星期一, 9月 06, 2004


Yesterday was the first day I get to enjoy my new organized room.

Therefore, although Ken asked me to go driving range around noon, I was reluctant to move... and end up talking with Michael for quite a long time. Around 2 in the afternoon, after lunch, I thought I was going to take a nap. But ended up playing Pikmin until 4 when Ken came and picked me up.

Usually, go driving range means lose bubble-tea to Ken. But surprisingly, when we were betting on "whoever's ball lands on a small grassless ground wins dinner", my ball, magically, lands on it. ^_^

We went patting after each finished 75 balls (at a surprisingly fast pace), and I think I lost 1 drink at the end of some funny patting games (throwing balls overhand, underhand... and so on...). Golf is such a FUN game~

Riley gave me a call around 3 wondering if I can go out or not. Of course... I was surprised how he knows that I came back, but he surprises me a lot, so I guess I was kinda used to it.

I rejected him coz Ken was coming to pick me up by 4. Anyways, after golfing, we were deciding where to drink. So I thought of Riley.

After we get home and was forced to eat some vege-dumplings and played Pikmin, I gave Riley a call, but too bad, he already has plan that night.

Because Ken doesn't eat leek, he was still hungry, and so we went for the newly opened Korean BBQ on Royal Oak. And GOD they serve slow. I was sitting there like more than 30 min. Finished 1 comic book and 1 magazine before my 2nd dinner finally came.

How was the food...? I guess it was okay. But since I'm not a really picky person, don't take my word for it.

Since we were having a lotta of fun with Pikmin, we decided to go to his place to drink up while play Gamecube. After grabbing my dearly beloved GC from home and got half dozens Corona Light (3.75%), we ended up at Ken's basement and playing Pikmin till 5 in the morning.

Man... there were some really heated battles. I think I won more than Ken... but he got so many execuses and since I lost a key battle, he ended up to be the pikmin king of that night.

The score was like 13 - 8, and then 8 - 7. I was 13 and 8, of course.

After that was Monkey ball, and I was probably drunk by then and ended up losing big time.

At the end, I fell asleep again while playing monkey bowling... @_@ and poured half of the drinks on myself... 打電動打到睡著都是跟小龜開始才有發生過的事...

第二天睡到下午一點 (睡在 Ken 房間), 又打ㄌ幾場皮克敏之後跑去奇妙的台灣文化節...

台灣文化節應該是要把台灣文化推廣到 Vancouver 來才辦的吧? 結果去的全都是 (大概 95%) 東方人... 真是夠ㄌ, 簡直像是台灣人 Big Gathering. 雖然我自己也是...

然後, 很神奇ㄉ, 遇到一大票認識ㄉ人, 首先是 Nick (Hello, Nick~~), Ruby (still cute...), 小斑斑 (好像聽過好幾次) 和... 另一個女生... 當然被唸ㄌ一頓... 到現在還沒打電話給他們, 可是人家沒有手機嘛~~~ 等等好不好, 下午就要去辦ㄌ.

之後又遇到... Jason... 以前在補習班他也是當老師的 Jason, 這讓我想起 Angela... 誰有 Angela 的 Contact 嗎? 小龜你還有嗎? 她之前是我下線那個, 住在 Richmond 的 Angela...

不小心把 Jason 寫給我的電話掉到廁所馬桶裡, 希望他之後不要去用到同一間廁所, 不然就尷尬ㄌ...

然後遇到 Joseph, Ken 的 XX-Roommate (我是 X-Roommate 吧?). 好久好久沒看到他ㄌ, 大概快五年ㄌ吧...


之後因為 Saori 吵著要喝 Bubble-Tea, 就跑到 Richmond, 然後不知道為什麼 ended up in Alberdine (是這樣拼ㄇ?) Center.

The new Alberdine Center is rather pretty. Actually, I think it's prettier (well, to be honest, not as bright) than the newly opened 101 Mall. The design is modernristic, the spaces are big and ... well, i gave it 90 out of 100 for a Chinese Mall.

裡面有間超大間ㄉ Toonie Store, it was pretty impressive. 裡面所有的商品都沒有標價, 一律兩塊錢, 真的超讚的, 東西又多到不行, 下次一定要來去給他好好買一點東西回來. 結果我只買ㄌ一包 Cheese Stick, 因為他們七點半就關ㄌ...

八點半回到家, 想一想有東西還沒拿給 Dino, 就打電話過去他家, 她跑出去練劍ㄌ, 不過她媽在... 所以就還是跑過去...

跟阿姨聊天聊ㄌ很久, Julie (?) 算是我還蠻喜歡的長輩之一, 而且跟她說話沒什麼壓力, 她問的問題也都很... 特別... 其他人開場大概都會問說 "那你這次回來以後是怎樣? 要讀什麼?", 但是 Julie 會問 "所以你找到人生目標ㄌ沒?", 之前那個問題我已經有很制式的答案ㄌ, 但是她突然給我換個問法我突然不會回答ㄌ...

聊ㄌ大概快一個小時吧, 最後她拿出來給我吃的那個醃番茄真是好吃到... 不知道怎麼形容, 雖然她說 R. 一定會喜歡吃... 雖然這點我不太同意... 不過她是她媽... 應該她說的比較準吧...

我是很喜歡吃啦, 過幾天一定會跟她拿食譜然後坳我媽作給我吃~~~ 每天吃~~~

很習慣ㄉ, 離開她家車子就會自己開到 Lester 的 Parking Lot, 我也不知道為什麼. 打完電動回家洗澡, 差不多該睡ㄌ, 明天還要跑 PNE...


今天除ㄌ見到好多好久不見的人以外, 也跑ㄌ好幾個傷心地...

第一個是台灣文化節的會場, 好死不死剛好在 Plaza of Nations... 我本來還想說我大概從來沒去過, 結果到ㄌ以後才發現是兩年前我跟她去 Boat Cruise 上船的地方... 那應該是我們最後一次去舞會ㄌ吧? 其實還有另一各難過的原因, 不過太難過不想提ㄌ... 假裝忘記吧, 這是我的專長, 該忘的事情都可以忘的很快~~

然後第二個就是她家門口... 到的時候我坐在車上掙扎ㄌ十幾分鐘才有勇氣走下車... 那片院子, 那扇窗跟那道門的回憶都太多太亂太雜太重了... 腦海裡一瞬間閃過好幾百個片斷. 雖然都接不起來.


今天最大的收穫, 就是吃到那十一粒好吃的醃番茄~

1 則留言:

阿惇日記 提到...

Angela是誰阿? 我完全沒印象了~~~
