Just got home...
Well... after I (sorta) waited all day, all i got is this msg from Claire:
"I'm back, let's talk on msn when u get home"
Actually I just msned her, but no reply yet... maybe it'll be wise if i just hit bed...
Anyways, since I'm waiting here... let me summarize what happened since thursday (proposal day) while I still remember...
Here it goes...
Working at day time, of course.
Friday was pretty boring as I remembered, after work, I go straight home because Saturday I have this Company Trip and I gotta wake up by 6:00 on saturday.
Played a couple round of warcraft at home, learned that Jeremy is coming back on saturday (!!!), that's a bit of surprise, in a good way, and then I hit bed by 11.
Oh, wait, Claire phoned me from 高雄 wondering what happen to my DC, it's outta of battery all the time... Well, gets me worry about it a little as well. So I suggested her to get a Roll of Battery and just reload the camera whenever needed...
Seems like a useless and dumb suggestion.
Anyways, after the phone call, I went bed.
Wake up SUCCESSFULLY by 6:00 and left home by 6:30.
好久沒騎車到台北ㄌ... 早上騎車其實還蠻過癮ㄉ, 路上車少又沒太陽... 我的 Neo藍天號... 對ㄌ, 我幫它換過新的右後視鏡ㄌ... 這樣才不會被警察抓...
7:30 我是第一個上遊覽車的!!! 雖然領隊說要給我獎勵, 可是最後似乎忘ㄌ...
在往飛牛牧場的路上很不舒服... 不知道是不是暈車... 怪事... 超久沒暈過車ㄌ...
............... grr... 要先打電動ㄌ... 明天上班有空再繼續吧...
Claire still haven't msn me yet, anyways, I plan to sleep no later then 1:30 tonight...