星期三, 8月 04, 2004


果然, 坐在電腦前的時間跟 blog 的數量是成正比的...

昨天小龜跑來 Party... ㄟ... 反正就是一樣的事情, Soul Calibur, 數字拳... 十二支...


今天下午竟然跟小龜 + 凱文跑到大湖公園去游泳, 還蠻神ㄉ... 不過那間真的蠻便宜的, 下次想不開還可以再來去走走~

發現我每天很難跟著計畫走 (還是不要計畫算ㄌ).

本來今天是要跟 Claire 去看電影, 結果 Claire 不舒服, 所以... 就變成游泳... (會不會差太多)

游泳完吃蒸餃, 吃完正在想要怎麼回家, 她就打來, 人在 ATT, 剛好凱文要載我到國父紀念館, 下車以後我就走過去找她. She's still as stunningly beautiful as always...... oh, well...

Take her home, after shopping. For some reason, she seems tired. And no motivation to shop,... that's a first.......

Then I asked Jamie to pick me up and take me home, for that I have to hand him daphy's notebook.

That's probably the longest I've ever talk to Jamie...

By the way, don't buy any new BMW or Mercedes in Taiwan. They are fake...

That's... what I've learned from him today...

Taiwan dealer always (eh... or sometimes), buy 2nd-hand cars and they fix the dashboard and repair the car to make it look like new, and then sell it like new (of course).

That's... well... that's that...

其實在台灣買的起那些新車的人也不在乎一點修車的冤枉錢吧, 這倒是另一件事ㄌ.

總之, 今天雖然好累好累, 卻是很充實的一天~ (每天都繼續這樣充實下去吧~~~)

p.s. 小龜的網路還沒修好~

1 則留言:

阿惇日記 提到...

你果然一沒上班, blog就嚴重縮水了~~~哈哈