ok... continue from where I have left...
一路上導遊一直講笑話... 可是我頭很暈, 一笑就想吐, 最後只好想辦法睡覺... since when have i become so weak...???
到ㄌ目的地後就開始玩一些... 消耗體力的遊戲: 飛盤擲準... 採汽球... 等到大家都沒力以後, 竟然... 要開始烤肉!!!
老大, 三十幾度耶, 有沒有搞錯.......... 烤人肉還差不多...
... 下午半自由活動就比較有趣多ㄌ ... 我盡力畫ㄌ一隻多拉A夢要送給 Jeremy... 然後製作冰淇淋... 做完以後可能半年內都不敢吃冰淇淋... 太油ㄌ... 整桶冰淇淋大概有 70~80% 都是奶油................. 想到就.......
看完蝴蝶以後, 大家都沒力ㄌ... 剩下就是吃飯, 回家... (爆累ㄉ)
到公司大概九點, 小龜打電話來說大家約在松隆店, 雖然我已經快睡著ㄌ...... Neo 藍天, 辛苦你ㄌ...
到ㄌ以後... 發現人還真少. 加上我跟小龜只有五個而已. 阿... Jeremy 勒? Calvin 勒? 主角沒到... 我們不知道在爽什麼...
記得好像一直唱到兩點...? Jeremy 才出現... 喔, 對ㄌ, 後來 Jim 也有來...
抽到籤王的 Jeremy 看起來非常... 難過 x 100...
Jeremy... 如果你有看到這段... 這邊是我無法當面講出口的話:
真的超級讓我感動, 你這麼高興收到我的多拉A夢... 說真的, 在牧場的時候我並沒有想這麼多, 只是想好好做個東西給你做紀念, 畢竟, 我也是要閃人ㄉ... 而且下次見到你真的真的不知道是什麼時候ㄌ... 你一定要好好照顧自己, 一年多會過去, 但不變的是我永遠都會記得你! 無論到時如何事過境遷, 永遠都會是挺你的好朋友! 好兄弟!
P.S. ㄟ... 我還有點自知之明... 拜託那隻多拉A夢不要放在太顯眼的地方, 那會破壞美觀....... (300% 認真) 只要能在你房間佔著一個小小的角落, 偶爾會讓你想起我們曾經一起度過的日子, 那就足夠ㄌ. 喔... 還有... 保持聯絡!!! I will see you again!! for sure!!
接下來... 好像是四點騎車回家... 睡到九點半...
Typical Sunday. Wake up, shopping with her till 9, get back home by 10:30.
Haven't saw her for almost a month now, somehow... she seems weakened a little to me... and maybe she is...
Other than appearence, everything else is just perfectly normal. Typical typical typical sunday.
Oh, almost forgot, sunday is the D-DAY. Claire is suppose to answer my request by today.
Although I was nervous whenever my cell makes a sound, but I didn't get her msg until 11:00 at night.
Later we talked on msn until 2:30...
To make the long story short... basically she wants me to keep going after her, she said I have super big chance if i'm not leaving. And I can still keep going after, she can accept long distance relationship...
Err... but the thing is... I don't think I want to go thru that again. Long distance relationship is not possible for any man. The ones who can endure it, ought to be called superman... honestly, that's what I think.
And so... I have no current plan for her other than just wait and see...
The beginning of the last week.
I was at office right on time~ (Good for me, a pat at the back)
5 days left, I plan to finish up all my work before the end of wednesday... So I'll try to talk as little as possible on msn...
Add oil~ to myself...
Vacation is waiting right around the corner~~~