星期六, 12月 31, 2005

Happy Birthday to me~

Sigh, loneliest birthday ever :p

Oh well...

星期一, 12月 26, 2005

Without Her.

好... 要開始抱怨ㄌ...



24 號, 起床, WoW, 下午邊坐 Subway 邊玩 DS 到 Ben 家, 看 Rain Man, 吃晚飯, 到 Brook 家玩 Xbox 360, 回 Ben 家把 Rain Man 看完, 玩 Last Chance, 心臟病, Poker, 打撞球, 打桌球, 看 Matrix Revolution 看到睡著.

這天倒過得不錯. 晚餐不錯吃, 電影也很好看. Last Chance 也真的蠻有趣的, 五月回台灣的時候帶一盒回去, 應該可以玩一陣子.

25 號, 實在沒事做, 外面的店全都休息, 所以起床吃完飯以後就乖乖坐 Subway 回家.

在 Subway 上大概到第三四站的時候我的 DS 竟然就沒電ㄌ. 沒有電動打我立刻就睡著, 醒來的時候... 又坐過頭好幾站. ㄜ... 已經有點習慣了. 不過 Subway 人少得可憐, 讓我在轉車的時候還是有點滄桑的感覺 - 聖誕節耶.


恩... 今天是 Boxing Day, 印象中自從跟她分手以後 Boxing Day 就從來沒有出門 Shopping 過. 那反正今天也沒什麼事, 至少也該上街去看看.

一直摸到下午兩點才很不甘願的出門. 到這時候為止我吃的最後一餐是昨天中午那餐.

其實還是很不想去逛街, 是實在太餓ㄌ, 逼不得已要出門才順便過去看看.

目的地是 Eaton Center, 離我住的地方只差三四條街而已, 雖然我不太確定在哪裡. 不過想說只要往人多的地方走就好, 所以隨便看了一下地圖就閃ㄌ.

出門時, 天空不時飄來一兩片細雪, 路上行人少到讓我再確認了兩次手機上的日期 - 今天真的是 26 號沒錯.

走了兩條街, 還是沒看到多少人, 這時候其實已經很想放棄回家去了 - 不過走了這麼遠, 再走一條看看好了.

一轉出 Eaton Center 那條街, 就看到至少幾千個人頭. 現在大概全 Downtown 的人都集中在這條街上了. 人口密度跟隔壁那條街實在天差地遠.

肚子實在太餓, 進了 Mall 以後就先找 Food Court.

....... 找到了以後才發現一點幫助也沒有, 就算我能排三十分鐘的隊買到食物好了, 大概還要再等三十分鐘才有位置坐. =.="

到此我已經完全放棄. 本來有幾間店想進去走走的, 但是跟預期中一樣每間店都要排隊. 我實在餓到沒有力氣排隊了.

人潮洶湧是預料中事, 出乎意料的是我竟然沒有一點點點點耐心去跟人家排隊買東西.

在 Eatons 裡面走了一圈, 就立刻繞了出來, 往回家方向走去. 回來的路上還是一樣, 過了一條街就除了建築物跟偶爾經過的車子外, 什麼生命跡象也沒有. 實在是........

原來計畫是回家路上看到什麼就買什麼, turns out 回家時經過的每間餐廳都休息. 後來到家門口張望了一下, 看到下條街有間我從來沒吃過的快餐店 - Quiznos, 就迫不及待的買了個 Sub 回來了.

等下吃完 Sub 大概洗澡, 上網, 看電影, 睡覺.

Yap... that's my boxing day without her...

It's X'mas


And it's raining outside.

Rarely I thought rain is really inappropriate, the only weather that suits X'mas is snow.


Shockingly... that's all i can think of for now... after blank for 5 days... =.="

WoWing way too much~~

星期三, 12月 21, 2005

不算是 Sightseeing

Just took a walk on Queens. Felt like Vancouver, but much colder.

For those of you who have no idea what Queens is, Allen told me that it's the shopping street for Toronto. Like Granville back in Van and/or 忠孝東路 back in taipei. I guess.

Well, a lotta of familiar names. Fcuk, Zara, Aldo, Bluenotes, Aritzia, Lemor, Eko, Mendocino, XOXO, Roots, Space fb, C square, Gap, Z, Club Monaco, Costa Blanca, Bedo, Puma, Neon, B2, Stoneridge, Guess, Le Chateau, A.O., Lettieri. Weird that some big names are missing, or perhaps I haven't tried hard enough. =.="

Honestly, I'm not an expert in shopping. As a matter of fact, I hate shopping. But just my humble opinion, I think Granville does a better job as shopping street than Queens. Somehow... the former one seems to be... hmm... younger...


Will probably go watch another movie tomorrow. And if I have time, I'll go check out CN tower.

Nothing much I can do in downtown other than shopping and ... eating...

Honestly speaking, it's still too cold outside to enjoy a walk. But exploring a new town is rather exciting and fun, it actually took my mind off WoW for awhile.


It's Dec. 21st.

91st month, if we're still together.

And the day I got my first class-specific epic - Gauntlets of Might.

Mere coincidence, I hope.


Well, at least it'll be easy for me to remember when did i get my first epic. ^_^

星期二, 12月 20, 2005

Toronto - First Day.

Hmm... I have a theory about my not-so-heightened holiday mood.

Pobably been on holiday for too long, feels nothing really special about it. Believe it or not, I actually prefer if there's a class to go. No exams and homeworks tho, just classes.


Toronto somewhat feels colder than waterloo.

I know I know, it's just my biased opinion. After all, I've just been here for a couple days, what do I know?


Went and watched Nardia last night. And... it was crapy.

Visually stunning, but really really crapy. Hollywood almost always does a great job on screwing up epic novels.

Well, can't blame them too much. Can't expect too much if you want to squeeze a 500+ pages of story into a 2 hour movie. As long as they get the visuals right, it is probably worth watching.

Not highly recommanded, but I guess it is worthwhile.


Still having zero plan of what to do for this holiday....

星期一, 12月 19, 2005



I'm in Toronto now, and going to stay here for the rest of 2005.

Rest of 2005. Sounds like an awfully long time.

星期五, 12月 16, 2005

Finals Finally Finished


Well, I was happy yesterday when it was finally over. But somewhat annoyed at this moment for no particular reason. That's odd...

Happiness matters in height to make up for its lack of length.

The mood of cheering never lasts. Well, at least not over the same matter. No matter how happy we are, sooner or later we'll have to find something else to cheer us up, again.

To that degree, I'm glad that there are so many things that can cheer me up. The snows, for one.

I'm moving to Toronto... probably on sunday and will stay there for a couple weeks.

So far, no plan for this holiday at all.


星期二, 12月 13, 2005


這幾天忙著考試, 沒什麼時間去注意一些瑣碎的事情.

昨天晚上剛睡醒還昏昏沉沉的, 覺得房間有點悶, 就把窗戶打開一點來透透氣. 不開還好, 一開還真是不得了, 冷風如刀似的馬上灌進來. 害我以為我開的不是窗戶, 而是什麼冷藏室的門.

清醒過來以後, 上網看了一下現在到底幾度... 原來如此, 零下二十度.

在外面行走還真是一件困難的事情. 說是冷到無法想像也有點言過其實, 事實上還是可以想像的, 就想成大概是穿著短袖短褲然後在零下五度的冷藏室裡面走來走去, 大概就是那種感覺. 雖然我穿了兩件衣服加外套, 冷風還是可以從奇妙的地方灌進來.

上半身也就算了, 身體縮緊一點就好ㄌ, 最慘的是牛仔褲跟布鞋穿了感覺跟沒穿一樣. 從大腿一直冷到腳掌心.. >< ...





今天的天氣蠻差的, 天空沒什麼雲, 太陽很大. 不過我真的懷疑那個掛在天上的發光體是不是裝飾用的. 是怎麼樣可以光線這麼強然後一點熱度也沒有?

不知道零下三十幾度的時候我擦的防曬油會不會凍起來, 然後變成一片面模固定在我臉上...?

星期一, 12月 12, 2005


2 finals down and 2 more to go.

Honestly... I can't wait ... >< ...

Sweet sweet X'mas is just around the corner. And it's about time I have a vacation.


Well... ...

Although I'm always on vacation... but a real vacation would be nice :)

Thusday 3:00pm.

Hmm... what should I eat that night...?

星期五, 12月 09, 2005


過了很久, 才驚訝的發現窗外下著大雨.

這時候才發現, 只要有積雪, 雨其實也是可以下得很安靜的.


剛從學校 Review Session 回來的時候, 順手買ㄌ一桶 8 公升的水.

因為某些不為人知的政府陰謀, 滑鐵盧的自來水是不能喝的, 是說我也喝礦泉水喝得很習慣了. 從越南到台灣, 幾乎大部分時間喝的水都是用買的. 所以買大桶水對我來說並不是什麼新鮮事.

在等紅綠燈的時候, 身邊有一堆及腰的積雪, 我就順手把那桶水往雪上放.



大概花了我五分鐘才把它給挖出來. Orz


話說回來, 東部的科技還真是發達. 今天看到一部可以在人行道上行走的鏟雪車.


星期四, 12月 08, 2005


大概這幾天要考試, 電動少打ㄌ許多, 就很不小心的又夢到他.

夢見的是我陪他去一間有藍色大走廊的診所看牙. 大概是蛀牙要拔掉還是怎樣, 她一直在吵著說她不要待在牙醫的椅子上了. 我則是在旁邊一直哄她, 說等下看完牙齒帶她去吃大餐之類的.

果然夢跟現實是相反的, 通常都是我在無理取鬧然後他在哄我. 不過這是提外話.

很巧的, 或者很不巧的, 當天晚上大概八點多的時候她就打電話給我. 說有看到幾通沒有號碼的未接電話, 問問看是不是我打ㄉ.

ㄟ... 當然不是我打的, 我最近打 WoW 的時間都不夠ㄌ, 最好是有時間打電話給妳.

不過在瞎扯的時候, 我就把我前天晚上的夢告訴她. 聽到她自己在吵著要離開的那一段, 他問 "那你是握著我的手鼓勵我麼?".

"沒有阿, 我說要買糖給你吃"




不過她問的第一個問題我後來反覆想ㄌ幾遍, 才發現, 那句話的殺傷力遠比我想像中的還強很多.

並不是我不握你的手, 而是你已經不讓我握了.

當然, 她多半是無心的. 不過言者無意, 聽者有心, 這也不關她的事情.


所以剛剛就趁又夢到她的時候, 決定至少也要去牽一下她的手. (這次倒不是在醫院, 在有點像是 Pub 的地方, 不過太安靜ㄌ點.)

那我想說, 反正在作夢, 應該不會怎麼樣. 就很勇敢的把手伸出去.

然後就跟三流的肥皂劇一樣, 手都還沒碰到, 我就把自己嚇醒了. 這時候才徹底的覺悟到, 我早已遺忘那牽過幾千回的手, 是什麼樣的感覺.

對於忘記感覺這件事, 感到有點無奈. 畢竟這樣害我連想要夢到一下都不行.

回憶畢竟是會隨著時間而淡去的. ^_^

美麗的回憶, 就讓它永遠美麗吧.

現階段還是考試比較重要一點. :p

星期三, 12月 07, 2005

又是個白雪紛飛的早晨. 窗外那美麗的景色實在是叫人百看不厭.

每天都能看到夢幻般的雪景, 住在這邊的生物還真是幸福...


星期三一大早, 今早 Raid 因為人數不夠所以草草結束, 不用上課, 所以大概可以窩在房間裡面一整天.

實在是吃膩了麵包, 昨天出門的時候就順手買了一包泡麵. 回到家才發現... 我連燒開水都有問題是要怎麼吃泡麵?

恩.. 這困難的確蠻大的. 窗外的美麗的風景似乎對填飽肚子沒什麼幫助.

再兩天就要考試ㄌ, 看書的心情卻一直還停留在半熟狀態. 沒什麼進入狀況的感覺. 跟之前每次要考 Final 的時候一樣, 只想要趕快結束.


說真的, 自從我買ㄌ手套跟帽子以後, 我對外面的天氣實在沒什麼抱怨. 唯一一點小小的不滿, 就是那個雪是怎樣為什麼連續下了好幾個星期還是都積不太起來?

我還在癡癡的等待幾公尺高的積雪耶... 光是想到就覺得一定很炫.

是說其實十二月也才剛開始而已. 這裡半年都在下雪, 一百八十個冬天, 總會讓我有等到的一天.

星期一, 12月 05, 2005

Weird Puzzle

Eh. First of all, I have no idea what's the right answer. If anyone figured it out, plz let me know.


A woman fell into a full bath of liquid at work. When she got out she was dry, but she was taken straight to a hospital. Can you explain why she was dry and why she was taken to hospital?

1. The liquid in the bath was at room temperature.
2. There were warning signs to keep clear.
3. It was an accident that caused her to fall into the bath.
4. She had fallen gently and had not suffered a concussion or any severe blows.
5. The liquid in the bath was 4 feet deep, and little was lost when she fell in.
6. She was not wearing any protective clothing.
7. She had not ingested any of the liquid.
8 She was required to burn her clothes.


A liquid? And she's dry?

That's the part I really don't get...
Blogger Down... Testing..
Damn it... the steak sandwich tasted so bad. >< .

There goes my celebration meal... >< ...


Thus, the end of my first term in Waterloo.

To be honest, so far it is a littler easier than I have expected. And I have to admit that I have let my guard down and was slacking off because of WoW.

I sincerely think that I'm enjoying this life too much.

I have virtually nothing to worry, not many tasks to do other than school work and only have to spend less than 25 minutes on relocating myself.

This is really wonderful.

Can't believe that last year I have to spend 3 hours going and coming back from ubc everyday. That was... such a big waste of time.

And before that... from Shu-Lin to 101... 4 hours everyday...


10 more days and I'll be free.

10 more days.
Last day of school. Still snowing. Feeling quite peacful.

All there's left for this year are 4 finals and I'm done for 2005.


To celebrate, I pass by Harvey's and bought a Steak Sandwich Combo!! ^_^

So hungry right now, I'll drooling.


Well... I can't think of anything else right now but the steak sandwich... guess I'll go finish that first and c what i can conjour up with.

星期六, 12月 03, 2005

Whenever I'm totally into certain things... I tend to dream about them.


Usually only games and some comics have this degree of attraction that could cause me to dream about.

Most of the time, if it's about a game, I'll dream about that I'm either playing the game or I'm in the game myself. I love the latter one since it's almost always interesting and gives me a lively mood when I woke up.

If it's about comics, usually I dream about how the story will develop. And almost always ends at very crucial points... orz... very annoying.

Lack of the ability to predict future is ... well ... normal ... i guess.


But recently I'm experiencing some very cool dreams about WoW.

Well... I mean, since I'm into this game for so long, dreaming about i'm playing or i'm in the game is actually quite common and nothing to be surprised about anymore.

However, since I'm so deeply into WoW, I think i've taken the dreaming thing into next level...

I dreamed about my daily life blended with wow... XD

In the dream... when I'm on my way walking to school, I can open a floating window about myself and check what's in my backpack, my stats and ... so on ...

I even have a mini-radar on top right hand corner of my eye-view to see the terranes around me. I have no idea why is that a useful thing.

Well... monday's last class. Finals are coming.

About time to do some serious study XD.