星期三, 9月 29, 2004
前幾天都太晚睡, 今天凌晨大概拖到一兩點才睡著, 雖然我十一點半就上床ㄌ.
早上七點鬧鐘就把我叫醒. 中秋 + 教師節耶, 應該補假兩天才對.
即使這樣唉唉叫也沒用, 還是得出門去上課. 早上霧很大, 冷颼颼的很有秋天的感覺.
八點半就到ㄌ Lab, 好像 Po ㄌ兩篇 Blog. 第二篇 (也就是上一篇)不知道在爽什麼, 竟然把漢朝的詩都貼上來ㄌ. 我在學校沒辦法打中文, 所以用英文查ㄌ好久才查到那篇.
那是十面埋伏裡的詩, 不過對那部片子我倒是有很多意見. 先不管好不好看, 仔細想起來, 這部片從頭到尾都是假ㄉ (沒看過這部ㄉ可以跳過下一段, 會透露太多劇情).
- 劉補頭是假的
- 派金補頭去牡丹紡的目的是假的
- 金在裡面扮客人是假的
- 牡丹紡的老鴇是假的
- 小妹是假的
- 瞎眼是假的
- 把金補頭押走是假的
- 第一場仙人指路是假的
- 小妹攻擊劉補頭是假的
- 把小妹關起來是假的
- 派金補頭救小妹是假的
- 金大俠當然也是假的
- 官府追兵是假的
- 把劉補頭推出去砍了是假的
族繁不及備載... 另外, 個人認為小妹跟阿金之間的愛情也是假的. 才認識三天而已, 又不是一見鍾情. 都只是愛上對方的外表, 和那種刺激感吧.
總之, 從頭假到尾. 嚴格說起來, 這部片子還蠻值得多看兩次的. 第二次看感覺應該會完全不一樣.
講到哪ㄌ, 對ㄌ, 然後九點開始第一堂 Lab. 檢討之前的作業, 有聽沒有懂, 反正我都做出來ㄌ, 還檢討什麼? 大概九點半左右就想閃ㄌ, 走到教室後面看到 J., 她問我下一堂教室在哪, 我還很確定的跟她說是在 Buch, 結果我們兩個走到那邊教室裡只有一個人. 一個上星期才 Register 進這堂課, 然後完全搞不清楚狀況的同學. ㄟ... 看起來我也沒有比他好太多. 我跟 J. 等到十點才決定再走回 Lab 看看. 結果果然是在 Lab 上課... 我還真的蠻丟臉的.
然後 Lab 幾乎完全不會做, 加上又遲到, 五題只完成了三題, 還有兩題是 J. 作的, 我只會作第一題...
Lab 出來以後, J. 說她星期一晚上跟 Sta. 出去吃飯聽說 Downtown 有外套特價, 很想去看看, 就跟著她 (原因不明) 坐公車到 Downtown. 好久沒有陪人逛街ㄌ, 感覺還蠻不錯的. 我真的或許很適合這份工作. 有人要請我陪逛街ㄇ? 買完外套在回學校的公車上才發現自己的手機竟然忘在 Lab 裡面. 不知道為什麼, 剛開始不是很緊張, 總覺得應該找得回來.
但公車越靠近學校我就越緊張 (如果找不回來就慘ㄌ), 結果還好, 加拿大人都很有公德心, 手機經過一個半小時還在原來的位置, 不過有個坐在那個位置上的人拿著在看而已. 我上次回來第一天就把車鑰弄掉, 後來也還是找回來. 可見, 丟掉東西在這裡並不是很可怕的事, 可以多丟一點 (話是這樣講的嗎?)
然後第一堂課, 教授已經把最難的部分上完了 (那邊完全不懂), 今天上的反而還聽懂多點. 第二堂課也都還吸收的進去 (挺奇妙的). 不過今天壞消息很多, 一大堆 Midterm 下星期全部擠在一起, 再加上作業... 真想知道我要怎麼活過接下來的半個月.
下課以後 J. 還有一堂課, 我就到 Village 幫她印課本 (實在沒事作). 路上 Nick 打電話給我, 答應ㄌ跟他去 PNE 的 Holloween Party. 這樣萬聖節我會連續兩個晚上不在家, 不知道要怎麼跟爸媽交代... 到時候再說吧...
把印好的課本給她, 吃完晚飯以後就乖乖去上最後一堂課. 大概早上太早起ㄌ, 前半堂都在打瞌睡. 反正這堂也不用抄筆記, 就給他睡吧. 不過課本的進度我倒是已經落後一大截, Midterm 也是下星期... 大概真的會死人...
回到家已經快十點半ㄌ, Ben 今晚不在, 不過我也懶得整理房間, 寫完以後就去睡ㄌ吧. 明天要開始努力用功ㄌ... (已經情況緊急ㄌ...)
對ㄌ, Randy 交ㄌ新女朋友. 很認真的交的.
Paul 好像一月要結婚ㄌ (未証實).
還有, 大家中秋節快樂.
最後, 200% 認真的 - 願天下有情人. 終成眷屬.
星期二, 9月 28, 2004
Happy.. Moon Festivel...
... Yawn ... it's 8:30 in the morning and I'm at school already. So sleepy.
Yesterday I almost studied all day, but didn't feel like learned anything whatsoever.
This is really bad...
Would I be able to get through this? I have no clue and my confidence level has been getting lower and lower ever since I came back.
Perhaps, I should just start working, apply EA or whatever.
Do something that I'm interested in, instead of torturing myself... >< ...
What a good way to start a day.
星期日, 9月 26, 2004
Birthday Party
Judy 的生日 Party 應該是 Nick 一手策畫招集舉辦的. 不知道為什麼 Go Cart 不開ㄌ, 所以我們直接到 K-Fever 去唱歌.
到的人... Ruby, Ben, Peter, Peter's GF, Nick, Judy, me, Ruby's fd.
我忘記的怎麼都是女生的名字...? ㄟ... 不管ㄌ, 唱ㄌ三個小時, Ruby 的朋友唱的真的很不錯. FIR 的歌聽他唱跟放 CD 差不多... 可怕...
謝謝 Nick 買的蛋糕.. 雖然 K-Fever 耍笨 (更高級的耍寶), 把其他人的蛋糕送進來 (Sarah 是誰阿?). 害我們在唱祝你生日快樂歌的時候蛋糕沒來, 到王心凌的愛妳才出現.. 氣氛稍微有點... 尷尬..
唱完歌以後就... 續攤到 Kingsway 一間韓國人開的餐廳喝酒... 本來 Nick 想ㄌ個遊戲要整 Judy... 不過他應該早點告訴我們的, 想的時間太少以至於動作跟問題都多少有點重複. 所以也沒灌到 Judy 幾杯.
然後... 就很正常的玩遊戲, 直到兩點吧... Joe 還想再續攤, 雖然說其實我也很想再去, 不過後來還是峱掉回家ㄌ.
Judy, 生日快樂~
星期六, 9月 25, 2004
Saturday Already
Thursday night was rather boring. Janet came over and I taught her math and physics. We sneak out at night around 1 to had some mid-night snack and later went to bed by 3 or 4.
Friday was a super long day. I slept until 11 and then we went Grouse Grind again (3rd time for me) with Ken. It was funny to see how ben was walking so fast at the beginning and soon tired out ... ^_^
After about 100 min. We finally conquered the mountain again. What's different from this time is that I get to see the views of Great Vancouver. And man, it was pretty. My first 2 trips to the mountain were all in the morning, and I guess that's why it's so foggy so I can't really see anything.
And then we watched lumberjack show, saw some grizzlies and white wolves. When we got off the mountain, it was already around 7. We went to Ed's place and played some basketball. After the game, me and Ben fixed Ed's computer.
Well, it was some really weird problem. His newly assembled computer can read cd-rom but can't play it. We solved the problem by reinstalled english XP. Hmm... perhaps I should change back to english xp as well, seems like there are a lotta of problems with mandarin ones.
After that, Ed drove us to Cactus to meet up with Ken. Had a peacher, some fried squid and then Lester and then called it a night.
Man, it was such a long day. When I fell on the bed after I get home, I passed out immediately.
星期四, 9月 23, 2004
The End of 3rd Week
Let's start with the most recent events:
Yesterday I went bowling from 9~12 (All you can bowl) with Ken, Saori, Dennis, Marco, Ben and some of Ken's friends.
Still, not being able to exceed the score of 100 felt normal to me. But, to my surprise, Ben is such a good advisor in terms of many things. Thanx for his advises, my way of throwing the stupid ball has improved a lot yesterday (while, the score remains to be the same).
Anyways, it felt nice to be able to bowling sysmatically and thus decreses the chance of the ball falling into the ditch.
After we get home, I remembered played Viewtiful Joe a little, and then surf the web a little and then went to bed right after.
The weird thing is, I had such a good sleep that I couldn't wake up until 11:30 when my mom was shouting at me...
How long have I slept, I cannot remember, but at that time, I thought I still have a chance to catch 12:30's class.
Then I left for the sky-train.
Upon arriving the station, I realized that I forgot to bring my purse with me (coz I was leaving in a rush). But luckily, I remembered to bring my cell phone (remember cell but forget what's more important). Although I knew my mom would be really mad and think of me less, but I still have to call her and ask her to bring my cell over...
Well, it was rather unpleasant. And forget to take the purse alone with me while leaving home is such a rare event to me and I was really surprised.
Anyways, so I was late for the class.
And to my second surprise, Jes. didn't show up as well... both classes. So I haven't seen her to 2 days already, and I'll probably not be able to see her until next tuesday. Well, her absence in any class wouldn't really surprise me, but the thing is the 2nd class we have today, there's a homework to be handed in. And yet she still didn't show up. That's odd, since she seems to be worried about the homework yesterday more than I do...
Oh well.
When I forget my purse at the station, I was sooooooooooooooo thinking about skipping the class today. But because of the stupid homework which due today, I decided to come.
Anyways. now the classes are over and I just hope that she can find a way to slip in the homework later.
Another event is that someone else bid the item that I was selling for turtle... but it is already sold.
Guess I'll have to tell him I'm sorry and get a bad rating then.
This is actually entirely my fault. I shouldn't have let the HK guy buy the thing without bidding it... :p Oh well, another lesson I'll have to bear in mind. "Follow the rules..."
Actually there's something else I really wanted to talk about while I was sitting in class. But now I think I'll write the apology mail first and see if I'm still in the mood to blog some more..
星期三, 9月 22, 2004
Last Night..
But to be honest, I'm getting so sick of myself over this matter. STOP THINKING about her you MORON.
Hopefully, last night is the last last night I bug her about myself. And bug myself about her.
Seriously, enough is engouh.
And from him I've received a letter from the gal I used to went after back in Taiwan. She rejected me back then because I was coming back here. Well, I thought it was merely an execuse...
But it turns out that she... eh... I don't know how to say this... basically she wrote me a letter and asked Ben to take it back to me. Eh... basically it was about that I'm the one...
Eh, I was pretty happy at the time I saw the letter. And then, I'm rather lost...
Well... Anywas, today I was really pissed coz I couldn't do some integral which I should have remembered how to do.
... sign ...
... sign ...
not in the mood to do a good bloging... i should head bed now...
nighty night...
星期一, 9月 20, 2004
除ㄌ最近把頭髮剃光以外 (耍寶度 8/10), 剛剛洗澡的時候也作ㄌ件蠢事.
都幾歲ㄌ, 洗澡還能邊洗邊玩, 我把水裝滿在嘴裡, 然後想試試看能不能噴到天花板. 試ㄌ大概到第五次水才能垂直往上噴, 比想像中難很多. 然後... 沒有噴到天花板, 倒是把我的鼻子灌得全都是水 (耍寶度 5/10). 難過的很...
自己這麼會 Entertain 自己真的想給我拍個手.
今年耍最大的寶應該還是滾回來溫哥華拿一些有的沒的課ㄌ, 然後把目標訂在自己似乎根本無法到達的地方 (耍寶度 100/10).
雖然看我這樣子, 其實壓力真的很大. 尤其是每當有人問我現在在作什麼的時候, 每次答案都不太一樣... 唉... 最好是不要問ㄌ... (不過粉難)
總之, 就是想試試看. 不行就算ㄌ.
不過既然要試也應該要認真好好的試, 不過這又是另一件事ㄌ.
小草的 Blog 上有提到, 如果能改變一件事... 我會想改變什麼?
嚴格說起來... 如果要限定在作得到的事... 我真希望我能在看書的時候和上課的時候不要睡著...
後來倒是玩 Pikmin 玩到早上四點, 大概算是破ㄌ (當然後面還有很多 Bonus 之類ㄉ要玩), 才肯上床睡覺.
今天睡醒, 吃完飯以後跑去 Ken 那裡打 Pikmin, 然後打球.
Pikmin 的部分我倒是沒什麼意見, 覺得自己越打越順, 很想跟 Jeremy 再挑挑看, 以前都被他打假ㄉ說. ㄟ.. 十一月回去的話...
打球的部分我倒是意見很多. 為什麼... Ken 用九鐵可以跟我用七鐵打的一樣遠...? 我記得我七鐵可以超過 120 的阿? 今天在二樓 (加 20 碼), 不管怎麼打都只有 120, 130 而已, 奇妙ㄌ...
真的要想辦法進步一下, 至少看個書什麼ㄉ...
然後就留在 Ken 那裡打Mj... 比上次好一點, 今天輸ㄉ只有 Jimmy 跟 Dennis. Ken 每次都很旺...
對ㄌ, Jimmy 從珠海放假回來, 不過一下就會閃ㄌ, 好像是下星期六吧, 不知道有沒有空可以載他去機場, 那天好像是 Judy 的生日 Party 是吧?
Ben 明天就到ㄌ, 晚上八點左右, 最近好像玩的事情越來越多. 學校ㄋ? 還有一本 Textbook 還沒買. 也差不多該決定是不是要考 11 月的考試ㄌ. 之後到底是要轉到 SFU 還是隔壁省? 還是東部?
看到 Jimmy 就會想起在越南的日子. 嗯... 有空的話真應該好好紀錄一下. 其實我在越南就已經有寫日記的習慣ㄌ, 不過那時候是用寫信的方式, 然後每天寫 1~3 封信給她... 被甩ㄌ以後也還是一樣...
現在想起來當然是很有趣ㄉ, 雖然那時候超超級級難過ㄉ...
不知道她有沒有把我的那些日記留著? 我想應該很難...
星期六, 9月 18, 2004
既然那篇是特地寫來給我看的, 那我把 Comment 留在我這裡好ㄌ.
那是某個溫哥華晚上我跟他聊ㄌ很久以後, 我要去睡覺前, 他說要寫的東西. 叫我睡醒以後拭目以待. 而我也真的一睡醒就去看ㄌ.
老實說, 第一次看到的時候心裡想的是 "這些我都知道ㄌ..., 一直提醒我是怎樣?"...
後來無意間又不小心瞄ㄌ一遍, 也還不是特別有感覺.
然後... 今天晚上哪裡也沒去, 無聊到極限的時候就打電話想要聯絡 Ben. 可不管是他的手機還是家裡電話都沒人接. 電話還在手上, 就又撥ㄌ一個熟悉的號碼, 撥到一半才發現原來我是打電話給她.
然後... 聊ㄌ四十幾分鐘... 內容我已經沒什麼印象ㄌ. 記得好像要幫她裝能下載歌曲的程式. 還有一些其他的事...
好吧, 我賭她不會看這篇好ㄌ.
明明不關我的事, 偏偏又在意的要死. 她每次去 Club 都有一堆蒼蠅來搭訕關我什麼事? 她每個星期五都喜歡玩到早上七點才回家到底關我什麼事? (可能是在不平衡她都沒有跟我玩到早上過... ㄟ... All I can remember doing with her was shopping... eh... that's another thing I should have forget about.).
可是, 聽了還是會難過. 我也不知道在難過什麼. 我又不是她男朋友, 我什麼也不是.
或者, 更貼切一點, 什麼也不配是.
如果是小龜出去玩到早上七點, 我只會可惜我沒辦法參加而已, 並不是現在這種感覺. 很明顯是不同的感覺.
聽她說完那一段以後, 我就一直很想掛電話. 因為真的很寂寞, 很難過.
雖然說, 她接到我電話是很高興的. 扣掉之前打去沒人接的, 這也才是第二次跟她說到話而已.
大概... 聊ㄌ四十幾分鐘吧, 聊到我媽都已經唉唉叫ㄌ才把電話掛斷. 掛斷以後我媽我爸又繼續唸ㄌ十分鐘. "國際電話不是拿來聊天ㄉ...", "要就打家裡...", "為什麼不用電腦聊天...".
我也想用電腦聊, 可是她從來不上線我也沒有辦法吧?
反正後來坐在這裡就理所當然的心情不好. 又翻開 The One And Only 的 Blog 讀ㄌ第三次.
這次就... 看ㄌ很久很久. 很感謝 Tina..
窗外下著大雷雨, 今晚應該會睡得很好.
星期五, 9月 17, 2004
今天爬 Grouse Grind 的紀錄是 1:20... 還是稍微久ㄌ一點, 沒辦法, 最近體力太差ㄌ...
不過爬上去的感覺真的是只有一個好字可以形容, 雖然每次爬的時候打擊都很大, 一直被老公公老婆婆超車... >< ...
奇妙, 為什麼每個去的人都爬得那麼輕鬆...?
下午的 Lab 也是超奇妙ㄉ, 我準備ㄌ好久, 結果什麼屁都沒有, 氣死我ㄌ.
現在剛洗完澡, 心情很好, 應該很適合睡午覺~~~
對ㄌ, 明天下午跟 Nick 要打球, 不要忘記ㄌ............ 現在台灣是早上六點ㄇ? 不知道大家都在幹麻, 是在睡覺還是 Friday Night 都還在喝酒還沒睡...?
她應該不會還在哪間 Pub 裡面吧..?
講起來, 我已經跟 Ben 失去聯絡好久ㄌ, 不知道他這幾天都瘋到哪去ㄌ...?
Tired... and sleepy...
I've prepared 2 hours for it yesterday and nothing is suppose to be done today... >< ... What the hell..?
Woke up by 6 in the morning and went for Grouse Grind again. Man, the 2nd time is much easier than the last time, but again, maybe it's because I have the walking stick with me.
So... I guess I'm going home now. Tonight I'll probably go to Ken's place play Pikmin and then play some golf and come home and sleep.
What a Friday~~~
星期四, 9月 16, 2004
沒東西寫... 就不要寫ㄌ吧
ㄟ... 很抱歉今天放 Nick 鴿子... (這好像是我今天唯一作的事)...
(今天只有一堂課... 我也把 Student Loan Interest-free 的事情處理完ㄌ... 就差課本還沒買.)
星期六打球不會跑ㄌ, 我用龜殼擔保.
去睡ㄌ, 明天再說吧...
星期三, 9月 15, 2004
15 個小時
Happy Tuesday 果然不是開玩笑ㄉ. 還好我其他時間都還算蠻閒ㄉ.
剛回ㄌ封信給她, 不知道為什麼寫ㄌ特別特別久. 那種長度的信平常應該 15 分鐘就可以搞定ㄌ, 可是今晚大概花ㄌ快一個小時才寫完. 主要卡住的地方是有些事很想跟她說 (也只能跟她說), 可是... 第一, 講ㄌ也沒意義. 第二, 她也不想聽. 第三, 我自己都覺得自己很煩.
其實凱文的 Comment 留得真好.
明明就不是情聖, 還愛裝. 整天讓自己覺得自己很可憐, 跟笨蛋一樣.
已經不想, 也懶得問為什麼ㄌ...
就是放不下她... 卻又不肯承認自己沒有勇氣放手.
我已經搞不清楚ㄌ... 不知道應該怎麼做...
分手以後的心情調適, 我只給自己 27 分 (滿分 100 分).
不過, 今天真是充實的一天. 這種感覺好久都沒有ㄌ. 一整天都在學習新東西 (不管到底有沒有用), 坐在 Lab 裡面幫助同學 (很爽, 哈哈, 我會你們都不會, 雖然考試我都考很爛), 然後課堂間有空就看課本, 作題目. Tis wonderful.
今晚睡前, 我可以告訴自己, 今天並沒有浪費掉. (雖然我已經浪費ㄌ很多很多天...)
當學生真的很幸福. 除ㄌ沒錢花以外...
星期二, 9月 14, 2004
Freezing Tuesday Morning
However, I'm glad that I went sleep early last night, otherwise it could have been worse.
I didn't do nothing at all during that sleepless 1 hour, all of a sudden, I figured out a problem I was trying to figure out before I went sleep. Well, so I guess it wasn't all that bad.
I'm sitting in MSRC (yeah, the "Temporary Building") lab right now, one hour earlier than the lab time (that's rare). And even more, I've done the lab already (super rare). Feels pretty comfortable sitting here and writing this blog, since I'm soooo prepared. ^_^
Hopefully I can keep up this good work attitude.
And these are some side-events which happened during the 4-day vacation which I didn't include in my previous posts:
- Last thursday I bought 2 textbooks on Amazon.ca for Jess and me, and somehow the e-mail told me I won't get it until sometime after Sep. 20th. But luckily (or not), I got it this monday, which is, much faster than I have expected. I have no idea if that's the strategy of Amazon to satisfy their customers or not, but at any rate, I felt pretty good about it. 1 point for Amazon.ca
- I promised little turtle that I can take his exercising bench, but I have failed him. Mom just wouldn't let me fill up the junk-filled garage with more stuff. Now I'm working on to sell his exercising bench + dumbells over the ebay. I went to their place and took picture of the bench, saw that turtle's room has been empited out. Well, I don't have much memories with that room, all I remembered was the beautiful TV and full of videos and clothese and other junks everywhere. Too bad I won't be able to see that room again.
- I registered in Psyc 100 to fill up my credits to 11, so I can get on with the interest-free plan. The course is somewhat crazy thogh, each and every single tuesday night from 6 to 9, both terms. Jess says a lot of reading is required as well. Since I missed the first 3 hour (last week), I'm a little worried (just a tiny little). I shall go to the bookstore to get the textbook today, and do some pre-reading before my first class tonight (their 2nd class).
- After Daphy told me that she was followed, and I told my folks. They were pretty worried about her. They'll probably go visit her sooner or later. Well, that means I have to cook everything and do laundry and house cleaning and everything else for myself again... not very looking forward to that.
- I'm slowly progressing with Pikmin 2. It is really a wonderful game and I wish I have more time to finish up the storyline so I can get on with the challenge mode. So far I think I've only finished about 60% of the storyline (based on pure guess).
Okie... that was about it. Tis 9 already and no TA showing up... (hey, I've prepared for the lab and no one is here?) Guess I'll go do something else now.
因為今天課要從上午九點上到晚上九點, 所以我昨天十一點就睡了.
那為什麼現在還坐在這裡? 很不幸的... 好幾天沒有這麼嚴重過的過敏突然在我睡覺的時候又發生. 而且這次的癢度和範圍都前所未有... 癢到我根本無法入睡... 而且脖子, 手, 腳同時發生...
由於之前情況都還可以忍受, 所以一直都沒有吃藥或者塗藥... 而且我以為我已經找到過敏源 - Tiredness. 之前的症狀一直都是一到晚上就發作, 也就是我身體已經很累, 想睡覺的時候. 可是現在的情況完全推翻我的假設. 原來睡覺睡到一半也可以癢到醒來.
依照 Ken 的說法, 這種毛病會跟我一輩子...
星期一, 9月 13, 2004
no matter i'm alone or not
just so many things around that reminds me of her
it's the same in taiwan..
just that Vancouver is worse
coz been here too long
but taiwan's memory are more fresh
both places are bad
i better go live in a city that she's never been to
or i gotta get used to this habit
not sad, just a little lonely
coz we used to be together
and now that we are apart
something is missing
and the sense of "something is missing" just won't go away
and that's why i feel lonely
tho i have already accept the fact that she has left and will probably never come back
星期日, 9月 12, 2004
本來應該要約 China (pronounced as Chi-Na, not china) 出去的, 但是實在不太想動, 所以就放棄ㄌ. 其實, 我真的很少主動找人出去說. 通常都是別人找我, 我唯一會主動 Nag 跟我出去的大概只有她而已.
下午瞪著天花板瞪ㄌ好久, 也想ㄌ很多事情, 不過每件事都想不出結果來.
早上不是說要 Make a Plan ㄇ? 想想還是要先有 Goal 才能有 Plan 吧. 然後我的 Goal 呢? 是要明年九月再轉校還是把目標放在一月? 是要考十一月的第一次考試還是考明年五月的? 現在 8 個 Credit 到底還要不要再拿一堂課? 我... 真的讀得下去ㄇ?
應該算是目光短淺吧, 從來沒有認真訂過超過三個月以上的 Goal. 即便有, 也從來沒有認真執行過.
就這樣, 又浪費ㄌ一天. 平靜的一天, 自己一個人過的平靜的早上跟下午.
竊喜著哀悼今天. 好久沒有這種自己一個人安安靜靜的時間ㄌ. 這真的是一種奢侈的享受...
Like rules are there to be broken, plans are there to be unabided by.
Well, it's better to have a plan than have nothing at all. Self-study is rather difficult since I'm so used to people feeding me knowledge...
Well, actually I've done self-study while I was taking MCSEs, but that time was different. There are books to be follow with and guidelines and numerous practise tests to do. But with Acturary, the topics are rather broad.
Actually I'm still deciding if I should tackle the exam in Nov or the exam by the following May...
I'll probably get to that in another blog.
Btw, I was playing Pikmin all day till 2:30 in the afternoon and did nothing... go study la.......
星期六, 9月 11, 2004
九月十一號下午六點左右, 終於下定決心把頭髮剔光ㄌ... 跟想像中有點出入, 我還以為會是完整的光頭, 結果現在... 本來有頭髮的地方剩下的毛變的很硬, 感覺有點像是新買的牙刷, 本來沒頭髮的地方則剩下一些軟軟的毛.
本來剪完以後很難過的說 (因為很難看), 後來洗澡完要擦頭的時候出現尷尬的場面 -- 平常我都是直接拿浴巾在頭上抹來抹去把頭髮弄乾, 結果因為頭髮太硬, 抹ㄌ兩下就抹不動ㄌ, 整條浴巾卡在頭上, 又拿不下來, 這時候我才笑ㄌ出來... 自己都覺得很好笑...
上面相片是我的理髮師 (老媽) 照的, 她說實在太難看還是給我去植髮好ㄌ...
其實, 大概一兩各星期就長回來ㄌ吧, 沒什麼啦~
今天第一個星期五, Lab 下星期才開始 (所以沒課), 本來ㄋ, 是想要在家裡把 Internet 修一修, 然後吸吸地, 看看 Acturary 學校的 Requirement, 然後稍微複習一下已經忘光的 Calculus...
結果 Internet 修到一半, 一直修不好, 就跑去電影院看 Resident Evil 2... (電影的運鏡太差, 本來可以很漂亮的場景都變得髒兮兮的... Mila 還是很漂亮, 再加上 Sienna 演的 Jill, 裡面的女生都很值得看, 雖然整體來說我覺得第一集好看多ㄌ)... 還看首映第一場...
看完以後跑去 Central Library 看小說, 晃到晚上七點才回家.
結果今天... 還是什麼事也沒完成, 連 Internet 都沒修好, 雖然說已經有慢慢在看 Acturary 的 Requirement 了 (還是很沒把握)...
再這樣沒把握下去... 到底要怎麼辦? ^_^
星期五, 9月 10, 2004
難道真的少ㄌ什麼? 不管 Blog 怎麼寫, 也都還是覺得少ㄌ什麼...
果然跟我預期的一樣ㄇ? A she-less Vancouver will never be the same.
即使其他的一切都是那麼都熟悉. 甚至太熟悉ㄌ.
But even if she's here now, I reckon everything will still be the same.
Lonely, I will still be. Felt lonely ever since she left. Always... whenever I'm alone.
昨天晚上去 Koerner 的有 Jason, China, Saori, Eriko, Masashi, Ken, Saori... (兩個 Saori, 不是我打錯)
玩那個奇妙的推球遊戲應該是我贏比 Ken 多吧, ㄟ... 這是理所當然, 不需要驕傲..
不過日本女生真的比較開放. 然後我大概也喝ㄌ不少, 所以, 很奇妙ㄉ, 後來幾乎都勾著 China 的手臂. 嗯... 不知道是誰先勾誰ㄉ啦, 應該是她先吧? 不過我後來一直粘著她好像也太明顯一點... (雖然是被半強迫ㄉ... (這大概只是藉口...(可是又好像不是藉口)))
感覺上我好像蠻沒有風度ㄉ... 女生在 Pub 本來就比較容易認識朋友, 可是她每次有在跟誰講話, 我就會湊過去... 害她都沒機會認識太多人..?
檢討... 不知道該從哪裡開始.
基本上應該還是比較傾向不想追ㄉ, 畢竟她住在 Gage, 太麻煩ㄌ, 好遠說, 我現在每天放學只想衝回家而已, 不知道為什麼...
明天第一個星期五, 沒有課, 趕快把東西弄一弄吧...
現在還剩... 網路沒弄好, 地還沒吸, 計算機還沒買, 十一月的考試還沒開始準備... 還是明年再考好ㄌ? ㄟ... 還是早點考好ㄌ, 可是考不過勒...? 可惡, 好難決定..
星期三, 9月 08, 2004
至少懶的寫日記ㄌ. 每天都覺得該看的書好多, 可是翻不到幾頁就又跑去打電動... 打打打, 一天又過ㄌ. 嗯, 真是充實的一天. (???)
這星期一跟 Ken, Saori 去 PNE 玩, 因為 Ritsu 14 這星期日到, Jason 就拉ㄌ三各他之前在日本就認識的女生出來. They were Mami, China, Eriko (列出順序比照個人偏見的可愛程度)
嗯... 六七 年沒去 PNE ㄌ, 那天除ㄌ是 Fair 的最後一天, 我們也有坐 Rides.
去過的人都知道, 那邊的 Rides, 都很差. 新增的 Ride 比較刺激, 可是都要另外買票 (搞什麼)?
可是新的看起來又太刺激, 結果還是忍不住跟 Ken 坐ㄌ Drop Zone... 有點像盪鞦韆, 不過大概是從五六層頭高蕩下來... 現在想到心裡還是有點麻麻ㄉ, 真是太可怕ㄌ...
China 跟 Mami 也有玩那各, 本來應該是我跟 Mami (or China), 然後 Ken 跟 China (or Mami), 但是... Saori 在場 (^_^), 所以 Ken 只好委屈跟我玩ㄌ... ccc...
那天真的很累, PNE 之後去吃火鍋, 火鍋後又去逛夜市, 夜市結束又去喝 Bubble Tea. 還好我第二天中午才有課.
晚上要去 Kerner Pub.
發現我拿的課都好簡單喔. 現在甚至星期一還不用上課... 星期三只有一個小時, 星期五 Optional... 搞什麼.
可是能拿的課實在不多, 看來我自己專心準備考 Acturary 或許會好一點.
然後... 今天終於去辦ㄌ新的電話, 778-389-0710, 怎麼又是 0710... 沒辦法, 1231 已經用完ㄌ, 我上隻電話也是 0710, 就再用一次吧. 反正現在已經沒人在記電話ㄌ, 全都靠手機..
還有一件事也蠻特別ㄉ, 我竟然三堂課 (還在考慮要不要拿第四堂, 因為 Credit 不夠辦 Studnet Loan 的 Interest-Free) 都跟 Jessica Kuan 同班... Yap... 上次我們同班是十二年級的事ㄌ... 真是誇張.
UBC 的 Bus Loop 換位置ㄌ, 現在比以前大ㄌ大概二到三倍, 改到 SRC 的另一邊. 所以要走的路又更遠ㄌ, 不知道舊的 Bus Loop 以後會拿還幹麻用... 個人認為最好是蓋 Arcade, 現在的 Arcade 太小間ㄌ.
UBC 總是讓我很想念妳.
星期二, 9月 07, 2004
星期一, 9月 06, 2004
雖然 Ken 很不想給她買, 不過我覺得她背起來超 Kawaii 的.
Kawaii 這個字真的很適合 S... 她有一些特技真的很讓人佩服, 像是可以突然就在人群中不見... 明明前一秒就還在 Ken 旁邊, 一轉頭她人就不見ㄌ, 我很認真的懷疑她是不是有忍者的血統.
還有一個特技... 今天早上才發現的, 她可以發同一音 (像是 "喔"), 然後用不同的音調 (都還是同一個音), 連續回答你好幾個問題... 今天早上本來有點 Hang Over, 但是完全被她的回答弄醒... 真的很想給她鼓掌...
J: "Where is Ken?"
S: "eh.." (No idea)
J: "Is he in the room?"
S: "eh.." (Nope)
J: "He is upstairs then..?"
S: "eh.." (Probably)
J: "Okay, let me go look for him."
S: "eh.." (Ok)
...... 我上樓的時候才發現她從頭到尾都只用同一個字 (音) ... 會不會太強一點..?
Therefore, although Ken asked me to go driving range around noon, I was reluctant to move... and end up talking with Michael for quite a long time. Around 2 in the afternoon, after lunch, I thought I was going to take a nap. But ended up playing Pikmin until 4 when Ken came and picked me up.
Usually, go driving range means lose bubble-tea to Ken. But surprisingly, when we were betting on "whoever's ball lands on a small grassless ground wins dinner", my ball, magically, lands on it. ^_^
We went patting after each finished 75 balls (at a surprisingly fast pace), and I think I lost 1 drink at the end of some funny patting games (throwing balls overhand, underhand... and so on...). Golf is such a FUN game~
Riley gave me a call around 3 wondering if I can go out or not. Of course... I was surprised how he knows that I came back, but he surprises me a lot, so I guess I was kinda used to it.
I rejected him coz Ken was coming to pick me up by 4. Anyways, after golfing, we were deciding where to drink. So I thought of Riley.
After we get home and was forced to eat some vege-dumplings and played Pikmin, I gave Riley a call, but too bad, he already has plan that night.
Because Ken doesn't eat leek, he was still hungry, and so we went for the newly opened Korean BBQ on Royal Oak. And GOD they serve slow. I was sitting there like more than 30 min. Finished 1 comic book and 1 magazine before my 2nd dinner finally came.
How was the food...? I guess it was okay. But since I'm not a really picky person, don't take my word for it.
Since we were having a lotta of fun with Pikmin, we decided to go to his place to drink up while play Gamecube. After grabbing my dearly beloved GC from home and got half dozens Corona Light (3.75%), we ended up at Ken's basement and playing Pikmin till 5 in the morning.
Man... there were some really heated battles. I think I won more than Ken... but he got so many execuses and since I lost a key battle, he ended up to be the pikmin king of that night.
The score was like 13 - 8, and then 8 - 7. I was 13 and 8, of course.
After that was Monkey ball, and I was probably drunk by then and ended up losing big time.
At the end, I fell asleep again while playing monkey bowling... @_@ and poured half of the drinks on myself... 打電動打到睡著都是跟小龜開始才有發生過的事...
第二天睡到下午一點 (睡在 Ken 房間), 又打ㄌ幾場皮克敏之後跑去奇妙的台灣文化節...
台灣文化節應該是要把台灣文化推廣到 Vancouver 來才辦的吧? 結果去的全都是 (大概 95%) 東方人... 真是夠ㄌ, 簡直像是台灣人 Big Gathering. 雖然我自己也是...
然後, 很神奇ㄉ, 遇到一大票認識ㄉ人, 首先是 Nick (Hello, Nick~~), Ruby (still cute...), 小斑斑 (好像聽過好幾次) 和... 另一個女生... 當然被唸ㄌ一頓... 到現在還沒打電話給他們, 可是人家沒有手機嘛~~~ 等等好不好, 下午就要去辦ㄌ.
之後又遇到... Jason... 以前在補習班他也是當老師的 Jason, 這讓我想起 Angela... 誰有 Angela 的 Contact 嗎? 小龜你還有嗎? 她之前是我下線那個, 住在 Richmond 的 Angela...
不小心把 Jason 寫給我的電話掉到廁所馬桶裡, 希望他之後不要去用到同一間廁所, 不然就尷尬ㄌ...
然後遇到 Joseph, Ken 的 XX-Roommate (我是 X-Roommate 吧?). 好久好久沒看到他ㄌ, 大概快五年ㄌ吧...
之後因為 Saori 吵著要喝 Bubble-Tea, 就跑到 Richmond, 然後不知道為什麼 ended up in Alberdine (是這樣拼ㄇ?) Center.
The new Alberdine Center is rather pretty. Actually, I think it's prettier (well, to be honest, not as bright) than the newly opened 101 Mall. The design is modernristic, the spaces are big and ... well, i gave it 90 out of 100 for a Chinese Mall.
裡面有間超大間ㄉ Toonie Store, it was pretty impressive. 裡面所有的商品都沒有標價, 一律兩塊錢, 真的超讚的, 東西又多到不行, 下次一定要來去給他好好買一點東西回來. 結果我只買ㄌ一包 Cheese Stick, 因為他們七點半就關ㄌ...
八點半回到家, 想一想有東西還沒拿給 Dino, 就打電話過去他家, 她跑出去練劍ㄌ, 不過她媽在... 所以就還是跑過去...
跟阿姨聊天聊ㄌ很久, Julie (?) 算是我還蠻喜歡的長輩之一, 而且跟她說話沒什麼壓力, 她問的問題也都很... 特別... 其他人開場大概都會問說 "那你這次回來以後是怎樣? 要讀什麼?", 但是 Julie 會問 "所以你找到人生目標ㄌ沒?", 之前那個問題我已經有很制式的答案ㄌ, 但是她突然給我換個問法我突然不會回答ㄌ...
聊ㄌ大概快一個小時吧, 最後她拿出來給我吃的那個醃番茄真是好吃到... 不知道怎麼形容, 雖然她說 R. 一定會喜歡吃... 雖然這點我不太同意... 不過她是她媽... 應該她說的比較準吧...
我是很喜歡吃啦, 過幾天一定會跟她拿食譜然後坳我媽作給我吃~~~ 每天吃~~~
很習慣ㄉ, 離開她家車子就會自己開到 Lester 的 Parking Lot, 我也不知道為什麼. 打完電動回家洗澡, 差不多該睡ㄌ, 明天還要跑 PNE...
今天除ㄌ見到好多好久不見的人以外, 也跑ㄌ好幾個傷心地...
第一個是台灣文化節的會場, 好死不死剛好在 Plaza of Nations... 我本來還想說我大概從來沒去過, 結果到ㄌ以後才發現是兩年前我跟她去 Boat Cruise 上船的地方... 那應該是我們最後一次去舞會ㄌ吧? 其實還有另一各難過的原因, 不過太難過不想提ㄌ... 假裝忘記吧, 這是我的專長, 該忘的事情都可以忘的很快~~
然後第二個就是她家門口... 到的時候我坐在車上掙扎ㄌ十幾分鐘才有勇氣走下車... 那片院子, 那扇窗跟那道門的回憶都太多太亂太雜太重了... 腦海裡一瞬間閃過好幾百個片斷. 雖然都接不起來.
今天最大的收穫, 就是吃到那十一粒好吃的醃番茄~
星期六, 9月 04, 2004
星期五, 9月 03, 2004
Movies of Memory
很多票都已經舊到上面的字都看不清楚ㄌ, 所以決定把他們處理掉...
就像很多古蹟一樣, 因為已經沒辦法保養ㄌ, 所以政府就會把它們 Digitialze... 就讓我把看過的電影紀錄在這裡, 然後把這些票都丟ㄌ吧...
順帶一提... 這些全都是跟她一起去看的電影...
Jan 21 TUE 18:22 (19:05)
第 56 個月紀念日, 這是去年跟她一起看過的唯一, 也是最後一部電影...
Jul 21 FRI 17:48 (19:45)
The Hurricane
Feb 14 MON 19:18 (19:20)
Mysteries of Egypt
我們一起看過的電影還真多... 好像約會沒地方去一樣, 只會往電影院跑... ^_^
好不容易列完ㄌ, 這些票還真的有點捨不得丟... 不過放在那邊到最後也是會爛掉, 總不能全部拿去護備起來吧? 有幾張特別有紀念的票還是想留下來, Good Will Hunting, Titanic, Dr. Dolittle 和 Just Married.
其實記得往事一點用處也沒有... (所以我才要把票都丟ㄌ), 努力向前看吧~
Blog 新功能
或許已經太習慣這個板ㄌ吧? 雖然我並不喜歡自己這個個性... 太念舊ㄌ... 有時候舊的東西還是應該忍心一點捨棄掉比較好...
Anyways, 既然版面沒換, 我倒是替舊版加ㄌ一點新功能.
首先是每個 Post 旁都多ㄌ一個郵件圖示, Mail Icon, 點一下就可以把這篇 Post 連結寄到某人的 E-mail 中. 看看哪天我 Po 出值得一寄的文章... :p (我看很難)
然後ㄋ... 就是 My Friend's Blog 新增ㄌ三個連結... (給沒注意到的人), 一個是我表哥的 Blog, 他整天只想搞笑... 所以連 Blog 名稱都是搞笑ㄉ... 菊花里首頁的里長照片就是他本人. 一個是 Claire 的... 不過她什麼東西都還沒寫上去... 雖然我已經等兩天ㄌ... 然後第三個是草言草語... 算是最近 Blog 很用力的一個... 大家都加油嚕~
最後... 就是右邊 Sidebar 新增的留言板功能... 看小草作ㄌ覺得還不錯, 就想說自己也試試看. 不過我比較克難一點啦, 用的還是本板的框架... 算是比較懶惰型ㄉ...
總之, 請大家至少去簽個名囉, 就算是用 Anonymous 簽到, 也可以在留言最下方簽名... 感謝感謝~
留言板似乎有許多有趣的作用... 反正試試看囉......
昨天回學校換ㄌ新ㄉ學生證和取得 U-Pass. 看到我的舊學生證不但被沒收, 而且還被 Marker 在上面寫上大大的 EXPIRED, 真是有點難過, 畢竟那也是我照的最好看, 又碩果僅存的幾張 ID 之一. 接下來就得用新照片ㄌ... 唉...
回家路上跑去找ㄌ Jessica (謝謝小龜), 然後買ㄌ Pikmin 2.
本來回家是要整理房間然後玩 Pikmin 的, 結果竟然遇到 Jeremy 放 9/3 軍人節, 他人在金門網咖裡~~~
當然就是跟他聊ㄌ一個晚上 (大多是小龜的八卦), 直到我睡著... (還沒關燈就睡下去, 所以三點多就被罵醒...)
今天... 應該或許可以整理房間ㄌ吧?
星期四, 9月 02, 2004
Oh My God
一大早 "又" 去打球. 不過今天太累ㄌ, 所以僅僅是當球童而已. 不過走了五個小時還是累的我半死...
今天的球場是 Fraser View, 比我想像中好太多ㄌ... 這是我跟她當時開始練球的球場之一... 好懷念... 也不過兩年前的事而已. 不過這個球場真的好漂亮, 隨便照相拿來都可以當 Wallpaper 來用, 尤其是後九洞的幾個 Driving Hall, 更是漂亮到不行.
Since 我超喜歡綠色的, 今天看了五個小時整個眼睛都是綠色, 心情當然好到不行~~~
真希望... 能跟她一起來打... 雖然說... 唉...
ㄟ... 今天天氣也是超怪, 剛開始打球的時候天氣超好, 好到會熱耶, 後來竟然冷到要穿外套, 還下雨打雷, 雷打一打太陽又出來, 真是莫名其妙, Make up your damn mind, stupid weather, 到底是要下雨還是晴天想清楚好不好.
好不容易運動ㄌ五個小時, 下午送 Randy 走的晚餐又把全部熱量吃回來. It was Fog n' subs? The medium Ale was sooooo good. I don't know why...
吃得好撐, 還沒完, 晚上還要打三個小時保齡球... what the hell...
I thought today is long enough.
本來是很想逃走啦, 可是沒有三個人打不起來, 所以還是跟 Ken 去ㄌ.
奇妙的是, 我竟然連 Saori 都打不贏, 真的是應該找個洞鑽下去躲起來一輩子算ㄌ...
不過ㄋ, 今天也打出我的 Career New High - 107 分!!!
而且ㄋ, 也學會怎麼打旋球~ 雖然還是打的很爛, 不過總是沒算是白去~ 還是玩的很 High. Thanx Ken... I'll miss you when you end up in Seattle...
僅僅是想紀錄而已... 這篇沒什麼重點...
星期三, 9月 01, 2004
雖然之前跟他們都不是很熟, 不過感覺還是很不錯, 尤其是大家玩在一起的時候...
Carol, Alvin, Annie, Harrison, Michael, Young, Jennifer, Randy...
Most of them are working right now. And it sounds pretty stupid that I'm going back to school for 2nd degree...
What the hell am I thinking...?
As for the reunion... we went Korean BBQ... what's the name?
I'm so bad with names, anyways, after BBQ we went Carol's place to play GC and MJ. I lost... as predicted... well... damn...
Haha, anyways, it's still fun to c all the old faces again. And seeing everyone living out a happy life. ^_^
Now... where would my happy life be...?