星期四, 4月 20, 2006

Well, exams are over.

I'm drinking apple juice.

It's 21st in taiwan already. Hmm... that'd be our 95th month IF we're still together.

I wonder what would we be doing right now IF we're still together.


Come think of it, probably broke up already. Hahaha.

And probably have broken up in such a nice way that I wouldn't even remember to bother to think about what would we be doing if we're still together.


If we're still happily together, then I also wouldn't have to think about what would we be doing if we're still together. Because we're together, I would probably know what I'm doing since I'm already still with her.

Either way, I wouldn't have to worry about thinking about what would we be doing IF we're still together.

星期五, 2月 24, 2006

Serching a Financial Calculater

Mission Objective:

Locate and purchase a financial calculater, preferablly TI - BA II Plus as shown in the picture above.

2006.2.17 - 14:15

"You'll need a financial calculator for the exam on Feb. 27th. You have a week to find it. I'm sure if you order it online tonight, you'll have plenty of time to play around with it before the exam."

Mission Start

Day 0
Err... it's friday night before a long reading break. It'll be a pretty funny joke if I do anything about it. After all, I'm not a geek.

Day 1
I checked www.futureshop.ca, found nothing, gave up right away.

Day 2
Sunday......... self-explainatory ..............

Day 3
Checked www.amazon.com, found it. But for some strange reason they don't ship the freaking calculator to Canada. Alright, I know we Canadians has lost the Hockey in Torino, but we are still pround. Stupid American websites don't have to embrass us like this. I was angry and stopped the search.

Day 4
I decided to give up ordering on internet and go to the nearest mall to find one. The end. (All I have achieved that day was made the decision.)

Day 5
AQ opens. Spend my whole day on WoW. Pretty exciting event, took lots screen shots and I'll probably post something about it later.

Day 6
Changed my mind and start looking on Internet again. Found nothing at www.amazon.ca. Found some people selling it on ebay, but ... there was no buyout prices and I really don't have the mood to bid on a calculator at that time.

Day 7
Gee... it's friday already. So I took a bus to Conestoga, looked around for 3 hours, had lunch, and found nothing. CAN'T FIND A SINGLE FINANCIAL CALCULATOR THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE SHOPPING CENTER!!!!!! This is incredible. At the end, I curled up my tails and headed home like a defeated dog.

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I took the wrong bus and ended up in an industrial park where there's absolutely nothing but a huge snow-covered-field and a building.

Err... okay. Calm down, Jeffrey. I'm sure you'll be able to get home somehow.

Waited another 30 min. out of nowhere and finally an express bus came. Surprisingly, the next stop is U. Waterloo, just that it stops in front of MC instead of my residence.

Okay. At least I came back. Well... school seems pretty empty since it's on a reading break. I was in no hurry to get back home so I decided to take a look around.

Went to Bomber's computer shop and hope that they have the calculator. Again, no luck.

Played S3 with a girl and totally pwned her. This actually lightened up my mood a little. Although I can't even beat a pro with 20% of life left, at least I can still beat high school kids and other people with XX chromosome.

On my way home, I endup in South Campus Hall's Tech shop. At this point, I was pretty much gave up and went straight up to the counter and asked if they have any finincial calculator.

And.. O M G. I found it!!

Went thru everywhere and it's actually in a store that's closest to where I live.


Mission Complete!!

星期四, 2月 23, 2006

11 days haven't update my blog seems to be a record after I actually start writing something on this blog.

Well... it is not without a foreshadow. After all, writing diaries on a regular basis is not an easy job for most people.

After awhile, you found out that you're simply repeating yourself over and over again. And over and over again. :p

I guess it's a good time to have a little break.

In this cruel world, nothing lasts.

星期日, 2月 12, 2006

NeoXaser's Blog

超~~~ 級久沒有 Update.

真的不知道在忙什麼. 大概十四號過後情況會好轉一點吧.

星期四, 2月 02, 2006



滑鐵盧不夠冷. 阿慧又跑出國. 下星期好忙. 好像快要感冒. 都不下雪......

說起來, 今天應該也挺忙的. 除了星期四三個小時的課要上以外, 大概還要跑 7-11 一趟. 不知道誰寄包裹給我, 每次都要跑很遠才能領. ><

喔.. 新年過了.



二月也差不多該決定一下我四五月要做什麼了... 考試要報名... 目前只有這件事情跟回台灣是確定的. 機票也差不多該去查一下.

好多事~~~ @@

可時間還是好多. :p

原因不明. >< .

星期一, 1月 30, 2006

Yah~ My new monitor~

SAMSUNG 913V-Black 19" 12ms LCD Monitor 250 cd/m2 600:1 0.294mm Pixel Pitch

To be honest.. still trying to get used to it. Err.. of course I've used big monitor before, but never tried one on my own computer.

Feels... big...

Well, at least before I get used to it.


It's monday again. Just had another rag try and downed that bastard to 8%. T_T

Next week....... down for sure.......


Hmm.. I think it's probably becoz I don't talk too much nowadays. Getting this habit of reading out what I'm going to type or just typed. Sorta... weird...

Another test today ><

Wish myself luck. First test of chinese new year.


She left for trip, feels sorta lonely.

星期四, 1月 26, 2006

該怎麼說呢... 每次看到這種東西都有點被騙的感覺.

DS 賣太好了, 不過這也出太快了吧? 三月? 那最晚去年三月就幾乎已經篤定要出了嘛, 加上計畫, 測試, 量產的時間...

一直到聖誕節過後才公佈這消息當然是怕影響到聖誕的銷售成績. 任天堂無敵了..

星期日, 1月 22, 2006


殺不死 Ragnaros~~~


似乎已經好久沒有這麼久沒有更新過我的 Blog 了.

如果硬是要說沒有東西寫的話, 其實也不是很正確. 如果說真的有什麼原因的話, 大概就是懶掉了.


拖了兩個星期, 上禮拜好不容易才心不甘情不願的又回到宿舍的食堂去吃午餐. 畢竟每天買外面東西吃也是挺麻煩的.

自從回到 waterloo 以來, 已經連續三個星期說要回 Toronto 了. 可是每次都出現意外... 最後沒有一次去成. 我連車票都早就買好了耶. >< .


星期一, 1月 16, 2006



一陣子沒注意 Console Game 的消息, 才驚訝的發現, 排行榜接近百分之七十被掌機佔據.

而且前十名還有九名是 DS + GBA.

前五名全是 任天堂 DS.

老實說, 畢竟是老任的死忠派, 看到這榜單還蠻高興的. ^^

是說這資料畢竟意義不大. 首先也只不過是一個星期的銷售額, 再來, 現在 PS2 快要壽終正寢, 把它巴假的也沒什麼好特別高興的.


我還以為 xbox 360 去年十二月就在日本上市ㄌ. 沒一個遊戲可以擠進前五十名還真是有點糟. 這實在是我喜歡日本電玩市場的最大原因. 在北美, 歐洲, 真的只要畫面好看就可以賣ㄌ.

遊戲度? 那是什麼?

星期二, 1月 10, 2006

First Week.

Before I realize, first week of school is about to pass.

Oh.. shoot, it has just passed. School started last tuesday. :<


Weird... there are still a number of things on the list which I should have done, but haven't got time to go finish it.

For example, I'm enjoying eating outside food so much that I haven't started my meal plan yet.

For some reason, I haven't collect all my text book yet.


Feels like falling behind already... 2006 started slowly.


Feels sleepy...


Today in class, one of the front-row classmate was complaining directly to the professor that the course is moving toooooooooo slow.

He was like "Why are we sitting here and listening to these high school stuffs?"

It was rather rude.

Oh well.. kids... they say all sorta of funny things.


Guess I'll take a little nap now... at 9pm...

星期五, 1月 06, 2006

Things I want to tell her

Gotta write this down before I forgot.

Don't think she'll check my blog so everything should be good. ^^


After we broke up, you've asked me so many times about how can I still be so nice to you.

The answer is simple.

Because I love you, I love all of you, I love everything that defines you.

Your good, your bad; your smiling face and your angry face. Everything.

I have to admit that I was rather childish during the break up. There was once that I couldn't understand why would you do this to me. But now I do.

It's just part of you. After I left Vancouver, it is inevitable that you'll fall in love with someone else. Asking you to keep the relationship between us is simply impossible. And if you did that, then you wouldn't be the one whom I love so much.

I know time can never go back. It is not possible that once again we love each other like we used to. But I'm still striving to become someone who you can love in the future.

You know, nothing that existed will ever last. I have no idea how long I can keep on loving you and I'm sure the feeling will fade away withing a couple decades.

But I just want you to know one thing.

Eight years ago, 1998 on the night of May 20th, you didn't make a wrong decision letting me become your boyfriend.
5 days. About time to update my blog.


Both School and 1.9 started on 3rd. Has been quite busy since then.


I was thinking...

After using the same layout for two years, perhaps it's about time for change. Since most of my friend's blog are all consider dead by now, might also be a good idea to clean up a couple dead links.

I know that appearences is not everything. What really matters is the content.

But due to the lack of content in the past couple months thanks to wow, I guess giving my blog a new look wouldn't hurt so much. ^^


I'll go back to Toronto this weekend.

I'll write some more next week. Promise.

星期日, 1月 01, 2006


Interestingly enough, my first post of 2006 happens to be my 777th post. (Honestly I didn't purposefully made this happen)

Another unwanted coincidence is that my last post of 2005 was at the exact time of 444.

Is there any meaning to these? Probably not.


First day of the year and I'm about to move back to Waterloo. The only regret from living in Toronto for the last 2 weeks is that I only get to see a reasonable huge snow once. It was at the afternoon of 30th and it was pretty.

Whole city covered in white while I can barely see the shape of CN tower through all the heavy snows.

Only once. Not as good as twice. But better than none.


I was going to say some new year resolution. Until I just realized that all the goals has been set clear, there are really nothing new to resolute about. Still the same ones from last year. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

2006 going to be a huge year for many of my close friends and relatives. Alice's graduation, Dean's graduation (?), Jessica's graduation, Daphy's wedding, Turtle's critical year, Jeremy's first year outta army, Yuki's girl leaving japan... and so on...

I wish everything goes well for them. And of course, everything goes well for her too.


Obviously there's new freaking way I would have foreseen that I'd be sitting here typing my first blog of 2006 in downtown toronto while enjoying the view of half city-scape with CN Tower. Life is wonderful. ^_^

And I do wonder where will I be when I post my first blog of 2007.

We'll see about that.