殺不死 Ragnaros~~~
似乎已經好久沒有這麼久沒有更新過我的 Blog 了.
如果硬是要說沒有東西寫的話, 其實也不是很正確. 如果說真的有什麼原因的話, 大概就是懶掉了.
拖了兩個星期, 上禮拜好不容易才心不甘情不願的又回到宿舍的食堂去吃午餐. 畢竟每天買外面東西吃也是挺麻煩的.
自從回到 waterloo 以來, 已經連續三個星期說要回 Toronto 了. 可是每次都出現意外... 最後沒有一次去成. 我連車票都早就買好了耶. >< .
1 則留言:
this is a bit weird.
if you guys alrdy run MC x many times, then you guys' gears should be strong enough to beat Rag down.
Everyone should roughly have more than 3 MC items no matter armours, trinkets, weapons...etc., and of course enough fire resist.
if your guild has alrdy reached the requirment above, then strategy might be wrong..... maybe try to search strategy description or video.
wish you guys luck to beat Rag down.
William Sung