星期二, 11月 30, 2004

Last 306 Lab

Too lazy to take out paper. Let me just copy here.


W.L.S. & L.O.F.

1. Weighted Least Squares.

  • (all matrix) y = Xb + e where e ~ N(0,sigma^2 * I) [a]

RSS(b) = (y-Xb)'(y-Xb)

  • y = Xb + e where e ~ N(0,sigma^2 * summation), var(ei) = sigma^2 * summationii


RSS(b) = (y-Xb)'summation^-1(y-Xb)

As the summation inverse matrix (a diagonal matrix) increases, RSS will increase as well. However, this is merely a generalized case, the summational matrix doesn't has to be diagonal and sometimes hard to obtain the inverse of.

bhat(OLS) = (X'X)^-1X'y

bhat(WLS) = (X'summation^-1X)'(X'summation^-1y) [the ' can be replaced with ^-1]

Definition: Square Root Matrix
A square root matrix is a matrix that C'C = CC' = Summation^-1. (If exist)
Then we call C the square root of Summation^-1

Var(Ce) = CVar(e)C' = Csigma^2summationC' = sigma^2C(C'C)^-1C' = sigma^2CC^-1(C')^-1C' = sigma^2I

Now Cy = CXb + Ce, we let Z = Cy and M = CX and d = Ce

Then Z = Mb + d --> very similar to the original one unless var(d) = sigma^2I

bhat = (M'M)^-1M'y

Side Note: Seems like no one is paying attention to the poor TA. 1 girl sitting in front of me is playing tetris on the computer and another is checking e-mail. The guy sitting beside me is checking Fido's X'mas plan and another guy sitting in the first row is answering web MSN.

NICE CLASS... why did all these people come here so early for?? 9 in the morning is still sleeping time, man.

bhat = (M'M)^-1M'Z = (X'C'CX)^-1X'C'Cy = (X'summation^-1X)^-1X'summation^-1y


W = summation^-1 =

[w1 ... 0]
[0 w2 ... 0]
[0 0 w3 ... 0]
[ ... ]
[ 0 ... wn]

where summation = same matrix as above except all wi replace with 1/ui

* Diagonal Matrix are always symmertic.

In real practice, we may not always know what the sigma matrix is, so what we can do is to replace the exact variance by the sample variance.

Side note 2: Sorry, I take back my words. The TA is not so poor, she's quite cute, in the way that she works so passionately even tho so little people showed up and the ones who showed up seems so un-interested in what she's talking about. I mean... it's hard to keep one's spirit up in a situation like this, bravo to her... Bravo...

Eh... I think that's the end of this class...




謝謝 Rebecca~~

Man, this sux

It was snowing and somehow I just missed it.

Gan x 1 million.

Stupid Homeworks.

Btw, I was doing or trying to do homeworks this whole weekend.


Other than saturday night almost drunk at ritsu's welcome party to Gashi.

Speaking of which, I have something to confess, but not in the mood now... do it later ba.

Talk to you later, NXB.

星期日, 11月 28, 2004

Drug usage website, very useful IMO.

Tells almost everything a normal person need to know about a certain drugs~

Thanx to Ken Posted by Hello

  • 60GB 超大容量, 甚至比很多人還在用的電腦硬碟都還大吧.
  • 2.2 吋液晶螢幕, 雖然還是小, 可也已經是最大的ㄌ
  • 240 x 320 超高解析度 (當然是對應 2.2" 才能醬講)
  • 造型滿意度: 90% (不過是看照片而已, 個人覺得比 ipod 還有形一點)

然後.. 缺點:

  • 還沒上市算是缺點ㄇ?
  • 預估價高ㄌ點.
  • 日本限定 (應該會改吧)
  • 名字取得蠻爛的
  • 沒有綠色...

應該還是主打美美的螢幕跟超大硬碟ㄅ... Posted by Hello


可是 %$*$#@# Blogger 就是有這個問題.

鳥頭跟凱文的新 Post 我都沒辦法留 Comments. 多半是語言設定的問題...

雖說此問題早已存在許久, 可是星期日一大早就連續遇到兩次還蠻賭爛的.

直接貼在自己 Post 上總沒問題ㄌ吧. 就算他們沒看到, 我也心安理得 (什麼邏輯?).

------------------------ (分隔線)


這種鳥事我也作過很多次ㄌ~ 不過有一點可以給你信心, 那些老油條工程師個個都是妖魔鬼怪, 你要真的講錯什麼他們也只會在肚子裡偷笑, 然後裝好心的提點你一下而已, 不會把你罵到臭頭啦~~

至少在 HP 是如此, Training 完記得 Share 一下, 看看 TI 的 Engineer 會不會比較有品一點.

-------------------------------- (我是分隔線)



星期六, 11月 27, 2004


總覺得看ㄌ一整天的書, 還是沒看到什麼...


今天看ㄌ一整天的書 (中午十二點醒來以後), 晚上大概跟 Jason, Ken... 出去 Party 一下吧, 雖然說我的感冒...

每天睡覺前都希望睡醒以後就痊癒. 到現在為止, 奇蹟還尚未發生.

等待奇蹟, 還不如創造奇蹟. 那... 要怎麼創造ㄋ? 晚上出去的時候想想看好ㄌ...




There were two guys on a motorcycle driving down the road. The driver was wearing a leather jacket that didn't have a zipper or any buttons.

Finally he stopped the bike and told the other guy,"I can't drive anymore with the air hitting me in my chest." After thinking for a while he decided to put the coat on backwards to block the air from hitting him. So they were driving down the road and they came around this curb and wrecked.

The farmer that lived there called the police and told them what happened. The police asked him, "are either of them showing any life signs?"
The farmer said, "Well, that first one was 'til I turned his head around the right way."

自認還蠻好笑ㄉ, 本來想直接打中文上來, 不過感冒, 就算ㄌ~



有關消防隊的網站, 竟然是我在查 "Only Human" (referring to the Agents in the Matrix) 的時候找到的網站, Internet 真是越來越有趣ㄌ.

星期五, 11月 26, 2004


Last night, after I fixed the msg board and went to sleep, it was around 3 in the morning.

And I've slept until 11.

Then, in the afternoon around 2, I slept until 6.

It was unbelieveable when I woke up... how can I sleep so much?

Well, it must be due to my sickness, which I'm kinda getting sick of.

Gotta start doing some hw now, seriously.

Home - JapaneseLearning.com - Learn Japanese, Japanese culture and about Japan for free!

Home - JapaneseLearning.com - Learn Japanese, Japanese culture and about Japan for free!

從 Corey 的 Link 裡偷來ㄉ, for those who are already speaking Japanese pretty well (Tony, Daphne, Tina, Ken...), this may be too easy for u guys.


之前留言版卡在 108 就動不了ㄌ...
(梁山伯跟女神的正義聖鬥士都剛好是 108 個... 還有別的 108 ㄇ?)

所以其實有稍微在想要怎麼 promote 留言版.

留言版比直接留 Comments 的好處多多ㄌ, 首先, 不會因為我一直貼新的東西上來就停止討論.


剛剛本來是要睡ㄌ, 躺到一半突然想到可以把留言版的 Link 放在每個 Post 的旁邊, 所以就爬起來完成它~~


當然, 如果只是一兩句話 (不想討論下去的), 還是可以用 Comments (所以沒有拿掉它), 不過, 留言版會好點喔... (個人觀點)


就醬~ 可以去睡ㄌ~~


仔細看看好像有點醜, 不過還好啦, 想到怎樣有空再改好ㄌ~


看了前兩集完全看不懂...Posted by Hello

星期四, 11月 25, 2004


每次發售日本都會發生暴動的遊戲... 不知道這次 278 萬套裡面又有幾套會被搶.

日本警察還真辛苦, 連出遊戲都要嚴陣以待~

英文版出ㄉ時候, 我應該要有 PS2 了吧? 這代再錯過我怎麼還有臉見江東父老... Posted by Hello


剛剛去阿龜的 Blog 簽名的時候才想到, 我認識的朋友中, 跟我一樣滾到國外的大部分都也有個外國名字.

如果留在台灣, 那就沒什麼問題, 英文名字一定是放中間. 例如:

Li-Dung David Yung

記得以前好像有聽說過, 在這裡把英文名字放前面在辦事的時候會方便一點, 像她正式文件上的名稱就都是:

Rola I-Hui Chiu


Yi-Chun Jeffrey Wang


Yi-Chun Wang (Yi Chun Wang)

因為外國人搞不太清楚, 所以有時候我也會收到給我的支票上面把我的名字寫成:

Yi Wang (因為他們把 Chun 當成是 Middle Name)


所以理論上來講, 在正式文件上, 為了避免混淆, 還是把英文名字放前面比較好.


星期三, 11月 24, 2004


既然解禁ㄌ, 那就再來...







從沒完成的 E-mail 其中之一.

現在看起來, 那時候應該是比笨蛋還要笨多ㄌ. 這種甜到出油, 膩到掉屑的句子也寫的出來. 以為自己是情聖ㄇ?


談戀愛的感覺, 的確是無可取代ㄉ... 那...











廢話, 這種問題連膝蓋上的粉刺都能回答. 我媽就坐在隔壁房間看電視, 她也永遠無法感受到我正在埋怨午餐的雞腿會不會太乾ㄌ一點 (有得吃就不錯ㄌ, 還嫌東嫌西是怎樣?).

更何況內湖跟本拿比 (聽名字就感覺差好遠) 相距十萬八千里遠.


Stupid moron.

However, this reminds me something about Charmender... well, I'll probably get to that later.


Ready to go golfing and schooling later. What a wonderful wonderful day~


好像是在補償自己好久沒有認真的 Blogging 一樣, 今天起床以後就瘋狂的 Blog.



真的很想再回去 Online 遊戲. 從 EQ 以後就沒碰過 MMORPG ㄌ. 那時候每次開電腦就只想要進入遊戲裡... 何時才能尋回, 那燃燒殆盡的勇氣和熱情?

雖然說我玩遊戲的時間也還是不少, 可是就跟交女朋友一樣, 總是提不起勁再升級電腦再花一大堆時間在這上面.

如果可以選擇, 是玩一大堆短短的遊戲好, 還是只玩一個玩不完的好?
如果可以選擇, 是交一大堆短短的女朋友好, 還是只交一個然後廝守到老?

女朋友我都會選後者 (雖然嘴上講起來前者也可以). 可是為什麼我就是不肯跟一個遊戲廝守ㄋ? 總是怕會錯過其他不能錯過的...?

結論是, 這比喻應該還蠻爛ㄉ, 雖然我剛開始覺得還蠻洽當ㄉ...

病入膏肓... Posted by Hello

Legend of Zelda - GC Only Posted by Hello


聽說是某電台 Dj 的作品... 還蠻不錯的, 真的很有味道~~


雖然感冒流鼻涕咳嗽, 還是乖乖到學校上課到晚上七點半 (翹掉最後一個半小時).

這幾天除ㄌ生病以外, 好像也沒什麼大新聞ㄌ.

只希望自己病能趕快好. 一直拖著虛弱的身體在風雨中移動實在不是愜意的事情.


大事也不是完全沒有啦, 比較眼尖的人應該已經注意到ㄌ, Nick 又開始寫 Blog ㄌ. 雖然當初不知道是什麼原因讓他暫停ㄉ (太忙ㄌㄇ.........................???), 不過多個人加入總是一件快樂的事情 (Shirley 好像也開始寫ㄌ). ^_^


今天比較特別的是 Ken 來學校陪我晃ㄌ一整天, 我上課的時候他就去 Library 讀書 (睡覺?). 看起來好像沒讀到什麼...

Akio 快要結婚ㄌ (暫定兩年後). 不過兩年還久的很勒, 我還真想看看他結婚的樣子.

順便題一下, 大概是去年十二月的事吧, 我跟 Ken, Kuni, Yuki, Akio 五個人一起打賭. 每個人都用抽籤的方式抽另一個人的名字, 假設說, 我抽到 Yuki, 然後如果 Yuki 最先結婚的話, 其他四個人就要出機票錢請我到日本參加 Yuki 的婚禮, 另外還要請我吃一頓大餐...


我真的抽到 Yuki...


Ken --> Kuni
Kuni --> Ken
Yuki --> Akio
Akio --> Jeff
Jeff --> Yuki

基本上ㄋ, 最有可能先結婚的應該是 Kuni 或者 Akio. 然後既然 Akio 都放話ㄌ, 搞不好兩年以後就是 Yuki 會贏ㄌ...

然後我是一點希望也沒有, Yuki 到現在連個女朋友都沒交過 (雖然說我也只交過一個)... 總之... 我應該是輸定ㄌ.

Ken 跟 Saori, Kuni 和他女朋友都很穩定, 沒有意外的話, Kuni 跟 Ken 贏的機會還蠻高的.

個人是比較希望 Yuki 贏啦 (Akio 先結婚), 畢竟大阪到東京的機票是最便宜ㄉ...... 最近實在是沒錢ㄌ... 差不多要申請 Student Loan, 或者開始工作ㄌ...

星期一, 11月 22, 2004


好累, 頭好暈, 鼻塞, 咳嗽, 喉嚨痛, 全身發冷...

之前還在想說好久沒感冒ㄌ, 真爽, 過兩天就真的感冒ㄌ, 果然是不能胡思亂想.

在西雅圖第一天還沒那麼嚴重, 第二天開始就出現上述症狀, 所以這次就沒有玩到什麼, 書倒是讀ㄌ不少.

好難過... 先去睡ㄌ, 晚上再繼續吧.

對ㄌ, 兩個星期過ㄌ吧..

星期六, 11月 20, 2004

2nd Time

2nd time shaved my head.


2nd time came to Seattle.


The feelings are, of course, different than the first time - very much different.

For example, the shaving head part, I don't feel sad anymore. Actually, I liked it this way, so easy to clean. (But of course, if i can, I would still like to have lots hairs...)

And seattle is just the same old seattle. The only difference this time is that there's a girl with us - Shirley.

So... other than I have to do the cooking, Shirley is cooking for us right now ^_^

And that's why I get to sit here in front of the computer and blogging this down.

Oh, and this one is a given, ken finally got his internet!!


Yesterday I took bus down here with Shirley and we've had dinner at Tony Roma's. (Ken's treat). Night time is the same, after Shirley went to bed, we played gc, texes hold'em and so on, until we were both too tired to continue.

The plan for today is to go see supermall and maybe shop a little.

Tomorrow we shall study and go back to Vancouver together.


星期五, 11月 19, 2004


Most Expensive Countries to Live in


台灣竟然排第四名, 不知道他們是怎麼算ㄉ.

美國才 13 而已, 加拿大更不在 List 上, 難怪我回來省一大堆錢...

擁有 1,000,000,000.00+ 美金的人數

Countries with the Most Billionaires

... 全世界好死不死剛好 444 個 ...


Poorest Countries in the World

這個更慘, 聽過的只有 4, 5 個, 應該沒一個能在地圖上指出來...

順便題一下, 台灣是亞洲排名第六...


Richest Countries in the World

奇妙的是, 前十名的國家裡面, 除ㄌ新加坡跟美國以外, 其他國家我都沒辦法在地圖上指出來, 而且還有四個國家我連聽都沒聽過...

... ㄟ ... 果然是蠻孤陋寡聞ㄉ...

星期四, 11月 18, 2004


現在上到 State of Consciousness.

已經忘記上ㄌ三個小時老師到底在講什麼ㄌ, 只知道我的症狀叫 Narcolepsy.

應該是很輕微的. 得這種病的人... 隨時隨地都可以睡著...

ㄟ... 我只希望以後不要越來越嚴重才好.

我真的很會在不應該睡覺的時候睡下去, 像是看牙齒的時候, 開車的時候, 上課的時候, 坐車的時候... 等等...



Jessie 太累ㄌ, 聽說他已經好幾天都沒睡好...

很久很久以前我也試過連續好幾天晚上都沒辦法睡覺的情況, 真的很痛苦. 可以安安穩穩的睡覺, 其實也是蠻幸福ㄉ.

這學期快結束ㄌ, 今年大概還剩兩三堂課而已吧.

現在已經越教越難, 開始有點搞混ㄌ. 如果不是老師帶頭開始跳, 光是聽名字我還真的不敢確定應該要跳哪種舞步.

Cha-Cha 今天上得還蠻簡單ㄉ, 不過手都不知道該放哪裡.

Waltz 已經完全混亂掉ㄌ, 我認為應該是不需要整個轉到女生對面才對, 不過跟我跳的女生好像只要我不轉到對面就不知道要怎麼繼續跳下去...

Drive 今天教的爆難. 我到現在還搞不懂那三三步應該怎麼踏才能繞半圈.

Quickstep... 一直掂腳, 腳好酸喔.

每次學跳舞遇到有困難的時候... 就會想到 Jerry...


Michael's Party

九點下課以後在學校 Arcade 又晃ㄌ一下.

SF3 我已經大概有八成以上的把握可以打到 Gill ㄌ. 不過他實在是有夠難搞的. 每次都連他的血一半都扣不到就掛點ㄌ.

比較討厭的是, 學校大部分的人都是玩 CVS, 沒有對手練還蠻難過ㄉ. 打到現在遇到的都是一些遜卡. 現在只要我坐在那邊就沒人敢來跟我挑ㄌ.

當然, 我打得還是很爛很爛. 自從去日本朝聖過以後, 才知道天高地厚.


為什麼在學校晃來晃去ㄋ? 因為 Nick 十點半以前都沒辦法出門 (原因請自己問他), 而且我從學校回去剛好順路坐到他家門口, 所以我如果九點一下課就過去太早ㄌ點.

上 Nick 車後又去載 Justin (女生, 我應該是拼錯ㄌ), 然後我們應該是最晚到 Charlie 家的.

之後就是... 很普通卻又很不普通的 Party.

普通是因為每次在台灣 Party 都是醬子, 就 Poker 衝完開始數字拳大戰. 然後有幾個人掛ㄌ以後大家就鳥獸散.

很不普通是因為好久沒這樣 Party ㄌ, 很懷念很舒服的感覺. 其實這才是我最喜歡的 Party.

第二天還要上課, 所以早早就回家ㄌ.

對ㄌ, 我離開的時候只有 Peter 一個人掛掉. 他 Poker 以後就不頂ㄌ... ^_^


分段寫好ㄌ. 多開點 Post 吧.

星期二, 11月 16, 2004


Another cold, rainy and sun-less day - typical Vancouver.

At school now. Just finished 2 labs, so tired and sleepy.

After the labs, I went for lunch (or brunch). Had some worst instant noodle I've ever had since I can remember. 99 Chairs sux (for instant noodles).

During the lab, Jessy didn't show up at all, so I called her several times to ask her student number so I can put her name down on the finished lab, too bad she didn't pick it up. I guess she's still sleeping.

Speaking of sleeping, I realized something that I'm in common with Fiona.

That is, we are both pretty easy to believe other people. ^_^ (And I suppose this is a good thing.)

Last night, around 10, as I was finishing up my assignment due today, Michael called me saying that his plane leaves today. So I gotta show up at this gathering at Char's place. Good that his place is so close to mine.

Eh... that reminded me something that I promised Tina not to mention for 2 weeks... so... skip it for now.

And it turns out that he is not leaving today but thursday. But anyways, I showed up and had some major fun time (gaming and chatting and a little drinks) until 3 in the morning. After I got home and finished up the assignment, it was 5 already.

And I had 2 hour sleep.

At this dreamy state, I really wonder if I can hold on till my last class finishs by 9pm.

And there's suppose to be another big fairwell party (the real one) tonight.

Seriously... I really want to go. But can I pull myself together until then? That's a big big question mark.


Yesternoon, as I was sitting in the library by the window, I couldn't help but notice that there's a littly fly get caught by a broken spider-web on the other side of the window. And so I wonder, where's the spider?

If he doesn't come back at all, this poor fly would still starve to death, right?

And then I awared that the spider is not far away from her empty web. She is about 15 cm away by the other corner of the window busy making another new web.

As I heeded on the spider finishing up her new web (while totally forget about my studying), I was surprised that this lucky spider caught another little fly right away.

Like what most of you guys have seen on the discovery channel, the spider crawled to her prey and strangled him with her 4 fore-legs and stuff this poor little fly into her mouth.

At first, the fly is still flapping his tiny little wings and trying to get away, but soon after, as his whole body disappeared inside the spider's mouth, his wings stopped flapping.

I remembered reading somewhere that the spiders would not eat the wings (forgot why). So I was curious if this spider would spit the wings out or what.

But I couldn't find out the answer.

Coz I was standing too close to the window and almost standing on the table, other people in the library start to looking at me with a weird eye. So... I didn't get to finish watching the spider to finish her lunch, but have to get back to my study...

Study, study, study...

Yahoo! News - Study: Low-Fat Diets Better Long-Term

Yahoo! News - Study: Low-Fat Diets Better Long-Term

For those who are on diet, including me.

星期一, 11月 15, 2004

玩 RE4 還是要用這個才對..

Capcom 和 Nintendo 授權, 對應 RE4 的電鋸搖桿~~~

聽說除ㄌ血跡斑斑的外觀以及石頭跟泥巴狀的底座,正上方隱約還可看見數字 "4", So COOL~~


所以在玩的時候... 應該會很吵~~~Posted by Hello

星期日, 11月 14, 2004

Shit... I felt so bad... >< ...

Echoes is out tomorrow, and I didn't even know.

Even worse, I haven't truely finished pikmin yet (haven't found everything).

On top of that, I haven't played thousand doors yet.

On top of that, Viewtiful Joe 2 is outta on 18th!!

On top of that, GBA games... I don't even dare to check...

I really hate myself....... when will I be able to finally finish them all?

Since when HAVE I become this sick bastard who knows nothing about releasing date of important games at all???

And WHY????????Posted by Hello



I guess... everyone already knew...

Just put this here as a reference for later usage.

星期六, 11月 13, 2004

OK... I tried to study, but something always step in the way...

The Urge to KILL with TerrorBlade!!!

Damn DotA..

不停的看漫畫, 不停的打電動.


不過這星期好不容易考完ㄌ, 我才能這麼輕鬆的看漫畫, 打電動. 明天應該就總該要開始作點事ㄌ.


DN46 - 死神又出現ㄌ, 這個白痴死神, 竟然想要救海砂, 這樣會把 L 的計畫幾乎全部翻盤... 吧?

ES112 - 已經等好幾期ㄌ, 還是很好奇, 真正的 21 號到底是誰.

Katsu145 - 繼續拖戲中, 每期的重點都只有一點點.

Bleach157 - 我知道夜一無敵很久ㄌ, 趕快放主角跟山老頭的戰鬥好不好!!

Hunter224 - 這個已經罵到沒力ㄌ, 上一期 (兩個星期前), 不是還說戰鬥開始ㄇ? 怎麼又從旅團跟一些小腳色開始畫阿? 停刊實在太多ㄌ, 富間畫完這部肯定會遭天譴!!

Naruto238 - 就某種意義來說, 或許這樣停止會比較好. 岸本已經變不太出什麼花樣來ㄌ. 不過, 他應該還是會繼續畫下去吧.

OnePiece345 - 可怕的 OP19 ...... (只有這句話)


最近看的漫畫也是越來越少ㄌ, 還有誰推薦哪部要看ㄇ?

星期五, 11月 12, 2004

MSN Search

MSN Search

微軟對 Google 的第一波反擊. 聽說第一天就有 Bug, 首頁看起來還蠻有嚴重抄襲的味道, 不知道用起來怎麼樣.


Remembrance Day 2004

ㄟ... 真的不知道這個假期的中文是什麼. 如果有人能告訴我, 我會很感謝...

睡到中午 (怎麼又睡到中午?) 起來以後, 先去 Judy 阿姨家把我們搬家時 "借放" 在他家車庫的大冰櫃拿回來. 我們已經搬家兩年ㄌ, 要不是 Judy 阿姨也要搬家, 那個冰櫃可能會借放在那邊... 直到永遠...

搬完回家是下午四點吧? 打ㄌ一場 Dota, 然後六點半準時到阿龜店裡等吃飯.

然後... 就跟 Fiona, Judy, Jessica 到 Richmond 去吃小火鍋. 還是記不起來那間店叫什麼名字. 兩年前還蠻常跟 Ken 去ㄉ, 店長之前是他朋友, 現在不知道換人ㄌ沒.

小火鍋每次吃起來都很有趣... 比燒烤簡單多ㄌ, 又有自己煮東西吃的感覺. 不過太有養份也是真ㄉ. 每次吃都很有罪惡感...

其實今天是 Jessica 跟 Judy 要正式介紹 Fiona 給我認識. ㄟ... 還是要謝謝他們這麼熱心...

Fiona 給我的感覺, 很像初夏的草原. 暖洋洋的溫和感... 不知道這樣形容貼不貼切. 總之, 是個很好的女孩子.

不過, 還是看著辦吧, 從台灣回還以後就很提不起勁追女孩子. 就... 看著辦吧...

吃完大概是十點多吧, 本來是要去 K-Fever 唱歌, 結果竟然爆滿, 只好轉到 E-Channel 去. 那邊的硬體設備跟台灣真是... 天差地遠... 不但唱片會跳針, 放到一半電腦還會當機... 音響, 麥克風, 電視, 選歌器... 沒一樣可以比ㄉ.

我果然是讓台灣的 KTV 給寵壞ㄌ. 之前不都唱得好好ㄉ?

原來是 All-You-Can-Sing 要唱到兩點ㄉ, 不過十二點就被老爸緊急招回... >< ...

覺得有點對不起 Judy, 她今天唱得超 High ㄉ... 總覺得有點掃興. 畢竟我很討厭當掃興的原因 (如果是別人的話我就不會介意ㄌ...)... 唉...


還有四天假, 開始看書ㄌㄇ?

星期四, 11月 11, 2004



上課, 下課, 跳舞, 打球, 回家.


今天跳舞還蠻開心ㄉ. 打球的時候則相反.

奇妙, 我好像只有跟 Ken 一起會打比較好...? 壓力的關係ㄇ?

其實, 也不是完全沒有特別的事.

明天放假~~ 所以今天可以晚點睡. 另外, 明天要跟 Fiona 見面.

不要看我這個樣子, 其實, 還是蠻期待ㄉ... (也或許只是說說而已...)

星期三, 11月 10, 2004

下午兩點考完試, 再熬過一堂課, 就受不了ㄌ. 還是逃走吧.

肯 (Ken) 今天要回西雅圖, 跟他約ㄌ一起吃頓飯. (昨晚臨時約ㄉ).

本來是想去吃武士壽司 (Samurai Sushi), 回來到現在還沒去吃過. 不過等他拿到車ㄉ時候我都已經坐回鐵道鎮 (Metrotown)ㄌ, 算ㄌ, 去吃韓式 (還是韓燒? 到底是什麼?) 好ㄌ. 所以我們就約在麗晶廣場 (Crystal) 的美食街 (Food Court).

一些流水帳似的廢話還是跳過好ㄌ. 總之, 肯下去以後, 我就又一個人跑去看電影. 這部片已經下檔ㄌ, 我看的是二輪戲院, 在車站廣場 (Station Square). 想起四五年前這邊還人山人海 (週末, 有好片上檔的時候), 跟今晚整個戲院大概只有十幾個人的情況自然不可同日而語.

我看的就是上面這部片, Sky Captain & World of Tomorrow (不知道中文是翻成什麼), 真ㄉ真ㄉ很好看. 一定要相信我. 雖然有點誇張, 太沒有幻想力的人應該很難接受, 不過基本上設定什麼ㄉ都還很合理, 而且場景也看得很過癮. 故事沒什麼拖戲, Angie 出場太少倒是真ㄉ, 除ㄌ這個以外, 算是一部很標準冒險片.

大力推薦~ Posted by Hello


昨天晚上看書看到大概兩點左右, 就很累ㄌ.

可是還有一些很重要的部分沒看完, 所以也不敢睡.

但是還是要休息, 怎麼辦ㄋ. 聰明的我就想到ㄌ可以休息, 又不會睡著的方法 - 趴在地上.

第一, 我平常都是躺著睡, 趴著根本睡不著.
第二, 沒枕頭, 什麼都沒有, 下巴貼在地上還有點痛, 怎麼可能睡著.

趴著趴著, 不禁佩服起自己來. 果然不可能睡著. 越趴越舒服倒是真的, 可是還是要起來看書. 就決定數到 200 好ㄌ. 數完 200 就起來繼續努力.



而且是被冷醒的, 再加上喉嚨痛, 鼻子塞住...

冷得無法繼續看書, 只好鑽進被窩裡. 只要身體熱一點就好ㄌ.

然後, 又睡著.

九點半出門的時候, 精神差也就算ㄌ, 還一點書也沒讀到. 早知道兩點乖乖上床睡覺就好ㄌ.


星期一, 11月 08, 2004

Savage Garden Lyrics - Affirmation

Savage Garden

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold

I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye


Some lines are really touching... the rest... is probably because I'm not old enough?

球竿 狼人 燒錄 煩躁 失敗 聚餐 魅力

早上應該是要九點起床ㄉ. 去搶球竿.

一直想要收集一整套球竿, 這樣我下場打球的時候才不需要老是跟別人借. 你知道, 借人家的東西用起來總是比較不順手, 所以我把自己打不好球的事實都怪到別人的球竿上.

起不了床, 是因為在作很有趣的惡夢.

夢見我表哥變成狼人在追殺我... (是因為國標跳不好的關係ㄇ?) 只記得夢的最後, 我逃回家裡, 找我的球竿要擊退狼人. 然後醒來就已經快十二點ㄌ.

當然, 也就沒心情去買球竿ㄌ. 下午在家讀書, 讀書前開始幫她把三百多首歌燒成 CD. 可是怎麼燒都失敗. 不知道是片的問題還是古董燒錄機的問題.

然後就整個人都很煩躁. 煩到一種自己都無法忍受的程度. 覺得什麼事情都不順. 連家裡的溫度都跟自己過不去.

洗澡, 深呼吸. 都沒什麼幫助. 連打算打電話吵她起床都失敗. 打過去後才發現, 連 CD 也不用燒ㄌ. 因為我弄錯她老爸回台灣的時間. 又是一件失敗的事情.

晚上跟 Ken, Shirley, Judy, Jessica 在 Downtown 聚餐. 總算是讓自己心情好多ㄌ.


大家在一起東扯西扯. 就覺得是很快樂的事. 即使是在聊自己覺得很難過的事, 也都沒有哪麼難過ㄌ.

朋友的魅力... 果然...

現在是十二點半. 今天早點睡好ㄌ.


星期六, 11月 06, 2004


誰要跟我去看??? Posted by Hello


上次最後是提到 Ex-Center-Of-Universe 吧?

還 - 蠻有趣ㄉ...

那時候是在學校教室裡打ㄉ, 星期二晚上...?

Wow... 竟然三天沒有寫新的 Blog ㄌ, 果然是太忙ㄌ嗎?

忙什麼ㄋ? 作業, 考試, 電動...

最近瘋狂的打 Dota (不知道為什麼...)

剛剛才玩ㄌ一場兩個小時才結束, 我用的是 Zeus... 打到最後很沒力, 兩邊都沒塔ㄌ, 全靠 Hero 在撐.

對ㄌ, 今天有時間打電動是因為剛把作業交ㄌ. 兩份作業只寫得出一份... 還蠻有趣ㄉ. 5% 就這樣付之流水.

星期三晚上去學ㄌ一點 Flash, 然後跳完舞就回家繼續寫作業ㄌ. 最近花在寫作業上的時間還真的蠻多ㄉ.

完全不知道自己在寫什麼, 一點頭緒也沒有. 是因為星期五的關係嗎?

星期二, 11月 02, 2004

Random Thoughts

I do realize that I blog so few in english nowadays.

Just finished reading Turtle & Alice's blog. And somehow it reminds me something Ben said to me.

"Your blog looks so sad, after you came back."


I do wonder about lotta of things these days. Things that have no answer.

Yesterday as I walked by Metrotown's bus loop, I remembered a couple years ago, Rola and I had a big fight there. The reason has been long forgotten. All I can recall is that we were out for movie, and got into this big argument in the parking lot. So she walked to the bus stop and wanted to take the bus home.

That was the first time I got scared.

Scared of that she'll leave me forever and disappear from my life. I went after her all the way from Safe-On's parking lot to the bus loop. And I remembered clearly that I was about to down on my knees to beg her to come back. (Luckily, I didn't have to do that.)

Now, all that making her to stay thing looks like a big sad joke to me.

She has left anyways.

Back then, if I knew, maybe I would just let her go at the bus loop.

But of course, how would I ever know?

Eh... sorry I got carried away.

My point is, my little Turtle, you shall NEVER give up. Remember the Microsoft story about Bill Gates and his friends we learned from ACN? Life is struggle and one battle after another. You will prevail if you never stop thinking and never give up trying.

At least, that's what I'm trying to do. Though it's always easier said than done.

And Alice... you'll... be fine... Honestly. I don't know how hard you are trying, because everything to you seems to be so easy. And by the way, this may not help much, but I miss you a lot, too. And I felt a little jealous of Jessica that you phoned her to chat instead of me. ^_^

Yeah... I think I should go back to class now.

Good luck on everything... for everyone...

including Rola (my ex-center-of-universe).

306 Lab Notes (Temporary)

Lab 8 Polynomial Regression

The model for a pth degree polynomial (p >= 2)

Yi = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2^2 + ... + BpXp^p

Parameters: p+1

Design Matrix:

X = [1 X X^2 ... X^p] (n x p Matrix)

R Code:


Try g3, g4 and so on... See if there's significant improvement on the data.





And we find the approximation has been greatly imporved as we increase the degree of parameters. Yet, the imporve is only minimal after degree 3. Therefore, the 3rd dimension is preferred over the 4th dimension. Simply because it's much easier to produce the result and the amount of improvement to 4th dimension does not worth the effort.

Side Note:



After Lab:

Increase data sample from 10 to 15 and 20. And test to see the differences that'll make on the regression model. Also, do t-test and p-test on different degree of the data to find the if the numbers has significant values.


Surprisingly easy... Remember to print this out later. Hell with the after lab.

不知道後來為什麼要加上鬍子... Posted by Hello


ㄟ... 我扮的是殭屍...

後面那個蘇聯人是扮 Jason, 面具還在我家. Posted by Hello


貼完順便罵一下, Capcom 去死吧, 說話不算話是怎樣? 明明就是 GC 限定版, 幹麻要在 PS2 上出? Posted by Hello
吃完晚飯後開始讀大家的 Blog, 讀著讀著也就十點ㄌ...

下午到小龜店裡看那台電腦, 仍舊是每用三分鐘就會死當一次. 主機板實在太舊ㄌ, 所以驅動程式很難找, 而且似乎還沒有支援 XP 的.

我還是覺得裝 2k 會好一點, 至少驅動還有支援. (個人意見)

對ㄌ, Jessica, 歡迎回來~ ^_^

然後, 今天也有看到 Fiona.


下午回家的時候還有很多東西想寫, 不過現在卻興致缺缺.

嗯... 突然很想念 Jeremy. 尤其是每次跟別人打 Pikmin 的時候.

星期一, 11月 01, 2004