星期四, 8月 12, 2004

seems like i'm a little sick now... running nose, burning throat and stuff...

it's 4:30 in the morning and i don't know why i wake up so early. I guess my time has been all messed up since vacation start.

Just had a really weird dream about I was on the plane back to vancouver and realized I've left my canadian passport at home...

I guess that's what wakes me up...

Wednesday night we went party at Tina's, thursday I slacked.

Today I gotta get things done. I forgot to call her back... actually I fell asleep... grr... anyways.

For some reason, I was reading the e-mails she wrote to me when I was back in Viet. They looked strangly distant to me nowadays. Seems like letters from last life.

Lack of self-confidence, it seems, is one of my biggest problems. When we were on a break, if only I have act more mature, maybe things won't turn out this bad. But I was all alone... sign ...

When people ask me now why did I let her go, I always answer becoz she's always free to try out. Sounds like I'm very mature, but that's not what it seems like in the letter. I don't have any letter that I've sent to her, but according to her reply, it sounds like I was pretty screwed. Nagging and threatening her about breaking-up all the time. Damn, that must be really annoying. If I were her, I wouldn't want to be with a childish nagging kid as well.

No wonder we broke up.


2 則留言:

阿惇日記 提到...

每個人都會有這種經驗, 你會這樣只是因為你太在乎他, 沒什麼好覺得不好意思的.

匿名 提到...

最起碼你有勇氣面對它~ 打開來閱讀~
不管是你錯還是她錯~ 不管是產生了怨兌還是懊悔~

William Sung

ps. mmm..... actually i don't know your story at all, 只是從你的敘述去感覺, i got a lot in Squamish, also i lost a lot by going there, 如果我會錯意,說的跟你敘述的牛頭不對馬嘴~ 你就別太在意.