星期六, 7月 31, 2004



" 為什麼人生氣時說話用喊的?"


"但是為什麼別人就在你旁邊而已,你還是用喊的,難道不能小聲的說嗎? 為什麼總是要用喊的?"教授又問

幾乎所有的學生都七嘴八舌的說了一堆,但是沒有一個答案是讓教授滿意的,最後教授解釋說: "當兩個人在生氣的時候,心的距離是很遠的,而為了掩蓋當中的距離讓對方能夠聽見,於是必 須用喊的,但是在喊的同時人會更生氣,更生氣距離就更遠,距離更遠就又要喊更大聲........ "

教授接著繼續說: "而當兩個人在相戀時會怎麼樣呢? 情況剛好相反,不但不會用喊的,而且說話都很輕聲細語,為什麼?因為他們的心很接近,心與心之間幾乎沒有距離,所以相戀中的兩個人通常是耳語式的說話,但是心中的愛因而更深,到後來根本不需要言語,只用眼神就可以傳情,而那時心與心之間早已沒有所謂的距離了.....

最後教授做了一個結論: "當兩個人爭吵時,不要讓心的距離變遠,更不要說些讓心距離更遠的話,自然的過了幾天,等要心的距離已經比較沒有那麼遠時,再好好的說吧!!"





Jeremy... 如果你有看到這段... 這邊是我無法當面講出口的話:

真的超級讓我感動, 你這麼高興收到我的多拉A夢... 說真的, 在牧場的時候我並沒有想這麼多, 只是想好好做個東西給你做紀念, 畢竟, 我也是要閃人ㄉ... 而且下次見到你真的真的不知道是什麼時候ㄌ... 你一定要好好照顧自己, 一年多會過去, 但不變的是我永遠都會記得你! 無論到時如何事過境遷, 永遠都會是挺你的好朋友! 好兄弟!

P.S. ㄟ... 我還有點自知之明... 拜託那隻多拉A夢不要放在太顯眼的地方, 那會破壞美觀....... (300% 認真) 只要能在你房間佔著一個小小的角落, 偶爾會讓你想起我們曾經一起度過的日子, 那就足夠ㄌ. 喔... 還有... 保持聯絡!!! I will see you again!! for sure!!

終於開始放假ㄌ... 等待另一個開始.

我仍然比想像中更容易難過許多. 經過好幾次別離, 以為早該習慣ㄌ. 可惜並沒有.

離開 HP 也難過, 看到 Jeremy 也難過, 看到小龜, 凱文, John, Jim, Michael, 都會難過.

唉... 沒心情...


Still, Cal, congrad~~~ TI rocks~

先把握時間, 去找 Jeremy 他們吧...

星期四, 7月 29, 2004

When I wake up this morning, thanx to the dream I had, I start to hate myself.  That's... a rare feeling...

I'm not a perfect person (and I don't know any perfect person),  and I don't mind myself to have defect here and there.  Sometimes I even enjoy my weaknesses, and if possible, I try to fix my problems like everyone else.

Back to the dream thing...

Probably because of the ice cream she treated me last night, I was rather moved by the ice cream (???), probably beocoz I haven't had any girl treating me so nicely since... a long time ago.

Ken was right.  Even if I fail, I get something else invaluable in return... tho I'm still not sure what it is... or it's hard to describe in words...

Anyways, in my dream, I was fooling around with Claire...  in my room back in vancouver, but the scene outside the window is still in taipei.  And then, at some point of the fooling around process, I was going to praise her, for she looks really cute in my dream.

But then... I said my ex's name instead of hers...

She was furious to the degree that her whole body is shivering...

and I really really hate myself.

去高雄吧!!! 鳳梨, 芭樂, 香蕉, 粉圓, 水蜜桃, 西瓜, 紅豆, 大紅豆, 綠豆, 蒟弱, 草莓醬, 花生, 仙草... 只要 50NT... 有沒有搞錯!!! Posted by Hello

Both happy and sad whenever I answer her phonecall. Happy for that I get to talk to her. Sad for that it won't change a thing.
Both cheerful and sorrowful whenever I hang out with her.  Cheerful for that I get to be with her.  Sorrowful for that it still won't change a thing.
Both delighted and grieving whenever I see her smile at me.  Delighted for that the smile is still as stunningly beautiful as before.  Grieving for that the smile, still, won't change a thing.
Nothing would change the fact that our story has ended and has become an ancient history.  And no one, not even God, can turn back time.  (Doraemon... where are you...)
Told myself more than thousand times, I should move on.  And why?  I really should.  There's no reason staying behind.  Or is there?
我想, 我不僅僅失去妳...
More is lost.  Much much more.  Beyond yours and my own imagination.  And things will never be the same.  What's lost, will be lost forever.
Do not seek for hope, for hope, has forsaken us long before I realize.
How is this possible? Once reminded, I can still feel the feeling clearly. Of how much I have loved and loved by. And then feels majorly down.

At least, I should be glad that it only occurs when I'm reminded.

2nd last day is almost done.


... 冷靜點 ... 有很多事情, 既然都決定不要做ㄌ, 那就堅持下去吧... 其實也沒什麼~~~ 只是羨慕而已~~~ 呵呵呵...

總是會有點衝動. 想要. 再給自己一個機會.

工作結束以後, 也該好好想想回去的計劃ㄌ. 除了讀書以外, 我要怎麼準備精算? 要不要打工? 還是繼續借 Student Loan?

八月有很多想做的事, 雖然我不喜歡拾人牙慧, 不過其實我很久以前就想寫ㄌ, 所以這次就算ㄌ吧 ^_^:

1. Warcraft... Level 15 at least (this is hard...)
2. Pokemon... (gimme 3~4 days)
3. Pikmin or Windwaker (maybe both, same, 3~4 days)
4. 游泳
5. cut off my phone bill, health insurance and internet
6. 打包... 決定哪些要帶哪些不帶
7. 計劃東京行程吧 (i don't think akio and yuki would do it)
8. 去台中 (this is a must)
9. 看電影... (太久沒看ㄌ)
10. Finish LoR (if i have time)

先醬吧, 只有二十天, 盡力而為囉.

講起來, 好像大部分都是玩ㄉ...
被愛... 是奢侈的幸福.......... ㄜ... 中午就開始頭暈ㄌ...

星期三, 7月 28, 2004

2nd to the last day...

Feels like poeming:

as the rearmost day approaching
my heart grew both lighter and deepener

lighter because I'm leaving
leaving this wearysome job once and for all

deepener because I'll miss
miss my fair monitor and friendly colleagues

but I have to go
for there are things I must do and must go do it

goodbye my desk
goodbye my office and goodbye HP


接不下去ㄌ... 果然還蠻沒有天份ㄉ...

AND THANK GOD (or whoever with a sense at Nintendo), that it looks much much much much much much much better than its prototype. Now we'd have better chance beating down that PSP sucker! Posted by Hello

DS's Final Model is out... Posted by Hello
Hunger Strikes... I'm hungry...

My immediate boss just told me: "Don't have to finish the last batch of work!"

And that sounds like a message from heaven and the most beautiful music from godess~~~~~~

Guess I'll slack the last two days off then ^_^

Hmm... that sounds too unresponsible... I'll try to finish my work.

I won't let him down.

Wait... was that reverse psychology???

So should I slack or not?

Eh... probably ... i don't know... depends on my mood...
Tis 4 already...

Only 2 days and 2 hours left!!!

Hmm... I should start to plan my august vacation. What are the games I need to finish and stuff...

Btw, I was kinda decided that if I was dumped by Claire, I shall shave my head... now I was wondering if i should do it or not. Coz it seems like i'm still going after her... we talked on the phone for like 3 hours last night until I said I gotta goto bed (actually gotta go warcraft...)... Sign ...

星期二, 7月 27, 2004

睡覺前來算一下到底睡過頭幾次ㄌ... 下面是有印象ㄉ...
- 火車, 台北到樹林, 醒來已經在桃園, 大概至少有三次
- 火車, 台北到樹林, 醒來在山佳, 至少兩次
奇怪, 就是跟鶯歌沒有緣, 從來沒有在鶯歌醒來過
- 火車, 樹林到台北, 這個已經是 Legand 了, 醒來到基隆, 坐回台北的時候又到桃園才醒來, 最後坐回台北, 總共花ㄌ三個小時... 都可以到台中ㄌ
- 火車, 樹林到台北, 醒來剛好過松山, 好像是在八堵下車吧, 那天早上要去上班, 還蠻搞笑ㄉ
- 捷運, 台北到市政府, 醒來已經到終點站ㄌ, 還好只超過三站而以, 應該有兩次
- 捷運, 市政府到台北, 醒來剛過西門町, 一次
- 公車, 101 到台北車站, 醒來的時候公車已經開回 101 了, 今天發生的事, 結果只好再坐回去 (當然)
- 開車, New West 到 UBC, 醒來的時候在水溝裡面... 這應該不算坐過頭吧? 只是上課遲到而已...
... 我還真會睡 ...
失算... 最後的工作比我想像中難度高很多... 不知道星期四之前可不可以處理掉...

Can't wait for august

星期一, 7月 26, 2004


最後 "擠" 天的滋味還真是苦辣酸甜, 五味雜陳ㄚ~~~

又不捨, 又高興~~


昨天晚上跟她講電話的時候, 突然聽到電話那頭傳來數聲尖叫, 然後是電話重重摔到地上的聲音...


過ㄌ大概兩分鐘, 我聽到他爸的聲音... 然後才聽到她用慘白 (?) 的聲音對我說: "剛剛有隻東西在我頭上飛來飛去, 還發出吱吱吱的聲音", "現在已經不見ㄌ", "我是不是應該換個房間睡?"...

話還沒講完, 又是幾聲慘叫, 然後我們可憐的電話先生又掉到地上...




才聽到她用愉悅的聲音對我說 "Hello~~~"... 讓我哭笑不得......

結果, 只不過是一隻金龜子而已...

brand New Function ------>

Check out my sidebar --> it has Friend's Blog Link now~~~ yahoo~~~

Well... I should have done this a long long time ago...
From now on, I only have to update important ones... no need to be repetitive again ^_^

最高溫向上修正... 36.2

今天北部最高溫竟然到 35 度...

Just... kill us...
interesting, i got this feels 3 times already --- the feeling that i should have meet someone earlier... much much earlier...

And I never had this kinda feeling before...

Does that mean I am getting older...? or what?

星期日, 7月 25, 2004

ok... continue from where I have left...

一路上導遊一直講笑話... 可是我頭很暈, 一笑就想吐, 最後只好想辦法睡覺... since when have i become so weak...???

到ㄌ目的地後就開始玩一些... 消耗體力的遊戲: 飛盤擲準... 採汽球... 等到大家都沒力以後, 竟然... 要開始烤肉!!!

老大, 三十幾度耶, 有沒有搞錯.......... 烤人肉還差不多...

... 下午半自由活動就比較有趣多ㄌ ... 我盡力畫ㄌ一隻多拉A夢要送給 Jeremy... 然後製作冰淇淋... 做完以後可能半年內都不敢吃冰淇淋... 太油ㄌ... 整桶冰淇淋大概有 70~80% 都是奶油................. 想到就.......

看完蝴蝶以後, 大家都沒力ㄌ... 剩下就是吃飯, 回家... (爆累ㄉ)

到公司大概九點, 小龜打電話來說大家約在松隆店, 雖然我已經快睡著ㄌ...... Neo 藍天, 辛苦你ㄌ...

到ㄌ以後... 發現人還真少. 加上我跟小龜只有五個而已. 阿... Jeremy 勒? Calvin 勒? 主角沒到... 我們不知道在爽什麼...


記得好像一直唱到兩點...? Jeremy 才出現... 喔, 對ㄌ, 後來 Jim 也有來...

抽到籤王的 Jeremy 看起來非常... 難過 x 100...
Jeremy... 如果你有看到這段... 這邊是我無法當面講出口的話:

真的超級讓我感動, 你這麼高興收到我的多拉A夢... 說真的, 在牧場的時候我並沒有想這麼多, 只是想好好做個東西給你做紀念, 畢竟, 我也是要閃人ㄉ... 而且下次見到你真的真的不知道是什麼時候ㄌ... 你一定要好好照顧自己, 一年多會過去, 但不變的是我永遠都會記得你! 無論到時如何事過境遷, 永遠都會是挺你的好朋友! 好兄弟!

P.S. ㄟ... 我還有點自知之明... 拜託那隻多拉A夢不要放在太顯眼的地方, 那會破壞美觀....... (300% 認真) 只要能在你房間佔著一個小小的角落, 偶爾會讓你想起我們曾經一起度過的日子, 那就足夠ㄌ. 喔... 還有... 保持聯絡!!! I will see you again!! for sure!!
接下來... 好像是四點騎車回家... 睡到九點半...


Typical Sunday. Wake up, shopping with her till 9, get back home by 10:30.

Haven't saw her for almost a month now, somehow... she seems weakened a little to me... and maybe she is...

Other than appearence, everything else is just perfectly normal. Typical typical typical sunday.

Oh, almost forgot, sunday is the D-DAY. Claire is suppose to answer my request by today.

Although I was nervous whenever my cell makes a sound, but I didn't get her msg until 11:00 at night.

Later we talked on msn until 2:30...

To make the long story short... basically she wants me to keep going after her, she said I have super big chance if i'm not leaving. And I can still keep going after, she can accept long distance relationship...

Err... but the thing is... I don't think I want to go thru that again. Long distance relationship is not possible for any man. The ones who can endure it, ought to be called superman... honestly, that's what I think.

And so... I have no current plan for her other than just wait and see...


The beginning of the last week.

I was at office right on time~ (Good for me, a pat at the back)

5 days left, I plan to finish up all my work before the end of wednesday... So I'll try to talk as little as possible on msn...

Add oil~ to myself...

Vacation is waiting right around the corner~~~


Well... it sounds fun... the siege thingy...
呵呵~ 被拒絕ㄌ...
Just got home...

Well... after I  (sorta) waited all day, all i got is this msg from Claire:

"I'm back, let's talk on msn when u get home"

Actually I just msned her, but no reply yet... maybe it'll be wise if i just hit bed...

Anyways, since I'm waiting here... let me summarize what happened since thursday (proposal day) while I still remember...

Here it goes...


Working at day time, of course.

Friday was pretty boring as I remembered, after work, I go straight home because Saturday I have this Company Trip and I gotta wake up by 6:00 on saturday.

Played a couple round of warcraft at home, learned that Jeremy is coming back on saturday (!!!), that's a bit of surprise, in a good way, and then I hit bed by 11.

Oh, wait, Claire phoned me from 高雄 wondering what happen to my DC, it's outta of battery all the time... Well, gets me worry about it a little as well.  So I suggested her to get a Roll of Battery and just reload the camera whenever needed...

Seems like a useless and dumb suggestion.

Anyways, after the phone call, I went bed.


Wake up SUCCESSFULLY by 6:00 and left home by 6:30.

好久沒騎車到台北ㄌ... 早上騎車其實還蠻過癮ㄉ, 路上車少又沒太陽... 我的 Neo藍天號... 對ㄌ, 我幫它換過新的右後視鏡ㄌ... 這樣才不會被警察抓...

7:30 我是第一個上遊覽車的!!! 雖然領隊說要給我獎勵, 可是最後似乎忘ㄌ...

在往飛牛牧場的路上很不舒服... 不知道是不是暈車... 怪事... 超久沒暈過車ㄌ...


............... grr... 要先打電動ㄌ... 明天上班有空再繼續吧...

Claire still haven't msn me yet, anyways, I plan to sleep no later then 1:30 tonight...


星期五, 7月 23, 2004

不知道是聽不習慣還是怎樣, 最近 Billboard 的新歌都蠻難聽ㄉ, 聽來聽去還是只有 Usher 比較順耳一點...


星期四, 7月 22, 2004


....... 好像只剩我還沒罵一罵 jeremy...

按照 Claire 的說法... 多半我回去之前他都沒辦法回來ㄌ...

想到就難過... 罵不下去ㄌ...


How come all her updates seems so lame like mine... we do share the same blood...
OK... I have proposed.

In the least genuine and proper manner...


We spend the whole day together in a hanging out fashion. Lunch at a quiet resturant and chat till 4, then we went to bookstore for she's looking for a travel booklet to GaoHsung. She's leaving to GH on a 3 day trip with her sis, and that's why she needs a guild book to go around.

During our time in the bookstore, I offered to borrow her my dc... so we ended up in my place. And that turns out to be a really bad move...

After taught her how to use dc, we ended up sitting there doing nothing but chatting mindlessly again. And since she's on my turf... somehow I felt encouraged and suggesteds to go rent a dvd I was talking about back in the resturant. And so we did...

Just Merried - DVD
3 sandwich (Dinner)
1 bag of snack (Blue one for fitting her cloth color)
4 smirnoff ice (2 lime, 2 lemon)

are with us when we come back to my place.

At this point I realized that I should have proposed during lunch time, or at least during the movie.

It was a funny movie and so I ended up paying too much attention to the movie than to her... how smart can I be.

So far I have missed 2 big fat chances already.

After the movie, we were drinking... she couldn't drink a lot... probably because she's tired already or something else. "It'd be perfect timing if I say it now", I said to myself. But... the phone rang... was stupid turtle and thank him so much for cooling me down...

After that, it was around 10 already... so I send her home...

ok... three times get it all. Now I am truely the fool.

Everyone been telling me:

it's good for u.
there's nothing to lose.
wouldn't hurt if u try.
be a man and spit it out.

And I admit some part of me really want to feel love again (no... not the dirty part, morons). But as I have stated, it's such an unbelieveable bad timing. 30+ days I have left in taiwan, why do I bother?

Anyways, maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe I was too tired. Later that night, I proposed to her over MSN. I should have at least call her.

After a long silence, she said she's surprised (I don't really believe this part, because I was rather obvious. Maybe she's surprised of how stupid I am proposing over msn...) and she'd like to know when did I start to have this feeling...

I couldn't answer the question... why is that important??? Does it really matter??? So what if I start to like you 10 days ago, 100 days ago or 100 years ago???

At least to me, it seems irrelevant... But, I'm not a girl...

Since I couldn't answer right away, I msn back telling her that we better discuss this matter over the phone, and she said sure.

So I called her back.

What kinda lame answer I told her, I have nearly forgotten. I probably said I've had this feeling since our last reunion about half year ago. Yeah, that seems about right.

And after that, both of us purposely avoid to discuss back to that matter and we ended the conversation in peace...

She's going to tell me yes or no, after she come back from GH. And I really really really wish the answer be a big NONO.

If she said yes, I would feel so sorry for her. And I'll try my best to repay her... and that... would majorly hinder my plan of becoming a Warcraft Master... and GC Pokemon Master... (GBA Pokemon Master, I already am)...

Wants to be loved.......... that's a weird feeling I never remember I've had before.

And probably the only reason that had driven me into this mess.


Later that night, I had a weird dream (dreams are mostly weird). The weirdest thing about the dream is that all my longest and best friends showed up. In the order of appearence in the dream: Young, Dean, Ken, Jeffrey...

I was taking a math exam, seems like a math final.

Young and Dean was taking the exam as well, they screwed me around by hiding my pencil-case (haha, haven't had one for long) and so I had a super late start.

I saw Ken was out side waiting for me. And as everyone finished up the exam, I was the last person left in the classroom still struggling with the test. (Somehow I can still remember some questions, they are really simple, but I just couldn't answer)

And as the whole classroom emptied out, the teacher sits impatiently in front of me (but she told me to take my time, no hurry). And that's when Jeffrey bluntly bumped into the classroom, sat beside me and the teacher, chatted with her a little, and left. (What the hell is he thinking and doing here anyways?)

Ken is still waiting outside and I really want to finish up the exam.

And that's when I noticed it's 8:10 in the morning already... man... I really want to finish up the dream. You know, I'm sure if I fall back to sleep, I can finish the math exam and see what's waiting for me... but... I have to come to office... damn...

Sign... life sux...

It's always so hard to reach what you really want, and sometimes when you really get there, you find out it's not any close to what you have expected.

... cheer up ... at least I have did it..... no matter how lame it was...



星期二, 7月 20, 2004

第兩百篇 Post!!!

Well... I gotta put something special here...

I'll edit this one later... let me c c c ...
Pokemon Emerald

Have to get...

The legandary battle scene alone is worth the game!!

(Please refer to my MSN)

I dreamed about something really funny...

Not sure if I were in the dream or not, but it's like in one of the teenage-killing movie (Scream, I know what u did last summer.. etc.)...

I (or someone else) was in a tropical resort and that's when an Alien Shark, super smart and fast killing hunting us down one by one.

There's a scene that the whales come bumping on the shore and ask for Whale-King to help them defeat the Alien Shark... and so on...

Funny dream. Tho I was a little scared when I was IN it.

Also I've had another dream about little turtle ere I woke up, and... that makes me worry a little, I'll contact him ASAP today.
既然現在沒事... 再加一篇吧...

還剩八天半... 真的有點難過... 畢竟我還是很喜歡這個工作 (雖然無聊ㄌ點, 但實在蠻輕鬆ㄉ)...

阿... 開始忙ㄌ, 等下回來
Nothing happened last night...
Reading my blog from yesterday, it seems rather dumb to be so excited about somthing that'll never happen.
Actually I've had a lotta chances and she seems enjoying the time, but somehow I just don't know how to move one step further.
Chances, I still have.
Time, is what I'm running out of.

星期一, 7月 19, 2004

Oh, one more thing~~~

The "Emergency" Batch turns out to be rather easy~

NICE!!! :D
狀況太差.  而且明明就知道沒什麼, 還是會緊張.  超級沒用的.
畢竟........... 拖太久ㄌ... 如果早... 三個月... 不, 一個月就好ㄌ...
7:40 SpiderMan 2 Tick x 2 入手!!
But the thing is, I just realized that my condition today is not suitable for a date...
Didn't sleep well last night... it was too hot...
Perhaps... I should postpone the proposal till tomorrow?

星期日, 7月 18, 2004

"Procrastination is the thief of time."
-Edward Young (1683~1765)-

Ironically... both the Ed and the Young I know in real life procrastinates all the time... (From my point of view)...

Fascinating, boss just told me to drop last batch of work I'm suppose to do.
And then he handed me another "Emergency" batch...
I wonder if that's a good thing or not...

What kinda crappy update is this?
10 Working Days Left.
And, that is IF I take no more days off.  Slacking off at the end IS my problem.  I wonder if I can overcome this or not.
Make a bet with myself, if I cannot come to office everyday for the rest 10 days, then I'll shave my head bold.
Actually it's 9 days if I go 高雄 with Claire this Friday.
36 Days left in Taiwan.  And now I'm going after this girl.  That seems not very logical.  As usual, there are no means to justify my action because I can't justify my action.
If everything goes well, my blog will become Love Log soon.  However, it won't last.
And everything won't go well, I presume.  I've talked with her on phone for 2 hours yesterday, and already I feel tired --> this is such a waste of time and effort.  I'm not saying going after girls is waste of time, but going after a girl that'll be parted soon is, a waste of time.
And at the end (if everything goes well), I'll just hurt her and hurt myself. 
So why am I still doing it?
Because I'm lonely, I guess.
Last Friday I was joking with my ex-gf that I'm going after her again.  And she replied firmly that she got a bf already and I should quit wasting my time anymore.
And that was the moment I felt the lonest ever since she left me.
Love is the cure for loneliness, therefore, I'm seeking a cure.
There, I have probably justified my action...
To be honest, I'm rather sick and tired of the whole "slowly-getting-to-know-each-other" process.  That's why I felt tired after just spend 2 hours on the phone with her.  We could have speak longer, if I didn't quit.

Speaking of the phone call... I have to admit that the things we've talked about was relatively interesting.  It could be super obviously already that I want to go after her, ergo, our conversation was mainly focus on what each other thinks of relationship, marriage, kids and future...
So all these weird questions like:
"Would you look down a girl if she goes after you?"
"Would you mind if your wife's salary is higher than you?"
Somehow, it seems to me that she wants to take it slowly, step by step.
Seriously, I don't mind, and I think it ought to be fun at this point, ere we become a couple.
But the problem is:  Time, I DON'T HAVE.
And she knows this as well as I do.
This problem makes the whole going after process rather awkward and unnatural.
So......................................... I decided to speed things up a little.
Success or fail, I don't really mind.
Tonight is supposely our first informal date (going out alone).  We are going to watch Spider Man 2 (what a romantic movie).  And I'll propose. 

Let me rewind a little.... 

She asked me to go 高雄 on a 3 day trip this Friday.  I don't really want to go because her sister is tagging alone.  Not that I do mind about her sister, it's just that I don't like going out with odd number of people because 1 will doom to feel left out at some point, especially when you guys don't know each other THAT well.
Plus, I have a company trip to attend this Saturday.  Going 高雄 is rather troublesome for me.
Plus, haven't I just decided that I'll come to office everyday for the rest 10 days???
Well... if she or her sister find another person to come alone, I might think about it again.  After all, I am going after her. 
... back to the proposal part.
Here's my plan for today:
- 6:30 Dinner at Burger King
- 7:40 Spider Man 2
- 11:00 Coffe Shop in 樹林
- 11:30 Propose
Seems like a perfect plan~  I'm especially fond of the Burger King part.
Anyways, I'll c... it seems like a pretty screw-up plan at this point.
I want to spend some time to describe Claire in detail, but I'll do that if I have time in the afternoon.
If I didn't do it in the afternoon, and if I didn't success tonight, the reason to do it may not exist anymore.
That's... that for now, I'll think harder later...

更新 Again

星期五, 7月 16, 2004

下雨,就是要下這種才有趣!  大雷雨, 下到白天暗的跟晚上一樣..
I give up.  Really really really really really give up.
其實, 我只想再聽一遍... 你說會愛我不變...
曾經, 你是我的世界.
就算, 只是一瞬間..
好怕淚水, 是我不應該.
放棄的, 並不多
She's going back as well.  I don't know why that's the reason I give up.
Probably becoz... it's the end of Taiwan Episode.  That's the only lame reason I can come up with.
NWSS Episode... UBC Episode... Vietnam Episode... Taiwan Episode... that's enough.
I can't find another name for the next episode.
So.  I will totally give up.  When I go back, when both of us are back.
Give me some time.
I'm doing it.

星期四, 7月 15, 2004


我的 (表哥借我的) 車要取名叫 "Neo藍天"!!!

Go go Neo-BlueSky!!! (A picture will be here soon)

Anyways, NBS is suffering from the following major and minor problems:

狀況: 脫落
處理方式: 黑色膠帶補強
現況: 無法直視後方, 只剩裝飾用
未來處理方式: 無

狀況: 脫落, 遺失
處理方式: 無
現況: 沒有右後視鏡, 臨檢會糟糕
未來處理方式: 再裝一個

狀況: 打ㄌ以後, 熄滅有困難
處理方式: 不打方向燈...
現況: 還是不打
未來處理方式: 無

狀況: 上下跳動, 無法得知正確油量
處理方式: 經常加油
現況: 跳的很厲害
未來處理方式: 無

狀況: 刮傷嚴重
處理方式: 視而不見
現況: 不注意就看不到ㄌ
未來處理方式: 無

狀況: 脫落, 遺失
處理方式: 小心下雨天不要被電到
現況: 電線暴露在外
未來處理方式: 加裝外殼

狀況: 閃爍不定
處理方式: 定期換機油
現況: 閃爍中
未來處理方式: 無

狀況: 只能騎到 60 km/h
處理方式: 減肥, 看能不能加速
現況: 76 公斤 (我)
未來處理方式: 減到 70 公斤應該可以衝到 65 km/h

狀況: 無氣
處理方式: 無
現況: 還能騎只是有點扁
未來處理方式: 充氣

狀況: 非常難起動
處理方式: 將車頭降低 (利用地勢), 用腳發動
現況: 緊急時 (上班遲到時) 很討厭
未來處理方式: 提早出門

狀況: 很小聲, 無警告作用
處理方式: 不按喇叭
現況: 從來沒認真按過
未來處理方式: 用吼的會大聲一點


可憐的 Neo藍天... 還要載我四十幾天... 加油, 我會好好對待你ㄉ!
有... 比較不難過ㄌ

從來沒有過, 一種很奇怪方式的難過

好像有東西卡在胸腔裡, 進不去又出不來... 很難解釋, 要去看醫生我也不知道要怎麼講...
胸口... 好難過...


too full... no wonder my diet fails all the time, whenever i got the chance, i ate until i'm stuffed and 100% full... that's a really bad habit...

Now all I hope is that I won't sleep. After eating, so easy to fall asleep...
Digital Baby

Haven't had a long and meaningful blog since forever... (all my blogs are meaningless, that's the feedback i'm getting)...

Anyways... technically, I'm very much look alike going after this girl... (since all my friends told me to do so, regardless i only have 40 days left in taiwan... good friends...) but it's still undeniable that i'm still under the affection of my ex-gf...

This is so unfair.

[today is so hot]

If I fail, I have wasted my precious time.

Even worse, if I succeed, we'll still be apart in about an month.

Well.. but since I have choose to 耍寶, I'll keep 耍寶 till the end, i think.

星期三, 7月 14, 2004

UBC Student Services - Academic Year - 2004/2005 - September

Cool, 9/7 才開學, that means if my tick allows me, i can stay till 9/4 or 9/5... right?
Weird... feeling... I'm having right now.

It's probably nothing, just mad at someone who is always so lucky at all the time... >< ... weird...
So Hungry... Lunch Box too samll...

星期二, 7月 13, 2004

36.8 度... this is unreal...

More scary than Kill Bill...
dijanet.hk.st - nn64 Comic List

BT comic site~

星期一, 7月 12, 2004

14 天, 還剩.


An aibo wanna-be...

Seems pretty sad... (but of course, what do i know)
I've always want to do some brainstorming.

The purpose: find out a good reasonof why going back.

And so it begins...

study book no money student loan no car shave my head more video game no video game study and more study leaving taiwan staying at home take bus daphne in japan rola going back angry no not at all she doesn't know either annoying annoy i ought to know Stats Statistics Math transfer Eastern Canada student loan one year two more years no master professional school what's the point content love satisfaction stinky tofu fair weather car scooter friends ken leaving yuki come visit turtle head stay boring life so what maybe boring life suits me warcraft claire 43 days not smart to go after useless shit i am can't work anymore if not staying find new job if go back japan ben yuki akio akio's new gf mario pokemon movie play beer quit if not acturary take test myself work in North America canada states work in asia english need improve money concern not rola think blank richmond focus part-time job seattle gasoline pikmin2 8/30 ben 9/19 tokyo 8/17 s3 street fighter no solution brainstorm last forever vancouver burnaby surrey downtown no fun small town drinking video gaming online gaming edward allen toronto leaving stay alone by myself claire no going no but movie phone for sure annoying more annoying let go not no happy define how drink diet lose weight to 70 to 65 stop eating eat better eat more healthier stupid lunch box so high nutrition or not ubc 2 more are u kidding 1 is too much already but impossible to transfer unless high school mark even that still waste more years to come 24 already 25 end of this year no goal...? no short how about long? to be with...? not sure anymore, still hurting but doesn't really matter now. what do i want? i have no clue? do I have to want something? can I want nothing? i want to be able to do this and that. too much sense of competition, sense of winning and losing, not important or important, why 100 years so short LoR Immortal orcs green why not yellow why not pink not natural WoW dean still one more year 7th 6th call phone call e-mail i hate i resent hateful happy open mind lovely loneliness conquer waste time no direction but why need one so what if u got it what if u didn't and i helping or whinning 43 after tonight 42 going after is useless even i had fun it's not going to help no need to deny fun is all the counts? have fun with warcraft and pokemon rpg ben ps2 no can't get only 1 week after computer cloth luggage freedom of choice of keep going of stop misery of fun of happiness shave repeating myself dreaming fail success spidy movie date? not really i'm more concerened with nearer events than future events jap ticket call tomorrow why delay why delay forever can't take it long enough probably not quit whinning there's not an answer just do it nothing is impossible just commerical just tv tv haven't watch learning reading acadamic master phd how long how old age matter? i shall stop not helping no one give me good satisfing answer i regret wherever i stay regret wherever i go regret whichever path i choose stop quit 3rd path is possible? study while working? no, not like that, not with ... mom... eating outside is tiring and unhealthy sitophobia infection .hack getting clear crystal sort stop long already stop stop stop stop

星期日, 7月 11, 2004

She's pretty and super nice... so worthwhile going after... Too bad I didn't make a move sooner. It's... too late now...

Fooling around is just a waste of time, and she won't give in as well. That's not what she wants, and me either.

Guess I'll stay focus and be content by warcraft and pokemon then...

No Move.
倒數 15 工作天...

倒數 43 天在台灣...

追? 不追? (耍寶? 還是不要耍寶?)

星期六, 7月 10, 2004


Anyone whose been hanging out shopping with me ought to know, I was looking for this DVD for so long. And thank goodness I had never give up!

The DVD's title is "Man of Honour", a rather old movie.

I been looking it EVERYWHERE! All the major stores that sells DVD around Taipei Train Station, around SOGO/統領, in 士林夜市, 基隆夜市, and all the video stores in my hometown, 樹林. Alas, my search was in vain.

Did I forgot to mention the reason? It was nothing serious, just doing a favour for someone who is/was very important to me...

Luck always appears at the most unexpected moment. Today I was circling around 內湖... (for some not so bright reason)... And around noon, I was hungry for I haven't been eating for 16 hours already (on diet). So I decided to go to this spaghetti place I've been to once before. But unfortunately, it was not open... Since I'm still on diet, I don't want to eat anything big, so I changed my mind and decided to go to 7-11 and grab some light-lunchbox.

Anyone who lives in Taiwan shall be as least familiar with the process. You grab a lunch box off the shelf, pay at the counter and wait for the cashier to microwave your lunch box. Nothing special.

So I was waiting for the lunch box to be microwaved and so I was looking around, browsing the store. There I noticed a small busket beside the counter with lots of DVDs on sale.

"Well...... what the hell...", I thought. And so I was reviewed each DVD's title, because the busket was messy and unorganized, it's easy to look over any DVD.

And ... I couldn't believe my eyes when I have found it. "It's a miracle!!!", I almost shouted out. Well, I did shouted out inside my heart. ^_^ But there are cashiers and other customers around me, so I have to act cool.

Realized that I didn't have enough money with me, I ran out to my scooter (forgot my lunchbox) and rode to the closest ATM I can find. When I was back to the 7-11, the cashier looked at me with two query eyes. Well, I was too happy at that moment so I explained to her how long I've been seraching for this DVD...


MAN OF HONOUR, 入手! ^_^

星期五, 7月 09, 2004

Macleans.ca | Universities | Overall Rankings Charts

Last year's ranking... not that meaningful... but a good reference...
I am under control.

ONLY had 12 dumplings at lunch time, plus a bowl of shrimp wonton.

So nice.

Much better than before with 21 dumplings.

Finally Jeffrey grows up and comes to understand how important self-control is.


星期四, 7月 08, 2004

Tomorrow is her birthday...
This very morning, Asia-Pacific Japan's new Leader Ottosan (sounds like this), has arrived to our Taipei office and gave out a quick speech concerning what's HP's strategy in the next half fiscal year...

Eh... the thing is... at the end of his speech, there was a time left for open question.

As a habit, my fellow Taiwan co-workers were all reluctant to ask anything ere forced by.

I had a couple rather good question in mind... but for some reason, I had not the courage to spit them out...

I can probably think of 10 execuses to that, but still, execuses are ... only execuses, they won't change the outcome.

It's not that I want to show off or anything, but somehow I feel regretful and uneasy for not have the guts to stand up.

Just... stand up...

星期三, 7月 07, 2004

Bambini's Blog

Yes, she is a girl...
Sunday's Lunch
快樂的事ㄇ...? 應該還是蠻多ㄉ, 只不過, 你都不記得ㄌ...

That's little turtle sleeping... Posted by Hello

And that's turtle... with turtle... Posted by Hello

Maybe that's a little late... buy anyways... That's Michael with the betelnut chick... Posted by Hello
Call me crazy, call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

Did I lose my love to someone better
And does he love you like I do
I do still love you, you know I really do

Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away

Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's gone
How could I carry on


And that's the stupidest song I've hear heard...

星期二, 7月 06, 2004

Street Fighter III 3rd STRIKE -Fight for the Future-

For... Ken and Ben... maybe... this will be the reason for me to get PS2...

For the website, remember to check out "限定版" --> "xx內容xx見" --> "Next" --> "Movie Clip" (It's good...)

很有趣的對話, 因為她一直搞不清楚拉斯維加斯跟阿拉斯加有什麼不一樣...


其實這也沒什麼, 那兩個名字本來就蠻像的, 我剛回來也一直搞不清楚 "桃園/花蓮", "新莊/新店", "土城/木柵" ...


她似乎認為加拿大... 並不大... 或許比較沒有 "省" 跟 "州" 的概念...

加拿大每個省都比台灣大多ㄌ, 不過從對話裡感覺的出來她好像覺得加拿大跟台灣大小差不多...

這其實也沒什麼, 如果不去看地圖的話我也搞不清楚希臘跟西班牙哪個比較大, 反正感覺起來都差不多.

最後, 我們對話快結束的時候... 她突然冒出一句...



"時差考慮進去的話... 可能有幾個小時是加拿大的一月..."

其實如果我回答她... "台灣二月是加拿大八月左右, 不知道她會不會相信..."

(當然, 她應該指的是季節, 不過問法也太奇怪ㄌ吧? - 就算完全沒有地理概念, 也應該問說 - 台灣春天是加拿大什麼季節吧?)

... 恩 ... 沒有要嘲笑她的意思... 只是... 當時我實在覺得很好笑...
Need more time...

I just realized that I know NOTHING about what courses I need to choose... and I need to plan ahead...

It'll be stupid if I take the afternoon off... will it?

Basically, I'M PANICING...

So many hot girls in taiwan...


But still, this is better... so exciting while watching the latter one, but not the first one...


星期一, 7月 05, 2004


不知道誰在罵我... ^_^
I... don't understand... a lot of things...

Cute girls, there are a lot in taipei.

But comepare to asking a girl out to movie, I'd rather stay at home play video game; hang out with friend drinking; reading comics or novels on bed... those are the things I do...

I never go out alone with any girls... excluding Her...

That's... something I don't understand.

星期日, 7月 04, 2004

Moon Priest

oh well..
My back hurts......

Yesterday came the most incredible lighting strom shower I have ever seen. Blazing thunder lightening the night sky while huge rain drops falling like crazy...

Anyways, it was jaw-dropping.

However, I had neither the time nor relaxing mind to enjoy the amazing storm, because around 23:30, I found that the water has already filled the balcony and almost flooding into my place...

So as the weariness blinded my mind, I grabbed the towel from washroom, left it besides the door, and ran into the stormy balcony with only a mobbing bucket and my underwear.

When I have reached the balcony, I was all soaked and cold. But the coldness has soon disappeared because I tried very hard to keeping filling up the bucket and pouring the water to street. After working like a madman for about 10 min, my back hurts, my arms are shaking and I can barely stand the rain anymore. Even worse, I realized that my bucket strategy wasn't helping at all!! The bucket was big, and the water I can fill up each time were at least more than 2 Liter.

2L per 10 sec. Each minute I can remove 12L of water and within that 10 Min. I have at least removed 120L. But it was useless, the water was still full to the brim and ready to pouring into my place anytime... I may have only slowed the process...

And that was when I finally start to think.

Even if the bucket works, if the rain don't stop, how long can I stand there in the rain working like this? I couldn't have last 20 ... at most 30 min.

I need to let the water drain itself. But it was too dark and I couldn't see a thing. So there I was touching every corner of the balcony and feel with my hand. With the help of random lighting, I found a big hole, or a small tunnel, against the wall, leading the water to the other side of the room.

I couldn't tell if the water were running out of the hole or coming from the hole, but either way, i have to clear it. But as I put my hands and arms into the tunnel, it was NOT blocked, which means the water have filled the other side as well!!

The other side of the wall is another bigger balcony, at least 3 times bigger. If I don't find and hopefully clear the outfall, water will fill up my apartment and I'll be living in water world the next day when I wake up...

Running to the other side, and quickly I started searching for the scupper. Luckily, I found it lay right beside the tunnel which connects to the smaller balcony. And it was choked with leaf, mud and garbage. I was rather angry at that moment and throw out everything I could find on top of the outfall and toss them off the street as far as I could. After about 30 sec, I can feel water running into the outfall with my hands as it makes a HAPPY water-draining sound ^_^. Later I sit there for about 5 more mins to make sure it's not blocked again by other things and until the water has faded...

Finally, Jeffrey (the stupid ass) has saved the night...

星期五, 7月 02, 2004

聽表妹 (Grade 11~12) 說聽到一首歌感動的流淚... 就跑去找歌詞...

延續一生都美麗 (電視劇"九五至尊"插曲)

曲:Ben Cheung 詞:Pinkey Ng 編:Ben Cheung

天真的你 在照片中留低日記
那些繽紛的回味 還描述那年冬天的氣溫
當天憶記 是我常常來欣賞你
你那肌膚的優美 歲月裡漫長於心中佈滿著生氣
仍舊記得 當天我認識的你 仍像這刻
今天故事溫馨中掠來 期待你是未來一個
我願意 看著你 這樣來妒忌 你願意 去為我
未來而捨棄 沒法將世界內時光去暫停
為求將你繼續抱擁直到限期 渴望與你共老
再重遊舊地 這份愛更完美 延續一生都美麗
Be my love
結尾為你留預備 是你簡單一句 我已在心飛跌起


完全不懂現在女生在想什麼....... 果然有代溝........
Terminal Island

這樣也可以寫 blog...



Hard to use tho... but once u got the hang of it...
今天... 很怪...

照理說, 昨天只睡ㄌ三四個小時, 今天上班應該更好睡...

But it turns out that I'm "JUST" tired, but not sleepy.

Well, I guess that proves sleepness and tiresom are not necessarily related...





真的... 應該是史上屬一屬二懶惰的畫家ㄌ...

等到肝腸寸斷... 望穿秋水...

星期四, 7月 01, 2004

OH YEAH, I also forgot to Congraduate Tony... for getting into IBM and for getting the highest salary among us...

HAVE FUN in there man~ I'm sure you will (with loads and loads of cute meimei...)

COFFEE so useful...
Pikmin 2

Should I get this first? or Wind Waker first?

Can't believe I still haven't play that. Yet... there are many wonders around the universe which can't be explained with tiny puny little human brain.

Dream Reload

Need Coffee to stay awake...

Man... I really don't like coffee that much...

GameCube: Smashing Success

He really got a point... Dean... read this... if you haven't already...

Ben, let's go.
Allen, i know you are too chicken... ^_^