星期日, 10月 30, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 七七四十九天 - 天真

除了以前學心算的時候必須要用普通的鉛筆, 印象中我總是拿著自動鉛筆.

跟了我最久的是一隻深綠色的自動筆. 久到什麼程度? 大概從小學四五年級就一直用那隻筆到十二年級. 那隻筆最神奇的地方就是每次不見最後都會找回來. 所以以前曾經天真的認為那隻是我的幸運筆. 只要是重要的考試總會帶著它.

後來上大學就很捨不得用它了. 變成我房間裡的一個僅供自己回憶的紀念品. 後來搬了兩次家, 我又跑東跑西, 已經記不起來那隻筆是不是還在我房間了. 八成是已經被家人處理掉了. 如果下次回溫哥華還能記得找它, 而且還能找到, 那還真是個奇蹟.

現 在手邊有三隻自動筆, 兩隻躺在書桌上, 一隻在抽屜裡. 最長用的那隻是我剛從台灣回來的時候買的. 大概花了三四塊吧. 除了它的暗紅色我實在實在非常討厭以外, 這隻筆真的沒什麼好挑剔的. 最方便的地方就是筆尾有個旋轉的橡皮擦, 所以不管擦什麼都可以不用另外拿橡皮擦出來. 現在目標是把那旋轉橡皮擦用完, 然後換一隻筆. 實在是受不了那個顏色了.

另一隻在桌上 的筆則是我到滑鐵盧以後才買的. 這隻筆跟上一隻剛好完全相反, 除了那亮綠色我很喜歡以外幾乎一無是處, 難用到不行. 記得它還不到一塊錢, 我在買的時候還天真的以為, 二十一世紀的前十年都快過完ㄌ, 現在自動筆的技術應該已經日新月異, 物換星移, 乾坤大挪移了. 所以隨便買隻便宜的筆都應該很好用.

事實證明, 我又錯了. 印象中從來沒有用過這麼難用的筆. 每次押都會跑一大節出來, 押的時候又很不順暢. 製造設計研發這隻筆的人是每天在吃飯混睡等死就是了? 這麼難用的東西你也好意思拿出來賣?

喔, 差點忘了, 這隻筆的確還有一個功能, 就是轉起來還蠻順的. 除了這個雞肋功能以外, 我實在不想再去用這隻爛筆...

在抽屜的那隻就沒什麼好題的了, 是我從妹那裡偷來的, 懶趴熊 (好難聽) 主題的自動筆. 已經很舊, 而且上面的熊顏色也都快掉光了. 它躺在抽屜的主要功能是在讓我在急需時可以隨手取得. 用到的機會極少, 也跟它沒什麼感情.

總之, 先入為主真的是一件很糟糕的習慣, 就算到二十三世紀, 如果人類還是在用自動筆的話, 應該也還是可以找到很難用的自動筆.


至少, 這都是一些讓人快樂的事情. ^_^

Japonais Piano

Japonais Piano - Google Video


星期六, 10月 29, 2005

Anti-Birdy Campaign (ABC)

I've heard that there's an Anti-Birdy Campaign (ABC) going on, so I did some research.



Bird Flu is a type of influenza virus that is hosted by birdy, and purposefully infect several species of mammals. It was first identified in Italy in the early 1900s and is now known to exist worldwide. Bird Flu viruses compose the Influenzavirus A genus of the Orthomyxoviridae family and are negative sense, single-stranded, segmented RNA viruses. A strain of the H5N1-type of Bird Flu that emereged in 1997 has been identified as the most likely source of a future influenza pandemic.

Other than the famous H5N1, there are also H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H7N2, H7N3, H7N7 and H9N2.
The higher the number, the deadlier the virus is.


Strains of Bird Flu may infect various type of animals, including other birdies, pigs, horses, seals, whales and humans. Bird Flu spreads in the air and in manure. It can also be transmitted by contaminated feed, water, equipment and clothing; but apparantly, there's still no evidence that a well-cooked birdy leg can spread the virus. The incubation period is 72 to 120 hours and virulent strains can cause death within a few days.

In humans, Bird Flu's symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, conjunctivitis and sometimes severe breathing problems and pneumonia that may be fatal.


The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing a Birdy Terminator Robot (BTR) with the blueprint of the Governor of California. The robot is currently going under beta testing and mass production is expected at Q2 2006.

The sole purpose of the existance of such robot is to locate, torture, and ultimately kill all birds. While this is only a short-term strategies to deal with Bird Flu, the long-term strategy is to wipe out everything related to bird from the face of earth.

Before BTR is fully functional, WHO has asked all citizen of earth to kill all birds on sight. Only the extinction of Birds can ensure the safety and continuity of all mammals.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Disclaimer: Killing bird is a dangerous act and should not performed by people who are under the age of 10. Some mock-ups are included in the paragraph.

星期五, 10月 28, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第四十七天 - 一些小事

剛換上了新買的無線鍵盤 & 滑鼠, 然後看了一下它的 Review.

奇妙了, Review 應該要在買之前就看的. 哪有人電影都看完了才回頭去看影評的?

當然, 也不是不行啦, 只是意義不大而已.


現在才剛開始用而已, 我自己的 Review 過一陣子再說.


終於有半隻腳踏進無線領域的感覺. ^_^


裝好以後就想說, 那還是去洗個澡再來用好了. 雖然說我不怎麼愛惜我的東西, 不過好歹也是新的. 至少剛開始幾分鐘對它好一點好了.

宿舍洗澡的地方是很普通的站浴式 (What the...? PageEnd 鍵為什麼要換地方?), 旁邊加個防止水亂噴的掛簾那種.

最近天氣越來越冷 (前幾天早上迷糊的睡醒時, 看到窗外一大片白雲, 還以為已經下雪了), 所以洗澡水也越放越熱. 因為冷熱空氣內外壓力不均所產生的對流現象, 會讓那個簾子一直往我站的地方貼近.

很煩. 因為那簾子並不乾淨.

雖然說我也不乾淨, 不過我現在在洗澡就是要把自己洗乾淨. 然後你一直要來把我弄髒是怎樣?


其實有很多處理的方法, 只不過每次要去洗澡的時候都會忘記這件事, 一定要等到它碰到我的時候才想到.



World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

Of course...

Vincent, u big liar, I told everyone in my guild that Allience gets panda.


Err... he'll probably not c this, but William, plz tell him. :D

星期三, 10月 26, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第四十五天 - 香蕉 & 鬍子

晚餐, 買了五根香蕉. 吃了三根, 才知道香蕉原來是會讓人越吃越餓的東西.


聽小龜頭的話, 看能不能正常一點, 鬍子不要用拔的了.

刮了一個月, 差不多要放棄ㄌ.

有沒有搞錯, 怎麼這麼麻煩? 每天都要刮是怎樣?

明天還是來去買個鏡子用拔的好了. 至少拔一次可以撐很久.



星期二, 10月 25, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第四十四天 - 原來如此..

房間的暖氣雖然理論上來講是修好了, 不過好像還是沒什麼屁用.

聽技術人員說是因為我房間位於這條暖氣管線的最尾端, 所以前面三間 (C7, C6, C5) 房間只要暖氣開強一點, 我房間就會變成冰箱...

大概這幾天還是要去抱怨一下, 不過不知道有沒有用就是了.

下學期的房間 Deposit 最近也要繳ㄌ, 是不是應該換個房間比較好...? 可是我又很懶.................

說到懶, 就不得不佩服一下我自己. 這幾天在處理學生貸款的事情. 我全部要做的事情只有三件. 到學校去拿 Form, 填完以後讓學校確認, 然後寄回處理學生貸款的部門. 明明三十分鐘就可以處理完的事情, 我一定要弄三天.

第一天, 只去拿了 Form, 放了一天. 第二天, 填完以後拿回學校, 再拿回家, 放一天. 然後一直到剛剛要去考試前才把它寄出去.



今天下午四點半要考試, 本來是打算吃完飯以後就留在學校看書. 考完再回來.

所以很晚才到飯廳, 大家都吃得差不多已經沒剩幾個人了. 今天的主菜是雞肉湯, 可是我到的時候餐具只剩下刀子... 連喝果汁用的杯子都沒剩, 我只好用碗來喝蘋果汁, 然後用刀子喝湯.

吃完飯想想還是回家好了, 至少有網路可以用, 不用到圖書館去跟別人擠.

這堂課我前幾個考試雖然沒考滿分, 不過好歹也遠高於班上的平均. 教授說上次考試平均太低, 所以這次不會考太難.

所以我就輕輕鬆鬆的準備, 開開心心的去考試.

看了題目果然很簡單, 劈哩啪拉半個小時寫完隨便檢查一下就交了. 這次應該要考滿分了吧.

結果出來的時候仔細想了一下, 才發現有兩個 Variable 我放錯位置了... >< ...

而且同樣錯誤好像還發生在兩題上, 真是夠了...

Totally Screwed up that exam.

回家的路上一直很懊惱, 想要 Justify 我的錯誤.

恩... 大概是危機感不夠... 大概是練習不夠... 反正... 下次就不會再錯了吧. 應該.

回來打算在 Blog 上抱怨的時候才發現今天是我到滑鐵盧第四十四天. 原來如此.

四十四, 不吉利嘛, 難怪考不好. 那就不是我的錯了.





星期一, 10月 24, 2005

Waterloo - Day 43 - Heater

Woot!! After 43 days, the heater finaly starts to work!!

About time. Before I freeze to death.

Hmm... but somehow after like 20 minutes now, I'm still feeling nothing coming out from the heater...

Errrrrr... and I gotta go class now, I'll set the temperature to the highest, and hopefully, when I come back, my room feels like sauna.

So I can lose weight while sitting here...

星期日, 10月 23, 2005

Waterloo - Day 42

Another boring sunday afternoon...

I'm "suppose" to read. But just finished all the midterms and assignment.

Kinda in the mood of relaxation...


Should I give up working on sunday...?

星期四, 10月 20, 2005

Waterloo - Day 39 - Homer Becomes Omar

I wasn't going to blog today coz of 2 reasons.

Tomorrow I have a midterm and an assignment due. It's 5:11 already and I have just finished study and going to get on with the assignment.

The 2nd reason is, I want to leave the last post longer on the top, and perhaps even give it a little modification. I wasn't so satisfied with how I've represent my thoughts...

Well, but ... anyways ...

There's something I find very interesting and just wanted to put it up here.

It starts with a news on Slashdot.

Homer Becomes Omar

"With Omar as Homer, and Badr substituted for Bart, The Simpsons is now playing on Arab television. But in order not to risk offending an Arab audience, the characters in Al Shamshoon, as the show is now called, have modified some of their most distinguishable traits." And you thought internationalization was hard for software!

The news is posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday October 20, @04:08PM.

Well, that's no surprise. Even at 21st century, people still don't openly accept other people's opinion, like 5000 years ago.

Take myself, for example, I just can't accept the opinion that sunny day is considered as a "good weather". With the broken ozone layer, sunny day is becoming more and more dangerous for all mankind. A "good weather" is a cloudy one with little sunshine breaks.


Alrite... going to take a shower and probably a nap now.

If we're still together, tmr is the 89th. I'm beyond hopeless.

星期二, 10月 18, 2005


知道嗎? 燕子在高速飛行的時候, 會突然死掉喔.




她每天都很努力的飛行, 追求自己的夢想. 能誠實的面對自己, 真的不是一件容易的事情.

前幾天晚上吧, 她打電話給我, 說她現在很難過.


她發現她曾經一度嚮往的那片天空, 其實並不允許她飛行.

她害怕再也找不到, 能讓她這麼自由飛翔的天空了.

老實說, 其實我手邊還在打電動. 我們扯了多久, 我已經記不起來了 (大概是從 IronForge 到 Hitherland 然後被徵招到 Zul'Farrak 打了三分之四左右. )

總而言之, 燕子最後的決定是, 繼續在那片天空附近盤旋. 直到... 天知道什麼時候.

單純的決定, 或許就跟飛行一樣, 需要很大的勇氣.


這篇 Post, 送給燕子.


其實寫些莫名其妙文, 還蠻有趣的.


雖然稍嫌慢ㄌ一點, 不過遲到總比不到的好.

基本上這次回台灣我都賴在北部不肯離開 (大概 80% 時間都在復興北路附近...). 然後花蓮是我今年回台灣去過最遠的地方.

正確日期已經想不起來了, 查ㄌ一下我的 Blog, 發現那時候在台灣 Update 少的可憐. 整個六月好像只有七八篇而已.

大概是六月底某個風和日麗的星期日吧, 跟一個笨蛋坐火車到花蓮一日遊. 是說基本上我是去當司機的...

跑到山窮水盡的地方, 一天還真是不太夠用. 記得好像一大早就出門, 坐了三四個小時的火車, 中午到花蓮, 然後下午五點 (!!!!!?????) 就回來了. 到家的時候才九點十點, 完全不知道要做什麼才好.

只記得在花蓮市區跟郊區繞來繞去, 然後照了一些有的沒的照片, 然後就回來了.

有幾張照片還蠻有趣的, 貼在這邊跟大家分享一下:

首先是... ㄟ... 嚴格說起來, 這個警告標示也沒那麼好笑, 只是從來沒看過, 所以還是很興奮的把它照下來. 我們那時候只是去一個中型的公園, 並不是深山野嶺. 這樣都還可以有毒蛇毒峰. 花蓮果然很偏僻...


加拿大是比較冷的地方, 所以鮮少有樹葉比人頭還大的. 記得在讀國小的時候, 校園裡的葉子掉下來大到可以當扇子. 那真是純真的回憶.

這張告示卻... 好像只是純搞笑而以. 真的有落葉是要怎麼當心? 這好像叫人當心鳥屎跟流星一樣. 再說, 被落葉打到好像問題也不大. 那時候看到這張告示的時候我笑得還蠻開心的. ^_^


照片上顯示的日期是 20 號. 可是六月二十號是星期一. 除非那天有放假, 不然好像不太可能是那天去的...

星期一, 10月 17, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第三十六天

ㄜ, 從多倫多回來.

唯一比較值得紀錄的事情是, 每餐都吃得好飽.



Friday night we went clubing. Err... I can't even remember when was the last time I went clubing.

And the girl's quality here is actually pretty good.

I do enjoy the time spend there, with all the loud music and repetative dancing moves and so on. But if I'm not there to pick up girls, I guess the point of going there has been decreased drastically.


Turns out that's the only place I went in Toronto. (Other than a couple resturants and arcade).

Came back Saturday night and WoWed ever since. I'm 50 now and... hopefully get to 60 before the end of november.

Still have time.

Good luck to us all.

星期五, 10月 14, 2005

Going back to Toronto this weekend.

As titled.

Gonna train S3 like crazy. Hopefully.

星期四, 10月 13, 2005

Waterloo - Day 32 - Bill Gates' speech.

The very first object that catches my eye upon entering the room was xbox 360.

No wonder my question about Rev gets picked...


First of all, it's a miracle that I woke up at 9.

Lined up outside of Hagey Hall for an hour, followed by a short speech of the president of UW, Bill Gates showed up.

Well, I'll start from the conclusion.

In terms of speech, it wasn't that impressive. He spend about an hour talking about things we all already know: how this is the golden era for software and how things like books, tv, physical medium, phone number, language barrier will start disappearing in the next couple decades; how technology will be integrate more into our daily life and be more accessible for all, and how we ought to use this knowledge to maximize our own benefit and so on and so forth.

The usual craps.


In terms of presentation, I think he did a great job. We get to see some really cool gadgets that'll be available within a couple years.

Xbox 360 and its wireless controllers, not that amazing to me, simply a better version of Xbox and it's coming out next month.

A cell phone that can do all sort of things...

Windows Vista's gallary functions - ok amazing.

The most impressive gizmo turns out to be a table that no one noticed at the beginning. (Err.. at least no one around me had noticed.) An ordinary table with a smart camera and projector on top of it.

Bill throws his cell phone on top of the table, the table recognized that it's Bill's cell, and shows a pop-up window asking him to provide a password. And then he throws a name card on the table. The table recognize the name card, and stores the information into the cell phone. You can manipulate and move things, real or not, around the table.

Err... my words are poor. One has to see it in action in order to find out how cool that thing is. Basically, it's a prototype of the computer you see in Minority Report. And it's not merely a touch screen. It's a 3D input/output device. Very very very neat and astonishing.


Perhaps it's because he's talking to a bunch of math/cpsc students, the impression that he gave us was that he's a technology geek/nerd. During the Q&A session, he just won't stop talking about technology. Even though some people are more interested about his personal life, he can always easily avert the subject and starts talking about networks, operating systems, data processing ... etc.

He's polite, cute, funny, and again, a geek.

At the end, He did showed some business side of him and gave us some advices in how he gets into this bussiness and becomes successful at it. How to be at the right place at the right time and how the volumn vs price thingy... the usual money and business talk and it was rather boring, I'll probably skip it then... don't think anyone would be intereted in that.

Think I'll spend some more time describing xbox 360.

The shape is concave, everyone already knew that. And it does look like a small personal pc if you stand it up.

The loading time is still there while he starts a racing game. About 5 sec. Long enough.

The graphics is better, but not to the degree of extraordinary. PS3's pre-rendered show did a much better job than that.

Grrrrr... he mentioned Sony and PS3 twice, but never mentioned once about nintendo. That was... not very polite. Nintendo did pawned xbox in the land of rising sun. I guess he just don't consider Nintendo is fighting on the same frontier as Xbox and PS right now... In a way, that's a good thing, coz Nintendo obviously doesn't want to fight on the same battleground as them as well.


Was it worth the early wake up and 3 hours of time? I'd say yes.

Although the speech part was a bit of disappointment and not that inspiring, it was still a great and free show to attend to.

Hungry now, lunch time~

星期三, 10月 12, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第三十一天 - 現在心情超好

這星期兩個期中考. 剛剛七點考完最後一個出來, 天色已經很暗了, 飄著毛毛細雨 - 我最喜歡的天氣. 然後心情就超好的~ 天氣果然有大大加分的作用~

其實這星期真的很忙. 明天還要早起去聽比爾的演講, 照某人的說法, 這麼不容易擠進去, 就算整晚不睡也要去聽. 我昨天算是早睡的了 (三點?), 今天這麼累看能不能再早一點.

大概一部分的原因也是考得好像還不錯, 除了最後的證明題亂寫以外, 其他題目都還蠻有把握的. 不過我也有試過好幾次很有把握的考試最後出來結果亂七八糟, 還是不要高興的太早. 所以這麼興奮的原因應該也不完全是因為考試...



其實今天還沒結束. 等下我還得去打掃廁所, 然後晚上十點半還有個臨時會議要開. 是說有 Meeting 也不早一點通知是怎樣?


說真的, 今天下午還蠻悶的.

開始上課以後才知道為什麼滑鐵盧可以那麼晚開學. 因為他們考試時間都不會佔用到上課時間, 而是另外再排. 我是不知道其他學校是怎樣啦, 不過 UBC 的期中考倒是都直接拿上課時間來考. 所以就不會發生像今天這樣, 明明三點半就下課, 還要等到五點半才考試.

在等著要考試的時候真的很無聊, 跑到圖書館一趟, 這星期大家都在考試, 圖書館坐的滿滿的. 本來想去 Hammer 讀書, 結果上星期五大地震, 那邊正在辦救濟的活動. 五六個人音樂放的很大聲, 一直在彈簧墊上面跳阿跳的, 也是吵到沒辦法看書 (他們好像要從早上十一點一直跳到晚上十一點).

最後只好乖乖到教室門口去坐在走廊上看. 沒兩下就看不太下去ㄌ, 然後就一直瞪著走廊上的時鐘, 看它會不會走快一點.


寫到這裡, 好像又快把興奮的心情都用玩ㄌ. 想到等下還要拖地, 整個眼框就不禁堆滿ㄌ淚水......

哈哈哈, 當然是沒有那麼誇張啦, 心情還是挺好的.

真的希望今晚 WoW 能早點放我走, 讓我早點睡覺.

星期一, 10月 10, 2005

Azeroth 手札 1 : 我與 Ancients.

這是我第一次看到 Ancients 驚慌失措逃走的樣子. 明明在 Warcraft III 裡面也才比我大一點點, 怎麼到 WoW 的時候像大廈一樣? (這到底是誰照的?)

後來在 Darnassus 混熟了以後, 就敢站遠一點照相, 這時候還是很怕被他們踩到. 後面的是 Ancient of War. 就是專門製造弓箭兵的那隻.

Ancient of Protector, 就是 Warcraft III 裡面丟石頭的那隻. 聽說他今天掉了很多葉子, 所以心情不太好.

這是一開始的那隻 Ancient of Lore, 後來我也敢在他前面扮鬼臉照相了.


還蠻懷念 Darnassus 的. 自從到 Ironforge 以後幾乎就都沒有回去過了. >< .

風雲正邪道象棋一套32隻 Yahoo!奇摩拍賣

風雲正邪道象棋一套32隻 Yahoo!奇摩拍賣

一套象棋, 還沒有棋盤, 一萬二...

2005 Rock Paper Scissors International World Championships

2005 國際剪刀石頭布世界冠軍賽


水喔... 就下下禮拜ㄌ... 要去看ㄇ?

星期日, 10月 09, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第二十八天 - 感恩節

這是今年第一個, 也是最後一個感恩節.

整棟宿舍充滿著星期日下午不該有的寧靜. 本來這星期是要回多倫多一趟, 可下星期二要考試, 星期三考試, 星期四要早起, 星期五... 才能回去吧.

仔細想想, 住進這房間也已經四個星期了, 是怎樣房間裡還可以空無一物?

剛開學的時候, 學校有海報展. 差一點點就衝動的買下了 Middle Earth 34" x 22" 豪華版的海報. 沒買的原因是實在有點太貴了, 而且這麼漂亮的海報好像不框起來有點對不起它.

如果她在的話, 我那天大概就會抱著海報回家了. "對自己好一點, 總是不會錯的." - 一向都是她的教條之一.

海報展持續一整個禮拜, 其實我星期一就去了, 可在猶豫不決中, 星期五就過了...

嚴格說起來, 這也不是什麼特別難找的東西. 如果真的想要買, 去專門賣海報的商店多半也是隨便都找的到. 最差的情況, 上 Ebay 隨便找也有二三十個賣家. 可是衝動一過, 就不會再想特地去找它了.


所以我到現在房間四面牆壁還是空空如也. 除了被工人用強 (?) 貼上去的一個佈告欄跟一面鏡子以外.


這兩天晚上已經開始冷得不像話. 我昨天中午穿著拖鞋走到對面去洗衣服, 才剛出門就發現這樣實在不行, 又跑回房間穿上襪子才出去.




我真的很會花時間在自己房間. 不管是看書, 打電動, 聽音樂, 聊天, 講電話, 看節目, 全都是在房間.

結婚以後, 如果可以, 我也希望能有自己的房間.

雖然現在連工作, 女朋友都沒有, 講到結婚好像跳過了好幾步的感覺. 不過明年又是好幾個要娶要嫁. 到這個田地不想到什麼時候結婚都是一件很難的事情.

剛剛去看了依芬訂婚的照片. 那幸福的感覺真讓人羨慕. 雖然很久沒連絡, 還是祝福她能快快樂樂的度過每一天.


星期六晚上被家裡新養的狗咬了一口. 只是紀錄一下, 沒什麼別的.


然後, 跟平常一樣...

每到安靜的下午, 就加倍的思念她.

已經麻痺的想念, 是這種帶紫的藍色嗎?

星期六, 10月 08, 2005

Waterloo - Day 27 - Bill Gates 2

The fire alarm went off like 10 in the morning.

Oh, COME ON!! It's saturday morning, give us a break!

And it's funny to find out the whole building only have 5 people left. Everybody went home for thanksgiving. The ones left are... I'm guessing... homeless people... :)


And.. if any of you still remember, I submit my question regarding Nintendo's new controller, and waterloo did pick me to ask this question.

In short, I get to see Bill next week. Man, 9:30 in the morning, impossible.

And here are the rules:
*  No bags
* No cameras/ No camcorders
* No laptops
* No recording devices
* No gifts for Bill Gates
* Cellphones off
* Students must have been pre-registered
* There will be metal detection and security on site

No gifts for Bill Gates... :D

HAHAHA, that was funny.

Seriously, didn't think that far. Why would anyone want to ... I mean ... if it is necessary to give him a gift... it'll probably be hard to find one that'll really impress him.

Oh well, gotta go do laundry right now.

So very cold outside...

Do I have to go...?

星期四, 10月 06, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第二十五天 - Reboot


其實我還蠻喜歡寫作業的, 但是為什麼我不喜歡提早寫作業勒..?


不懂為什麼不讓我們上課前交就好了, 一定要在上課前提早兩個半小時丟到一個箱子裡去, 真不人道. 這樣我要提早兩個半小時到學校耶...



然後正在 Reboot 我的電腦, 要準備開始 WoW 的時候, 想到一個很冷的笑話.

真的是我自己想到的. 如有雷同, 實屬巧合.


甲: "我要 Reboot (呂布)"
乙: "那貂蟬會很難過喔..."


就... 醬... 發現我的智商越來越低了.

仔細想想, 好像大概或許有可能也是在哪裡聽過的...

星期三, 10月 05, 2005

Waterloo - Day 24 - Bill Gates

Err.. not that I'm a big fan of Bill or anything.

Just that he's coming to waterloo next week and all math students is suppose to try to get a limited seating to see him by filling out the following question:

"If you have one question to ask Bill, what would that be?"

Obviously, this is a stupid question.

But I answered anyways:

"Have you tried and what do you think of Nintendo's new controller?"

This question is of course crucial to the development of future technology at home. I'm pretty confidence that they'll choose me to go to ask him this question. :)

Nintendo RULES!!


Today was hot.

I did something stupid ... again ... actually it's the 3rd time already ... this morning.

Bought something that has .. absolutly no value to me whatsoever.


Good job, man. U rule.

星期二, 10月 04, 2005

滑鐵盧 - 第二十三天 - 好熱

什麼鬼天氣, 前幾天剩五度, 今天竟然熱到二十七度.

整間宿舍像是工地一樣, 吵得我沒辦法睡午覺.

房間又悶又熱, 不能開窗戶, 因為外面灰塵滿天飛. 很想買電風扇, 但這看起來似乎是個很蠢的想法...

星期日, 10月 02, 2005

Waterloo - Day 21 - Skype (Kiyachi)

Come think of it.

Doesn't feel like I have only been here for 3 weeks. Somehow felt like 2 month already.

I was WoWing all weekend. Find it so hard to goto bed early and wake up early... and why's that...?

I guess having the first class in afternoon 1:30 (except wednesday) is a bad idea after all. I don't goto bed until ... well ... it gets later and later ... right now the record is 6:30...

On average, it's like 5:00. I think. I'm not sure.


Man, this is bad.

I'm pretty tired today. See if I can goto bed before ... say ... 4:00...

That'll be an improvement. Hey, you gotta set realistic goals. ^_^


Well, another boring weekend.

I do find myself eat very very little today. Just today. Tomorrow or the day after I'll probably be able to eat a lot again.

Today I've had... 2 or 3 bread and 1/3 of a soy chicken on rice. Man. THIS IS LIKE THE FIRST TIME EVER I CAN'T EVEEN FINISH A PLATE OF FOOD!!!

Really surprised me.

Well, surprises are good.

Hopefully that's not a sign of I'm getting sick or anything like that. Although I do consider eat that little is rather unhealthy.


Oh, I've installed Skype. Somehow... the name NeoXaser is taken. That's also the first time. Usually no matter which website I go register with that name, it's always available. Since basically I invented that word... well, okay, I PUT those two words together... Neo and Xaser.


My point is, I'm on Skype now.

If anyone of you is on it as well, my ID is Kiyachi (the name i'm using to play WoW).

So... add me. :)

That's all for today, folks.


On a 2nd thought, I do wonder what's Kiyachi in kanji, if anyone can tell me that, I'd be appreciated.