To whom it may concern,
My name is Yi-Chun Jeffrey Wang and I'm writing this letter on the behave of my sister: Li-Tan Daphne Wang. She has been picked to serve jury duty on January 10th, 2005. As much as she would like to attend court to participate as a jury, she is currently working in Japan as an English teacher through the JET Program. She went to Japan this August and she is contracted to the Aichi Prefecture Board of Education on an one year contract at this moment. In addition to that, she is also considering of extending her contract to one more year, therefore, she might not be able to return to Canada and serve her jury duty before August of 2006. Please kindly consider her situation and postpone her date to serve jury duty. If you need any further information or proof of employment, we would be glad to provide it for you. thank you very much!
Yi-Chun Jeffrey Wang
Yap... 很奇妙的, 我妹被選到去當陪審團...
我也好想去當... 什麼時候才會輪到我ㄋ?
最近放假倒還真的是閒得很ㄌ... 每天唯一擔心的事情就是下一餐要吃什麼...
除ㄌ小龜跟阿慧都回來ㄌ以外, 最近還真的是沒什麼事情... 也還沒看到阿慧... 他不想見我吧?
其實還有另一件有點難過的事情. 我家樓下有個很好的房客, 不抽煙不喝酒, 每個月房租也都有準時交.
可是最近一連串不幸的事情, 害他現在房租真的交不出來ㄌ, 我們只好把他趕出去... :p
That's why i said "Hate giving good people bad news..."
2 則留言:
Jessica - 其實我只是單純的沒事作而已...
Birdy - 家裡電話我有啦... 可是沒有他的手機...
昨天看電影了嗎??? 有聽話嗎???