. I couldn't wait to read the trip from your point of view. And I'm sooooooooo sorry about Game Newton free play night, if I had known in advance, I WOULD NEVER had slept over.
On a side note, I wasn't mean to Yuki... Was just telling the truth...
還有公主大人也好久沒寫ㄌ, 今天竟然一次看到三篇新ㄉ... 奇妙.......
今天已經是... 28 號了, 距離開學... 還剩 6 天.
距離我變成 25 歲, 還剩 3 天...
駕照快過期ㄌ, 明天還得去 renew 一下, 不然一月一號我就不能開車ㄌ...