星期三, 6月 16, 2004

I was on the train coming back from Taipei... and this... I think rather funny thing happened. Although, in a way, I'm a victim as well.

So I get on this train heading home from Taipei. And 車上有個很白濫的男生, 大概二十幾歲, 高高壯壯的, 抱著他女朋友坐在靠角落的位置 (他女朋友在睡覺). 白濫的地方是 - 他放了一個包包在他左手邊, 佔去一個人的位置. 車上雖然不擁擠, 但還是有許多人站著. 我故意坐在他包包旁邊, 他也不把包包移開, 就繼續抱著他女朋友, 視若無睹其他站著的人...

Anyways, on the train, I was reading LoR as usual. Holding the book while ignoring others around me. At the next station, 萬華, I couldn't help but notice that a pair of pretty legs appeared in front of me. Yeap, a girl wearing short skirt is standing in front of me and the 包包 beside me. So, I tried to pretend stretching (as usual) and took a peep at her. 恩... 還算 ok 可愛. 台北女生敢穿短裙的都不會太差. 伸完假懶腰以後, 我就當然繼續看書. After the train has left the station, 坐在我旁邊包包旁邊那各男生似乎也注意到她. 結果~~~~~~~~~ 超白濫的~~~~~~~~

他竟然把包包拿起來放在地上, 屁股還向旁扭ㄌ兩下 --> 擺明是要她坐下來. 怪事, 上一站前面站ㄌ一各媽媽, 他怎麼沒注意到.

除了暗罵那各男的可以再白一點, 其實我也在等那各女生坐下來. 但是似乎太明顯ㄌ, 那各女生遲遲不肯坐下, 還倒退ㄌ點.

結果~~~~~~~~~~ 一個大概至少一百公斤重的中年人, 身上帶著重重的體味 (不是檳榔或菸酒味, 就是那種十天沒洗澡的怪味), 竟然從車廂另一邊擠過來, 坐在我旁邊的空位上...

前面那個女生當然早就遠遠躲開, 可是我坐在那邊又不能下車, 只好忍受ㄌ十幾分鐘奇怪的味道...


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