星期一, 8月 01, 2005


For the first time ever since I came back, I slept early and wake up early.

5:30 in the morning. Yesterday this is the time I went to bed.


A lotta of interesting things happened last night though.

The first thing I can recall was that, all of a sudden, I woke up at the middle of the night, and as I'm waking up, the rain started to pour.

As if I predicted the rain.

It was a somewhat magical and mysterious feeling.

After about 3 minutes, the rain died, and I can feel myself falling back to sleep.


Then I've had a couple pretty bad nightmares.

Well, the thing is, I don't usually get nightmares. I can't even remember when was the last time I've ever had nightmares because usually my dreams are happy and delightful.

1st one was that I felt the wall behind me (I was sleeping against the wall) had opened up like there was a secret door. And I can feel that some one's hands thrusting out of the opened space behind the wall and try to strangle me with a towel or something.

It was an awful feeling while you don't want to believe that the wall can open up behind you while you were so certain that you heard the wall had opened up...

Well, and then that guy who tried to strangle me turns out to be birdy (I'm not making this up) and he was meant to play a joke on me. For some reason he had come back to Vancouver and was staying at my place. There, mystery solved.

What about the ... open wall...? Well... it was a dream, how'd one expect everything to make sense in a dream?


Well, that wasn't the end.

But the 2nd one is hard to explain. It involves some other dreams I've had before, and the first part of that dream wasn't a nightmare.

It turns out I sometimes have these... consecutive dreams like episodes of movies or TV-series which connects together. I'm pretty sure I'm having like 3 or 4 different kinds of movie-like dreams going on at this moment.

They don't appear often. But they do come back once every while.

Anyways, this one is that I'm trapped in an old and shattered office building and was harassed by gangsters to stay in the building and work for them.

And I was trying every single way to get out of there.

Finally after I sneaked out, I ended up in 廣州 or something... it wasn't a real nightmare, but it wasn't pleasant at all. Knowing that some gangsters are controlling your life and hunting you down every single day...

Well, I was glad when I woke up and knowing that I'm safe on my bed.

I guess that's the only good thing about nightmares, makes you appreciate the real, otherwise miserable life.

1 則留言:

NeoXaser 提到...

Well... I guess...