星期一, 11月 22, 2004


好累, 頭好暈, 鼻塞, 咳嗽, 喉嚨痛, 全身發冷...

之前還在想說好久沒感冒ㄌ, 真爽, 過兩天就真的感冒ㄌ, 果然是不能胡思亂想.

在西雅圖第一天還沒那麼嚴重, 第二天開始就出現上述症狀, 所以這次就沒有玩到什麼, 書倒是讀ㄌ不少.

好難過... 先去睡ㄌ, 晚上再繼續吧.

對ㄌ, 兩個星期過ㄌ吧..

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

hey ya ~~~ it's Shirley.....
我今天也四肢無力呢, 希望不是被你傳染感冒.....

I have been thinking about u guys' conversation on our ride back to Vancouver........
i agree with Ken, 78 month never exist and it does not mean anything.....
i also think that there are something that does exist but does not mean anything as well... such as "I love him" is a fact, and it exists, but it does not mean anything now ............

NeoXaser 提到...

yes, u are right, it never meant anything...