星期二, 10月 05, 2004

Feels like dying...

I spend all the time of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday (well, all the time except party time) doing assignment of 305. But still can't complete more than 50% of it.

Feels so bad.

The midterm is on Thursday. I think i'll die.

... grrr ... why am I torturing myself...?

Well, it turns out that I've spend A LOT of times on the materials. But I just don't get it.

I wonder what went wrong..?

Last night I met up with Ken (I'm sorry Ben, Richmond is a little too far from where we meet), as he is going down to Seattle to formally start his Pharmacy Career. And I thought to myself, "When will I start mine?"

A valid question without a justifiable answer.

Too bad.

All I can do now is try my best (whatever that is) on the path I have chosen, and see where would I ended up with.

Btw, it's raining big outside, and yesternight I thought I was so smart and took out the umberalla from my school bag (used to be the "Party Bag" with dices and cards...).

And again, last night as well, as Je. and I were both struggling thru the assignment. All of a sudden she mentioned that how much she misses Taiwan. And I have to admit, I miss Taiwan sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

As expected.
