星期五, 1月 28, 2005


昨天晚上很晚才睡. 並不是因為睡不著, 其實我很累. 只是... 覺得好像沒有必要那麼早睡. (完全錯誤的邏輯)

那... 跟平常一樣, 看看漫畫, 跟線上的人聊聊天, 打打 Dota. 大概三點左右就睡ㄌ吧.

白天倒是沒什麼好提的. 上課, 下課, 跟平常一樣. 回家以後想要寫點作業. 這是... 344 的第二份作業吧. 應該不難才對.

結果寫到第八題, 竟然完全卡住, 一點 F***ing Clue 也沒有. 這本 Text Book 的作者是怎麼回事? Example 可以再給爛一點.


話說回來, 說不定明天早上突然就會想通ㄌ...


And... 我要跟 Yuki 道歉...

Sorry I laughed so hard... really didn't know you were really really care about it.

I was just so caught up in the moment. And honestly, the picture is funny.

I'm sorry that I laughed at your misfortune, and I'm really am.


今天還有什麼事? 跟 Alice 扯ㄌ蠻久ㄉ... Still haven't figure out if I should... or should not... do it...

I mean, I really do think ... that ... and I really enjoyed to be ...

But if the consequence is that huge... maybe I shouldn't.

Still, after so many years, confronted by such a stupid predictment.

Perhaps I should just let it out instead of swallow it... and by doing that, Alice will no longer ba able to torture me... ^_^
