星期日, 7月 04, 2004

My back hurts......

Yesterday came the most incredible lighting strom shower I have ever seen. Blazing thunder lightening the night sky while huge rain drops falling like crazy...

Anyways, it was jaw-dropping.

However, I had neither the time nor relaxing mind to enjoy the amazing storm, because around 23:30, I found that the water has already filled the balcony and almost flooding into my place...

So as the weariness blinded my mind, I grabbed the towel from washroom, left it besides the door, and ran into the stormy balcony with only a mobbing bucket and my underwear.

When I have reached the balcony, I was all soaked and cold. But the coldness has soon disappeared because I tried very hard to keeping filling up the bucket and pouring the water to street. After working like a madman for about 10 min, my back hurts, my arms are shaking and I can barely stand the rain anymore. Even worse, I realized that my bucket strategy wasn't helping at all!! The bucket was big, and the water I can fill up each time were at least more than 2 Liter.

2L per 10 sec. Each minute I can remove 12L of water and within that 10 Min. I have at least removed 120L. But it was useless, the water was still full to the brim and ready to pouring into my place anytime... I may have only slowed the process...

And that was when I finally start to think.

Even if the bucket works, if the rain don't stop, how long can I stand there in the rain working like this? I couldn't have last 20 ... at most 30 min.

I need to let the water drain itself. But it was too dark and I couldn't see a thing. So there I was touching every corner of the balcony and feel with my hand. With the help of random lighting, I found a big hole, or a small tunnel, against the wall, leading the water to the other side of the room.

I couldn't tell if the water were running out of the hole or coming from the hole, but either way, i have to clear it. But as I put my hands and arms into the tunnel, it was NOT blocked, which means the water have filled the other side as well!!

The other side of the wall is another bigger balcony, at least 3 times bigger. If I don't find and hopefully clear the outfall, water will fill up my apartment and I'll be living in water world the next day when I wake up...

Running to the other side, and quickly I started searching for the scupper. Luckily, I found it lay right beside the tunnel which connects to the smaller balcony. And it was choked with leaf, mud and garbage. I was rather angry at that moment and throw out everything I could find on top of the outfall and toss them off the street as far as I could. After about 30 sec, I can feel water running into the outfall with my hands as it makes a HAPPY water-draining sound ^_^. Later I sit there for about 5 more mins to make sure it's not blocked again by other things and until the water has faded...

Finally, Jeffrey (the stupid ass) has saved the night...

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

but you still have to wake up at 0730, pal.
