總覺得看ㄌ一整天的書, 還是沒看到什麼...
今天看ㄌ一整天的書 (中午十二點醒來以後), 晚上大概跟 Jason, Ken... 出去 Party 一下吧, 雖然說我的感冒...
每天睡覺前都希望睡醒以後就痊癒. 到現在為止, 奇蹟還尚未發生.
等待奇蹟, 還不如創造奇蹟. 那... 要怎麼創造ㄋ? 晚上出去的時候想想看好ㄌ...
There were two guys on a motorcycle driving down the road. The driver was wearing a leather jacket that didn't have a zipper or any buttons.
Finally he stopped the bike and told the other guy,"I can't drive anymore with the air hitting me in my chest." After thinking for a while he decided to put the coat on backwards to block the air from hitting him. So they were driving down the road and they came around this curb and wrecked.
The farmer that lived there called the police and told them what happened. The police asked him, "are either of them showing any life signs?"
The farmer said, "Well, that first one was 'til I turned his head around the right way."
自認還蠻好笑ㄉ, 本來想直接打中文上來, 不過感冒, 就算ㄌ~
有關消防隊的網站, 竟然是我在查 "Only Human" (referring to the Agents in the Matrix) 的時候找到的網站, Internet 真是越來越有趣ㄌ.
1 則留言:
你們又去party喔, 真好.... 我都沒睡, 快死了....
還有人在我的blog說我頹廢....真不知是怎樣......... 如果我沒有憂鬱症, 不會吃飯時也會突然哭的話, 或許我就不會那麼頹廢了.... @.@"