星期一, 9月 13, 2004


But i do miss her always

no matter i'm alone or not

just so many things around that reminds me of her

it's the same in taiwan..

just that Vancouver is worse

coz been here too long
but taiwan's memory are more fresh

both places are bad

i better go live in a city that she's never been to
or i gotta get used to this habit

not sad, just a little lonely
coz we used to be together
and now that we are apart

something is missing
and the sense of "something is missing" just won't go away

and that's why i feel lonely

tho i have already accept the fact that she has left and will probably never come back

1 則留言:

NeoXaser 提到...

To my defence, I know damn well that she's gone already.

I'm just enjoying this feeling of torturing myself. It's only way I say sorry to myself, over the matter that I shouldn't have lost her in any way.