My busy (?) days are over.
Everything seems to be coming to a nice halt right now.
Of course, there are still some follow-ups to do...
These are the things I have finally done:
1. Unblocked my ubc regisration. (FINALLY!!!)
2. Got ticket to Japan. (FINALLY!!)
3. Michael and Tony left.
Hopefully I can start working out again.
Shall not be too busy after tomorrow (Rola Left).
There are only 4 things on my agenda so far...
1. Rola's b-day
2. Jeremy's vacational weekend
3. Allen coming back (7/5?)
4. Register for courses (7/7)
There was a super stupid police around Neo 19.
After Room 18 on last friday, I asked him if tony can take alcohol test to make sure if he can drive or not.
But he replyed (with very annoying attitude) "怎麼問這麼笨的問題ㄋ?" "你把車開過來, 一次定生死阿".......
What a jerk. I should have take his name down or his badge number or whatever...
Stupid and useless cops...
On the other hand... if I were the cop, I can probably list the following reasons why should I be rude...
1. Working so late at a hot summer night really gets on my nerve, and I have to wear this heavy uniform...
2. A bunch of drinking rich kids who spend their parent's money and hook up girls at club.
Well... I reckon that he was just jealous because of stereotype. If he knew that we were just some normal kids who want to drive safely and make no trouble for other people, he would probably let us take the test.
I ought to put down some notes about 基隆 and betelnuts, but i'll probably do that until my HELLO is fixed.
... Jeff. out.