Patch 1.6, Server Down for 8 hours!!!
也好, 明天剛好可以去看 Expo.
因為要早起, 每天 WoW 到早上五點當然就沒辦法早起了.
剛好 Server Down, 今天就早點睡吧. 現在只希望睡的著ㄌ.
老實說, 大老遠跑到日本, 然後整天打電動好像有點怪怪的.
....... 實在想不出來 ...
連續玩ㄌ幾天幾夜的 WoW, 發現自己好久沒有回到這種人際關係複雜的世界, 感觸還蠻多的.
果然最難的還是 Interpersonal Relationship... As a leader of a problematic group, it's so hard to make all the members all happy about each other and still following your direction. The biggest problem is... how to understand the read ability of each member and what's on their mind? What are they really seeking for? What are their own personal goals?
I mean, one or two is fine, but once there are so many of them to take care of... things just getting harder and harder... People management is hardest and the most important thing to learn in WoW if one wants to be successful leader.
Sigh.. if everyone can just honestly tell their thoughts and willingfully accept each other and work as a team. Teamwork man, easiest thing to say yet one of the hardest thing to do. What kinda distance should a leader keep? Soooooooooo hard...
That's why MMORPG are such a complicated monster comparing to single-player games. Relationship is... very hard to deal with.
明天可以順利去到 Expo 吧?
Pokemon Park was great. Hopefully Expo won't let me down.
2 則留言:
if u are interested in this topic, please read books on Organizational Behaviour....
i m takin OB in school right now ... wrote a lot of BS for papers....
Nice... Shirley you rock...