星期一, 9月 12, 2005

Waterloo - Day 1

Officially the first day of my life starting in Waterloo.

Gotta thank Ben for giving me a jump start. Setting up the room, driving me around, borrowing me the monitor and everything...

Without your help, I would probably still be in a panicing state. I can't even imagine how am I going to move my stuffs here all by myselves.

Thanks a lot...


I lives right across campus, in a small room about the size of 3 to 4 pool table with 1 single bed, 1 table and 1 bookshelf. My internet won't come until next tuesday, before that, I'll probably have to come here (DC Library) to use Internet.

I guess... I can also goto the Arcade to play online games, that is, if they have WoW..


This town is pretty quiet, everyone seems like a student to me. And it feels good to be back to school and enjoying the feeling that workloads and studying times are just right around the corner.

While I still having absolutely no idea where my first class is...


Couldn't sleep well the first night because my room's temperature is rather weird. Although I've already completely shut off the heater, it is still hot inside.

I don't want to open the window too big, coz bugs will fly in and I was afraid that it'll be too cold in the morning - I only have one tiny blanket.

Perhaps... getting a big warm blanket would be nice.


Here's a list of things that I still need, in the order of emergency:

- Internet
- Extension Cord
- WatCard
- Some food (my meal plan is only for lunch of monday to friday)
- Blank Paper
- Cloth Hanger
- Contact Lens
- Map of Waterloo(?)
- A fan..?
- A girlfriend...

I'm sure there's still a lot missing.. but I can't think of any at this moment.


Thanx turtle for letting me had one of the best summers I've ever had.

Now the summer's gone, I do hope that I'm ready for all this.



And.. my new number is 519-590-7750, I wonder who called me twice 2:00 in the morning last night...

2 則留言:

GrassAli 提到...

I called, to check if u r still alive, and wanna ask u if u smell like cow now

匿名 提到...


i'm still alive, while smell like a cow. ^_^