星期三, 11月 30, 2005

The Weather Network · Waterloo · Ontario · Canada

The Weather Network · Waterloo · Ontario · Canada


Weather Network says it'll snow from tomorrow night all the way till Dec. 7th!!!

Nice nice!!

I love snows! ^_^


Heavy-loaded Wednesday is 1/2 way thru. And this is the last week of school~

Everything seems to be on track. Well... seems to be. :)

Other than that Hunter X Hunter is not coming out till next next month...


Only one month left for 2005. I think I'll enjoy December as always :)


Feeling good for no reason is a wonderful thing. :)

星期日, 11月 27, 2005

In short, I hate shopping.

Well. I hate shopping by myself.

I was forced to go shopping this satruday because the lack of winter gears has crippled me from reaching school and thus made my daily 20 min. walk a nightmare level experience.

Err. It took me only less than 20 minutes to bought a snow boot, a tube, a pair of gloves and a hat. I was rushing thru it becoz ... I really don't like shopping. >< .

I'm sure if I spend more time on it, I can probably get better and cheaper ones. But I'm simply too lazy.

I have no clue how I can stand shopping 10 hours with her and still acting like I was enjoying it.

Unless... I was really enjoying it...

星期四, 11月 24, 2005

Blizzard rocks!!

And no, I'm not talking about the company Blizzard, I'm talking about the real blizzard, aka, snowstorm.

As usual, I finished my hw due friday early and was going out to hand in my hw, becoz I don't want to go school too early.

At the door, I started to smile.

The snowstorm outside is incredible, I think it's so funny that I still want to head out.

Well, I went anyways.

And after like 5 minutes, I realized that this is impossible.

The wind is too strong and keeps hurling snow pieces into my eyes. I can't see.

It's too cold outside and apparantly my scarf and hats are not strong enough to endure this kind of coldness. Weird... they seem to be fine back in vancouver.

It was simply incredible.

I sincerely wish that every and each one of you can see this. Because you'll have to see it to understand what I'm talking about.

Actually, this is expected. But still, really, you'll have to be IN IT to know what it feels like.

Anyways, I gave up.

I'll have to go school early tomorrow.

According to Ben, the weather tomorrow is going to be worse.

Well... at least I'm safe now, I'll see what I can do when tomorrow comes around.

Smash x360


At least, it's still an achievement that they've collected enough money to do it..

Yap.. that's what it looks like outta my window right now.

Scary... don't know how to go out today without a snow boots and other things... >< ...

星期三, 11月 23, 2005

Just got off class at 7. On the way back home, it was dark, windy, snowing (-8) and I was hungry.

Having bread and nothing but bread for dinner over 3 month is actually a pretty stupid idea. So nowadays I eat my bread with bananas. However, I doubt how long it would take me to get sick and tired of bread + banana... I really don't think I can eat this kinda of dinner for another year...

I miss dumplings, fried dumplings in Shu-Lin.

And that's all i could ever wanted at this moment.


At least, the snow still seems very very pretty.

And at this temperature, I doubt I'll ever see rain again.


One and half weeks to go before final. And I have to admit that I was kinda slacking off because I did pretty well at the beginning of the terms and also because of WoW. I guess it's about time to get back to work.

Starting tomorrow... :D


I don't really like to write about complains on my blog since we've all had enough complains on blogs. But I also believe that human defines their existence thru misery. It's a matter of comparison. If there's no sadness, happiness wouldn't have too much meaning.

But honesly speaking, I'm rather enjoying my life at this moment. It's rather worry-free.

There are so little things I have to worry about and I like it that way.

Sadly, nothing will last. Within a couple years I'll probably have to start working and say goodbye to school once and for all.

I'll miss Waterloo.

I'll miss the snows.

星期一, 11月 21, 2005


星期一總是特別的累人. 今天的午餐又少得要命, 只好心不甘情不願的 (?) 下課後再買個便當回家當晚餐吃.

現在那溫暖的便當雞肉飯就坐在我的腳邊. 這種時候讓我很懷念好吃的煎餃...


雪停了. 又開始下雨. 已經搞不清楚自己到底比較喜歡雨還是雪.

很想去看 Zathura, 可是電影院離我好遠, 而且學期快結束了, 這幾個星期還蠻忙的. 不知道放假的時候它下檔了沒.





星期五, 11月 18, 2005


OMFG... 今天一回家就看到這個壞消息. 精神糧食已經越來越少了, Hunter 竟然還給我休刊到一月. 現在能看的漫畫只剩下 Air Gear, Mast 21, Deathnote, One Piece, Bleach, 幸運草, Gunnm, Full Metal Alchemist 跟宮本武藏. 後面三篇漫畫又是月刊, 半月刊, 這樣能看的竟然只剩下六套, 實在是太少了點... >< ...



話說我每天上下學如果穿過一兩個停車場的話, 就可以省下一點時間. 今天下課的時候, 也跟平常一樣的穿過停車場.

不過因為連續兩天的大雪, 室外溫度只有零下五六度, 所以就看到每台車的邊緣都結了一根根細細小小的透明冰柱.

從正面望去, 看起來好像每台車子都在哭泣.

一整片停車場的車子都在哭, 也實在是太扯了一點. 所以我就很好心的走到這台藍色的 Miyata 旁邊, 幫它把幾根大燈下的冰柱給拔掉. 想說, 至少有一台車子不哭也好. 結果... 這台 Miyata 變成看起來像是在流鼻涕... 比原來還更糟一點.

好吧好吧, 都別哭了, 等到雪再下大一點, 把你們全部埋起來, 就大概會舒服點了... 聽說雪會下的大到把整台車都埋起來. 所以如果不記得自己的車停哪, 第二天會很糟糕.

話說回來, 到時候停車場會不會一坨一坨的看起來像墳場一樣...?

雪白色的車塚, 其實也蠻不錯的. 總比廢車丟棄場好得多了.

星期四, 11月 17, 2005


今天 Po 的還真多.


剛剛出門去交作業, 果然有夠危險. 剛下了一整天的雪, 人行道上全是硬冰塊, 又還沒灑鹽.

我又沒有雪鞋, 所以平常五分鐘就走到的地方走了快兩倍的時間, 還差點滑倒至少五次...

Well, 每次要滑倒的時候, 正想罵髒話, 看到那美麗的夜雪, 隨風飛散的美麗景象, 又把要罵出口的東西給吞ㄌ下去.

At least, it's so pretty. And that's what counts.


本來是儘量不想在 Blog 上面貼有關 WoW 的事情, 不過, 最近發現, 那就沒東西貼ㄌ...

現在生活除ㄌ學校睡覺以外就只剩下 WoW 而已.

我們工會的規定 (其實是我的 Class Leader 的規定), 要參加 40 人的工會 Raid 除了要符合一些鳥規定以外, 還要全身藍裝才行. 我努力了兩個禮拜, 現在只剩下一個戒指是綠的.

只差一個戒指. One Ring.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatul?k agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

這週末... 應該可以找到它吧?





其實, 我比較想要的是一張椅子.


這星期又快過完ㄌ, 只剩下兩個禮拜. 自己都搞不太清楚到底現在是忙還是不忙.

下星期還有一個考試, 星期五有兩份報告要交.

不過我總是可以找到時間 WoW.

老實說, 我好像 WoW 的太多ㄌ點...?


This week WAS going to be the busiest week before finals, but because of some unexpected event, it turns out not as bad as I've thought.

I'm ... not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not, but i do not dislike the change. Although...


About... last post... actually I was half joking when I wrote that down. Of course I did consider the probable event of giving up, but it's not happening now.

To me, she's still incomparable and irreplaceable.

Until now, at least.

I'll probably give up sooner or later. 5... 10 years sounds right. Really can't see myself enduring longer than that.

Honestly, I doubt it can even last 5 year.

星期一, 11月 14, 2005

題目... 就用 "放棄" 吧.

生氣. 正在不爽我自己.

當然, 還是關於她的事情.


大概是最近比較忙吧 (忙著 WoW). 很明顯想念她的時間不斷在減少. 就連她讓我幫個小忙我都拖拖拉拉一直到現在還沒完成.

更糟糕的是, 這幾天竟然一直萌生要放棄的念頭. 我到底是在搞什麼??

其實很害怕, 因為之前從來沒有預見過會出現這種想法. 我也一直看不到自己會有想要離她遠去的一天.

才不過分手沒多久, 我就已經要把自己的承諾跟信念全盤否定了麼? 為什麼我做事情總是三分鐘熱度? 從來沒有一件事情可以堅持到底的...?

當然. 這是絕對不可以發生的事情. 這應該是連想都不能想到的事情阿.


就算其他事情都放棄了, 也絕不能放棄這件事.

就跟活下去其實不需要什麼理由一樣, 要放棄也不需要什麼理由. 那是一個很容易的選擇, 可卻是我不允許自己選擇的選擇.

本來是想給自己訂個期限, 像是五年阿, 十年阿, 到她嫁人前阿... 可是仔細想想, 還是別訂什麼期限吧. 意義太小了.

就跟和自己生氣一樣, 沒什麼意義.


順便題一下, 已經冷到零度左右, 溫哥華最冷的時候大概也只有差不多這樣子而已.

窗外已經可以當冰箱來用的. 正在考慮要不要買個堅強的掛勾, 然後把要冰的東西都掛在窗外.

星期日, 11月 13, 2005

WoW... Sunday already.

Can't believe it's sunday already.

Basically I'm spending all my free times on WoW now... and I did notice that my blog is dying... like everyone else on my friend's list... except William's...


Next week is going to be busy with 2 midterms and assignments. :p

Can't believe they hold a review session on Sunday!! Profs @ Waterloo are really really hard working. I've never seen anything like this back in UBC.


Yawn.. well.. gotta get going now.

3 more weeks to go. And then it'll be finals, x'mas, my birthday and bye bye 2005.

It's nice to be able to see what's coming..

星期四, 11月 10, 2005


十一月十號. 今年冬天的第一場雪.

嚴格說起來, 比較接近極小粒的冰雹, 打在臉上很痛的那種.

痛到我沒有辦法向前走, 只好一路倒著走到餐廳. 吃完午飯出來, 雪也停了.


其實一直很期待下雪的. 很想知道到底可以冷到什麼程度. 一直記得 Alice 說過的, "零下二十度的溫暖, 只有熬過零下四十度的人才會懂". Or something like that...

不過現實跟期待多少還是有點落差. 我希望看到的是在風中飄著狂亂的片片雪花, 連時間也彷彿凍結的白色大地. 並不是這種連積都積不起來的沒用的雪.

大概是我想太多了. :p


星期二, 11月 08, 2005

Just nailed another test. Love the feeling that I'm the first one leave and the rest of the class still working hard on the questions.

Of course, that doesn't mean I've perfect the test. It just shows how fast I complete the answers and how lazy I am to check my answers over.

I've always been like that...

Find it hard to check the same question over again because I have no confidence in myself. And I'm afraid that if I check them again, I might find something wrong and have to spend some extra time to work on the problem.

What kinda philsophy is that?


Well, another thing I've realized is that whenever I'm busy with school, I have more time to blog. And if school is not busy, I devote all my time to something else.

WoW, for example. Just hit 60 and I think I'm still in the "Honeymoon" period of hitting 60. Having access to all these end-game lvl items and stuff, and also realizing there are still endless things I can do in the game.

I know, like all other feelings, it'll fade away sooner or later.

Time is invincible. Heals all wounds and put everything back to its rightful place.

I'm not a believer of forever and eternity. I think it's more important to enjoy the moment.

And regret later...


Life is wonderful.

星期日, 11月 06, 2005

Wow... sunday already.

Ya, that's what i've been doing since friday night... WoW...

Finally hit 60 this morning. Was excited for about 2 minutes and realized that I don't get xp anymore.. >< ..

About time to start my 2nd char.


Meaningless gap-filler post

星期四, 11月 03, 2005

Got my assignment done around 9:30 and I went straight to MC to handin my assignment because I don't want to wake up too early (12?) .

When I was searching for the right box to drop off my assignment, overheard two white guys talking about people from India. And one of them said something like:

"I was washing my car one day, and I heard these India people listening to Chinese Opera. What's up with them? Aren't they brown?"

And my first reaction was, "are you sure that they are listening to Chinese Opera?"

Come think of it, he did mentioned a rather interesting point that I've never think of. India pop music does sound like Chinese opera with all the yeeeeeeyeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaayaaaaaa sound and weird ding-ling-dong-lang music.

Everyone does percept the same thing in a totally different way.


I'm feeling rather delightful right now after handed in my assignment.

I've had a rather blousy (busy + lousy) week with all the tests and assignments. And I'm so glad that it's finally coming to an end.

Gotta thank her for helping me get thru this... she's... always... the best...

Now, let's see if I can stick with my plan and get to level 60 on Nov. 5th. WoW rocks.

One Bar Away

Finally, I've hit lvl 59 and I'm one bar away from the end of the leveling.

A new beginning awaits me.


For those of you who aren't so sure. I have 2 characters on WoW. Both on the Allience side. My main char is a human priest and my alternative char is an elf warrior.

I guess I do like to play priest better because while group with others, I can stay behind and just let others lead. I don't have to do anything too dangerous, technically speaking.

Well, that's that...


It's thursday already.

No class today.

And I've been working on my assignment since 2 in the afternoon. Took a nap around 4 and woke up by this annoyingly non-stop car alarm sound outside. I swear to the mother of Kil'Jaedon that sound must at least went off for like an hour.

Instead of a countinous sound, it's more like, bee-bee-bee---bee---bee---bee-bee-bee---bee---bee...

I was napping and dreamed of myself broke a laundry machine and it kept making that annoying sound. And when I finally woke up, I realize it's from outside, instead of the laundry machine in my dream.

I was annoyed, but couldn't go back to sleep again due to the sheer noise that alarm sound is making.

It was really really really annoying.

If I had a hammer at that time and the source of that sound is in front of me, I'll smash it without 2nd thought.

And here's the moral of the day:

Give a destructive device to a mad man is the stupidest thing one can ever done.

Some real-life example:

Bin Laden with Evangelion 01. With his exceptional AT field and amount of determination, instead of Tokyo-3, we'll soon be able to see NY-5, NY-6... and so on.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, congradulations, you are a normal person. ^_^

Man, I do get a little nuts whenever working on my assignments.

星期二, 11月 01, 2005

Congratulations! You've WON!!!!

Congratulations! You've WON!!!!

This is one of the funniest pop-up I've ever seen. ^_^

A couple things to note:

* There's a countdown at the bottom of the page which repeat itself.

* The narrator claims this is the world's largest ... whatever all over the world. But later he said we can only meet thousands of people. Hello? This world has at least millions of users.

* The iPod Shuffle picture it shows is NOT EVEN AN iPod Shuffle!! It's an iPod Nano... and they probably steal the picture right off apple's homepage.

It would be interesting to find out who would really fall for this tho...

5 Minutes

Due to some personal reason, I only have 5 minutes to blog.

Let's c what I can come up within 5 minutes.


It's November 1st. That means year 2005 has merely 2 month left. So far, this has been my best year since 2002. 2003 was horrible coz of my ex-gf and 2004 was better but still not as good as this one.

Lots things happened this year, good and bad, but I get to somehow enjoy most of them till now.

Honestly, I can't wait for the snow. And I'm really expecting a lot of them. Kinda excited. Altho everyone who has lived here before has been telling me all this dreadful things about winter time, I really want to see how bad it can be.

And the worse it is, the heavier it'll print on my memory bank~