I've always want to do some brainstorming.
The purpose: find out a good reasonof why going back.
And so it begins...
study book no money student loan no car shave my head more video game no video game study and more study leaving taiwan staying at home take bus daphne in japan rola going back angry no not at all she doesn't know either annoying annoy i ought to know Stats Statistics Math transfer Eastern Canada student loan one year two more years no master professional school what's the point content love satisfaction stinky tofu fair weather car scooter friends ken leaving yuki come visit turtle head stay boring life so what maybe boring life suits me warcraft claire 43 days not smart to go after useless shit i am can't work anymore if not staying find new job if go back japan ben yuki akio akio's new gf mario pokemon movie play beer quit if not acturary take test myself work in North America canada states work in asia english need improve money concern not rola think blank richmond focus part-time job seattle gasoline pikmin2 8/30 ben 9/19 tokyo 8/17 s3 street fighter no solution brainstorm last forever vancouver burnaby surrey downtown no fun small town drinking video gaming online gaming edward allen toronto leaving stay alone by myself claire no going no but movie phone for sure annoying more annoying let go not no happy define how drink diet lose weight to 70 to 65 stop eating eat better eat more healthier stupid lunch box so high nutrition or not ubc 2 more are u kidding 1 is too much already but impossible to transfer unless high school mark even that still waste more years to come 24 already 25 end of this year no goal...? no short how about long? to be with...? not sure anymore, still hurting but doesn't really matter now. what do i want? i have no clue? do I have to want something? can I want nothing? i want to be able to do this and that. too much sense of competition, sense of winning and losing, not important or important, why 100 years so short LoR Immortal orcs green why not yellow why not pink not natural WoW dean still one more year 7th 6th call phone call e-mail i hate i resent hateful happy open mind lovely loneliness conquer waste time no direction but why need one so what if u got it what if u didn't and i helping or whinning 43 after tonight 42 going after is useless even i had fun it's not going to help no need to deny fun is all the counts? have fun with warcraft and pokemon rpg ben ps2 no can't get only 1 week after computer cloth luggage freedom of choice of keep going of stop misery of fun of happiness shave repeating myself dreaming fail success spidy movie date? not really i'm more concerened with nearer events than future events jap ticket call tomorrow why delay why delay forever can't take it long enough probably not quit whinning there's not an answer just do it nothing is impossible just commerical just tv tv haven't watch learning reading acadamic master phd how long how old age matter? i shall stop not helping no one give me good satisfing answer i regret wherever i stay regret wherever i go regret whichever path i choose stop quit 3rd path is possible? study while working? no, not like that, not with ... mom... eating outside is tiring and unhealthy sitophobia infection .hack getting clear crystal sort stop long already stop stop stop stop
3 則留言:
Brainstorming was meant for crapping...
Well then, the crapper's comments are right.
Nice job crapper.
you are very welcome~ ^_^