大概兩個小時的電話, 已經很久沒有發現講電話時間可以過得這麼快ㄌ.
總是很高興接到她的電話, 很高興她還願意跟我分享她的快樂跟煩惱.
總是在失去以後, 才知道要珍惜. 總是在掛電話以後, 才發現其實還有很多話想說.
雖然說了也不會改變什麼. 語言的力量, 其實並沒有想像中的那麼強大. 大部分的事情好像就算說了, 也一點幫助都沒有. 實際上反而讓情況更糟糕而已.
她一直在問的問題: "為什麼我要回來呢?"
這個問題我已經被問過不下百遍, 可是我剛剛給她的答案, 應該是最真心的, 到目前為止讓自己最滿意的一個答案.
"Just want to keep a promise, a promise to myself."
付出的很多, 能得到什麼, 現在還看不到. 不知道是不是只有我這樣, 還是其實很多事情都是這個樣子.
結論是, 我只是個笨蛋吧.
The following paragraph is dedicated for her:
Dear Rola:
Your smile, is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, which no word even comes close to express its beauty in one thousandth. And I've ever wanted, is just want to make you happy. No matter where you are or who you are with.
If you ever feel sorry for this puny little soul who loves you with all his heart, do me a favor, make yourself happy.
Happiness is not as distant as you may think. You never know, it might be just around the corner.
After all is said, sincerely wish that, you have a wonderful life.
Remember that you are always making this world a better place, whenever that beautiful smile of yours, is present.
And finally, if this still means anything,
I'll probably love you forever and ever. (As a friend... honestly, no more weird getting back thoughts for me.)
ps. If you get another bf, i'll become triple x ^_^ xXx is cool.
ps2. I should really try harder to get back on track, my love-life has been a blank since you left.
ps3. coming out this year, hopefully after Revolution (Nintendo's next console). (This joke is getting old...)
Instead of just waiting for her to see this, maybe I should just e-mail her...
1 則留言:
you sick...........