星期四, 3月 31, 2005

怪怪的. 老覺得還有什麼事情沒做.

昨天晚上跳舞課考晉級考, 很奇妙的, 竟然通過了. 老師的眼睛不知道在看哪裡. 如果我自己給自己評分, 大概都會 Fail 我自己.

仔細想想, 大概是快要考 Final 了吧. 作業跟考試也差不多開始堆積起來了.

可是又不太像...... 到底是什麼事情忘了呢...?

星期三, 3月 30, 2005


It turns out that I miss her a lot lately, which surprised me.

Funny how I didn't see this coming.

Thought if I try not to call her and not email her and stop msging her and get out of her life, I'll be happier...

Well, I am happier. But somehow it felt like something's missing.

I wish I can still do something for her. Anything.

I wonder what's the limit of love? Or is love limit-less?

All I want is her happiness, with me by her side or not. I'd do anything I can to make her smile. Even though she's not my girl anymore, I'm still hers.

Is that true love? Or is it merely a twisted feeling in this twisted world? Simply want someone to be happy and ask nothing in return doesn't seems making any sense to many.

Sometimes, even not making any sense to myself. And whenever that thought came up, I'll press it down by thinking how much I owned her. And so much she had given me that I can never return no matter what.

So I'll still do anything for her, just to make her happy. Even when she doesn't need me anymore.

Is that true love? Is that the best I can do? Or can I do better than that?


At least, I can hope that as time passes on, I'll finally be able to actually move on.

This is stupid... as usual...

Fun Conversation~

Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why did u come back to canada to study?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz that's my easiest option.
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why not continue working, working fun.......
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
oh, u mean why i choose study over work
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz i promised to come back to study after work for 2 years
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why u make that promise?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
don't know, i was stupid
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why u stupid?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz i was young?
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why u feel u are young?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
i feel?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
i waas
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
when u think 20+ is young?
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
yesterday is younger than today
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
which means... any decision i made a minute ago could be a stupid one, coz i was young...
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why u think younger = young
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
lucky i'm not making a lotta of decisions
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz i meant younger
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
instead of young.
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
use young coz it sounds like Young
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
u know, ur twin bro.
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why u think younger idea is stupid?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
nono, it's not always
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
but it could be
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz lack of experience and/or knowledge
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why u think ur promise is stupid?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
becoz when i think that, i was young..
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why interesting?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
u know, since anything could be wrong
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz everything i did was when i was younger
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz time passes
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz that's what time do.
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
because if it doesn't, everything will happen at once.
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz everything meant to happen, will happen.
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
is it okay i post this conversation on my blog?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
this is fun
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
which one are u asking?
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
all why?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz sharing is fun.
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
why this is fun? coz i think it'll make people smile
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
why everything meant to happen will happen? coz that's definition of "meant to happen"
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
why coz?
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:
coz "coz" is the way to start explaining why
Dean Luigi (Super Luigi DS, bk) says:
anywhooooooo......... u can continue with urself if u want to, post anything on ur blog, i don't care
NeoX - Still Gotta Catch'em All!!! says:


Well, of course, I didn't continue after that...
Well, blogger has been acting weird for the last couple days.

I couldn't post anything until now.

My last long vacation of 6 days is officially gone. And I've spend 5 of them in Seattle, if you count thursday night and monday morning as 2 days.

Thursday night was fun. I got to pretend to be Michael (Ken's pharmacist friend) and go to this dinner with him. Why do I have to pretend? Because it's a medicine-company-treated-dinner, for pharmacists only. We get to sit down at a fancy resturant by the ocean and eat luxuary food for free, as long as we hear this Doctor from this compnay keeps bragging about their new medicine.

Honestly, I don't understand a word.

But at least I get to have a free dinner.


Friday, Saturday and Sunday all went like the same. Ken gotta work. So I stayed home and "try" to do my homework. Resisting the urge of playing GC and watching TV.

It's weird. I don't watch TV. But without my computer, I guess TV is better than nothing.

And it's always easier to do nothing than actually doing something.


Back on monday morning. That's the first time I went to Ken's and they checked my luggage. Accusing me for bringing too much stuff for such a short trip. Well, I hate to be called a liar, but I really didn't bring that much stuff.

In my luggage, there were only... Gamecube, AV output, Power Unit, 2 controllers, 4 games, 10 book of Hunter X Hunter, 1 blanket, 1 jeans, 2 cloth, 3 text books, 2 sets of notes, 1 binder, 1 calculator, 1 pen, 2 underwears, 3 pairs of socks, 1 waterbottle, 1 toothbrush, 1 showering towel, 1 glasses case, 1 glasses...

That's all. Not a lot. Come on! You custom guys never have girls traveling? They'll have 2 travelling case full of stuffs even on a 2-day-trip.


No offence to any girls...


I was glad I went Seattle, coz I get to be in the same country with her for 4 days.

Just the thought of that makes me feel glad for a long long time... cute...

星期日, 3月 27, 2005


No DOTA for 4 days... this is tough...

I wonder if 6.04 or 6.05 has came out already.


Been delivarying lunch to Ken for the past 3 days. 1st day I cooked Beef & Pork Curry on rice. 2nd day he had the leftovers of 1st day's curry. And today's lunch was Jack-In-The-Box...

Man... that must means I'm a lousy chef. He'd rather have fastfood instead of my hand-made lunch box. ^_^

Oh well, if it's for the best...


It's actually pretty quite up here. But for some reason, without my computer, I can't concentrate on my hws. Well, I'm still doing them, just at a much slower pace than I've expected.

As usual, expectation always exceeds. Weird... or not...

星期四, 3月 24, 2005


嗯... 要帶什麼呢?

這應該是 Final 前最後一次放長假了~ 雖然說我的假也太多ㄌ點.

不過算了. 習慣就好.

Dota 6.03b 道具之五

原文: Burize-do Kyanon
中譯: ...


這要從出處開始解釋. Burize-do Kyanon 其實是取 Blizzard Cannon 的諧音而來.

Blizzard 在製作 Diablo 2 的時候, 本來想在裡面加上一個會投射暴風雪的大砲. 可是又不想直接叫它 Blizzard Cannon (跟公司撞名, 而且也太了無新意), 所以後來就變成 Burize-do Kyanon. 算是有點半搞笑的名字.

本來中文是想叫爆冰砲, 可是就變成在翻譯 Blizzard Cannon...


上圖是... 忘ㄌ從哪抓來的, 感覺上如果 Burize-do Kyanon 出現在 Starcraft 中應該要長類似這個樣子. 所以就貼上來了~

效能: 攻擊力 +75
附加能力 (被動型): 會心一擊, 20% 機會造成 2.2 倍的傷害.

上次提到由於跟金箍棒功能太像, 又明顯比金箍棒強 (雖然差ㄌ一千塊). 所以在 6.03 中攻擊力被調降到只剩 +67. 後來 6.03b 又調到 +75. 造成的傷害加成也一直在調整, 本來的 2.0 倍現在變成 2.2 倍.

Dota 6 要做到完全平衡還有很長一段路要走... 至少要到 6.10... 6.11 吧.

Posted by Hello

星期二, 3月 22, 2005

One More Time... GOTTA GO!! GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL!!! Posted by Hello


可惡. 剛看到 GamePro 上報導劍魂 3 是 PS2 限定版 (家用主機而言).

幹麻出在 PS3 上阿~~~~~ 嫌 Loading Time 不夠長是不是~~~~~

害我一大早就心情不好, 他媽ㄉ.

可是之前也有謠言說 SC3 是叉叉盒限定版. 大概還是要等 Namco 正是發布官方新聞稿才能定案吧. 還有一線希望.


恭喜 Jerry~~~ 第二名耶~~~ 超強的~~~

我下星期三也要考晉級考, 還在決定要跳什麼東西. 大概會是 Cha-Cha, Jive, Waltz 跟 Quickstep 吧.

雖然跟 Quickstep 比起來我比較想跳 Tango... 因為可以含著玫瑰花... 很屌... (被刺到滿嘴是血就更屌...)


昨天貼神奇寶貝展覽會場的時候太興奮ㄌ. 應該解釋一下, 那是愛知世博會的園區之一. 也是全世界最大的神奇寶貝 Theme Park. 我本來就很想去世博會, 現在看到這個更是不得了.


Okay... This is the final blow.


從來沒有這麼想要去一個博覽會過... 這個我如果錯過的話會含恨吧!!!


偷拐搶騙都可以...Posted by Hello

星期一, 3月 21, 2005

Luv this morning~

This morning I fell.

I fell hard on the ground and smashed my face into the door, which is a pretty fun way to start the morning. ^_^

Honestly, how many days we started with face in the door.

I'm glad that I was wearing my plastic glasses, not my glass glasses, otherwise it could have been much much worse.


At the swimming pool, I was trying to do some new tricks but ended up swallowing a lotta of waters. Man. A LOT!!

Since the "slow lane" was pretty full this morning, I had to go to the "fast lane". And everyone in the fast lane was doing this turning and spinning thingy when they reach the end of the pool.

Well, how hard could it be? Just a spin, right?


Not really... It was hard...

I tried a couple times and either my head ended up at the bottom of the pool, or after a big spin I was still facing the end of the pool...

It was pretty ugly.

And adds more fun to my already enjoyful morning~

Life is wonderful~

星期日, 3月 20, 2005

Dota 6.02 道具之四

原文: Monkey King Bar
中譯: 如意金箍棒



原文: 如意金箍棒
英譯: Monkey King Bar

齊 天大聖孫悟空所使用的兵器. 原為大禹治水時遺留在東海的定海神針. 金箍棒兩端為金箍,中間為一段烏鐵; 箍旁鐫有一行字:"如意金箍棒,重一萬三千五百斤". 撇開遠距又強到不可思議的神兵 "繁弱" 不談, 這該是中國傳說中攻擊力最強的兵器 (因為最重吧?).


金箍棒第一次出現在英文線上遊戲中應該是在 PSO 裡面. 記得那個遊戲的人大概也不多了...

效能: 攻擊力 +75, 攻擊速度 +15%
附加效能: 30% 機會造成額外傷害 100 點, 並將敵人震暈 0.01 秒 (?).

在 鬥塔裡面這把應該跟 Burize-do Kyanon 不相上下. 雖然攻擊力少了 21 點, 也沒有會心一擊的能力, 不過由於便宜 1000 多, 而且攻擊速度 +15% 到後期大概可以稍微彌補跟 Burize 的差距. 適合... 所有非魔法傷害系的英雄使用.

對了, 在鬥塔裡面它的圖片像把斧頭一樣, 非常 Misleading...

Posted by Hello


她到 Chicago 出差, 我卻很緊張.

一直在看 Chicago 最近有什麼新聞, 和那邊的天氣怎麼樣. 畢竟, 已經三個多月沒有跟她在同一塊大陸上了.

雖然也不會見到面, 不過能感覺到她在附近, 就已經很幸福了~~~



星期六, 3月 19, 2005

Dota 6.02 道具之三

原文: Mekansm
中譯: 瑪肯之心

瑪肯為瑞奇太古神話中, 太陽神的第三個兒子. 在神話時代的終結 - 諸神之黃昏大戰前夕, 瑪肯與他兩位哥哥為了爭奪他們美麗的妹妹海斯而大打出手.

太陽神最後下令, 誰能殺死肆虐愛琴海長達三百年之久的海鱷龍, 誰就能迎取海斯.

三兄弟裡最誠實勇敢的瑪肯, 在獨力絞殺海鱷龍後, 被兩位哥哥用鱷龍的牙齒殺死..

太陽神後來為了紀念瑪肯, 就將他的靈魂烙印在瑪肯之心上, 並送給海斯佩帶.

在諸神黃昏時, 由於瑪肯之心的神力保護, 海斯是唯一毫髮無傷生還的女神.

效能: 所有屬性 +22, 裝甲 +3
附加能力: 遭受攻擊時, 有 7% 的機會無敵兩秒鐘

在 6.00 中最強, 最搶手的寶物. 幾乎適合所有英雄使用. 原本是有 9% 的無敵機會, 後來在 6.01 中被大幅調降為 7%. 6.02 我剛剛試玩的時候似乎從來沒有無敵過 (雖然還是標 7%, 不過說明不準確是鬥塔中常有的事). 如果沒有意外, 可能在 6.03 中就在也看不到這寶物了, 原因是太強, 又太容易收集 (三個 Null...).

安息吧, 瑪肯之心...

Posted by Hello

星期五, 3月 18, 2005


家裡的磅秤不知道被老媽收到哪裡去了. 游了兩星期的泳, 也不知道有沒有瘦一點.

本來晚上要跟 Jessica 出去, 不過她臨時要上班, 所以就算ㄌ. 有點想去租錄影帶來看, 可是 d/l 下來的 Simpsons 都還沒看完.

說起來, 三月也過一半ㄌ.

我還是沒決定好暑假要幹麻... 很想去日本看展覽...


Dota 6.02 出ㄌ喔~~~


難得最近心情很好~~ 又很閒~~ 或許是風雨前的寧靜吧, 四五月的大考已經悄悄的接近ㄌ~ 而我卻依然悠閒~~~

嘿嘿... 明天再開始準備吧.


對ㄌ, Jeremy 回到人界. Warcraft 還是打不贏他, 我實在是 Dota 太多ㄌ點.

昨晚難得跟小龜講到話~ 他最近不知道是吃錯什麼藥, 講話越來越有道理, blog 上面還寫社論...

奇妙ㄌ. 現在好像 blog 裡面內容最沒營養的就是我了 (跟 Shirley... ^_^)

ㄟ.. 我也想去劍湖山..


MBT stands for Major Boring Thursday.

And as the title states, it was majoring boring.

I was working on my AIF for waterloo today, and realized that I have no EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES at all!!

Well, the following are what I've put down, they have to be the things I did "extensively" other than school within the last 2 years.

Ballroom Dancing: 2004/04 - Current, 3 hours per week, I started ballroom dancing while working In Taiwan, and I am a member of UBC dance club.

Blogging: 2003/02 - Current: 7 hours per week, I've been maintaining and writing my personal experiences and thoughts on http://neoxaser.blogspot.com - this site Is currently the top search result on most search engines (google, yahoo… etc.) and has visiting rate of 100/week.

Video Game / PC Game: 1987/12 - Current, 20 hours per week - I've been playing video games and computer games since grade one, and will probably still play a lot In the future.

Golf: 2002/05 - Current, 3 hours per week, I've started golfing two years ago and still practices every week.

And that's all I can think of.

If we consider the fact that I was lying about Golf and Ballroom dancing, all I did other than school are video games and blogging. Hmm... perhaps I should put reading japanese manga on AIF too, but I don't think that's gonna help in any way.

... interesting ... not that I don't like this, it's just... interesting ...

Well, I went NWSS today. Same old same old high school. Nothing special about it.

星期三, 3月 16, 2005



今天 S3 幾乎沒贏過. 偏偏又只打贏一個不該打贏的人 (我剛加入的精算社社長..) 到時候複習的 Material 不給我, 或者 Group Study 的時候故意不給我知道怎麼辦?

本來也不是很想跟他打, 可是中午連輸七八場一肚子怨氣總要找人發洩一下~

最近應該還算是蠻努力在減肥的, 至少東西都沒有亂吃, 而且還幾乎每天都有去游泳. (雖然才兩星期而已..)

本來晚上有點想出去喝點東西再回家, 不過實在太累ㄌ. 還是乖乖的滾回來.


她這星期要去 Chicago 出差... 我去找她的機會不知道有多少...?


可是, 心情還是很好, well, shit happens~~~

It's all good.

星期一, 3月 14, 2005

Dota 6.01 道具之二

原文: Stygian Desolator
中譯: 地獄守

希臘神話中, 掌管守誓河 (又名三途河, 環繞地獄之河) 的死神之武器.

通常形狀為鐮刀, 不過似乎也可以任意變形成其他形狀. 刀柄為亡靈血, 刀身則是由黑帝斯 (地獄之王) 親自打造而成, 成分不明.

對生物的靈魂直接造成傷害, 所以被砍到並不會有外傷, 只不過痛苦到生不如死而已.

效能: 攻擊力 +60
附加能力 (被動型): 將對手裝甲 -6, 持續 5 秒

幾乎是適合所有 Hero 使用的武器. 裝甲 -6 以後被打到真的很痛.
Posted by Hello

Can't live like this anymore...

Last night I couldn't sleep.

And the reason is ordinary - something bothers me.

Well... I'm a fast sleeper. And for those of you who knows me well, I can easily fall asleep under almost any circumstances (some are dangerous).

I ought start the story from last friday.


Friday nights equals no more party nights - I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

So there I was, dragging my feet home and started doing this big assignment I gotta hand-in by Monday. To my surprise, this assignment is actually pretty fun to do. We get to simulate and manipulate a bunch of data and fooling around with a lot of numbers... sounds like some major fun for geeks. Well, I guess I still had party - math party.

Math is fun. If you know what you're doing.


Around 11pm, I decided to take a break and started Dota. After 20 min., I kinda realized that playing by myself is not that productive. And those trash talks over battle.net are rather repetitive. And repetitive is rather boring.

So I hooked up my GC and started Monkey Racing. After beating a couple of Ken's record, I've realized that it's kinda boring too. I mean, what's the point of beating his record if he's not going to beat my record back?

By the time I decided to stop Monkeying, I was pretty tired to change disc and thus rolled to bed and fell asleep soon after.


Saturday I was suppose to go BBQ with Shirley, but it turns out my parents need me to help them in the afternoon - to pick up some guys and to do some garden work. Basically that means I'm stuck at home again and I had no choice but keep working on my big assignment.

If producing an assignment is like building a boat, Friday night I finished sketching my boat, I've spend Saturday all day to build the bones of the freaking boat and finally, warpped it up by Sunday Noon.

After I eventually printed out the assignment, a sense of satisfication and joy of fullfillment filled my heart. And I decided to slack for the rest of the day, trying to ignore the fact that I still have 2 assignment due this week.

I played a couple more Dota, loaded up my RE4 and was thinking if I should play Wind Waker or not...

Later that night, I went out to watch Robots with Jessica. Hmm... to make it simple and nice, that movie is for people who are under age of 11.5. Just a graphically pretty (not even stunning) movie to me.

After the movie, I got home, and fooled around the Internet, then my GC, and went to bed.

To my surprise, I couldn't sleep.

I suddenly realized that I can't live like this anymore!!

I need to start, I need to get going!!

I gotta stop mindlessly playing RE4 and Dota. I need a target!

And the problem comes.

Technically speaking, I should be finishing up my Pikmin 2 and Wind Waker. But lack of motivation is dragging me away from playing those great games.

Perhaps it's a good time to get a new game. But the question is, which one?

I stayed up all night, thinking:

Should I get Minish Cap? But the replay value is low.
Should I get Metriod Prime 2? But it's a little too complicated for now and I may not have time to finish it.
Should I get Viewtiful Joe 2? But it seems like it's just Viewtiful Joe, again.
Should I get Mario RPG? But Cal says he'll lend me. And again, no replay value whatsoever.
Should I get Street Fighter Anniversary Edition? But I'll need a joystick... and a PS2...
Should I try to get in some clans of Dota? ... well ... Ben... should we do that?



It turns out I stayed up till 4 in the morning, and still couldn't figure out which one i should be getting or to be doing. It'll probably be minish cap. But my heart is not yet settled.

My conclusion is:

Life is hard... full of choices... hopefully I'll get a better sleep tonight, since I've already sorta decided which game I'm going for.

God bless...




星期日, 3月 13, 2005

... A holy arena of all fighters ... Posted by Hello

Anyone... know what's this game's name? Anyone even remember this game? Posted by Hello

星期六, 3月 12, 2005

仙劍的歌詞 一直很安靜 - 阿桑

空蕩的街景 想找個人放感情
做這種決定 是寂寞與我為鄰

我們的愛情 像你路過的風景
一直在進行 腳步卻從來不會為我而停

給你的愛一直很安靜 來交換你偶爾給的關心
明明是三個人的電影 我卻始終不能有姓名

你說愛像雲 要自在飄浮才美麗
我終於相信 分手的理由有時候很動聽

給你的愛一直很安靜 來交換你偶爾給的關心
明明是三個人的電影 我卻始終不能有姓名

給你的愛一直很安靜 我從一開始就下定決心
以為自己要的是曾經 卻發現愛一定要有回音

給你的愛一直很安靜 來交換你偶爾給的關心
明明是三個人的電影 我卻始終不能有姓名

給你的愛一直很安靜 除了淚在我的臉上任性
原來緣份是用來說明 你突然不愛我這件事情


為什麼貼歌詞ㄋ? 因為有些歌詞真的很美...

The new trailer is awesome... Posted by Hello








都給我一些例如訓練反應, 覺得有趣, 之類...

只是一直打, 一直打







原文是大幕維人老師, Air Gear 80.

星期五, 3月 11, 2005

阿~~~~~ (無意義)

功課... 頭大...


媽ㄉ, 我才想知道寫不完是怎樣勒.


下面那把是羅塞之劍後來羅塞十七世在仿效他祖先單挑十七名盜賊時, 勇敢的殺傷盜賊首領小腿肚後, 被群盜亂刀砍死. 此後此劍即下落不明, 消失在歷史的汪洋中.

Dota 等級一最貴的寶物.


阿... 作業阿~~~

星期四, 3月 10, 2005

鬥塔 6.01 道具之一

原文: Lothar's Edge
中譯: 羅薩之劍 (聖王之劍)

羅薩一世, 聖羅馬帝國之帝皇 (A.C. 795 - 855) 之愛劍.


羅薩死後, 羅馬帝國分裂, 分別由羅薩二世, 路易斯二世以及查理王子統治.

效能: 攻擊力 +21
敏捷度 +10

附加能力 :

影步 (啟動型)
移動速度 +15%
偷襲 +50 點傷害
長度 9 秒
回魔時間 26 秒
法力消耗 125 點




Posted by Hello


這是個真實的, 灰暗的故事.

不知什麼原因, 像我這樣的大嘴巴, 這件事我卻從來沒有跟任何人提起. 包括跟我最親密的家人和朋友都完全不知道它曾經發生過.

希望趁連我自己都忘記之前, 在這裡將它忠實的紀錄下來.

兩年前的某個晚上, 我刷完牙習慣性的會用毛巾將嘴腳的泡沫給擦乾淨. 那晚擦到一半, 覺得鼻子有點癢, 就用力給它 "哼" 了一下.

就看到一粒很大的鼻屎從我鼻孔飛出去, 黏在毛巾上.

當時只想上床睡覺, 再加上本人很懶, 所以就讓它留在那裡...

... 聰明一點的人大概可以猜到接下來發生的事情ㄌ ...

結果那鼻屎乾掉在毛巾上, 變得超級硬的. 第二天早上我起床抹臉的時候, 那該死的鼻屎就在我柔嫩的右臉頰劃上長長的一道血痕.



為什麼這故事很灰暗? 因為鼻屎灰灰暗暗的...

星期三, 3月 09, 2005

Light Weight

This morning, all of a sudden, I wanted to go school with the least amount of stuff on me. Perhaps it's because my backpack is loaded with 3 textbook, 3 binders with entire semester's notes, an umberalla and a one-litre water bottle already.

So I ONLY snagged my cell phone (a must), coin pouch, key, bus pass and student ID (for the exam) with me.

Well, it's light alright.

But I'm hungry now and realized there's only 7.05 CAD on me.

And my class won't end till 8:00 pm.

.................... What should I eat with 6.05...? (1.00 on S3, that's a must)

Technically, 6.05 is like 150NT, which should be good for 2 days if I was back in Taipei. But somehow it seems much much less useful here.

When Mom drops me off at the station this morning, she did asked me whether I have money on me or not. Damn, I should have begged her for some instead of walk away proudly saying that: "Yeah, I have."

What was I thinking???

電?オンライン - Ranking


前 25 名有 18 個是 2/24 號出的新作. 日本最近是要放假ㄌ還是怎樣?

很想玩アナザ?コ?ド 2つの記憶, 雖然看起來是不會出英文版的樣子.

歡迎回家... 歡迎回家罵我...

睡不著... 是正常的. 十點而已嘛. 可今晚很不想再看書了. 今天又很累, 理論上來講應該是要能睡著的. 我一向都是理論派... (並不是行動派)

早上很驚險的在爸媽回家前把該處理的東西都處理掉ㄌ, 到現在晚上十點為止還沒有露出什麼破綻.

從接到老媽開始, 就一直被罵到現在. 到現在都還聽到她在跟朋友抱怨... (無奈).

其實能罵的東西還很多, this is just a beginning. 預測會被罵到下星期一晚上七點為止.

"看以後誰嫁給你誰倒楣" - 這句話今天已經聽到三次以上.

其實這是錯誤的示範, 大家以後教小孩千萬不能像我媽這樣. 這種負面提示性太重的話, 只會降低小孩的自信. 聽久了以後有可能會讓他們自暴自棄, 養成黑暗的人格.

話說回來, 我已經不是小孩ㄌ.

當時我是笑著回她: "哈哈, 真的是要看誰倒楣~"

雖然一直被罵, 但其實我蠻高興的. 有點不願意承認, 不過... 有爸媽在家... 真好...

According to Daphne, they are the best parents ever.

Well, they are our ONLY parents... of course they are the best... (while, also, the worst)

開車載他們回家一路上聽到他們在講哪個朋友又住院, 哪個朋友又去世. 之後這種消息只會越來越多, this is just a beginning.

相較之下, 我這邊是哪個朋友又要結婚, 哪個朋友又要嫁掉. 之後這種消息只會越來越多, this is just a beginning.

直到能嫁的, 能娶的, 要掛的都嫁掉娶掉掛掉為止.

ㄜ... 我想講的是, 趁我還住在家裡 (雖然不知道能住多久), 該多找點時間陪陪我可愛的唯一的媽媽跟爸爸.





確定她還活著, 因為我們信箱裡她的信她也都會去看去刪.

其實可以隨便找個藉口聯絡, 可又不太想吵她. 或許她想法也跟我一樣? 其實沒什麼聯絡好像也不壞, 至少表示她過得很愉快, 或者很忙碌. 而兩者都是好事.

最近又有點新的覺悟 - 跟她的關係越來越淡, 直到幾乎陌生, 似乎是條無可避免的絕路.

唉, 在劫難逃.

星期二, 3月 08, 2005


罵什麼? 我也不知道耶... 聽過就忘ㄌ.



太久沒被唸, 有點懷念.

星期一, 3月 07, 2005





摘自 -我是一顆秋天的樹-

就是那個飆車掛掉的人唱的... 這麼久ㄌ, 還是記得歌詞...

星期日, 3月 06, 2005


Busy busy weekend.

3 midterms, 1 hw and 1 paper due next week.

Parents coming back on tuesday which means I have to clean up the house (Finally).

Ken is up with Saori so we went out for dinner and breakfast.

A lotta stuff is going at once. Yet I still find time to see what's the difference between Dota 6.00 and Dota 6.01

I just wish that Guinsoo can do something about the insane loadtime. If their board is finally working and I get an account, I'll definitely start nagging him about this.

Hopefully, I can get the hw done and finish 1 cheat sheet by tonight.

It was a long weekend.


And somehow... for some reason... I missed her a lot. More than the usual amount. Is this becoming an periodical thing or what?

星期五, 3月 04, 2005

Man, this looks extremely cool. Can I go...? Posted by Hello


好像有點感冒... 留鼻水, 喉嚨痛之類的...

凌晨四點半, 不知道為什麼這麼早起床. 大概是放假以後, 時間就很不正常的關係吧.

剛做了一個奇妙的夢, 夢到我正在回溫哥華的飛機上, 然後加拿大護照竟然留在家裡...


星期三晚上在堤那家開派對, 星期四鬼混了一天.

今天總該做點正事了吧. 忘了回電話給她... 睡過頭... ㄜ... 算了.

因為某些原因, 剛剛在讀我之前在越南時她寫給我的電子郵件. 它們現在看起來好陌生, 好遙遠. 好像是上輩子收到的信.

看起來自信不足是我最大的問題. 當我們暫時分手的時候, 如果我能表現得更成熟點, 或許事情就不會弄得像現在這麼糟. 但是... 我當時真的很孤單... 嘆...

每當有人問我為什麼要讓她走, 我總是回答因為她有自由選擇的權利. 聽起來好像很成熟, 雖然在這些信裡面似乎並不是如此. 我沒有留下來任何寄給她的信, 不過從她的回信看來, 那時候我還蠻糟的. 不斷的煩她加上用真的分手來嚇她. 媽的, 我當時一定很煩人. 如果我是她的話, 我也不會想要跟個長不大又煩人的小鬼在一起.




講起來我也翻譯過不少東西. 雖然大部分是 Unix 的文章. (好翻的很)


跟想像中的一樣簡單. 程度很低, 很容易翻. 又是自己寫的, 當然完全了解自己的意思, 那更是簡單上再加簡單.

寫這篇的時候剛開始放假十幾天. 大概是去過墾丁, 準備要去日本之間那幾天.

我只要一閒下來就會開始做一些很無意義的事情, 像是翻翻舊情書之類的.

重新體會當時的心情, 想像自己坐在台灣那破爛房間骯髒電腦前的情景. 還算是蠻有趣的吧?


如果沒記錯, 應該是通靈王裡面主角 (葉) 講的.

如果想得到的並非幸福, 那是什麼?

既然心已碎, 或許是想抓住之前曾經擁有的幸福. 又或許只是想要遠遠的逃離, 直到心不再淌血.

當時我覺得好像有點懂, 現在卻反而不太懂了.

越活越回去, 這句話很適合形容我自己.

白色巨塔 - 特別版

那... 今天晚上就是在看這個.

這幾天連續看的幾部片都跟死亡有關 - 又是一個沒有正解的答案.

看完 Million Dollar Baby 會讓人聯想到的是:

"寧願選擇燦爛而短暫的生命, 還是平淡的過一生?"

看完 Constantine:



"如果只剩兩條路, 會選擇痛苦的過完兩年, 還是比較不痛的活一年?"


問題的正確答案, 這些片子都沒有提到, 只有告訴我們戲裡腳色的決定而已.


忘了是在哪篇文章看到, 東方人談到有關死亡的事情總是比較忌諱. 感覺起來好像也是真的.

二十幾歲就想這個實在是有點太多慮了點, 還不如多想想下星期的考試要怎麼考.

雖然不知道真的遇到時會怎樣, 不過總覺得我可以坦然的接受死亡. 至少現在可以.

如果有權利選擇, 我會選燦爛而短暫的一生, 和比較不痛苦的一年.

在沒病沒痛的情況下, 活得這麼快樂的我應該是不會跑去自殺的...

如果哪天我被發現自殺的話, 拜託大家一定要把那個殺害我的兇手找出來~~


卻也不是沒想過自殺的方式, 看起來跳樓上吊撞火車都蠻痛的. 我大概會吃點安眠藥然後在冰櫃裡面睡死吧. 不知道要不要帶棉被進去...?


總之. 還活著.

那就好好的活吧. 如果有天堂地獄的話, 看起來我是上不了天堂的. 不過至少認識一些會上天堂的人, 這樣也蠻另人欣慰的. ^_^


心情並沒有沉重, 只是隨便聊聊罷了. 每個人遲早都會死嘛, 沒什麼了不起的.


順便一提, 下面那句話出自照耀世界之光的二號直屬護衛. 很有意思. 我也只試過一兩次而已.

星期四, 3月 03, 2005


星期三, 3月 02, 2005



.............................. Posted by Hello

星期二, 3月 01, 2005



最近有很多事情想寫, 也有很多大消息. 不過作業實在是多到寫不完, 尤其是卡住的時間實在是多到讓我覺得很 OOXX.



聽說是很舊的笑話, 不知道為什麼我從來沒聽過. 用講的應該會好笑很多.


有個外國人到車站去買車票, 不過他聽不懂中文.

櫃檯服務人員正想找翻譯的時候, 旁邊有個中學生卻自告奮勇說他可以翻譯.

服務人員就對那中學生說: "請告訴他坐票都賣玩了, 只剩站票."

那學生就翻譯: "You sit can't sit, you stand can sit."

無奈的外國人當然還是聽不懂: "Sorry, I don't understand your English."

聽完這句, 那學生轉頭對櫃檯說: "喔, 他聽不懂英文啦."




Anyways... 最近最大的消息莫過於 Dota 6.0 終於終於終於出來了. 還以為 Guinsoo 被外星人綁架了.

還有... Katsu 結束以後, Jojo 開始放閃靈在上面. 閃靈中間有點亂, 拖戲也很嚴重, 不過最近翻ㄌ幾篇, 又回到無限城以後還是挺好看的. 真想知道無限城上層到底是個什麼樣的地方.


昨天跟 Jessica 去看了 Million Dollar Baby. 真的很好很好看. Hillary 拿最佳女主角真的不是拿假的.

說實話, 是很沉重的一部電影. 值得討論的東西也很多. 強烈建議大家都去看看~

不過說真的, 看電影我還是比較喜歡看快樂一點的東西. 像是 Incredible... 之類的...


之前跟另一個 Jessica 在討論周侯戀的時候, 她突然冒出一句, 其實連勝文也不錯阿, 為什麼大家會叫他神豬勒?

首先ㄋ, 神豬是指地位最崇高的豬. 如果連公子是豬的話, 那神豬一詞真是用得恰到好處. 全台灣還有哪隻豬地位比他還高的?

那所以為什麼要叫他是豬? 人家好歹也是個哥倫比亞大學碩士. 太胖又不是他的錯.

如果問題不在他身上, 只好找他背景來解釋.

其實這是很不公平的, 因為他身世實在太好, 照理來講, 這種背景出身的應該是要十全十美才對. 長相比較沒辦法, 不過至少身材, 品味, 學識都要是頂尖才行.

如果把連勝文的爸爸跟周杰倫的爸爸交換的話, 或許就沒有人會叫他神豬了.

(周杰倫爸爸是誰? 那個在 "爸, 我回來了" 裡面會打老婆小孩的混蛋. 雖然連戰也似乎會打老婆... 不過這並不是重點...)



我晚上還蠻想去看 Constantine 的.

